He wrenches his hands in agony, and again again looks up to heaven, wailing his fate. |
Four soldiers charge at Gallahad, he then looks at the ground and the Earth starts to quake making the soliders go flying everywhere. |
The 28-year-old model, whose waifish good looks have graced the covers of countless magazines, delivered her first child early last Sunday. |
I am not some anaemic little waif who looks like she'll blow away in a strong wind. |
Any animal fairly bristling with long, pointed horns and spikes simply looks ready to fend off any and all would-be predators. |
The acanthocephalan Leptorhynchoides is a parasite of vertebrate carnivores which looks a little like a nemertine worm with training wheels. |
You get gangs of young people, some as young as 12 or 13, smoking what looks like wacky baccy. |
Apart from the daily press she looks at the role played by quarterlies such as Round Table. |
When she looks at him, he starts to purr so she puts down her wash and scratches him behind the ears. |
For an anime, it looks lush and vibrant, but anyone watching this DVD on a high-end television may notice the jaggedness in the black lines. |
She has no time for trivialities, and that includes worrying about what she looks like. |
It sure looks as if he's faking ignorance to try to sucker her into making some outlandish claim about how the memo was a Democratic plant. |
It looks like just as monsoon clouds gather, the war clouds are dispersing. |
Part of me thinks what he does here's extremely cool and part of me thinks he looks and sounds like a complete jackleg. |
Linen looks good for about a quarter of an hour, but can't be worn all day for business. |
He halted suddenly, making an abrupt left down a narrow alley Nara didn't like the looks of. |
Despite being a compact figure, he looks as if he could handle himself in a Klingon bar brawl. |
These results are a wake-up call for a Government more interested in changing how it looks, rather than changing how it works, he said. |
Since departure times are often revised, my evidence suddenly looks less than conclusive. |
She hears the grandfather clock chiming, but when she looks at it, it is running backwards. |
A French friend has given me a bottle of absinthe, with what looks like a flattened tea-strainer attached. |
The sleeves of his black shirt were rolled to his elbows and his washed out black jeans added charm to his looks. |
The accent is on comfort rather than sportiness and its no coincidence that it looks like an S-Class that shrunk in the wash. |
It looks like wood but is actually a fiber cement material that can withstand the summer heat without cracking, warping, or peeling. |
Black waistcoats over a white shirt is the order of the day, and very smart it looks too. |
O'Neill looks back fondly to a time when a truthful portrait, warts and all, was the true art of the portrait photographer. |
He is a big jacked up guy who looks like he can easily kill anyone with his bare hands. |
This looks authentic and suffused with a rich, intelligent kind of warm-heartedness. |
In size and marking it looks very much like a leopard, although the jaguar is the much heavier animal, weighing up to 34 kg. |
Jayde looks to the thug that clocked him and responds with a flurry of punches, almost as if he has gone berserk. |
The customers' terrified looks therefore appear in a somewhat absurd and comical light. |
It looks like the rebels and the government forces are abiding by the rules so far. |
These reforms have been well signalled and, not before time, it looks as if the sector is waking up to the challenges threatening to engulf it. |
It seems that if there's one thing she has no time for, it's female newscasters who are in the job only for their looks. |
David Wetherall and Mark Bower were always on top of old warhorse Wayne Allison, who on Saturday's evidence looks past his sell-by date. |
The softly-spoken Aberdonian looks to the central belt as his ambitions to bring in new business kick in. |
Even Liberty, the civil liberty pressure group, accepts a shoot-to-kill policy to protect the public is needed when a suicide bomber looks set to detonate a bomb. |
Each month when BLS reports results, it looks backs and revises the prior two months. |
The spread of swine flu looks similar to the financial flu that blitzed and crippled our banking system last year. |
The BRICS Bank looks, for all its founding rhetoric, like a platform for Chinese hegemony instead. |
Sometimes, the people around me shake their heads and sigh, giving me apologetic looks. |
It kind of looks like an appliance you would legitimately have in your kitchen. |
What a silly little purse. It looks too small to hold everything that I'd need to carry. |
The woman sitting next to me, a blonde South African wearing jeans and fashionable spectacles looks at me, raises an eyebrow, gives me a wan smile and gets up to leave. |
His new administration looks like it will reflect this accentuation. |
I don't just want to date you for your sparkling personality and your good looks, but also because I am an accident-prone person with no basic health insurance. |
Now, as it looks further ahead, the creation of a research arm makes sense, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence. |
Although Korra looks at PTSD and assault with supernatural grandiosity, fans were quick to pick up on it in some forums. |
I flew to Paris and spent several days in the atelier with Suzanne, who helped me choose all of the looks. |
A Republican member looks past the current backbiting to the supposed GOP Majority next year. |
Close enough to see the tiny scar on his eyelid that looks like a birthmark. |
The scene here has a total of 800701 quadrilaterals, and looks like this. |
A spokeswoman adds that, in the baked flesh, it looks more like a lobster tail. |
Writing an e-mail message in all capital letters is considered a breach of netiquette because it looks like you are shouting. |
Kashkari, an Indian American who looks vaguely like a bald Ray Romano, is both pro-choice and a supporter of same-sex marriage. |
But my bar mitzvah rabbi survived the camps, camps he could have probably avoided because of his Aryan looks. |
He holds them on his belly and looks at them with a magnifying glass, studying possible escape routes. |
His voice carries some of the Bavarian lilt of Werner Herzog, and he looks slightly like Daniel Day-Lewis when he laughs. |
The bawdy jokes that followed may have helped a politician who looks like he was born in a suit. |
Faith, holding her chalice and Eucharistic wafer, stands to the right of Charity, while Hope, with her back turned to the viewer, looks to Charity from her left. |
A walk down its main drag, Bedford Avenue, reveals many off-the-cuff looks and subversive appearances. |
The clear green water looks cold enough in a hot August noon to make one's teeth chatter, so that it requires some resolution to venture upon a bath. |
He didn't seem the least abashed that water was running down his chin and onto his clothes and that the people who were passing by were giving him weird looks. |
Arellano reportedly had her heart set on becoming the 1977 carnival queen of Mazatlan and certainly possessed the necessary looks. |
This time, Louise looks into the camera as her kids carry gallons of carbonated beverages into the house. |
Imagine waking up to find a guy who looks like a tech startup employee eating your charred crispy leg. |
If a car looks dogged and tired, but the odometer is only showing an average mileage then it is likely that the vehicle in question has been clocked. |
There are photos of what looks like a scruffy californian kid in a T-shirt, taking a break from skateboarding. |
When he looks at you like that, you feel like you're standing at the verge of a bottomless abyss, a void so deep that it has its own mystical gravitation. |
He stops after a second, looks around him and laughs, apparently realizing the absurdity of the endeavor. |
Leaning against the bar, the Chinese acrobat looks weary, though he says none of the tricks are difficult for him anymore. |
If a person looks like they are alive, but their brain shows no signs of activity, is this person dead or alive? |
As a means of preventing tooth decay in those cities that do fluoridate, the practice certainly looks like a success. |
In chick lit, when women age, they fret about being single and losing their looks and consider cosmetic surgery. |
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, is it still a duck? |
The narrator is suggesting that they build a snowman that looks like a minister. |
He owns a smallish vaporizer that still looks like it came from the future, and buys wax instead of bud. |
But when ron looks into the mirror, he sees himself being carried on the shoulders of his teammates, the hero who won the game. |
It looks like mother and son also spent time in Vancouver, British Columbia, over the last three years. |
The Netherlands humiliates an ageing Spain, while the world looks on in disbelief. |
For the past year it has been impossible to escape the unshakeable beats and ageless looks of Pharrell Williams. |
Posing for a picture with 49 bright-eyed students from India, mathematics teacher Mr. Uniyal looks stressed. |
Don't put your shirt on the shares but if you want to risk a small amount in a company that looks to be developing a promising niche, then it merits consideration. |
Cheshire County Jail in Keene, N.H., looks more like a small college campus or a tech start-up than a house of detention. |
The dress looks like it belongs in the Derelicte bridal collection, not on the red carpet. |
He had hanged himself with 550 cord, an all-purpose green string that looks like a shoelace and can hold 550 pounds. |
It looks like Amazon is on track to get additional Pentagon contracts as well. |
The brainchild of a company called Sologic, the eTree looks like a basic tree with a wooden trunk. |
From the outside, the behavior looks the same, and can lead to some amusingly wrong conclusions. |
If the plant has not been pruned for a couple of years and still looks too big after this, the flowering stems can be trimmed back to just above a side shoot. |
There's a bolero I designed this season that looks like it's made of leaves. |
But Anastasia showed me that brows are frames for the face, and make such a world of difference in how a woman looks. |
In 1988, the year before Spot News moved to Chicago, the city had what looks like a body count suited for war time. |
Many of the looks, like a bodice worn with a figure-hugging pencil skirt, remained seductive and sexy despite its muted colors. |
Just as Janet Yellen looks like she has the Fed chairmanship in the bag comes talk of Roger Ferguson. |
From Robert De Niro to Anne Hathaway, Kevin Fallon looks at the nominees who are blubbering their way to a Oscar. |
An improvement on CAT Tooling is BT Tooling, which looks similar and can easily be confused with CAT tooling. |
Every item of intelligence appeared to redouble the astonishment of the islanders, and they gazed at us with inquiring looks. |
The southern flank of Pillar looks down on Mosedale, the more westerly of Wasdale's two main feeder valleys. |
Conceal your esteem and love in your own breast, and reserve your kind looks and language for private hours. |
The OED quotation from 1609 does not say what a mere is, except that it looks black. |
The UI looks nice, but you'll need to robustify it before it goes into production. |
As he looks to get a shot away, a clumsy, lunging scissor tackle by Ledley King drags him to the ground. |
Age looks with anger on the temerity of youth, and youth with contempt on the scrupulosity of age. |
In other instances second looks reveal unexpected excisions or additions to the posters or a semilegible word cut out of painted paper. |
The plan looks good, but don't set it in stone until we have discussed it a bit more. |
I'll bring the contract tomorrow, and if everything looks good, we'll shake on it. |
This new phone looks good, but I want to go to the mall and showroom it before buying. |
He lives at 2-something fifty-something street, and he looks like he's thirty-something. |
I hope we find some nicer spot than this. This looks so lonely and spookish. |
A gnome-size German civilian with a red von Hindenburg mustache is dispensing steins of what looks to be mostly head. |
Ahead of us to-night is a stiffish incline and it looks as though there might be pressure behind it. |
He still looks wonderfully young, despite his awkward, shuffling, slinking walk, and his stooped shoulders. |
I'm not really interested in his stukkie, I just want to check what she looks like. |
Our affection for him is not solely down to his looks alone. |
While this description of piecewise syndeticity looks somewhat forbidding, it has the advantage of making sense in any semigroup. |
The terrified looks on everyone's face when it was time to play that game was enough incentive to come to Thanksmas. |
Doesn't it kill you how somebody who looks so attractive can be so brilliant? God, there ought to be a law. She looks just like Julie Christie. |
A solid mane thinner is indispensable in finishing the looks of your horse. |
Karen Aileron looks distractedly out the window, a tofuburger sizzling in the skillet on the stove. |
For Toss It, I use a ball that looks like a globe, but any soft tossable item will work. |
Stephen Ward, a winger converted to emergency left-back two months ago, now looks to the manner born. |
Notwithstanding his clothes, there was an air of breeding about him, unconcealable, a thing apart, even, from his good looks. |
It looks to us that XR-NTX can help people remain abstinent by reducing the importance of these cues so they are less likely to relapse. |
For such propositions unimaginability looks like a function of a kind of conceptual impossibility. |
Lying on a sofa, her skin dead-white, eyes shut, and face shielded by a raised arm, she looks exhausted and conspicuously unseductive. |
The four bearers, all unwhiskered eunuchs, stood in front of the chairs, their hands tucked into their sleeves, looks of disdain on their faces. |
I'll warrant you, when I say so, she looks as pale as any clout in the versal world. |
The bacterium is technically a pathogen, so the USDA looks at it. |
Parliament looks at measures to monitor toddlers for anti-semitic speech. |
He faces a couple of interesting rivals in Alpinist and Sugar Boy, but he still looks the one to side with. |
While in town, the sisters will host a special event to help Los Angelinos achieve the hottest summer makeup looks. |
Rich knew how to warm up the audience of The Price is Right. His good looks and charming personality made even that special. |
I hear that you are without a wife at the present time. How would you like a wrigglesome bed-warmer, just fourteen and in the prime of her looks? |
Crime reporter NAOMI CORRIGAN looks at how Asbos are applied in our area and assesses what might happen next. |
I was doing a bit of yak shaving this morning, and it looks like it might have paid off. |
So, be careful what you are paying attention to. If it looks like someone is yanking your chain, he or she probably is. |
I think that red dress looks really good on you, but your mileage may vary, of course. |
Set to debut at Frankfurt in September, it looks handsome and very attitudinal. |
But there is no consensus about what the attrition of ISIS looks like. |
It sure looks like Pawlenty is bailing out to go work for the bailed-out. |
York tomorrow looks easier to crack than Salisbury and, while neither Abhisheka nor Prince Namid will start a massive price, both are rock solid. |
And sitting down is a bald man who looks like Hank from Breaking Bad. |
So, barring a miracle, it looks like the Hiceman will cometh to Congress. |
The new language looks likely to survive, so if your travels ever take you to Lajamanu, you might want to learn a word or two of Light Warlpiri. |
As you can probably tell, he looks great smothered in war paint, with a huge weapon hanging out of his trousers. |
There were four beaded black looks, with strong metal belts. |
Plus it looks fantastic, with multiple colorful dock faces to choose from, and a sleek, subtly patterned watchband available in white or black. |
Layering, shirting and accessorizing with different fabrics can create romantic, preppy or classic looks. |
The disadvantage is the stiff watch strap from LG even though it is genuine leather and it looks cheap. |
It no longer looks at whether a detainee is affiliated with al Qaeda. |
She looks as if all the cares of the world are on her shoulders. |
When seen from Ennerdale it looks like a tall and thin column, hence its name. |
She shops at discount department stores, but looks as if she patronized high-end boutiques. |
The weather looks a little dicey this morning. I hope it doesn't rain. |
An employee of the city's Latino Affairs Commission, she looks like an adelita in her blouse, long skirt, and sash crisscrossing her chest. |
Miss Collins looks pretty as all get out on a club floor, much more so than a frequent TV camera shot would lead you to suppose. |
It looks like a normal car at first sight. But when we open the hood, we discover something quite new. |
Hag-ridden by my own fancy all night, and then bantered on my haggard looks the next day. |
The new stuff merges ski and snowboard looks, but it's more sporty and happy, not as rebellious as boardwear. |
While it looks like a friendly little camarasaurus on the outside, Pleo has plenty of power on the inside. |
The rolled joint looks like a cheese doodle, which I find excessively amusing. |
It looks like a simple enough problem, but the answer might not be as clear cut as you suppose. |
It looks like somebody finally clued them in that the intercom was broken the whole time. |
This counterfeit watch looks like the real thing, but it broke a week after I bought it. |
So then all of sudden he starts doing that crouchy thing, you know, when he looks like a lion on the hunt. |
The G35's exterior styling... looks suitably sporty but lacks the Caddy's curb appeal. |
At the end o' the six paces yer cuts yer 'and away an' brings it smartly dahn ter yer side an' looks to yer front. |
In winter a douse in cold water helps the looks and adds to the style of the carcass, but they should be thoroughly dried before packing. |
Fortunately Kathryn looks her most duchessy in evening gowns and Bo is unusually philosophical about boiled shirts. |
Can you believe he's just a kindergartener? It looks like they've got an Einstein in the family. |
Trevor looks kind of emo, rail thin, dark hair, guyliner, wears black all the time. |
I needed the title, because clients figured that I'm just a face-man. A face-man is a person who looks good, speaks well, and presents the work. |
My cat looks underweight, so I'll fatten him up with higher-calorie cat food. |
If looks could kill, Mona's sharp gaze would have flatlined him in one second. |
Grafting your boss's face onto the hind end of a donkey is fun, but serious fun is when you create the impossible and it looks real. |
Even while wearing seemingly traditional geekwear, it really isn't. It is anti-style style and it looks really hot on her. |
So looks the last month's pilgrimage, So the last hill, Down the moon-ghostened road there walks. |
The ancients represented this fundamental duality mythologically as God and Goddess. When Mystery looks at itself, God looks at Goddess. |
Still, the folio Ben looks to publish will be well beyond the purse of most scholars, let alone a groundling. |
There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. |
The peaceful tenour of Nina's life was interrupted one morning by the mysterious looks and whisperings of her maids and hinds. |
He is usually a big upstanding man, who looks as if he could take care of himself and those who depend upon him in an emergency. |
Gordy, who looks sort of like a bear cub, only not cute, is a very huggy person. |
But in some respects humanitarian intervention looks more like police work than war. |
The woman's stola differed in looks from a toga, and was usually brightly coloured. |
The first for loop looks at each word in the input line, incrementing the element of array num subscripted by the word. |
Strong and vigorous man as he looks, Livingstone has been for years the victim of a secret and insidious disease. |
Sorry so jakun, need to post a picture of my Uber because it looks like a Bentley. |
The American tourist in Japan looks less for what is Japanese than for what is Japanesey. |
In the upshot, it looks like equal numbers of right-handed and keck-handed. |
A sock worn in the regulation fashion, under the knicker, looks neatest and permits the proper full flare of the knicker. |
His customers reimburse him for the equipment he buys, but it looks like he spends money like nobody's business. |
This shows how the yarn looks when different kinds of cloths are kept under USB microscope. |
They've got a live one in the crowd, he's scary, he looks dangerous, demon possessed, he doesn't know who he is, he speaks in strange voices. |
I thought it would be a short project, but now it looks like I'm in it for the long haul. |
His charm and good looks accounted for much of his popularity in the polls. |
The south western flank of Fairfield looks down on Tongue Gill, a feeder of Raise Beck and Grasmere. |
The mainframers will now have to either design or buy an interface for their systems that looks like the IBM interface. |
After his conquest of Gaul, Julius Caesar looks over the sea and resolves to order Britain to swear obedience and pay tribute to Rome. |
In the miniature portraits of Matthew, Mark, and Luke they are shown writing, while John looks straight ahead at the reader holding his scroll. |
Having deprived her of both her mecha and her lover, Masato looks set for a nasty end, but Miku arrives to save him. |
When I look at a digitally acquired and projected image, it looks inferior against an original negative anamorphic print or an IMAX one. |
Carl felt insulted by the mickey-taking and gave Jamie the dirtiest of looks before he kicked off. |
The division's headquarters are located at the Formula One team's Grove site and also manages and looks after the Williams Grand Prix collection. |
The car looks and drives just like a contemporary Honda Civic LX, but does not run on gasoline. |
Isle of Whithorn and the Black Isle are peninsulas, and Isleornsay is a village which looks out onto the island of Ornsay. |
Her fellow San Franciscan Fraser is a long-haired, 24-year-old ex-baseball player with rugged, modelish looks. |
It looks like a cross between a pancake and a croissant and has a buttery, salty taste and heavy texture. |
Mariners sometimes call the moving path of light leading to the moon the moonwake, because it looks like the white wash of a ship's wake. |
In her rosy two-piece traveling outfit, Adela looks muy cute as she walks toward us. |
Instead of being shown victorious, as Donatello and Verocchio had done, David looks tense and battle ready. |
The work itself is very simplistic, featuring only the shark in a watery substance, which at first glance looks clear like glass. |
From a distance it looks like any other boathouse, but closer inspection reveals that this is a work of art in concrete. |
The indigenous art of Australia often looks like abstract modern art, but it has deep roots in local culture. |
She has lipstick on her chin, a ladder in her tights and looks as though she's spent the afternoon creating Neknomination videos. |
Former coach O'Neil said Boyle abandoned an audition for The X Factor because she believed people were being chosen for their looks. |
There is another snail known as small periwinkle or Melarhaphe neritoides that looks similar, but is smaller in size. |
A 2007 survey conducted at Lycoming College set out to examine the public perception of archaeology and what an archaeologist looks like. |
It looks, acts and pays property tax like a new airplane, but it's old enough to vote. |
He looks like a used car salesman, but he's really on the level, so you can trust him. |
Flat Crag includes the Great Slab, a remarkable tilted sheet of rock which looks exactly as it sounds. |
We had stopped throwing stones in view of anyone except ourselves years ago, after we saw the looks on the adults' faces when we outskipped them. |
Its lantern tower was added at the request of Trinity House as a navigational aid to passing ships and looks over the town. |
Its robust structure, good looks and flexibility combine to make ash an ideal timber for use in staircases. |
When the cortex is more transparent, the algae show more clearly and the lichen looks greener. |
It has a section that looks like a parking coupon on each page and you can tear out the tabs. |
My husband is on a 3-month paternity leave while he looks after our newborn baby and I'm working abroad. |
Many animals that live on or in the sea consume flotsam by mistake, as it often looks similar to their natural prey. |
Each battery-powered people pod looks a bit like George Jetson's egg-shaped sky-car except for the two well-grounded wheels below. |
The woman wakes, sits up, looks at Sigurd, and the two converse in two stanzas of verse. |
The paint looks good, but I don't know if it will stand up to years of weather. |
The skirt is also ruffled, so that when it is lifted up, it looks like a peacock's tail or a mantilla fan. |
He looks under the water for the mermaid, but runs out of air and gives up. |
They were all very inquisitive, but they viewed me at first with looks of horror, and repeatedly asked if my countrymen were cannibals. |
Uncle Tom is there, as a concession to me, and very proudsome and distinguished he looks in evening formal. |
Morphology also looks at parts of speech, intonation and stress, and the ways context can change a word's pronunciation and meaning. |
He protests the war in Vietnam, but looks with contempt on the hate-filled pseudoradicals who preach the politics of violence. |
The Latin letter P represents the same sound as the Greek letter Pi, but it looks like the Greek letter Rho. |
Moreover, induction tries to achieve general conclusions, while analogy looks for particular ones. |
He looks like Eddie Izzard gone too far and sounds a little like Rod Steiger's queenie turn in No Way to Treat a Lady. |
Instead of inserting a straight vertical gap all the way up, he has staggered it so it looks like old-fashioned quoining. |
The second looks at protection of traditional knowledge as a collective human right. |
The only acting that looks like anything but rag week at a bad university is by Billy Hartman as a private detective. |
That looks like a reaggravation on his leg, he injured it two weeks ago as well. |
The functional approach looks at the communication behavior of the leaders. |
The CoGeNT experiment looks for a type of dark-matter particle called a WIMP, or Weakly Interacting Massive Particle. |
While a female weathercaster cannot predict yesterday's weather, her beauty and looks are enough to make me want to follow along anyway. |
If you don't do it properly said Eamonn, it looks like a bloke's wedding tackle. |
To the uninitiated, it looks like a bizarro take on a classic clown act. |
Peter Greenwald, who is 53, looks far more like a favorite family doctor than a whitecoat researcher closeted away among high-tech laboratories. |
It also looks into the health benefits of a vegetarian diet for African-Americans. |
Sir David Attenborough looks at African wild dogs in Zambia, chimps in the Sahara and tiny tropical hermit crabs searching for shells. |
Well, I'd just, come out of the Last Chance something that looks like a cross between an Injun wickiup and a motherless circus tent. |
He looks nothing like the brawling, expansive prince of before. |
When the Hyadeans begin trading with Earth, it looks like a win-win situation. |
It looks very much like a win-win situation, and quite applicable to VARs and integrators alike. |
Judging by his stony-face, Joe Hart looks like he's just received news that he's about to have four wisdom teeth removed. |
It's total Star Wars wish fulfilment, made all the better by just how wonderful the game looks and sounds. |
But in this softly-tailored trouser suit she looks less HRH and more European woman about town. |
All-weather action is staged at Wolverhampton, where Wood Fern looks good in the Holiday Inn Garden Court Wolverhampton Handicap. |
The TOWIE star, 25, is wearing a BOB by Dawn O'Porter skirt which looks great teamed with a crisp, white wraparound blouse. |
The styles include oversized, vintage-inspired looks and wraparound, sporty shapes. |
LeRoy looks more like a member of an alternative rock band than a Tom of Finland model. |
This article looks into the custom of not giving names to pivotal characters in some selected Xhosa tales. |
The Yacker Tracker, a sound meter, looks just like a traffic light and serves as a visual reminder when noise levels get too high. |
With curious looks a pair of tiny-winged amoretti press back the overspill of grapes from the basket they have brought Erigone. |
Phelan, 11-4 favourite with Hills to get the Clarets job, looks like a yesman to me, and I know all about them. |
Hughes created looks for each, including a two-color look with Union Jack Black and YUMMY Mummy. |
And the colours are zappier, particularly in the dining area, where a humdinger pink on the walls looks great with all the warm wood. |
This warm, knitted Christmas pudding hat and mitts will make sure your little ankle biter looks good enough to eat. |
By any standard the home of Abu Omar al-Shishani looks poor and abandoned. |
Searching for a zester that looks more like it belongs in your kitchen than in a toolbox? |
The first volume looks at recent research on quasiparticle dynamics, collective excitation, electron transfer, and photoinduced dynamics. |
It looks like what some crazy teenager who seems zonked out due to lack of sleep, would wear on her wrist. |
Richardson looks at zoomorphic motifs as well as other details. |
With such altered looks,... All pale and speechless, he surveyed me round. |
The monster goes unrecognized because he looks like a harmless, pudgy nobody rather than like a hobgoblin. But he reveals his hobgoblin nature through music. |
It looks like he's going fishing off the pier but maybe he surf casts. |
I don't know what Scratch looks like in the real world, I met hir online. |
That new study on noncommutative symmetries looks promising. |
This programme looks at some of the most violent and dangerous weather ever caught on camera, from heavy storms to flash floods and world-shaking events. |
Well, Steverino, this looks like where I get off and join another trolley. |
She has been buying new clothes and she looks quite the grande dame. |
Deft and comfy, if gnashy of engine, the Prizm looks like an inspired sketch that somehow made it into metal and ought to be viewed as a traveling sculpture exhibit. |
Cracking Rosie also scored on her Polytrack bow on the same day, so improving ALMOND WILLOW looks an outstanding bet when the youngster makes her reappearance. |
Founded in 1975 and led by the violinist Richard Tognetti since 1989, the orchestra looks youthful and hip onstage, its players clad in varying shades of black semiformality. |
Furniture is comical. It responds to humans. For some it looks its drabbest, for others it sparkles and looks, if not handsome, at any rate comfortable. |
Would I have my vanished sight once more I Tell me, daughterling, how looks this promised land towards which we have been journeying these months and years? |
A coot-covered lake looks something like a Daffy Duck convention. |
I'll rumple my bedsheets so it looks like I was here last night. |
However, to Holmes, from the outset, there seem to be a number of facts that do not fit the inspector's case against Simpson, damning as it looks. |
He sounds like a cult leader about to demand his followers drink poison. And it frankly doesn't help that he looks like Jim Jones to a genuinely creepy degree. |
This business plan of yours looks risky. It needs a rethink. |
It looks like the Taconic arc has its continuation along the western continental margin of Siberia and both of them constitute a single Taconic-Enisej volcanic arc. |
After they had been closeted up with the fortune-teller for some time, I knew by their looks, upon their returning, that they had been promised something great. |
Even the Plastic People's weathered, been-through-hell aging-radical looks can be respun as romantic now that their revolution has safely succeeded. |
York Rite has been largely consistent and could be up to winning a modest chase, but the rest make limited appeal and Polar Gunner looks the most likely. |
Another Devonian fossil called Protosalvinia also looks like a liverwort, but its relationship to other plants is still uncertain, so it may not belong to the Marchantiophyta. |
This bleak circle of asphalt has been patched and repatched, and looks it. |