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How to use loosen in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word loosen? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
All he needed was a few tots of spirits to loosen his tongue and tell one of his adventures, some pleasant, others tragic.
Stretching should always precede any form of exercise in order to warm and loosen up the muscles and to avoid injury.
When she got up out of bed and did some get exercising to loosen up, she started to get ready for the council that afternoon.
While the rest of the Connecticut players merely loosen up, stretching the muscles used on their jump shots, Brown instantly goes to work.
Since the practice was held in Dalkey, a little less than 2 miles from the house, I decided to run there so I could loosen up and relax a bit.
She took a few steps away from the others and then started doing a few exercises to loosen up her cramped muscles.
First classes were for beginners and those present were introduced to the foundation exercises to allow body muscles to loosen up.
We would do a wide array of motion exercises to try and loosen and strengthen the muscles in my neck, which had severely atrophied from non-use.
Or you might need some interesting and kinky stuff to loosen up a very strangled libido.
Gawky and terrified during her first attempt to dance, she gradually began to loosen up.
After a couple of pints we began to loosen up and we had a great night talking rubbish and joking and laughing.
She lacks her gift for self-deprecating comedy and she needs to loosen up on screen but she has an engaging manner.
If people do agree to be interviewed, they usually do so in a co-operative way and loosen up after initial anxiety about the microphone.
Presumably mineral oil is acting like petroleum jelly to smother the live lice and loosen nits.
Remove the hubcap, then loosen the lug nuts by turning the tire-iron wrench counterclockwise.
If one of the duals is flat for a long drive, the vibration can cause the wheels to loosen up the lug nuts.
He rolled his shoulders a few times to loosen the kinks, then cracked his neck.
When ready to serve, run a knife all around to loosen the tart, and remove the sides of the springform pan.
Brushing your baby's scalp with a soft brush, like a toothbrush, can help loosen scales or flakes.
After about 10 minutes, I felt muscles knotted from a 12-week training schedule start to loosen up.
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Examples from Classical Literature
It was firmly set in masonry, but he found he could loosen it a little by shaking it.
These last indeed owe their colouring to a layer of pigment which the point of a paintbrush will easily loosen and remove.
Will loosen from thee this stubborn band, Full able thereto is his right hand.
One side used as a hammer is called the poll, and is employed to drive in the gads, or to loosen and detach prominences.
When you get there you must loosen your girdle and strike the tree with it three times in succession.
Miss dartle suddenly kneeled down before it, and began to loosen the dress.
Inside it was a clock, which could be set to run a certain time and then loosen a sort of gunlock.
Wind the dead centre in again, and tighten and loosen the spindle clamp, and see if doing so moves the spindle in the socket.
To attempt to loosen that bearlike clasp might be death to any who attempted it.
Kirby watched Drew loosen the saddle blanket, lifting it from the gelding as gently as he could.
The girl was trying to loosen the door hinges with the points of her scissors.
When it came his time to loosen up he never referred the waiter to an actuary.
It is now the mode to wear buckles on your smallclothes, that you may loosen or tighten them at pleasure.
Fish and Wildlife Serve may loosen its strictures against hybrid preservation.
Sometimes when a nut seems balky, you can apply enough pressure to loosen it by using force in the opposite direction on the same pipe.
He will prolong your life and loosen every button on your waistcoat.
That summer at Grand Isle she began to loosen a little the mantle of reserve that had always enveloped her.
He was screaming and clutching at his throat, trying to loosen his collar.
The Canadian began to loosen the bolts which still held us to the submarine boat.
Do not use a spoon, as that will not loosen the grains sufficiently.
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