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How to use legitimated in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word legitimated? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Acts of violence against one's own countrymen that are legitimated by religion are not new.
But would these crimes cease to be crimes if, instead of being committed by unscrupulous tyrants, they were legitimated by popular consensus?
Being legally acknowledged or legitimated is important for matters such as custody, visitation and inheritance.
Reordering is legitimated through an appeal to a higher religious court, and carried through in familistic or quasi-familistic arrangements.
Acts of violence are legitimated through the evocation of historical events.
This legitimated the use of vapour densities for the determination of relative molecular weights.
The interests protected from invasion by criminal laws are interests legitimated by a given conception of a just social order.
Moreover, this practice was legitimated through an ideology based on Hellenistic ideals.
This legitimated the regime in the eyes of the faithful, a very political consequence of adherence to a seemingly apolitical ideology.
But she finds subtle shifts in the way governments legitimated their foreign policies.
He legitimated the cultivation of lyrical tropes, as the poet used them to enrich what is otherwise a lofty epic poem on the First Crusade.
By the end of his reign, Henry had Parliament restore both his daughters to the succession, although neither was legitimated.
The Beauforts were legitimated by papal bull in September 1396 and by royal patent the following February.
Slave law backed up and legitimated the private power of slaveowners.
Subsequent generations of Biblicists have followed suit, and by dint of their efforts they have legitimated and routinized the right of an individual to criticize the sacred.
Pandering never works in the long run: Sarkozy took votes from the Front National in 2007, but also legitimated the LePeniste perspective.
The threat of nuclear war with the Soviet Union legitimated an extensive American espionage apparatus.
By 2004 a first-ever free election had legitimated the presidency of Hamid Karzai.
If hypothesis set out the sets of questions, then we were already narrowing the field to those questioned legitimated by our hypotheses.
These values are enhanced by the diversity of our staff and legitimated by their application each day.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Another set of legitimated knowers in the native title legal space, who acquire their legitimacy through classification rules, are experts.
If I had only written sooner,' she said, 'perhaps there might have been time for a marriage which would have legitimated our child.
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