With horizontal swaths of greens and umber on their lower portions and lightening shades of blue at the top, the paintings suggest landscapes. |
I noticed the wind picking up and the lightening increasing, so I figured rain couldn't be far behind. |
Sheet lightening turned on and off and silhouetted the palm trees for hours. |
Whether we come across with little or much, the mere gesture can be a spiritually lightening experience. |
By 10 am a few sheets of lightening and blasts of thunder echoed throughout the valley. |
Graven in its surface is a lightening bolt, a cloud shedding rain, the crescent moon, the all seeing eye. |
I watched in amazement as the two combatants traded blows and then there was a flash of lightening that dazzled my eyes. |
As more jagged ribbons of lightening above set the sky alight, Ely swore aloud as he was blinded. |
But on a lightening fast surface, the British No.2 was always likely to be a troublesome competitor. |
There was a cloudburst in the afternoon with lots of lightening and thunder and today is overcast with light showers. |
She thought she was seeing things until another bolt of lightening lit up the room. |
With lightening speed the big man's combat instincts switched to autopilot. |
A bolt of lightening hit in a very large building, then the clouds disappeared and the sun shone bright again. |
As she said her name aloud, a bolt of lightening hurtled towards the earth and struck it with a loud boom. |
Details are sketchy but the lightening fast operation, lasting all of 5 hours, stunned France and the world. |
The most obvious, and the most effective, thing to do when lightening approaches is to unplug any electronic device. |
Physical strength is useless without not only a purpose, but also agility and lightening speed in order to elude enemies. |
The rumbles of thunder continued spasmodically above our heads, and the streets occasionally lit up in a flash of lightening. |
The dogs hauled much of the food along with odds and ends of other gear, lightening the load in the skiers' packs. |
His mood was lightening up, the adrenaline from battle beginning to dissipate to a level he could control. |
The sky was gradually lightening and the peaceful suburb was beginning to stir. |
The first time lightening application should be applied approximately one half to one third of an inch from the scalp to the ends. |
When I got off the train there was a clap of thunder and a flash of lightening. |
He floored budding chess players with his swift one-liners like the lightening fast moves he makes on the board. |
Ther was a pause as the lightening flashed outside the window, followed by an earthshaking thunder. |
More modern treatments for lightening freckles include freezing them with liquid nitrogen. |
Try lightening your hair to within just two to three shades of your natural hair colour so roots are less visible. |
Sometimes the lightening forked across the sky like a crack in the dark firmament. |
Just as a fork of lightening flashed past her window, two figures appeared in the doorway. |
Her doctor said, Yes, she's out of the woods, with a quickening and lightening of his voice. |
Deadly with a rifle and lightening fast on the draw with a pistol, few dared challenge him. |
A lightening bolt struck the school itself, blackening some of the walls and frazzling the electricity sockets. |
Heavy rain, strong winds and lightening crashed through the town in selective patches. |
Today, data can be sliced and diced at lightening speeds and updated just as quickly. |
In once lightening movement she threw a dagger from her boot towards the soldier. |
Fear like quivering rain after a lightening bolt periled the air. |
Suddenly, they hear a crash of thunder and see a flicker of lightening. |
In years gone by, he had discovered lots of things dropped along the trails by emigrants lightening their wagonloads as they pushed for the mountain summits. |
For a desert people winds, rain, thunder, lightening, hurricanes, thunderbolts, whirlwinds, and other meteorological phenomena held tremendous fascination. |
Oceante Generic De Luxe Lightening Lotion can be used as a flash lightening care, but also on a 30 day treatment basis to tone up your skin. |
White tea extract helps to reduce puffiness and has a lightening effect on rings around the eyes. |
In one of the most tragic events, we witnessed one nation move with lightening speed to answer the call, and that was Canada. |
Unfortunately, if the discoloration has set in before the ice bag has been applied, there will be hope of lightening the bruise. |
To make matters worse, Ellen wasn't lightening the homework load one bit. |
I felt like I had been struck by lightening, and at that very moment all my feelings of peacefulness fled. |
Indeed, the entire novel is like a flash of lightening that momentarily floods the forest. |
Yesterday, death, like a flash of lightening, took from us Oswaldo GuayasamÃn, with whom I so much loved to be and whom I loved so much. |
In this age of belt-tightening, lightening the load of weekly spending could be a motivator that makes the difference. |
Mr Westerwelle sounds passionate about lightening the tax burden on ordinary working Germans. |
The juice of the green gourd also helps in lightly moisturizing as well as lightening the skin tones. |
This lightening of the burden must be limited only by the demands of statistics of a satisfactory quality, which must consequently be defined. |
With this process, there is no lightening of the skin after removal is completed. |
Isabel 6 is able to assist principals and their administrative staff in lightening the financial side of their workload. |
He had had enough of this Dutch mastery and plowed through the Dutch and banged in a lightening strike as the Dutch goalkeeper was beaten all ends up. |
As the ball passed through one of the clouds the cloud lit up for a split second, as if there was a lightening storm within, although it was clearly not a storm cloud. |
Quick feet, lightening turns and shots taken early often mean that a half-chance is often nestling in the goal before the keeper has a sniff of it. |
In recent times, Zwarte Piet has become a lightening rod for issues of Dutch identity and multicultural tolerance. |
He believes that the plane was hit by a bolt of lightening and went down in deep water. |
By five in the morning, the sky was lightening, and we trudged back toward Christopher Street, where I could catch a train home. |
Throughout the blustering winds parting the tall grass, a figure darted through the brush, and just like that moved as fast as the bolts of lightening above. |
The mystical warrior balled up his fist, summoning a sphere of black energy, which was surrounded by purple lightening, and flung it into the air. |
A black sphere surrounded with bolts of lightening then appeared. |
Instead, they often employed a carrot-and-stick method by lightening heavy classical programs with occasional sentimental songs drawn from folk culture. |
By now, the thunderstorm was fully upon them, with thunder pealing across the sky and lightening streaking all around them as a punishing rain fell. |
Well, we had a cloudburst with lightening and thunder this afternoon. |
This step of night regeneration and lightening that should be done every day is necessary to optimize the effectiveness of the lightening Thaliwhite program. |
Notwithstanding some lightening in recent months, it is still tremendously worse off out there for those communities and families that have been hit hardest by the recession. |
I would like very briefly to point out that, in recent times, thanks to more rigorous budgetary management, there has been talk of lightening the tax burden. |
Enough oxygen can assist in killing bacteria, removing acnes, fading aging speckles and lightening pigments, etc, thus making the skin smooth and tender. |
For the future, though, the government should give the nuclear industry a chance to compete by lightening the burden it has placed on the business. |
These products can help prevent highlighted hair from lightening too quickly and looking fried, and they can keep dark hair from turning brassy or red. |
The written pole motor has found a market in areas with a large number of external power line disturbances brought on by lightening, as they are more immune to such disturbances than power electronics. |
It's the Wildcats' only nilling of the season and goalkicker Sykes, on loan from Bradford, is determined that lightening won't strike twice. |
It became apparent, due to further damage to the hull plating that it was possible to parbuckle the hull in two sections instead of the originally planned three sections if additional lightening of the hull was undertaken. |
Parliament will know that in an environment where these things cannot be achieved at lightening pace that is a pretty good achievement and an indication of the priority that we are giving Asia. |
Or has the Google era simply opened the floodgate of information lawyers need to sift through, adding to, not lightening, the burden of searching for the correct solution? |
Buckling down to tie-up loose ends is key to lightening your mental load. |
Tyrosinase inhibition by extracts and constituents of Sideroxylon inerrne L stem bark, used in South Africa for skin lightening. |
The conception of the pocket allows the improvement of the buttock immersion, a lightening of the cushion, and the prevention of the perspiration and maceration of the skin. |
Now found in every nook and cranny of vehicles, the polymers and elastomers made by Total's Chemicals business are lightening automotive components. |
Even with the lightening fast arrival of a secularising culture from the west, a great respect for the church remains, as witnessed by the people who stop to venerate a church as they pass in front of it. |
These balloons have been set loose as mischief-makers, lightening the threat of sculptural severity, giving a lightsome, fantastical air to what might otherwise have been gravely pinioned. |
It contains Xyleine, a vegetal active ingredient that works by weakening hair protein and lightening the pigment. |
This advantage was at times a major disadvantage as the Vikings came across the North Sea to launch their lightening raids. |
On the flanks, though, the lightening is well defined, and contrasts sharply with the general tone of the back. |
He had failed to match the lightening turn of foot of Desert Destination, but was now eating up the ground and was almost up-sides. |
Thus around 80 to 90 percent of the time, electronic equipment is being affected by tiny surges as opposed to lightening flashes or blackouts. |
The second place winner was Amanda Greatens from the College of Pharmacy at the University of Cincinnati for her poster on lectins and neoglycoproteins in skin lightening. |
The removal by erosion of large amounts of rock from a particular region, and its deposition elsewhere, can result in a lightening of the load on the lower crust and mantle. |
For example, young ponderosa pine needles first exhibit a lightening in color which turns light brown to reddish-brown at the tip and progresses basipetally along the needle. |
The hot-fast team of improvisers reacts to audience suggestions at lightening speed, to create surreal sketches, glorious games and manic musicals. |