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How to use look in in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "look in"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
It allowed people to look in, and it really made them overfamiliar to the public.
I look in the dining room, living room, family room, den, all the washrooms, but there's no one in sight.
Wherever I look in my mind I find accumulations of dust and festoons of cobwebs.
He stood there with a distant look in his eyes holding a radio in his hand that was spattering incomprehensible messages from his superiors.
We are very outgoing and we feel we're just beautiful, and then we look in the mirror and we're like, whoa!
Having been alone in a room for the better part of a year, I emerged into the world of festivals and bookshops with a wild look in my eyes.
She had a wild look in her eyes and her face was all twisted up in excitement.
It advocates that you need not run to a doctor for minor ailments, stop and look in your kitchen instead.
And Mulligan had gotten humiliated enough times when Victor wiped the floor with him to know that that look in someone's eyes meant trouble.
Holding onto the railing tightly, and feeling my heart flutter alarmingly at the unwavering look in his eyes, I stared back.
The hateful look in her blue eyes disappeared suddenly, replaced by one of respect and regretfulness, but only for an instant.
He constantly had a faraway look in his eyes as if he was in constant direct communication with the Almighty.
Have a look in the remainder bookshop and you'll find cheap reprints of the original texts.
Sometimes, though, I look in the mirror and I am quickly reminded that I am not so youthful after all.
With just four games remaining, City look in grave danger of re-capturing their unwanted yo-yo tag of recent years.
He took a last look in the mirror, fixed his tie, shot his cuffs and puffed out his chest.
Joann's customers were so fond of Kim's look in the film, they have even brought their pearls in to be restyled in that fashion.
I caught a look in his eyes as he glanced at me that was somewhere between annoyance and anger.
I am also going to look in detail at the approach I take to my pike fishing and the tackle and rigs that I use.
From the moment of life to the moment of death, he had the exact same look in his eyes, because he always kind of looked like death warmed over.
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Examples from Classical Literature
His face was thin and careworn, and his eyes had an uncertain, restless look in them.
The look in the eyes of his dog, happy in that he is short-lived, is one of infinite sadness.
He met the stern look in Odin's eyes and the rageful look in Thor's eyes with smiling good humor.
He had surprised Nicolovius looking at him with a curiously tender look in his black diamond eyes.
Save for a stern and ominous look in his cold, snaky eye, he might not have heard.
She had a softish laughing look in her eyes that made the lads wild for her.
Why does the prophet look in the direction of Edom for the return of his God?
Do you know, too, that my ignorance is such that I had to look in the dictionary to find out what plectrum and propylon meant.
And righty said never a word, but the look in his eye indicated that he thought there was something in the notion.
Rusty was humble as ever, but there was an expectant look in his rotund face.
The look in her eyes I interpreted as a warning that I was not to recognize Zimmern.
And at the top of the slope I saw a black hole, and got off my pony to look in.
Let's take a look in that clump of bushes and see who is there, and what ails him.
As a matter of fact, the newcomer did not look in the least like an Eastern potentate.
His face was pale, and there was a startled, wide-open look in his eyes that Westray did not like.
Then, afresh, I saw them look in their knapsacks, and next I heard a detonation.
There's sort of a look in your eyes as if you'd got in a trance and couldn't get out.
George, who had wandered to the bookstall, returned to us with a wild look in his eyes.
After the lapse of that period, he has something to say to us again, and we transiently look in upon him there.
You comb t'e hair, you haf pretty ribbons, you make t'e body strong and supple, you look in t'e glass and vish for more beauty.
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