It's easy to listen to, but difficult to perform with the right balance, sound and atmosphere. |
Immediately, he sat up, his body taut and rigid as he strained to listen to their conversation. |
One listen to this album, though, and such doubts will be banished from the minds of all but the most cynical of geography buffs. |
He's a man I have a lot of time for and could gladly listen to for a lot longer than a day. |
The evidence is there and we will continue to demand a fair hearing until those in power sit up and listen to the truth. |
You can then choose to listen to the recorded voice message which is a translation of the original text. |
She kept her eyes closed, content to listen to the ringing sounds of her friend's voice. |
I used to listen to your breathing for hours after you fell asleep at night. |
She felt all her hairs rising as she continued to stare at the static of the television and listen to its noise. |
I'm comfortable here, and content to listen to the screech owl outside and the gentle creaking of the house as it settles for the night. |
Be human in your approach to this delicate situation and the employee will be that much more willing to listen to you. |
Meekness involves being childlike in approachableness and willing to listen to others. |
There was this big concert when people on one side of the wall played rock music for people on the other side to listen to. |
Under a subscription or rent-a-tune model, you can listen to a boatload of music for a lot less loot than on a buy-only download site. |
In the UK, more people now listen to radio than watch TV, for the first time in many years. |
I love to just sit on the rocks for hours and watch and listen to the ocean. |
You can listen to the audio of his speech here, and follow his charts and research here. |
To watch and listen to these young boys and girls who were so obviously enjoying what they were doing was great. |
Just smile, sample her medicinal marijuana, and listen to the story that must be told. |
They want to tell us all what we can and cannot watch, read, listen to or think about. |
When free, he likes to listen to music, watch movies or spend time with his family. |
He is not willing to stay in the House and listen to some responses to what he said. |
Patients will even be able to order a film to watch, or an audio book to listen to, both from their beds. |
Every few minutes he would stop and listen to what sounds there were in these quiet highland woods. |
When you could not watch them, you never missed a chance to listen to the action on the radio. |
Using the player you can listen to radio stations and watch TV or video playback on your screen. |
When I go to a movie, I listen to the film scores to see how the music interprets the action. |
Such a move will help voters to gauge which ones to believe and which ones to simply listen to. |
I listen to the sounds of the radiators ticking as the central heating comes on. |
Watch it a few times and you'll never listen to their audio output in the same way. |
It was nice to pause, watch, and listen to the bird banging away and the wood chips falling to the ground. |
The note was high and decidedly painful to listen to but it seemed to do the trick. |
He knows he is right and so feels no need to listen to advice that goes against his conviction. |
Despite being aware of the dangers, a small minority of drivers don't listen to the advice. |
The only advice to those players is that they should make up their own minds and not listen to anybody else. |
So he had no choice but to listen to the advice of his friend and enrolled a course for motormen. |
The worse part about growing old is that you have to listen to advice from your kids. |
Good players listen to everyone and then pick and choose what advice they will take. |
If your legal advice is that you have not got a cause of action, then you ought to listen to that advice. |
The UK must realise that real consultation requires them to listen to me and take my advice. |
We were right to listen to the much louder optimistic voices in our own minds. |
We should listen to expert advice, but to slavishly follow it on every occasion defies logic. |
So, let us take time out of our busy schedules to listen to the simple request of these children. |
And I'm just as confused and scared as the rest of us about what to believe and who to listen to. |
If you needed advice, or just someone to listen to you for a bit, Timothy was the guy to go to. |
Sometimes it's difficult to know who to believe, who to listen to and who to support. |
He is an experienced town clerk and we would obviously listen to the advice that he gives. |
But before we go to break, take a listen to this sound that's being played in the courtroom. |
A friend who is simply willing to listen to someone's litany of woes may save a life. |
The kids can romp, listen to homespun Santa tales, and decorate a sweet country Christmas tree. |
What about emotional intelligence, the ability to understand and listen to yourself and others? |
Postwatch will also listen to local concerns as to why the offices should not close. |
Those who like to listen to long wave on the radio will have to do without, as only AM and FM are provided. |
I can now listen to only my favorite songs on an album, rearrange songs into my preferred order, or move them to a portable player. |
If you listen to his earlier work a lot of it sounds schmaltzy by today's standards. |
Because you listen to the tape as a lay person, there's no way that at the end of the tape the background noise could be a conversation. |
There is no magic formula for parenting teens but parents need to talk and listen to their children. |
I may not listen to the album too often these days, but I'm as guilty as the next man of singing along when they play the old hits. |
They've been crying out to be heard for so long, they could scarcely believe someone was there to listen to their stories. |
They never use profane language, bear false witness, engage in slander, gossip or backbiting, or even listen to such debasing talk. |
Another way to tell if you are sapiosexual is that you want someone who will really listen to you instead of just hearing what you are saying. |
This was when I normally switch on my radio to listen to the shipping forecast. |
Just because young people listen to loud music and wear baseball caps back to front, it does not mean they are on drugs. |
I make myself a cup of tea and boil some water in a pan to make pasta as I listen to them. |
This also means that you have to be prepared to listen to some hard truths and awkward questions. |
Now is a time for cynics to drop their superior sneers, swap their sarcasm for a sleigh and listen to the Santa in their soul. |
He lashed himself to the ship's mast, plugged his crew's ears with wax and ordered them not to look at his face or listen to his commands. |
I usually listen to some kind of dance music or trance music or something that is upbeat and continuous. |
He is one of 12 million people who avidly listen to Spanish-language radio. |
Just imagine a place where you can dance all day in your swimsuit, drink sangria or vodka-Red Bull and listen to the best dance music around. |
The magistrate will listen to what the parties say and issue a written decision resolving the dispute. |
However, instead of continuing on the train to bad health, why not actually stop and listen to your body's inner voice? |
Jeff likes to listen to the radio but is not allowed to have a radio in the office, so he buys a tv tuner card that has radio support. |
A digital tuner is useful for teachers of certain instruments, and a tape recorder allows students to tape and listen to their own playing. |
The trails show people going to the most extraordinary lengths to make time to listen to the new digital radio stations. |
When her mistress left her, she fell to doing her work slowly again, and sometimes she paused to listen to the talk in the bathhouse behind her. |
I always listen to the daily talk show on my town's only alternative station we have. |
Musical wannabes turned out in force to listen to fledgling bands, play instruments and enrol for lessons. |
They accuse and defend, bicker and quarrel, and cannot seem to talk about their real feelings or listen to each other. |
I watch the birds flying past in the sky, I listen to the sound of the oceans coming from the open windows. |
I haven't listened to a radio station that plays music in years, but I listen to talk radio a lot. |
They're playing a kind of light jazz, something lively to listen to without having to know the words. |
Gnawing on hard biscuits and gulping down watery coffee, I listen to Woolford. |
To listen to some people, you would think they had never heard of nightclubs north of Watford. |
Just listen to the song of the lark, the lapping of the waves on the shore. |
I listen to a whole range of things, from house to garage to acid jazz and traditional jazz, especially John Coltrane and Miles Davis. |
He's the guy in charge, and people are supposed to listen to him, not the other way around. |
I'm here to talk about a tornado, not listen to bickering between a Jesus freak and a druggie. |
But now you only have to listen to the Top 40 to know the lunatics are in charge of the asylum. |
We cannot speak for everyone, but we listen to music that we enjoy regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. |
In this family home, the boys misbehave, don't listen to their mum and dad and get into trouble at school. |
An MP3 player and pedometer in one, it tots up the distance you have covered and the time it has taken while you listen to your favourite tunes. |
No, in actual fact, I listen to many types of music including popular music. |
I've been listening to a lot of radio in the car, and it's fascinating research to listen to what people are buying. |
At the Bema the clergy will sit, among the people, to listen to the Word of God in the obedient attitude of the disciples. |
Police were forced to listen to 90 minutes of jokes after at least two men took over their radio frequency as a practical joke. |
The working masochists came off as bellyachers and had a penchant for making people listen to their workplace war stories. |
When my parents thought I was doing homework, I would lie underneath our radiogram and listen to his music. |
They feel connected with the station they listen to as the radio jockey talks about their world. |
People would do well not to listen to anyone behaving like a contented frog. |
When you need to pause for breath look at the surrounding bush, listen to the birds and watch to see fantails, bellbirds, and native pigeons. |
I followed J-pop quite a bit when I was in college, but I don't listen to it as much these days. |
Our guides will have you listen to the bell of the stag at the mating season or observe the animals from watch towers. |
I confess that, by that point, I was too distressed to listen to the fourth talk at all. |
By now, you've probably alienated the Judaizers to the point that they will no longer listen to you. |
Just listen to the engine, run it round the block a few times and if it doesn't judder too much in third, hand over your pocket change. |
Even though I enjoy setting pictures to music my kids listen to at school, I have a couple of much bigger projects in the works. |
I wish they would criminalize alcohol so I could listen to these juiceheads whine! |
Inspector Graham Dodd, who covers the west area of Stockport, attended the meeting to listen to the residents' problems. |
He was talking really fast, jumping from one subject to the next, probably hoping that he would not have to listen to what I had to say. |
And those who are admonishing us to harden up, toughen up, I think we need to listen to that. |
Plus listen to my show this week to see how you can get in for free on my guestlist, you lucky beggars! |
We once had an enormous row because we couldn't decide what music to listen to in the car. |
I just find blues to be a lot more rewarding to listen to then a lot of contemporary bands. |
About half the population will listen to or view the Queen's speech, buy a Christmas tree and have an Advent calendar hanging in the house. |
The type of person who goes out and speeds and pulls wheelies isn't going to listen to nagging. |
I listen to hardcore, metal, and rock music, so listening to music when I have a really bad headache makes it worse. |
And we do encourage citizens to listen to any media advisories concerning traffic conditions. |
You can listen to the whimperers all the day long, crying loud cries and prayers, and professing with great tears that they love God. |
A successful dialogue can be conducted only if we listen to each other with rapt attention so that we can understand each other. |
He would, of course, listen to us reading our essays aloud, but rarely if ever commented on them. |
Note that the men are preparing karosses or sniffing snuff while they talk and listen to music. |
There was no beeriness here, just a relaxed crowd here to explore musicians and listen to their music. |
You can listen to the bands, check the odds and see who you'd pick, and bet on them to win. |
All that liberal democracy requires is a rational attitude, that is, a readiness to listen to critical arguments and to learn from experience. |
They can't be at their bedsides, but they are recording story tapes for their families to listen to at home. |
So read books or listen to books or watch TV or listen to music or walk around in silence or have a conversation with some real live people. |
Just type in the name of what you want to listen to, and it automagically appears on your computer seconds later. |
Well, I'm sure we'll have to listen to Katsumi complain in the morning, about how we disturbed her precious beauty sleep. |
Utilizing the harpsichord, the keyboardist gives the song a medieval feel that's very nice to listen to. |
Mr. Roberts and his ilk may not listen to reason or polite discourse, but I'll bet they pay plenty of attention to the sound of falling ratings. |
I realized that there was no way this guy was going to listen to reason, that nothing I could say was going to change his mind. |
I was in no state to listen to reason and we began to argue in the middle of the dancefloor. |
I pitied the poor souls who would listen to the rambling of the senile teachers on this most lazy day. |
Both Neil and Mark need to listen to some blunt expert advice if they are to launch beauty products that the customer finds attractive. |
He is a strong character and will make people listen to him, but he always has the argument to back his ideas up. |
He took in the cooling salt air and paused to listen to a gull's cry past a hedge of trees. |
Where I used to listen to shouty music and stomp around the flat, these days I'm more partial to something chilled which helps me wind down. |
The storm continued though the night and the only thing that you could do was sit and listen to the sound of the rain beating against the castle. |
We end the session with positive affirmations of how good things are going to be someday, when Craig or a judge will finally listen to them. |
This new player in the mobile phone market twins your paid airtime with free minutes, and all you have to do is listen to some ads. |
After another killer shift in the kitchen, I come home and listen to this and it makes me laugh. |
He can't come across as the bad news bear, lest people decide they don't want to listen to doomsday prophesies for the next four years. |
If this alarms you, listen to what Central Ground Water Board experts have to say. |
Val had to listen to some ridiculous questions at that meeting, and I don't blame him for turning on his heel and leaving. |
I tried to listen to his short but heartfelt words of wisdom, but nothing came from it. |
David agreed to be interviewed by Ron and was delighted to listen to the wise words of someone with so much experience in the game. |
We used to listen to Christmas records on the gramophone every Christmas, pops, clicks, fuzz and all. |
He didn't have a stereo, so he'd come to our house and while we ate dinner, he'd listen to his records in our living room. |
If a person is so close minded that they would not want to listen to our music because of the record label that we are on, so be it. |
The only medium to listen to the then alternative music was a record player or gramophone. |
I was close enough to listen to his patter as he gave the girl a cuddly little toy bear. |
And I can see monarchs, painted ladies, tiger swallowtails, and listen to the songbirds. |
She was busily adjusting the settings of the missiles so they were lucky that she didn't even bother to listen to them as they spoke. |
Why should children listen to those in authority when those in authority have mistreated them? |
When it comes time to pump, find a nice, relaxing environment, put your feet up, listen to music, and try not to think about work. |
He has a boundless voice, there are no real limits to his range as a tenor and he is a joy to listen to. |
One day when Zhang was on a bus, a young man beside him smoked and would not listen to his words of warning about smoking. |
One can listen to an aria in Italian or German without knowing the language and still get the message. |
If I can receive it on medium wave I listen to Swindon and Wiltshire Classic Gold. |
My job was to data entry product orders into the computer system, and listen to the salesmen on the phone so I could learn how to sell. |
Toward that end, one resolves to listen to, reflect upon, and meditate on the teachings energetically. |
If young people have any worries or concerns they can find someone to listen to them and to share their concerns with. |
But, in the end, we must listen to gut instinct, be creative, and take risks. |
More people are now willing to listen to the man many once regarded with contempt or annoyance. |
Thousands still thronged to his house to listen to him speak before he flew off to Munich, Germany. |
And so she likes to follow what happens to Hermione, but she prefers to read it in Braille, not listen to it on audio tape. |
You've used them to take photos, make movies and listen to seemingly endless gigabytes of music. |
This person gave me a French text book, told me to memorize a lesson every week and gave me an audio cassette tape to listen to. |
I hardly listen to radio in the morning, except to quickly digest the news, much of which is regurgitated from the previous night anyway. |
One of my Xmas presents was a waterproof radio that you can listen to in the shower. |
I want to be allowed to listen to extremely noisy music in complete silence, if you see what I mean. |
She reminds him to lay his anger aside and listen to Theseus, who wishes to allow Polyneices' request to be granted. |
I mainly listen to minimal techno house, mostly because that's what I play out. |
Maybe I was just bitter because I actually had to listen to our maths teacher for once. |
It took a few years for Xfm to get back on track, although I still can't listen to it today. |
He would listen to flamenco ever since he was a child, as zambras are very popular there, and this would interest him. |
Infants brighten up in her presence and mothers listen to her with almost child-like zealousness. |
If you like to listen to strong, bass-heavy music, you should get powerful amplifiers and ample subwoofers. |
He wants what's best for them and if they want to do well, that's who they've got to listen to. |
The loyalists in the front line won't listen to nationalist or republican leaders. |
I buy myself a lava lamp, listen to some Led Zeppelin and play a game of Pong. |
We know we have to listen to victims, punish lawbreakers, ban criminals from ministry, and open up the decision-making process. |
He's gone all soppy, crying because he misses Saskia and being a kind ear to listen to all Craig's miserable longings. |
Just having the freedom to go in and open any disc in the place, listen to it all day and reseal it, was a wonderful gift. |
If I didn't have a shoulder to lean on or a compassionate ear willing to listen to me rant, I might've been tempted to quit. |
Sometimes you needed a friendly ear to listen to your troubles and worries and tell you that everything was going to be alright. |
Many people with learning difficulties interviewed felt that professionals did not listen to them. |
Local restaurateurs listen to the latest regulations and procedures designed to ensure food and safety standards are kept up to world standards. |
He sighed sadly to the fact that who he was talking to wasn't really there to listen to him. |
When his highness finally graced me with his presence I was forced to listen to the usual lecture about respect. |
Three years ago you could go to many bars and listen to metal, rock, punk and hardcore music. |
Maybe they listen to the radio, but you can bet your boots they're doing something. |
But for this to happen we must first listen to him, attend to him and receive from him. |
At night, you'll listen to the crack of icebergs calving, reminding you that, while Antarctica might not be far away, everything else is. |
Open the shades, listen to your answering machine messages and vow never to drink again. |
You may find it more satisfying to listen to their early albums rather than this anthology. |
We can still listen to the songs of the kokako and saddleback, and the booming of the kakapo. |
You can go to a luau, take the kids to a discovery museum, listen to Hawaiian musicians strumming soft guitars or just stare at the moon. |
If you listen to most rhymes of rappers they always remind me of the rhymes of Alexander Pope, the English poet. |
Off ice, Evora listens to rhythm and blues, alternative and techno music, while Ladwig will listen to anything. |
The Bob the Builder CD has been banished from the car and Akra Jr is having to listen to some of Mummy's music for a change. |
Sports fans who wish to listen to BBC 5 Live on medium wave will have to put up with poor reception and engine related interference, and there is no LW band. |
It is refreshing to listen to someone who never wastes words. |
Just one listen to this album will blow away all your blues. |
We had to listen to another one of his homilies about the value of public service. |
If you want people to listen to your opinions, you'll need to learn to be more assertive. |
She suddenly stopped speaking, and cocked her ear to listen to something. |
What an amazing thing to be able to listen to any music you want, a whole world of bands. |
As I listen to the TV hosts jackhammering over the soft Southern accents of the guests, I appraise butts. |
Depending on the setting this allows the gamer to actually listen to his assailant. |
I watch his stand-up, I watch Chris Rock's, I read Baldwin and Baraka, I listen to Kanye. |
Burnett told the men in the audience that they should always listen to their wife. |
Next step is to select the cds that I will listen to during the writing process. |
It may have been a bit much to expect Dixon to visit the jazz clubs or to go up to Harlem to listen to some blues, but there was plenty else to do and see. |
Now my friend protests that the lyrics are deep and that the sound is an acquired taste, but with so much else out there to listen to, why bother? |
Which is understandable, but a touch of balance would make him sound a tad more professional and perhaps make it possible to listen to him without cringing. |
Keep an eye on those radars, and listen to whatever is being said. |
I used to listen to a lot of short-wave radio when I was in my teens. |
With the fiscal crisis, more people are willing to listen to tales about colluding bankers trying to undermine capitalism. |
The construction workers wear soft eyes that soak up the morning sun, and the janitors have attentive ears that listen to the jostle of walking mobs. |
If I just wanted to listen to your music, I'd put the CD on. |
Even the arahats in the Buddhas' time continued to listen to the Dhamma. |
Liked, if not adored by fans, Mozegetar has proved both a marvel to listen to and watch in live shows where he exudes a certain passion for what he does. |
Why is it that we can't pick up the morning paper or listen to the news on the way to work without hearing about a new indictment of a top ranking officer? |
But I had to get clean to even talk about it because nobody wants to listen to a crackhead. |
And we can listen to the pathetic, creepy bravado of a former vice president, wrong on nearly every decision he made. |
Today, I am only going to listen to music played in major keys. |
I could so easily have been the thing responsible for pushing that girl over the edge, I was lucky, she took to me and was able to listen to reason. |
It is not an argument that I accept, but I am ready to listen to reason. |
I don't know why, but sweet ice tea never tastes better than when you're kicking back in a lawn chair, belly full, sleepy eyes drooping as you listen to the band. |
The multi-band radio receivers enable the elderly, sick and bedridden to listen to mass broadcasts live from the church and to hear parish news updates. |
If it alarms you to have to listen to an engineer, let me reassure you. |
I listen to classical music played softly in the background. |
We are enriched in our understanding of the faith and strengthened for witness and service in the world as we listen to the voices of all God's people and receive their gifts. |
We can stop buying woman-hating music and literature and listen to what our children are listening to and exert parental discretion when it's not healthy. |
Well what do you know, she does listen to me once in a while. |
Foolhardily, Ash, Scott, and their girlfriends sit around one night and listen to passages from the book recorded on an old reel-to-reel tape deck by an elderly professor. |
I take walks and listen to a lot of music, visit friends in Santiago or wherever. |
There is an army of the disaffected who might just be willing to listen to the Republicans if the offer were right. |
But I do know I would not read a guideline or listen to the screeching admonishments from across the political spectrum. |
I told her several days ago I thought the yardmen damaged the backyard rain sensor when they trimmed the shrubs but God forbid we should listen to Rana. |
To the millions of Russians who listen to echo both on the radio and online, the idea of life without echo is unthinkable. |
It is an exciting moment for me when I see a blade of grass or see a leaf of a tree, and when I listen to birds chattering and to running water in a stream. |
It is not the sort of cd I could listen to and just zone out to. |
I use headphones on a daily basis as I do a lot of sewing on industrial-class machines and like to block out the mechanical noise as well as listen to the radio clearly. |
To listen to the first Pere Ubu record and then realize it was made over 28 years ago is to stand amazed at its complete inventiveness and left-field creativity. |
If you listen to left-field music, you will hear a certain amount of psychedelia, but somehow Tobin uses it in order to promote thoughtful mental exploration. |
But then I thought about the feedback I get from fans, yes we do listen to you, and thought why not? |
A willingness to listen to and at least partially incorporate the other point of view has replaced the rigid and uncompromising attitude of the past. |
It is important to listen to our customers to discover their likes and dislikes and then take the necessary steps to deliver on their preferences. |
The video is usually wonderful, but the background music isn't always to my liking, so it's nice to be able to listen to something more to my taste. |
The stethoscope that comes with some models is used to listen to the sounds your blood makes as it flows through the brachial artery in the crook of your elbow. |
They just want a safe place where they can hang out and listen to music. |
Many young people do not watch or listen to any political coverage at all. |
The emotional turmoil naturally accompanying Jotham's situation inspired him to ascend the hill and shout to the men of Shechem to listen to his story. |
The Great gilly Hopkins By Katherine Paterson This is also a fabulous book to listen to with kids, though expect to cry. |
If you listen to these guys talk about music, you might expect their sound to be very narrow-minded and loopy, but instead, it's fresh, crisp and loopy. |
If anybody had looked into the clubbing generation they would have found a group of happy, loved-up people, who go to listen to the music, dance and make new friends. |
If the gov't wants to listen to me and my friends plan dinners and gripe about our husbands, go for it. |
That way I can record shows and listen to them at my leisure. |
While driving, I would listen to music of my own choosing, audiobooks on a variety of topics, and sometimes have conversations on the Citizens' band radio. |
I listen to audiobooks, podcasts, and archived radio programs. |
Of course, when you listen to the record, you're left with more questions than answers, as the lyrical content is just as ambiguous as the song titles. |
The Dude is at his happiest when he has a few minutes of solitude and rest to get high and listen to whale sounds. |
I would advise business people not to listen to fast talkers. |
They listen to their shrewd father, Tywin Lannister, smear their dead son in front of his corpse. |
He has spoken about how he would listen to her to smooth over the rough days, or heighten his joy. |
Most of the time I would listen to the radio rather than tapes. |
This man's message is this, that amidst the babel of voices in our world, there is another word-and the essence of wisdom is to listen to this word. |
Not an easy album to listen to, but when insomnia gets the best of you and you need something gentle but thought-provoking at 3am, Will Oldham is your man. |
The study showed that the soundscape you listen to has an influence on the emotional tone of your dream. |
We study with our eyes, mouth, and brain, eat matzah with our mouths, listen to the shofar with our ears, and wear the tefillin on the arm and head. |
As I listen to myself and the real Bert spew inanities, I feel terrible, as if I am mocking a world before its very benefactors. |
He'd have to listen to schmucks like me telling him what to do. |
In autumn children listen to singing insects, observe and play with red dragonflies, collect inago locusts, stage spider fights, watch mantises, and collect wasps' nests. |
Judge us by our ideas, and by our willingness to provide a rich, many-sided debate on our ideas, and not by the skin color of those people who hold or listen to the ideas. |
More than 100 people packed a lecture theatre at the Steam Museum to hear the MPs underline their commitment to the war and listen to the views of their constituents. |
Many, many people who subscribe and listen to The Opie and Anthony channel subscribe JUST to listen to Opie and Anthony. |
He had spent more time around her, doing nice things for her and just offering her a lending ear to listen to her and a shoulder to cry on when she needed it. |
And with new leadership in Washington we will stand together and pledge to listen to the American people. |
I can only hope that I've told all these stories in a way that allows people to maybe go out and listen to some music that they may've otherwise ignored. |
It is possible to listen to the music of many Basque composers, both contemporary and classical, and feel that the influence of the outside world has been paramount. |
It doesn't do you any harm to listen to what people of other faiths think and having an assembly once a week is hardly shoving it down your throat. |
Instead, she wanted to listen to her music and go disco-ing or to some jive concert. |
As a child, did you ever slip beneath the bathwater's surface, listen to the blood thrumming in your ears, and find comfort in being completely submerged? |
While I understand why they would do this given the criticism that has been levelled at them, having to listen to such self-congratulation did get a little tiring. |
He didn't have time to listen to the weak-minded fool prattle on. |
His score is a joy to listen to despite its frequently melancholy tone. |
I suggest to listeners who are interested in this debate that they listen to some of the commentators' views, and I will mention three of them briefly. |
Ten minutes can be a very long time if one has to listen to someone go on about the digestive disorder their senile aunt suffered from a few months back. |
We are a culture that now cherishes our adventurous, aggressive tomboys but balks at boys who cry, nurture, and listen to chick flick soundtracks. |
Shout up a Tom Collins or a Gin Gimlet, listen to chilled-out unpretentious tunes filtered through hidden house speakers, and imagine you are in your own living room. |
We organise evening visits to the animal reserve on these two special weekends to listen to the stag's bell and the clashing of the antlers as the animals fight. |
One of the rites of passage for every young political reporter is to listen to the elders tell stories about campaigns past. |
It's now possible to map music's traces in the brain, study its impact on the immune system, and listen to the songs of black holes and living cells. |
To listen to him tell it, luring businesses across state lines is part of a great American tradition. |
People listen to it on tinny cellphone speakers that are entirely inferior to what they had in lo-tech times of yore. |
You can turn on a radio, put on a record, pop a tape or a disc in the player and listen to her golden voice, the transcendent beauty of the music she creates. |
Like that time I tried to drive to New Hampshire to listen to Dean speak but my car was shellacked over with so much ice I couldn't open the doors. |