From what I can tell, somebody went through and very literally translated words from German to English for the North American release. |
If a planet is situated in a sign which opposes its own it is said to be in detriment, a word which literally means to be harmed or damaged. |
I literally park there for five minutes while I walk my girls to the school gates and collect them. |
With real-life college football starting up recently, I literally get goose bumps listening to the passion and emotion of the crowds. |
What I want is a make-up remover that literally lets the make-up float off your face. |
When I catch a motorbike taxi in the morning, the regular guy who drives me literally punches the air and whoops when he sees me coming. |
The force of its landing literally exploded it into little pieces, and tiny bits of bark covered my clothes. |
A short while later the flags were raised, and you could literally see a teardrop going down Oprah's cheek. |
Despite this being a work that takes literally days to perform, every performance was sold out months in advance. |
A tight home can literally use up enough air that the fireplace flue is the only route for a fresh supply of outside air available. |
Our brains are literally made of fat and our nerves are sheathed in thin membranes of it. |
The first dish that literally made my mouth water was a warm timbale of Arbroath smokies. |
Georgia grabs me into a bear hug so tight I literally lose my breath for a second. |
Then the movie literally stops and begins anew, retelling a mythic tale about a wild beast and the hunter who must kill it or be devoured by it. |
If they dispense largesse for any other reason, they are literally wasting the money of their shareholders. |
My poor father picked up the call literally falling off the bed, and I sprang up in perfect state of lucidness. |
This has brought us into contact with literally thousands who think as we do. |
Two ushers had to literally pick the guy up out of his chair and drag him out. |
She has quite literally found herself acting as a foster mother to a very young hare. |
The word 'innocent' literally means not nocent. So whatever you think of as innocent, these people are the opposite. |
The combination of horrific makeup, abhorrent timing, and trite jokes has literally become painful. |
He was literally larger than life and had an impossibly dramatic Wagnerian voice. |
In the installation, Acconci literally pushed the envelope into billowing floes that waltzed visitors through space. |
For six months I don't get anything from you and now you just happen to literally waltz in here and surprise me like this. |
If you start in this career as a fitness or leisure assistant, there are literally dozens of courses and qualifications awaiting you. |
He literally danced his music into being, conducting his bass players, drummers and horn section with his hips. |
Better yet, the possibilities for an infiltrator in the development team who build the system would be literally without limit. |
In the science fiction movie, soldiers topple an alien war machine literally on its last legs. |
He's a guy who would literally give you the shirt off his back and he has two beautiful children. |
Of course, the chances of this happening by accident are literally a hundred million billion to one. |
She bought so many books that there literally was not room for a washing machine. |
It was heartbreaking to watch he and his brother literally wasting away, without hope of recovery. |
They had literally thrown him from the train, despite his protestations, and his whole body had been jarred. |
New Lanark was dependent on water power rather than steam and was filled with workers who had to be literally imported into the area. |
She literally froze in mid-run, her face still wearing a fierce expression. |
Back on the streets, protesters were heading home tired, weary, and quite literally bruised. |
Voltaire's gibe about the Holy Roman Empire was literally true but, like all such glib gibes missed the essential point. |
So while she balanced on one foot on my back, she literally walked all over me with the other. |
So boring was the game that the first half had no decent shot at goal and the two goalkeepers were literally on holiday. |
It hovers high above the clouds and literally no radar can detect it because of its wind-elemental cloak. |
The following week was literally spent recovering while trying to work as usual. |
He read it literally as real, actual abuse meted out by an attacker on her victim. |
Footwear is one aspect that can make a difference to the bearing of the person, literally and figuratively. |
They refused to use honorific titles and deferential forms of address such as your excellency, my lord, because they were not literally true. |
This is not a problem on short journeys but on a long haul it can literally become a pain in the neck. |
They literally had to replace all my old blood with new through the jugular vein in my neck. |
Well get down to the Dooney some night this week, because the place is literally jumping with the best music and craic around. |
In this case, no one got control of the ball so they literally call for another jump ball. |
With waves literally passing over the wheelhouse, some fought through seasickness for another day before arriving at Darwin. |
She has literally waited for the minute when we turned our backs and seized the moment. |
There, a friend showed me a shady river bed where literally dozens of southern white admirals were drinking. |
The first is a significant emotional experience, which refers to an event or happening that literally rattles the person to change. |
The arm of the dancer to her left literally stretches as it reaches toward the leader's hand, where momentum has broken the circle. |
There are literally hundreds of reagents not discussed here that can be categorized as electrophiles. |
In 1987 Henry Cooper literally sailed into retirement on a spiffy, 50-foot ketch that he called the Palmyra. |
Napoleon literally sat his horse on a hill overlooking the battlefield while aides-de-camp galloped to and fro delivering messages and orders. |
After all, the rise of the rebel biker has literally been hand-in-hand with the advent of popular and alternative culture. |
On any given day there are literally thousands of people trying to kick the smoking habit. |
Eyes, in Minority Report, are literally windows on the soul, and the soul is that which yearns for brand-name fulfillment. |
In my early windsock investigations, I built models that were inverted airfoils literally pivoting to respond to changes in wind direction. |
The Workers Party may literally be on a wing and a prayer when it comes to winning a seat in Cork North Central. |
I'm tired of chasing technology, literally killing myself every two years to come out with a new product. |
The guy had caught it so far in on the heel that the ball had literally rolled between his legs. |
They could literally count the fascist infiltrators on the fingers of one hand. |
There must be literally thousands, perhaps millions, of such crimes that are never recorded, that will never see the light of day. |
But, literally and metaphorically, Loudon's still the daddy, and his 21st album finds him on typically acerbic and wittily literate form. |
When we say someone is a wolf in sheep's clothing, we don't literally mean that he's a large land mammal related to a dog, wearing wool. |
An active and vociferous campaigner against drugs too, Paula literally has the athletics world at her feet in adoration. |
Both literally and figuratively, theirs was a marriage red in tooth and claw. |
He has literally kept some of our offices and machines working by duct tape and force of will alone. |
From the Day-Glo color of the carpets, the plastic decorative accoutrements to the long Formica counters, it is literally the 1960's redux. |
It's literally falling apart, it's an absolute pigsty, and it just reeks with the smell of rotting beer. |
I stared blankly at both officers and stumbled back a few steps, literally reeling with the news. |
These expressions literally encode language with hidden, subversive meanings, enacting linguistically the larger thematic focus of the novel. |
In 1992, soon after UNESCO declared the entire area a World Heritage Site, French conservationists returned to literally pick up the pieces. |
By the time she made it to the 2000 Grammy Awards, she was literally a shadow, or perhaps even a wraith, of her former self. |
He literally wrote a book on the subject, shortly after his second daughter, Justine, was born. |
The literally tens of thousands of dollars spent on pets in this country could be much better spent on feeding the hungry and housing the poor. |
A second great myth is that property is literally as safe as houses while the stock market is the investment equivalent of Dodge City. |
If by that reference they mean totally and literally landlocked water, then we take issue with that. |
I was stuck behind a removal van for far too long the other day, adding literally seconds to my journey. |
Garnet, jade and lapis lazuli are crystals formed from rock which has quite literally transformed its shape and appearance. |
We were literally sandwiched together to the extent that my amma's bangles were bent. |
Last week's meeting was literally a laugh a minute, with a great turnout once more of both members and guests. |
I was quite literally at the mercy of the Inquisition and was completely unable to tell a lie. |
When I took possession, one cabin and the lazarette were literally jammed with never-opened boxes and bags of gear. |
Somehow she transforms into a siren who transfixes the beasts, literally in the middle of a brawl. |
For over 40 years he was one of the men responsible for literally bringing thousands of sick people to hospitals all over the country. |
But when it takes literally years for a full inquest to be staged, families say the pain and anguish they suffer becomes that much worse. |
Predictably, the editors buried the lede on this story, literally pushing the most damning revelations down to the last four grafs. |
It fell on one's hair and froze there, creating a helmet of ice that had to be literally chipped away. |
Secretaries, spouses, their children and the bosses were there, letting their hair down literally and enjoying themselves. |
She also holds sessions that deal with death and dying-among people who are literally fading away. |
Classic nineteenth century European imperialists believed they were literally on a mission. |
There are also divisions between those who interpret the Qur'an literally and those who are more liberal in its interpretation. |
At a certain distance near a planet, known as the Roche limit, an object can be literally pulled apart by gravity. |
Of course the house was still standing after Bruce's encore so it didn't literally come down. |
We kept him there for twenty more minutes, and when he had to leave we literally followed him to the door of his taxi cab. |
Police in Bradford are helping to show the way to other forces by proving literally that crime does not pay. |
What worries me is that these guys are going to run into problems literally the first day out. |
Darsana literally means view, in the sense of having a cognitive sight of something. |
As soon as I heard the crash I looked up and he literally came through the roof. |
The event was literally hot with a fire dancer welcoming everybody with a puff of fire. |
I'll be staying with villagers who live with landmines literally on their doorsteps. |
A key point is that space should be owned and supervised, literally and metaphorically. |
Several huge branches were quite literally held in place by lengths of rope. |
Every Zulu thrust was repulsed by soldiers literally fighting for their lives. |
The couple met three years ago when they literally bumped into each other at a Hampton Court funfair. |
Bulbs were literally worth their weight in gold and the Dutch economy was in serious risk of collapse. |
According to his ex-wife, he literally ran away a number of times during their marriage. |
The art of edging is to literally tip your skis sideways allowing the edge to cut into the snow. |
In some bizarre animator's joke, they were literally suspended, all hung in the air in a big room. |
So what else did he do but literally pick me up and sat in the car with me practically sitting on him. |
There are literally thousands of techniques you can use, and it all depends on what rings true for you. |
Dinner, which comes in menus of up to eight superb courses, literally frolics on your tongue. |
Know that there are literally millions around the world who are with you in this moment. |
The last federal election came down to literally a handful of votes in some ridings. |
I literally don't know what the next sentence is, which is probably why my books are the way they are. |
To provide that level of service we would be talking about spending literally millions of pounds. |
That first weekend I literally locked myself in my room, sleepless and without eating. |
He has literally put blood, sweat and tears into earning a living for his family, but it goes with the turf. |
We can buy fresh lettuce, literally straight out of the ground, for nine pence. |
When he returned to York after the war he had a business plan which literally revolved around the motor car. |
In Milan I literally had to work my socks off to get on to a train to Paris. |
I have spent literally hours on search engines, as have friends, and friends of friends. |
The subway tunnel was half-lit as garbage was littered literally everywhere. |
Panofsky's contention that Van Eyck literally painted a marriage certificate was rooted in two early accounts of the picture. |
Planting an alternate crop in the spring literally can starve to death the new rootworms. |
In June it is literally covered with thousands of blush pink roses of amazing fragrance. |
Since the discovery of the Rosetta stone Egyptian history has literally been spelled out for us. |
It is not about the real recipe, which is literally locked up in a safe in Louisville and figuratively in a few executives' brains. |
So edible peas and beans will replace sweet peas, lollo rosso will replace lobelia and everything will literally look good enough to eat. |
For years he was literally on his feet as a roving reporter, plunged into regions of conflict or crisis to try to make sense of it all for us. |
It may sound precious, but I wonder if a first step is to begin making, literally making, the bread and wine of communion. |
The sight she had just seen caused her to literally knock the breath out of her lungs. |
The home that architect David Coleman designed isn't literally a series of outbuildings, but his plan captures that rustic spirit. |
In the Internet era, when facts are literally at one's fingertips, marshaling information is no longer enough to constitute learning. |
Then he literally runs into Laura in the hallway as she drops by to bring Rob the sack lunch he accidentally left at home. |
When we arrived I could see at the tail of the pool a super looking slack on the left hand bank which literally screamed chub. |
The cable stations, from CNN to Fox, are literally baying for blood and demanding the marines go into the city. |
We literally cater to the backyarders and tailgaters, dishing out a pleasing blend of meat and sauce that is none too hot, mild or excessive. |
There was no stopping the laughing machine and people laughed till their eyes watered and jaws literally ached. |
A lump sum is only achievable by taking a lower pension as a result, literally cashing in part of your retirement income. |
It translates literally as Easterner, referring to their origins in Eastern Tibet. |
While we agreed on the rest of the conversation, somehow sting ray did not translate literally between English and Spanish. |
In addition, many idioms and expressions mean something very different when translated literally into another language. |
With literally thousands of known medicinal herbs, everyone would like to find the magic bullet for a given condition. |
After all, during the Gulf War, sales of large gas-consuming vehicles literally tanked. |
Union sappers literally dug their way through the minefield using traditional siege warfare techniques. |
This is the sharp end of practical conservation work, literally healing the mountain of unsightly erosion scars and gullies. |
I have an aversion to sites which literally give you the bird on the front page, so I didn't linger. |
When I got close enough to see, the front half of the car was literally mangled. |
A council spokesperson said the junior wardens were literally driven off the road by bad mannered motorists. |
Two people, a husband and wife, work out their marital malaise by literally trying to kill one another. |
Max creates his black-and-white images with scratchboard, literally carving out the surface to reveal the color underneath. |
A piercing fax-like screech literally hurt my ears, then the requisite disconnect. |
I know this because throughout the roll into the unwanted bank, she was literally shouting at me for help! |
The masons had to literally take it apart, stone by stone, and reassemble it. |
It is stretching it to conclude, based on this one incident, particularly since this is a theophany, that God literally needed the food. |
I was up to my ears in work, and literally talking on two phones at once like a tycoon in an old movie. |
The tailors or seamstresses would literally stitch new clothes onto people around Easter-time and that was it for the year. |
The matcha leaves are literally crushed by the server into a concoction to which water is added. |
With Sasha's ACL torn, her thigh bone and shin bone were slipping back and forth, literally wobbling as she walked. |
It only needs to take you a matter of minutes every month, but it will help us to literally change the world. |
The rink will literally be smashed up, the ice wheeled out in barrows and deposited in an environmentally friendly fashion. |
West however had tasted defeat in the second semi final and literally took the game by the throat. |
He literally could feel his pulse throbbing through his entire body, his vital drum in a way. |
No, the child becomes bar or bat mitzvah, literally one who is of the obligations. |
Paralysis is self-induced as literally demonstrated by the viewer's reaction to the work. |
In this relationship, the leader quite literally leads his junior officers to self-realization and fulfillment. |
Soon after Ms. Atchara Pachimnan officially opened the bazaar, shoppers literally filled the place from early in the day. |
It is rare when a company introduces a new line of apparel that literally beats the pants off its competitors. |
All of the songs in the film are classic bits of Beatle pop, the template for literally hundreds of tunes and countless bands to follow. |
Here I felt warm and my body was literally tingling all over from the sensation. |
In the 15th and 16th centuries, Venetian literature mentions the beccaficos, literally translated as the fig-pecker. |
He literally flew to his student's rescue and with a titanic burst of strength, the ancient Indian pulled Billy from the pit. |
He was bedridden and immobile, and literally nothing but skin and bone by the end. |
The sink, the flush toilet, and the sewer literally formed a pipeline to the vilest contamination that befouled the city. |
Dressed in black from top to toe, he felt his age in the end, though, and literally ran out of puff. |
The lack of rain and the increase in water usage is literally draining water supplies from the region's reservoirs. |
Because you're literally and figuratively always carrying a torch for me, silly. |
Everything is amazing but the house tacos with pork, steak torta, and pork nopal asado literally never get old. |
Curvacious cucumbers are literally getting the chop at a York superstore because of a Eurocratic ruling over how bendy the veg should be. |
The cells will literally fractionate open, and they spill all their toxic chemicals into their environment and that can be very damaging indeed. |
The so-called port at Siem Reap is actually a huge shanty town where the jetty is literally collapsing into the water. |
I lived in an almost millenarianist paranoia, thinking that the end of the world was literally waiting around the corner. |
Crowds literally trampled to death each other as they rushed to get in front. |
Emotions ran high in packed taverns and shebeens with some fans literally drowning their sorrows to get over the disappointment. |
A fission weapon consequently works through the creation of an uncontrolled nuclear reaction, which literally splits the atoms. |
Nobody else even batted an eyelid, but I was just transfixed, with chills literally running up my spine. |
And over the years, he has literally stepped over life's edge to explore the world of the beyond. |
The space, quite literally a white cube, was designed by acclaimed minimalist architect Claudio Silvestrin. |
For decades, the coral formations and their marine life have been literally devastated by crude dynamite fishing techniques and trawling. |
You can work literally right next to a brand-new building and dig a trench with the mini-excavators and trenchers that are out there today. |
He put the show on ice for an extended break in 1985, then literally put Colin Baker on trial to see if ratings improved. |
With a few cunning camera tricks and makeup, he literally becomes a paralyzed man, both of body and of heart. |
As it is, literally having to watch the grass grow starts to sorely try the patience. |
He cites the mistaken assumption that literally everything is faster in the Internet age. |
By no means am I insisting that these three paintings literally constitute a triptych, religious or otherwise. |
In this work, imagery is presented literally as a backdrop, reinforcing the mnemonic power of the artist's presence rather than representing it. |
Even before she got out of the airport, she was literally mobbed by the crowd, which included airport staff. |
Bauer literally had a Rosebud moment, but may not have had a figurative one. |
After the shooting, the police literally turned their backs on de Blasio during a press conference. |
I am awed by the resilience of these people whose sexual identities are literally a matter of life and death. |
Taxes are an obvious benchmark, since right now, employed teenagers are literally subjected to taxation without representation. |
There is also literally a conversation about contemporary practices in actuarial mathematics. |
Wimbledon has literally been awash with interruptions in its final week. |
Regardless of how much I cannot stand that fraud, he could literally sweep up your shorty in front of you and drive off with you left crying in the rear-view wondering how. |
As to literalness, the general rule here is to take passages which are meant literally literally and to take passages which are not meant literally unliterally. |
It literally riveted the attention of a nation, black and white, for a full week and has never been surpassed in the ratings for a multi-part drama. |
His political views could be contested but the notion that he would actually give information to the British about fellow comrades is literally risible. |
In fact, David Hasselhoff is a man of such magnetic charisma that women literally throw themselves out of high-storey windows to attract his attention. |
The spine, hips and shoulders are literally the backbone of the body. |
The man stands at attention, head angled up, hands clenched at his sides, literally embodying the edifice of culture and the rigidity of man-made structures. |
And the daiquiri is simply lime, sugar, and rum, and lime, sugar, and rum is literally bulletproof. |
Noise becomes something seen, something literally invasive of privacy. |
But the smaller man had his hands firmly locked on the yokozuna's mawashi, and refused to yield even as he was literally bending him back on himself like an overdrawn bow. |
Walls of local ashlar to the left and a flush stone dado to the right augment this feeling of sedimentation, of Baldeweg's building being literally of the earth. |
I remember Cat Deeley literally took your head into her arms and let you sob on her shoulder. |
They're literally whooping it up because in the final thirty minutes of the trading session on a Friday before a three-day weekend, things get very slow. |
I was able to be alone while not alone, processing the fact that while I was marching and chanting I could literally die. |
For evening meals, there were literally hundreds of bistros and restaurants on our doorstep, although it was a struggle to find anywhere that catered for vegetarians. |
I mean literally find him, still there, an eleven-year-old boy, cold and trembling, with nowhere else to run. |
The streets literally ran with wine for three full days and nights. |
His love and knowledge of wine started literally at his father's knee. |
Hansen says large parts of the dam have already been cleaned up, using cotton wool-like absorbent fibres to literally soak up the oil that covers the dam. |
The trails we went to work on had literally become streams thanks to massive run-off from a new building's parking lot shedding water straight into this watershed area. |
If you are riding down a straightaway at speed with somebody closing in on you, you can literally feel a rearward tug as they move into your slipstream. |
They literally cannot leave because they have been traumatized for months or years. |
Mop sauce gets its name from a utensil similar to a small string mop that the chuck wagon cook would use to baste meats, literally mopping on the sauce while cooking. |
It arrived quite literally in a blaze of glory, wrapped in tinfoil with flames spurting out of the top, looking for all the world like my mum's finest Christmas pudding. |
You can trace the heritage of ancestors using the web, the history of specific towns, villages, even townlands and you can also access literally millions of old images. |
Calis had literally rebuilt the old battlewagon from the ground up, using what he had in the junkyard and blueprints that he had acquired some time ago. |
The worthies claimed that the jeeps had literally come apart during campaigning as they carried 20 to 25 campaigners over the worst possible terrain. |
I literally cannot wait until your opinion piece on ships and fan fiction. |
The sight of paint flaking off a historic work of art, literally crumbling off in lumps is a disgrace and will reflect badly on us in years to come. |
So next time you complain about salad costing a fortune, remember that you could literally get high for less. |
The dim light makes the figures in the background literally hard to see, as if they were fleeting traces of memory, just beyond the viewer's grasp. |
The dot-coms are creating millionaires literally overnight and these nuevo rich wunderkinds, along with their businesses and corporations, all want to reside in San Francisco. |
This was literally the Avatar of Scandinavia, and yet, I never even knew it existed. |
I mean, most people on here are literally openly hoping for the leaks to continue and expand in scope and scale. |
Directing her to disrobe, she would poach her in herbs in a hot tub and then literally electrify her. |
He distinctly remembers a new magic store that was literally giving away Houdini artifacts to get people in the door. |
Mother's guts had been literally ripped out from her stomach. |
She came to him, literally in a daydream, when he was bored, frustrated and uninspired, working at his father's coffee machine repair shop in Venice. |
Neon lights decorated official buildings and literally hundreds of oil-lit earthen lamps covered balconies and ramparts, stairs and yards of homes. |
It is literally illegal to be gay, and so to self-identify is to risk imprisonment. |
Alternative rock was literally dying on the vine, when along came this haunting beautiful eulogy that captured America's world-weary spirit and the Seattle sound. |
It carries enough goods in a year to fill literally millions of semi trucks. |
One of the men had experience with tripods and derricks so they built two A-frames out of timbers and used pulleys and cables to lift the plane up, literally inch-by-inch. |
If you take that literally enough, almost any Yemeni is guilty. |
Is it a question of women being literally held as slave captive in the physical sense, living behind bars, under lock and key, or is it a question of something more subtle? |
He was then literally slapped around by the high priest, who pulled on his ears in an effort to produce tears. |
Then of course there are those who are quite literally off their trolley. |
Within pages, we've shifted gear from existential drama to gunplay complete with tommy guns and a truly horrible scene that leaves Amy literally scarred for life. |
McKenna was quite literally an eagle scout as he grew up on East 2nd Street in Brooklyn. |
Some brands also carry the designation reposado, which translates literally as reposed or rested, which indicates that the tequila has been barrel aged to acquire its color. |
In its earliest years, the New York Fed was literally a creature of Wall Street. |
In other words, support for marriage equality is literally and measurably moving in the right direction. |
Moreover, like the Anabaptists, they interpreted the commandments of the Sermon of the Mount literally and so refused to bear arms or to swear oaths. |
There are literally restaurants that focus entirely on a single ingredient, like eel for example. |
I can play, I absolutely adore trampolining, I'm absolutely nuts about it, I cannot get enough of it, and I literally bounce myself silly on the trampoline. |
But getting really good color and consistent quality is a black art nearly or literally exceeding that of CMYK process on paper or other flatstocks with offset litho printing. |
Of course there is every chance that voters might literally take to the hills to escape such an election, but to my mind it is a risk worth taking. |
The most famous glass mark is the applied raven's head seal of George Ravenscroft, which was used literally as a seal of approval for his new lead glass line. |
Organized Chaos is in full effect here too, and the JV Chiefs literally run roughshod over Shoshoni. |
The bus rolls up to the porticoed entrance, literally bypassing the parking and traffic problems that the foundation's neighbors have been suing about. |
They are believed to be the last remaining early 20 th-century Tennessee mountain resort buildings and are in danger of literally crumbling without restorative action. |
The software literally talks the trainees through all the procedures. |
Along with five equally loco Norwegians and a parrot, he survives on fish that literally hurl themselves on deck, meets up with a few sharks, and endures a beaching in Tahiti. |
So we got a compressor and we would literally pump air into each of the four cameras so we could blow water off the lenses. |
People were literally getting serious, serious beating or kickings when they were plasticuffed you're talking broken ribs, punctured lungs sort of thing. |
Martin is literally a chip off the old block and carries on the family tradition not just by chops but also by manufacturing top quality racing axes. |
Both are literally depictions of magical air, evocative of movement and potency stirring inside a writhing cloud. |
They literally shook the ground in which we were standing here, quite loud explosions, and it sounded a long way away from the information that slowly now is trickling to us. |
They were literally walking out with shopping carts full of merchandise. |
There must have been literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of initiates, across the millennium of classical history. |
For two guys literally joined at the hip, they lead very different lives. |
There was a camera literally screwed to the wall with a couple of lights. |
Many agents remained in occupied Europe indefinitely, for there was literally no end to the work that needed to be done. |
When I left for pastures new, I had literally a couple of dozen pencils, disposable ballpoints, marker pens, and highlighters stashed in my top drawer. |
He had literally turned my own sentence upon me and made me look an idiot. |
Her sense of loss is literally written on her skin at the beginning of the film, as prefigured in the image of her writing on her abdomen with a black marker pen. |
The victim in this serve is the clay court, as Roddick hits the ball so hard that it literally gets stuck in the ground. |
If you needed a brochure, you'd type it on a typewriter, and then literally mark it up with a red pen to tell the typesetter what you wanted it to look like. |
I saw him literally bust one guy in half with shots to the body. |
The home side were literally outplayed and outclassed by a rampant Crystal side who were by no means flattered by the extent of their winning margin. |
I literally had to suppress a snort of derision at such a bald-faced lie. |
But, of course, when you can accumulate goals quite literally in bunches in matches that produce scorelines of 18-0 and 19-0 the total mounts up quickly. |
If you wanted, for instance, to send the output of an analog sequencer to multiple synths, you had to literally provide a sequencer for each synth. |
In the intimate confines of the Cabaret theater, where they literally schvitz right onto the audience, the whole house crackles with their energy. |
They literally bulldozed aside the police cars blocking the road. |
People literally come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and hues. |
On the drive to the airport, Berry Oakley is literally holding his head with both hands. |
It would take you a month of Sundays if you literally poke around with your trekking pole before you put a foot down, so you just trust that it's in the right place. |
We literally had to have another cabin on the other side so the scenery is going the same way. |
There are styles of shooties that are more shoe or more boot, but I bought this pair because it most closely resembles a pair I literally wore to pieces. |
The place is literally full of cream linen draped huge beds, complete with shoe-less diners sitting Bedouin style with other groups eating food off central trays. |
So for the 12 years he spent at Aldgate, Chaucer was mostly alone, with a teeming urban scene literally beneath his feet. |
It is literally helping to destroy whole nation states in the Southern Hemisphere. |