Well-intentioned U.N. officials had to run from their cars, which were then looted and set ablaze. |
The pyramid of Cheops was looted by grave robbers about 2,000 BC, some 700 years after his death. |
A food storage depot was looted and burned down during the night and businesses were badly hit by the tense atmosphere yesterday. |
These children have typhoid, they should be in isolation, but the isolation hospital was looted. |
Many are fakes, but genuine artefacts are looted or dug up by treasure seekers. |
In the attack last week, a local peace officer was killed and scores of houses were looted. |
It offends and horrifies us when we learn of decaying archaeological sites, looted museums and burning libraries. |
The goods are thought to represent the cargoes of ships looted on the high seas. |
Any sensible legal system has to rely in part on sanctions brought to bear after people have stolen property or looted corporations. |
But one suspects that their looted statue of the Athenian tyrannicides was not on public view at Susa. |
A woman was ordered into her basement by two burglars who left her shut away whilst they looted her Whitton home last Friday evening. |
The ministry, bombed and then looted during the US-led war on Iraq, was re-opened without a minister, ambassadors or diplomatic muscle. |
They also looted property totalling 5.4 million yuan, five taxis, two tommy guns and 20 bullets. |
These funeral towers, or chullpas, have been heavily looted and were empty, but skeletons were found in the underground tombs. |
Many museums, including the Met, have returned artifacts stolen or looted to their rightful owners. |
Every kind of business, from rundown corner markets to the Gucci storefront on South Peters Street, has been looted. |
The local railway station authorities today recovered the money looted by two policemen from four migrant workers yesterday. |
Not only had he looted her in material terms, he had committed a far greater crime by looting her spirit. |
On Sunday night, dacoits looted valuables worth over Rs 1 lakh from a house in Rajarajeshwari Nagar after assaulting the aged residents. |
Again, there is no single market in the countries neighbouring the region, for ivory, gold, aluminum and others that are looted from the area. |
Property and even human beings were randomly set on fire and shops looted during the violence. |
Rioters have looted shops this week, carrying away goods in full view of media cameras. |
Scared that the site would be looted, he immediately contacted British military representatives in Norway. |
Even worse, lots of antiquities have been looted directly from excavation sites, ruining them for history. |
Rebels advanced on the capital which erupted in anarchy and mayhem as armed gangs looted and fought each other on the streets. |
At first they looted, burned and pillaged and then sailed off back to Denmark or Norway, heavily laden with gold and slaves. |
Several other businesses, including a chemist which was looted and set ablaze, were attacked along nearby streets. |
On the same block, Northland Chop Suey, a Chinese restaurant, has been looted at least two times. |
They looted anything of value, and I use that term advisedly. |
More years ago than I care to remember, we worked ourselves into a lather of indignation in student meetings over multinationals, looted funds and bribery in Africa. |
Edmond began the inventory of looted objects after the liberation and before Paul returned to France. |
He said last night the move would prevent the waters from being looted and pillaged by other EU members, and introduce effective conservation of fish stocks. |
This is a school that had been looted in the midst of the war. |
More than 300 people were believed to have been involved in the violence, which saw police being pelted with missiles, shops looted and cars attacked. |
Housing estates have been burnt down, schools ransacked, shops looted. |
Hundreds of people later gathered, resulting in a five-hour stand-off against police as missiles were thrown, shops and businesses looted and public houses set on fire. |
In the first eleven months, burglars broke into 1,734 houses and looted valuables worth crores of rupees, making a mockery of the night police patrol. |
In 1995, thieves burrowed through the wall of a storeroom used to house artefacts at the Temple of Montu in Karnak, and looted some 55 scarabs and statues. |
Though the bank was looted, the vault miraculously remained secure. |
The thrifts were looted by borrowers, who used inflated appraisals and phony financial statements to obtain funds they had no hope of paying back. |
I'd expected to see looted shops, broken glass, and a lot of mess, but it really was shocking to see the Cenotaph, a memorial to Britain's war-dead, daubed with graffiti. |
The banks, which provide credit and cash, have been looted, irrigation systems destroyed, road travel restricted, markets closed, warehouses and grain silos pillaged. |
This material consists of hoards of coins and silverware either looted from Britain or paid over to raiders, or potential raiders, as blood money. |
Although they suspect additional pieces may have been stolen, they declined to speculate on the scope of the additional uncatalogued items that may have been looted. |
In 1900 the Boxers besieged the foreign legations in Beijing for two months until they were relieved by an international force which occupied and looted the capital. |
Since then, the militia, supported by the government, have murdered and raped thousands of African villagers, and looted and pillaged villages across the region. |
It's like a guilty youngster complaining that there's only one cookie left-all to divert attention from the fact that he looted the cookie jar earlier that day. |
Mr Whyman said initial investigations suggested the violence, in which a chemist's shop was looted and set on fire, did not appear to be pre-planned. |
The difference between pirates and privateers was that the pirates were simply sea robbers who captured or looted ships at sea for plunder, without authority. |
Richard first destroyed and looted the farms and lands surrounding the fortress, leaving its defenders no reinforcements or lines of retreat. |
In Boston, the Sons of Liberty burned the records of the vice admiralty court and looted the home of chief justice Thomas Hutchinson. |
In 26 days, he raided and looted Hampden, Bangor, and Machias, destroying or capturing 17 American ships. |
The Parliamentarians looted the Dalton neighbourhood before retreating to Cartmel the same night. |
The Dissolution of the Monasteries left monks compelled to leave and the buildings were looted and then destroyed. |
After assembling forces at Saragossa the Muslims entered French territory in 735, crossed the River Rhone and captured and looted Arles. |
Some 26,000 railroad cars full of art treasures, furniture, and other looted items were sent back to Germany from France alone. |
The ushkuiniks were Novgorodian pirates who looted the cities on the Volga and Kama Rivers in the 14th century. |
For instance, many of the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs were looted during antiquity. |
According to the Gesta he returned the treasures looted from the abbey after having a vision of Saint Peter. |
Large settlements such as Heuneburg and the Burgstallkogel were destroyed or abandoned, rich tumulus burials ended, and old ones were looted. |
While Barbary corsairs looted the cargo of ships they captured, their primary goal was to capture people for sale as slaves or for ransom. |
The college's library was looted and its sole building requisitioned for use as a military hospital first by American and then British forces. |
In this version, the Patriot was boarded by pirates, who murdered everyone and then looted and scuttled the ship. |
In 1646, during the English Civil War, Lichfield Cathedral was sacked and its library looted. |
For example, British troops looted and pillaged the locals during an aborted attack on Charleston in 1779, enraging both Patriots and Loyalists. |
The National Theatre of Iraq was looted during the 2003 invasion, but efforts are underway to restore it. |
The Gauls looted and burned the city, then laid siege to the Capitoline Hill. |
Over 60 establishments were attacked and looted, with only two buildings avoiding damage. |
The looted cash van was later recovered from Site area with no money box onboard. |
However, Charles Martel coveted the southern realm, crossed the Loire in 731 and looted much of Aquitaine. |
Hereward's forces attacked Peterborough Abbey, which they captured and looted. |
They were targeted not only because they stored books but also precious objects that were looted by invaders. |
Tuwaitha, the Iraqi site most scrutinized by UN inspectors since 1991, was left unguarded and was looted. |
It was reported that the National Museum of Iraq was among the looted sites. |
They're being looted by multinational corporates and local comprador allies. |
Stores were looted and at least one local business was set on fire. |
Unlike previous invaders, he looted, ransacked, and destroyed everything in the ancient Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa Kingdoms beyond recovery. |
They were given banners to mark their premises, a sign that they would not be looted. |
Mail from dead combatants was frequently looted and was used by the new owner or sold for a lucrative price. |
When Richard rode out to meet with Wat Tyler, the rebel leader, a crowd broke into the castle without meeting resistance and looted the Jewel House. |
In initial interrogation, the culprit told his name Mian Basharat resident of Narwal and he admitted that he is involved to looted the passengers during travelling in buses. |
Hodge the Director of the Southwest Museum released a statement that the museum would no longer purchase or accept collections from looted contexts. |
Military stockpiles were looted with impunity by criminal gangs, with much of the hardware ending up in western Kosovo and boosting the growing KLA arsenal. |
With gruesome public acts taking place for all to see, pirates would be killed and displayed en masse at many of the ports they once looted or called home in the New World. |
Under strict orders, they looted the city, but respected the banners. |
Although the art community nearly universally condemns looting because it results in destruction of archeological sites, looted art paradoxically remains omnipresent. |
If we are entering an era where streets are paved with shattered plate glass, shopsoiled Louis Vuitton and agreeable, looted Chardonnay bottles it is as well to be prepared. |
The Commissioner of Bielel locality Yaqub Mursal Tagal confirmed receiving reports that indicate the displaced of El Salam are being attacked and looted by 'armed groups. |
During the fighting in Manchuria, Russian troops routinely looted and burned Chinese villages, raped the women and killed all who resisted or who were just in the way. |
The Umayyads looted the rich monasteries of northern Aquitaine before resuming their march towards Tours, a town said to be holding abundant wealth and treasures. |
Much of the treasure looted was lost during this panicked escape. |
To be protected resources under ARPA, looted objects must constitute evidence of past human existence, possess archeological interest, and be over 100 years old. |