All he needed was a few tots of spirits to loosen his tongue and tell one of his adventures, some pleasant, others tragic. |
Stretching should always precede any form of exercise in order to warm and loosen up the muscles and to avoid injury. |
When she got up out of bed and did some get exercising to loosen up, she started to get ready for the council that afternoon. |
While the rest of the Connecticut players merely loosen up, stretching the muscles used on their jump shots, Brown instantly goes to work. |
Since the practice was held in Dalkey, a little less than 2 miles from the house, I decided to run there so I could loosen up and relax a bit. |
She took a few steps away from the others and then started doing a few exercises to loosen up her cramped muscles. |
First classes were for beginners and those present were introduced to the foundation exercises to allow body muscles to loosen up. |
We would do a wide array of motion exercises to try and loosen and strengthen the muscles in my neck, which had severely atrophied from non-use. |
Or you might need some interesting and kinky stuff to loosen up a very strangled libido. |
Gawky and terrified during her first attempt to dance, she gradually began to loosen up. |
After a couple of pints we began to loosen up and we had a great night talking rubbish and joking and laughing. |
She lacks her gift for self-deprecating comedy and she needs to loosen up on screen but she has an engaging manner. |
If people do agree to be interviewed, they usually do so in a co-operative way and loosen up after initial anxiety about the microphone. |
Presumably mineral oil is acting like petroleum jelly to smother the live lice and loosen nits. |
Remove the hubcap, then loosen the lug nuts by turning the tire-iron wrench counterclockwise. |
If one of the duals is flat for a long drive, the vibration can cause the wheels to loosen up the lug nuts. |
He rolled his shoulders a few times to loosen the kinks, then cracked his neck. |
When ready to serve, run a knife all around to loosen the tart, and remove the sides of the springform pan. |
Brushing your baby's scalp with a soft brush, like a toothbrush, can help loosen scales or flakes. |
After about 10 minutes, I felt muscles knotted from a 12-week training schedule start to loosen up. |
She was exhausted and she needed a hot, steaming shower to loosen her tense muscles. |
Learning to breathe more fully can help you let go of pain and loosen tense muscles. |
One-minute breaks every 20 minutes or so can help relieve tension and loosen stiff muscles. |
Then scrub that area with a stiff brush, electric scrubber or very fine steel wool pads to loosen old wax. |
The fumes of the kerosene loosen the dirt, which falls into the cotton wool, leaving the works of the clock clean. |
Feeling the cold steel in his hand, Mario used the wrench to loosen the bolt underneath the sink in the main bathroom of his parents' apartment. |
The special butterfly nuts allow you to tighten and loosen the joints as needed to fold up or unfold the stand. |
Caustic alkalis react with the paint coating and loosen it from the surface. |
Use this all-over body scrub before bathing to deep-cleanse and loosen surface impurities. |
Nonchemical exfoliators such as alpha-hydroxy acids and beta-hydroxy acids loosen dead skin cells so they slough off more efficiently. |
Because if you use it on weird foot cramps, there's a remote possibility that you could loosen a blood clot and cause heart damage or even death. |
The Americans, struggling so far in the tournament, needed a confidence builder to loosen up before the quarter-finals. |
Your baby's doctor may recommend saline nose drops or saltwater nasal spray to loosen thick nasal mucus. |
Mike handed his uncle a large wrench and Adam got down onto the floor, and began to loosen the pipe under the sink. |
After the pig had been bled, it was scalded or singed to loosen the bristles, which were scraped off. |
So when I started twisting the fruit around to loosen the membrane and subsequently pick out the seeds, Joey started pointing at me and laughing. |
The machine injects a rod 15 inches into the ground before exploding a blast of compressed air to loosen the earth and help drainage. |
It turns me on that a man can have the talent and power to make me laugh, loosen up and feel at ease. |
To tighten the chain, first loosen the two nuts that hold the bar, then turn the screw clockwise. |
If this happens, loosen the soil with a trowel and replant the bulb, taking care not to damage the roots. |
The cells contain histamine and trienes leukotrines that loosen cell joints and allow foreign proteins to enter deeply, causing lung tube spasm. |
He put on his basketball uniform and began to loosen his muscles while his teammates slowly trickled in and follow suit. |
When they were done, Hearns didn't do anything else but loosen up and shadow box. |
She tiredly stretched her arms towards the sky and turned her torso to loosen her body up. |
If it won't go all the way up, loosen the set screw of the other needle slightly. |
Just loosen the screw near the top of the trigger and slide it in the desired direction, then retighten the screw. |
Vinegar or vinegar-based products that are applied to the hair for three minutes before combing help loosen the nits attached to the hair shaft. |
The ditch around Stonehenge would have been dug using animal bones and deer antlers to loosen the underlying chalk. |
If you have the type that slips over a copper nipple, use a hex key to loosen the setscrew on the underside to twist-pull the spout off. |
Keyless clamps allow blade changes in seconds without the use of a hexed key to loosen a set screw in the blade clamp. |
The Greek Xu-w, which etymologists justly connect with our loose, loosen, may possibly be the base of the word. |
It'll take about 5-6 rotations counterclockwise to loosen the screws enough to remove the back panel. |
Banks and other investors tend to loosen the purse strings when business owners throw some of their own money into the mix. |
It's all heartening stuff for investors, even if fans of the Bhoys would prefer Desmond to loosen the purse strings and strengthen the squad. |
One should cushion the fall, cradle the head, remove glasses, and loosen tight clothes. |
I was unable to loosen the tight wire, it was probably a pliant clothing hanger. |
If the training collar is too tight, the pressure will not be relieved when you loosen the leash. |
He was reaching up to loosen the collar of his shirt when he noticed his mother and younger sibling coming down the stairs. |
Even if your preferred speed of living is fast or faster it's important to find time to relax, unwind and loosen your grip. |
I watched him loosen his collar, and walk over to a stool where his violin case was, open. |
Prepare to loosen your belt a few notches because cream and butter are added to everything and the food is irresistible. |
Anna expelled a breath of relief which served to loosen her muscles and help her to relax. |
To reduce normal weather helm loosen the backstay bottlescrew and tighten the forestay bottlescrew. |
He pulled me into a hug, and I could feel the muscles in his neck and shoulders loosen. |
Instead of cream, buy a tub of fat-free quark and loosen it with some milk to give it a silky smooth texture just like thick pouring cream. |
He waited for a reaction from her, watching as her back tensed and then loosen as her shoulders sagged. |
Relax your shoulders by taking a deep breath and then focus on letting your shoulders drop and loosen. |
Then, almost instantly, she let her shoulders drop and her body loosen, assuming a casual pose in the middle of the room. |
The attachment device of the control cover will therefore not wear, and will not loosen over time. |
With vinyl windows, avoid frames that are held together with screws because they tend to loosen over time. |
Accordingly, the expedition's medical kit contains substances to induce vomiting and to loosen the bowels. |
Often, the surging of hormones before and during the menstrual cycle can cause your bowels to loosen. |
High doses of vitamin C may loosen the bowels, though this effect invariably abates once the dose is suitably reduced. |
According to her, the government's decision to loosen rice import policies had reduced the prices of unhusked rice. |
Local traffic authorities have maintained that the city is trying to loosen its policies regarding private car ownership. |
Will this direct reporting be enough to loosen the strictures of centralization and create the accountability and openness that is needed? |
Indeed, many economies have found themselves having to tighten, rather than loosen, fiscal policy in response to economic slowdown. |
It will tighten regulation in some countries but loosen it in others that previously had stricter laws. |
They offer mineral-rich mud to apply as body wraps which purify the blood and loosen up the joints. |
When the quills begin to loosen, the bird removes them and is then ready to care for the new feathers. |
Lightly whisk one-quarter of the whites into the custard to loosen it slightly, then carefully fold in the remainder. |
If necessary to loosen mucus in the nose, you can use salt water nose drops. |
No lasting foundations for bilateral cooperation and the presence of disputes resulting from this loss of common ground loosen trade links between the states. |
A calf, like a human child, has baby teeth that loosen and fall out. |
Lifeguards flushed the shark's gills with fresh water to loosen its grip. |
Two years later, he had released all Soviet dissidents from prison and was beginning to loosen the reins on Soviet bloc countries. |
Powerful water lances were used to loosen the hold and, with only minutes left, 32 members of the assembled emergency services won through and got him out. |
He was holding onto the thick leg of an armchair, but tiny, scratching hands were clawing at him, forcing him to loosen his grip more and more gradually. |
It's easy to tell when beetroot is cooked, just wait until its skin begins to wrinkle and loosen, so that once it has been refreshed in cold water, you can slip it off easily. |
So, take off your shirt, loosen the belt and evaluate that tummy of yours. |
There were times, she would go to the mountain, and undo the tiny ribbons and loosen the braids, and run her fingers through her hair and let it be one with the wind. |
After setting the hair on large rollers and drying it under a hooded dryer, he says she ran her fingers through it to loosen the curls and create softness. |
The wind tried tirelessly to loosen her tight pony-tail, but only resulted in removing a few strands to hang by her ears, decorated with gold hoops. |
To ease the aches and pains of the office, ask your partner to gently rub your shoulders, or try one of the exercises below to get your blood flowing and loosen your muscles. |
For decades, it was accepted that every athlete should stretch before engaging in any exercise or sport to loosen the muscles and protect them from injury. |
At the end of the holiday, I was starting to feel the knots in my shoulders loosen and my mind start to clear after all the drama and stress of the past few months. |
Holding the paper she let her fingers loosen, and she dropped it. |
He was on the French interministerial committee that eventually rejected confederation as likely to loosen political links between France and the new states. |
She wants to reform the stagnant economy, loosen union power and bring down taxes in a power-sharing Cabinet with the business-friendly FDP party. |
Therapeutic massage may also loosen taut muscles and calm frazzled nerves. |
We'll just have to give you something that will loosen your tongue. |
Precede your weight training with a light whole-body cardio warm-up as usual, and do some light sets of the first exercise to loosen up your muscles. |
But as the gig progressed he seemed to loosen up a bit and started making eye contact with audience members, and he flashed a few smiles in various directions. |
His contours are beginning to sag, his muscles to loosen and droop. |
The ancient art of chi kung helps to loosen the body and focus the mind. |
Farmers may also use explosives to loosen soil or break up boulders and tree stumps that get in the way of sowing crops. |
Jokes and banter are exchanged and students are encouraged to loosen up. |
We're asking the Prime Minister to loosen the purse strings and though we've said we don't want confrontation, we're heading towards strike action. |
Gypsum is inexpensive so use as much as you need to loosen up your tilth. |
Not even the knowledge gleaned from all the books in the world can loosen the grasp of human sadness. |
Past attempts to loosen the grip of taxi cartels have been thwarted by the industry. |
Spurred by this success, Austin and Benedetto plan to loosen control over the guest list even more for future events. |
Two other potential energy strikes are tight sands and shale oil, where rock must be fractured using high-pressure water or chemicals to loosen up the reserves. |
The savage violence, the large-scale death and maiming of World War II were just beginning to loosen up social mores a la Mad Men. |
Then, aerate the lawn by pushing the prongs of a garden fork into the soil to a depth of 6in, and repeat at 9in intervals, to loosen up any compacted soil. |
It is much simpler to loosen the two bolts and change machines instead. |
Put a thumb on the cork, untwist and loosen the wire muzzle. |
The pub's local brews loosen bodies taut from a day on the hill. |
I don't know who decided, at whatever stage, that being buttoned up and possessed of a stiff upper lip was a bad thing and that Englishmen had better loosen up. |
Each pin can be precision adjusted with a hex wrench, without having to loosen and tighten any set screws. |
Against that backdrop, she threw in a pair of zebra ottomans and re-covered the settee with an orange paisley to loosen things up. |
Without a doubt, it will loosen the purse strings of nervous investors. |
The result is to slough off the outermost tissues of the stem and to loosen the inner woody core from the phloem fibers. |
Each generation seems to loosen the established standards of behavior. |
With the tank resting upside down on an old towel or blanket, use a spud wrench or a large pair of channel-type pliers to loosen the spud nut. |
It is time to be more realistic in our thinking about chains of command and to loosen up a bit in our practice. |
A good presoak will loosen up the dirt, grease and road film from the car surface and make it ready for the car washing soap. |
Macedonia's foreign exchange market is stabilizing and therefore the monetary policy should loosen up. |
Explosive blasting, truck and shovel, bulldozer and dragline are all used to loosen both the overburden and the coal. |
While holding your dial to ensure it does not adjust your zero, loosen the set screw until the turret moves freely. |
If the pasta is too tight and claggy add a tablespoon or two of the cooking water to loosen. |
In his conclusion, Stifler makes it plain that the narrative contains an element of parable as the barriers loosen between youth and age. |
To clear one, make a hole in the blockage with a wire coat hanger and wiggle the coat hanger to loosen it. |
To maintain the industry's growth momentum, TAMI urges Taiwan's Central Bank to loosen controls on exchange rates of the New Taiwan dollar. |
Wherever I am, if I'm away, I rent a prefab sauna to sweat and loosen up the bones. |
Add a dash of milk to loosen, although you want the mixture thick. |
The production is faultless but some fans may feel that Cray should loosen up a bit for a bit more edginess. |
Q We're trying to decide whether to paint or powerwash the pebbledash on our flats, but we're worried that a powerwash could loosen it. |
He thought the effect of this language from the Prime Minister had been to loosen the purse-strings of the Treasury. |
The main function of this plough is to loosen and aerate the soils while leaving crop residue at the top of the soil. |
Clearly they need to loosen the purse strings to keep their huge support happy. |
A winter's worth of bouncing off cypress knees and busting through ice will loosen rivets and crack welds. |
If that is so, Gordon, you will be able to loosen the purse strings a little to find something extra for the firemen. |
Upon installation, the locknut becomes a permanent and secure part of an assembly and will not loosen or fall out. |
Use a rototiller or shovels to loosen and mix the soil in this entire area to a depth of about 12 inches. |
I have hard clay soil and will rototill in the compost to loosen the soil and provide nutrient amendment. |
Pick up one half and use your thumbs to push down on the center where the stem is and loosen up the seed, kind of like you are going to turn it inside out. |
All kind of places are good for ads... Got fellows to stick them up or stick himself for that matter on the q.t. running in to loosen a button. Fly by night. |
He tries to turn on the charm in order to loosen the purse strings. |
The '127 Hours' star was due to star as a free-spirited young man who inspires an uptight documentarian, to be played by Ben Stiller, to loosen up, reports the Daily Express. |
In the 1860s and 1870s, Gladstonian Liberalism was characterised by a number of policies intended to improve individual liberty and loosen political and economic restraints. |
Heat it up to a high heat for 10 minutes then, wearing insulated barbecue or oven gloves, remove the grates and brush them with a wire brush to loosen any chars. |
But after devouring three of them then eyeing up the borsch soup, I decided to loosen my belt and enjoy the Boston hospitality for a little while longer. |
Cool cakes on a rack 30 minutes and loosen sides before unmolding. |
But after signing a 12-month rolling contract that will keep him at Newcastle for as long as he wants the job, chairman Freddy Shepherd has agreed to loosen the purse strings. |
It appears that Irish people loosen the purse strings as soon as they leave the country as the research shows they are less likely to spend as much on a holiday at home. |
The cut stems are processed by scraping off the outer bark, then beating the branch evenly with a hammer to loosen the inner bark, which is then pried off in long rolls. |
He has only kept quiet on the speculation linking him with the Leeds job because he wants the board to loosen the purse strings so he can purchase some new players. |
The 10 minute session will have one of the masseurs working on the back using thumbs and elbows to loosen the muscles, going up and down the spine and across the shoulders. |
Rangers' director of football business Martin Bain admits the club will try and loosen the purse strings to enable McLeish to delve into the January transfer sales. |
It interacts with an allosteric site just outside the antigenic peptide-binding site on MHC class II molecules in a manner to loosen antigenic peptide binding in that site. |