The tall, lean man was about 50 yards away and pointing the business end of a rifle at Kevin. |
An apparently lean person, who is abdominally obese, could also develop diabetes. |
Gary Engle, a self-taught artist, explains that the heart of his portfolio consists of images of nature that lean toward abstract expressionism. |
Before the buildings around the warehouse had seemed to lean away from it, trying as hard as they could to seem unfriendly toward it. |
She and Winston quarreled frequently about money during the lean years after Lord Randolph's death. |
Most guys want a lean and muscular body, complete with well-defined arms and washboard abs. |
Do not lean back and do not attempt to ride and run at the same time, this will only jar your body. |
This means you must really watch your diet and you must also train weights so that you look lean and cut as much as possible. |
I used a card, because the helmets and other accoutrements boosted the total past the contents of my lean wallet. |
Looking almost as young and lean as he did a decade ago, he is astonishingly convincing as a gangly teenager who has the world on a string. |
Unless lean muscle is built by exercise, weight gain means mostly more body fat. |
In fact, it works well to lean down on your arm and use your weight to help yourself pivot. |
The other hand simply rested on the bridge rail, not supporting her as she didn't lean against it. |
The timber cutters in turn provided extra income for nearby farmers during lean times to transport it to Laura the nearest railhead. |
Experts say a mature athlete can add 30 pounds of lean muscle mass by getting on the juice. |
A big plate of oxtail was many strong bones heaving with lean meat and dark flavour, the jus a little thinner than in a truly ideal world. |
At the beginning of the lean revolution, the logistics systems weren't really capable of just-in-time delivery. |
They had heard about Stuart Ross, a veteran of the Japanese working practices of kaizen and lean manufacturing. |
This resolution might, on the surface, seem to lean towards the affirmative, but there are several advantages to both sides. |
Ron's fist lashed up into Jim's side, causing him to lean forward enough that Ron was able to drive his head into Jim's face. |
The lean and raw-boned McGrath's physical strength is matched by mental attributes. |
Unconsciously, she slowly began to lean forward, reaching her hand out towards his face. |
He kept going through decidedly lean periods by remaining true to himself as a player and a person. |
Although now I drank a wide range of fluids I still kept to the restricted salad, fruit and lean food diet. |
The 25-year-olds stop in a pool of light, adjust their foot straps, then, as one, lean into their strokes, tearing chunks from the water. |
Foods rich in B vitamins are green leafy vegetables, wholegrain breads and cereals, nuts, legumes and lean meats. |
He's always ready with a shoulder to lean on and like Bessie he can be a calming influence. |
At the dairy case, choose lower-fat products while at the meat counter, go for lean or extra-lean beef and pork. |
The black windcheater and jeans stuck to her lean form, making her appear like a withered scarecrow. |
The report was a window into our boy, in an environment where we are not readily to hand to lean on or put things aright or correct him. |
It was definitely home-made, full of lean meat, plenty of kidney and rich gravy. |
For example, add lean cuts of red meat or dark poultry to your meals on a regular basis. |
Eat more protein such as fish, chicken, lean red meat and low-fat cheese such as cottage cheese. |
I'd say most of the responses lean toward staying together and working it out, as will mine. |
Testosterone supplementation produced lean body mass increases detectable in all body regions. |
The scoop neck and lean fit make it cute with jeans, yoga pants, or under a blazer. |
I was about to lean over and ask Erica who took this fabulous picture of the two of them and who that tub of lard was in the background. |
The first layback I actually enjoyed was on a rock with loads of friction, i.e. I didn't have to lean back all that much! |
Each snack should include a whole grain, one or more fruits or vegetables and lean protein. |
The air seems to thicken around me, and I have to lean against the door to support myself. |
At one point in every telecast, he would shoot his cuffs, lean forward and appear to address each and every Canadian personally. |
When I used to cycle everywhere, I would lean my bike against the medieval wall at the back of my flat. |
Individuals in these acute situations often seek guidance from someone they can trust or lean on. |
I felt so dependent, I needed someone to lean on, and the only person I knew that would take me I had pushed away. |
So many years of his life had been spent praying for the time when he could lean on someone, trust someone to be there. |
The team hopes to lean on the ground game and keep pressure off its quarterbacks. |
This is not a guy that has a pitch he can lean on, but instead relies on control and changing speeds. |
You need people you trust to lean on, someone steady in your world that has just been severely and tragically rocked. |
She really didn't have the option to rely on or to lean on anyone else on that team her freshman year. |
Science has moved on and so have the tools the police rely upon and lean on in order to prosecute and gain convictions. |
The latest twist seems to be for conservationists to ask the World Bank to lean on the government to reduce logging taxes. |
Having your economic team lean on the Bank of Japan to pump more liquidity into the banking system wasn't wise. |
For a site targeting males, use guitars, bass and brass because they lean towards band instruments and sounds. |
He follows this six-day cycle year-round, which allows him to keep growing yet stay lean in the offseason. |
It is a beautifully poised and lean wine, as befits its musical signature of the shrill hunting horn. |
The key to staying lean all over is to get enough exercise and eat healthfully. |
According to fashion dictates, she is elegantly lean in a most feminine way. |
If you are already lean but still want to be leaner, pay more attention to improving performance through optimal fueling and training. |
At 180 pounds and a little under six feet, he is lean and chiseled, with balled-up biceps and pecs. |
You should shoot for a three-ounce portion of lean meat, which is equal in size to a deck of cards. |
However, today it is used primarily as a vehicle to impart flavor and moisture into a lean cut of meat. |
The lean meat was cut in slivers, arranged on crisp falafel cake, and crowned with a spoonful of tangy green-pepper relish. |
If you've got the time, foods such as eggs, poultry, fish, and lean cuts of red meat are excellent sources of complete protein. |
I have followed a new dietary program that focuses on vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and whole grains. |
Choosing lean cuts of meat and trimming off the visible fat are easy ways to avoid this problem. |
Her own stews were so lean that the butchers used to disappear into the meatlocker when they saw her coming. |
Red meat is also acceptable if you choose lean cuts and cut away or drain all visible fat. |
The industry is lean today and clearly we need to build relationships with other travel entities that can help us create a total package. |
This indicates a very lean organization where your donation will be put to work, rather than recycled into fundraising efforts. |
We've seen a reduction in wages and terms conditions, to get what they see as a lean industry, which is a disgrace. |
He is keen to create a lean and efficient operation that will be able to expand rapidly when conditions improve. |
It is a lean business, employing only eight full-time staff and keeping its costs low by outsourcing many of its activities. |
He's consistently made it clear Scottish government should be lean and efficient, with taxpayers' money spent on key services. |
Tech companies are lean enough to make an earnings recovery on the slimmest uptick in demand. |
But he clearly feels in no hurry to rush back in the pop scene during such lean times for dance music. |
And so the hoteliers in the city are planning to see this lean period off with festivals featuring mostly local cuisine or games. |
Despite these efforts, times remained pretty lean for a lot of woodlot owners in the two counties. |
I think it is important for you to share with children how things were in the lean years of your family. |
Spirits during a lean spell are briefly lifted with a superb 4-2 win at struggling Leeds. |
Perhaps they will appear as actual paying customers in the lean winter months. |
After a lean spell with Manchester City, the former Leeds and Liverpool striker has recaptured his sharpness. |
When I go to see him he plays brilliantly and then has a wee lean spell but I think when you're a flair player you tend to be more inconsistent. |
The money I earned from him helped me over lean periods as I lurched from one temporary job to another. |
The dual ignition system also allows for an extremely lean fuel-air mixture and late ignition timing during warm-up. |
On especially cold days, taxi with a lean mixture to help your engine warm up. |
As a result, the engine would run rough due to the lean mixture at all cylinders. |
The difference in horsepower per cylinder is the cause of rough running at lean mixtures. |
Max Conrad used lean of peak to set distance records in his Comanche in the 1960s when he flew over 7,600 miles nonstop. |
Traditionally, meat with yellow fat and dark lean has been deemed a lesser quality product at the retail level. |
And suddenly a wave of nausea hit him, so that he had to lean his head against the side of the car and retch. |
A handful of cops kept instructing the scribes and lensmen not to lean forward or stand. |
The professor would lean forward and then speak in a hushed, conspiratorial voice. |
Both see a system that doesn't reward quality, whether it's apples grown with Integrated Pest Management or tender lean beef. |
Stick with lean cuts like sirloin or flank steak, and avoid ribs and ground beef. |
My uncle turns, glances at me, the sun from behind the clouds casting lights and darks across his lean face. |
The colors she chooses lean more heavily to violet, light pink, green, black, silver and gold. |
After seven lean years in the lower divisions, the Jags are back in their rightful position in the premier. |
Choose lean beef such as topside, silverside or skirt and ask the butcher to cut the slices as thin as possible. |
He heard a soft grunt, looked over and saw Bolke sitting down beside him, likewise using a tree to lean against. |
If you suspect you're not getting enough iron, boost your intake with foods like lean red meat, liver, spinach, and apricots. |
I drop my pack and lean against the roofless building and watch the laborers. |
That latter demand turned the Security Council into a rough house that saw one country lean heavily on smaller and more vulnerable members. |
Through the kitchen door, I see her round the bottom of the stairs and lean against the banister. |
This teenager held a buff build and tall lean body with brown hair was spiked and wire frame glasses rested on his nose. |
I lean back against the kitchen counter, ignoring the rumbling in my stomach. |
Heat 5ml oil in a pan and cook 225g lean beef rump steak alongside 1 small onion, sliced. |
Also, it can wait for a customer's order before assembling a machine, which means it can operate with an extraordinarily lean production system. |
With so many different characters and plot elements stuffed into the film's lean 85-minute runtime, there's a danger of losing viewers. |
But then there's goat-cheese pasta in red sabayon that's as gratifying as the lush braised lamb shank and lean slices of loin it accompanies. |
I missed breakfast, lunched on three ripe, juicy plums, and dined on a plate of salad with a jacket potato and a slice of very lean pork. |
Sit up straight or lean forward slightly to show your attentiveness through body language. |
No amount of yogurt parfaits, or fat free lean beef tacos is going to convince those who eat healthy otherwise. |
The autumnal equinox is the first day of autumn and occurs when the North Pole begins to lean away from the sun. |
He was relatively tan, and because he was shirtless, I could perfectly make out his lean physique. |
A fine match for this is this Ardeche, a lean blend of Sauvignon and Chardonnay. |
Labour is pragmatic in what it does, it makes no bones about that sometimes it will lean left sometimes right. |
I resorted to telemarketing to pay for my bacchanalian lifestyle during the lean years of college. |
I lean back in my chair like a director and order the most fattening food I've had in weeks. |
Have him lean back in a comfortable chair or suggest he lie down in the bedroom. |
I lean back in my chair, feet up on the edge of the table and give the paper a flick. |
I don the headset, close my notebook, turn off the overhead light and lean back to enjoy the movie. |
It permitted him to relax, lean back in the big comfortable seat and watch the scenery go by. |
Mullen is lean and balding, favors tight, short-sleeved shirts, and can usually be found steeping a tea bag in hot water. |
A vet or an equine dental specialist can address any oral problems that may cause the horse to lean or grab onto the bit. |
If you want to increase your body's ability to burn calories, even while at rest, you need to pack on some lean muscle mass. |
Close your eyes, lean forward and rest your weary head on your sprawling mammaries that provide a very comfy pillow. |
But I draw the line at being so accommodating and respectful of the views of others that we lean over backwards so far that we fall over. |
The plate contained two sausages, two lean bacon rashers, an egg, baked beans and tinned tomato. |
I ballooned out to 96 kg just after Christmas, and whilst I never looked fat, I really didn't look lean either. |
If I didn't have a shoulder to lean on or a compassionate ear willing to listen to me rant, I might've been tempted to quit. |
Others simply lean against the sea wall, thermoses at the ready, their faces turned to the sun. |
Physiologically, the body's basal metabolic rate slows down with age and is accompanied by a decrease in lean body tissue and an increase in fat. |
Widespread logging destroyed winter shelter, while lumber-jacks sought the lean meat. |
The beamy portal allowed him to lean on the sill, and to behold the most spectacular view one could only dream of. |
After some time, I let myself lean back in the chair, tilting my head back slightly. |
The decrease in lean body mass associated with aging results in decreased tolerance to alcohol. |
She may be in her mid-thirties but she has beautifully toned arms and shoulders and strong lean legs. |
Chase settled me on the mattress before stepping back to lean against the windows, his eyes never breaking contact with mine. |
Use more wasabi for fattier fish, such as toro or yellowtail, less wasabi on lean cuts, such as clam or squid. |
We may currently not have much in our aggregate totals of giving, but, into the future we are the alumni base for which the school will lean on. |
Stand up straight, bend your left knee, and lean forward until you can touch the floor with both hands. |
The lean singer says, though he was born in Punjab, Hyderabad was home to him because he spent his best years here. |
Your characters lean and crouch over a grateful rescued civilian, in typical cool and besuited fashion. |
Lean people with the disease had 41 percent less beta cell mass than did lean counterparts without diabetes. |
I pull the rope bag out and drop it on the ledge in front of my shins, padding the rock shelf so I can lean into it. |
These boats added wings and a trapeze, so crews could lean out over the water, providing ballast with their own bodies. |
We pass a billboard that usually advertises clothes in packs of three or lean Sunday hams or children's bicycles. |
Now you have only a few short weeks to get lean and gorgeous for the camera. |
We found no evidence of elevated risk of coronary heart disease among lower birthweight infants who remained relatively lean into adulthood. |
It provides a lean and tender steak that can be grilled, pan-fried or oven-cooked. |
The French system of dissecting out muscles from a carcass yields other pieces of lean tender meat suitable for steaks. |
The black suit he was wearing was simple but enough to emphasize his lean body. |
He watched her as she softly blew on the wound and it took a lot of him not to lean forward and kiss her. |
The horse with the hard mouth almost immediately begins to lean on the bit. |
His face was lean and hungry, topped with black hair that held a bluish tinge. |
This morning, the team's breakfast would have included porridge or muesli with dried fruit and perhaps toast with scrambled egg or lean bacon. |
Webster calls himself a Mugwump, but the mug and wump usually lean over the conservative side of the fence. |
Eat lean meat, roast or broil foods rather than fry them and replace high-fat dairy products with skim milk and low-fat yogurt and cheeses. |
Some lean meat morsels you may want to munch include skinless cuts of roasted, baked or broiled poultry and seafood. |
Very little covered his lean frame, the only exception a loose pair of off-grey slacks. |
When competition becomes less intense, management slackens off, becoming fat and lazy instead of lean and mean. |
For the guy looking to muscle up and lean out, protein is a big part of the puzzle. |
Edward slid his shirt over his head, exposing a lean muscled torso and flat stomach. |
A yellow muscle shirt and black biker's shorts accentuated his lean physique. |
He doesn't have to be muscular, just lean and athletic, and healthy-looking. |
He's well-built, lean and muscular, but in my dream he's wearing a tutu and tights. |
He wrote all his speeches himself, and they took on a lean unembellished eloquence full of apt metaphors and precise allusions. |
The two tend to lean on each other, like a couple of drunks propping each other up. |
And, just to round it all off, I turned to and knocked us up a quick hash of potato, sliced apple and crisp lean bacon for supper. |
Lamb karahi was cubes of lean almost muttony meat, tender but not invalid food soft, smothered in a rich red sauce. |
My voice gains strength as I lean in and whisper threatening words in his unhearing ear. |
It may sound brutal, but at the moment the country's crime-fighting seems to lean towards the namby-pamby. |
She instantly collapsed on the bench and slumped over to lean on Kita for support. |
He slowly relaxed and slumped back to lean against the bath as his body adjusted. |
He was almost all the way through his speech when his words suddenly slurred, he coughed and he appeared to lean on the lectern for support. |
Producer David Selznick treated Vittorio De Sica's Stazione Termini the same way, chopping languid scenes to leave a lean but unpoetic core. |
Tighten your abs by pulling your navel toward your spine and lean to the right. |
With it I am having some unsmoked lean back bacon, the consumption of which demonstrates I am a wimp. |
The Cabinet already looked unwieldy for a population so small and which needed instead a lean and mean Cabinet to start delivering. |
I leaned back in the chair at one point, and she seemed to lean with me, so as to keep pressed up against me. |
Slow-cooking, braising, and stews are the best dishes to use lean cuts of meat. |
The colossal white columns, which lean forward 20 centimeters, will be returned to their upright position. |
Both were riding horses, the villager on a fat grey pony and the nobleman on a lean sorrel. |
For adults over 25, many doctors regard it as too late to break their eating habits and make them fit and lean again. |
He was lean and muscular, but painful scars and sores ran across his body like tattoos. |
His job as a computer technician meant that he had nimble, quick hands and long lean fingers. |
However, because of their preference to browse, goats are most efficient in the conversion of browse to lean tissue. |
But for once she had nothing to lean against and she had the impression that if she nodded off anymore, she might possibly fall off her horse. |
A wiry man, he has an oversize noggin that rides on his lean 145-pound body, so that he vaguely resembles a five-foot-ten-inch sunflower. |
Mental health services consistently absorb a disproportionate share of budget cuts during lean economic times. |
His tone is lean without any of the thick vibrato so common from modern violins but entirely inappropriate for Mozart's music. |
To help Smith bulk up with lean muscle mass while he trained, Ellis developed an aggressive feeding schedule. |
The nostalgic Irish immigrant could feel the land itself underfoot and could lean down and touch his native soil. |
A half cup of cooked dry beans is about the same as 1 ounce of lean meat. |
Venus also trines the midheaven, which allowed her to build a glamorous image for her typical Arian features of lean body, long neck and large bones. |
The fishermen load the sledge with their catch, and then lean on the crossbars, scooting the mud horse over the flats that would otherwise drag them down. |
Members of Congress lean on staff for even the minutest details of their professional lives. |
However, if the meat is very lean or has no marinade, or if your marinade contains a lot of sugar, brush the food or grill lightly with oil to prevent sticking. |
It expects its lean business model to serve it well in a shrinking market. |
High white washed interior walls dotted with tiny shuttered windows lean into the centre of the stage and a scrubbed floors lopes up and back to the rarely opened door. |
Although lean thinking in industry often results in staff reductions, it first creates extra capacity by identifying and eliminating wasted resource. |
His job is to provide the Prime Minister with a shoulder to lean on, to be a sounding board to consult and to act out his orders across the government. |
Scotland's financial services industry is strong and lean at present. |
The prose is lean and unembellished, and the story flows easily out of it. |
Certainly, his operations are lean by Wall Street standards. |
The company plans to hire a few more but remain lean in its early years. |
It has often been seen that the people when they are economically backward, tend to lean on irrational habits and rituals to find some relief or an easy way out. |
In the lean rainy season, the women switched out meat and oily sauces for vegetables. |
In southern Africa we used to take every foodstuff we could lay our hands on, dry it or salt it, and stash it away for use during the lean winter months or for travel. |
If you can survive it through the lean years, then you'll be OK later. |
The Founding Father had good reason to splurge after many Christmases that were lean on cheer. |
At a lean and sprightly 64 years old, former Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadzic is actually back in top form. |
The next few weeks will be pretty lean till we sort things out. |
Their Kalashnikovs lean against the wall of their hut and the warm evening breeze catches in their traditional baggy trousers and loose, belted shirts. |
Efficient skaters lean forward at the waist, hands held behind the back, legs lazily scissoring back and forth to notch up 15-20 kilometres an hour, hour after hour. |
Stuff wheat bread with lean cold cuts such as turkey, ham or roast beef, then add tomatoes, lettuce and peppers to give your child a healthy serving of vegetables. |
Being brainy, being a wonk, is allowable when the package is lean and effortlessly hip, with serious eyes and a movie-star smile. |
His lean arrangement of this covered-by-everyone classic leaves plenty of room for her beguiling vocals. |
He lets her stare deep into his eyes, clasp his hands for meaningful conversation, caress his face, and even lean in for a kiss. |
With deadlines looming, top campaign staff may lean subconsciously on stereotypes about minorities. |
Strapless or V-neck tops, corsets and kimonos with shaped waists fit the bill, while ruched or shirred details can also help create shape and a lean line. |
Throughout the lean years of the depression, Smith was never out of work. |
Soap plant was used as emergency food during lean acorn years. |
Ken set the mixtures to auto lean and warmed up the engines at 1000 rpm. |
While they may not be able to bring in the same levels of revenue as foreign tourists, they would help tourist destinations bridge over such lean times as the present. |
The down side is that the lean mixtures sacrifice peak power. |
Now, rapid, accurate methods are needed to provide information regarding the fat and lean content during the on-line processing of pork carcasses. |
And if this is a trendsetter, our action sequences are not going to have beefy people flexing their muscles or lean and steely acrobats performing somersaults anymore. |
The patchy raggedness of the moult gave him a somewhat mangy appearance, but by the end of June he was smooth and as lean as a hungry wolf in his summer coat. |
Neither dish sparks like the moist cod stuffed with brandade and chorizo, or the lean but luscious lamb loin accompanied by slices of shoulder braised with citrus. |
Sichel does look young and he's as lean as one of his angora rabbits. |
As their son confers with a Colby admissions counselor, they lean in conspiratorially near the door. |
The modern production system requires an efficient supply chain to allow for lower warehousing costs, lean manufacturing and just-in-time delivery. |
I decided to do it just because I have lived with a little too much blubber around my middle for my entire life although the rest of me is quite lean and fat-less. |
He was lean and rangy and had an easy-going, languid air about him. |
On a high-temperature electric grill, a modest-size patty of fairly lean beef is cooked on one side and flipped. |
When the men with ripping muscles and lean frames slapped their arms and thighs in gusto and let out a Viking war cry, the entire place reverberated with the loud sharp blows. |
It's better to stick to lean cuts of red meat, white meat or fish. |
The lean and athletic Katniss was dressed in sweats and halfway through the extensive process of putting on her face. |
In a world screaming at us to lean in, we fearfully crave the experience of leaning out. |
A lean build was slowly disappearing behind the beer belly on his stomach. |
The typical trend is for writers and actors to default to the crudest element of what makes their show work, and lean on that. |
Fully 88 percent of us either identify outright or lean to a party, 47 percent Democrat and 41 percent Republican. |
To produce more-healthful beef, researchers and breeders can also look to Limousin and Charolais cattle, which naturally have a strong genetic potential towards lean tissue. |
Living in one sphere they lean into a second, striving toward the kingdom of heaven that remains hidden behind the threshold of the human struggle. |
Numerous scientific studies have shown that creatine helps to increase lean muscle mass and strength, speed up recovery, and promote anaerobic power. |
Women love a lean and muscular body complete with rock-hard abs. |
Because of all the changes it is obviously difficult to test the validity of these claims, but some of Wheelock's main supports are broken reeds to lean on. |
Every study ever performed has shown that the fit and lean outlive the dumpy and diffident every time. |
His heavily bandaged right leg is propped up on a stool in his apartment and his crutches lean on fridge. |
They lean against the fence, hips jutted out, their legs exposed by scanty pink shorts and skimpy dresses. |
There is a third category, the undecided, and of those there are some who lean toward the views of the yeasayers and others who favor the naysayers position. |
The PPCCA has been regarded one of those numerous toothless organisations which people cannot lean on when their rights are abused by police officers. |
It is dressed with a lively, mustardy vinaigrette and gigged with major-league lardons, cubes of crisped lean bacon that also work as a garnish to the good baked potatoes. |
After some lean years, the spirit of indie US cinema is alive and kicking again and this may be the most anarchic romantic comedy since the heyday of screwball. |
My diet shifted from foods high in sugar and fat, such as cheesecake, ice cream and soda, to foods rich in lean protein, such as chicken and fish. |
Tim was whipped away from the scene by the teacher's calling, and he, as well as the rest of the class, lined up in a circle round the tall and lean Mr. Khan. |
Cooked properly pink, it is lean and tender, and sitting on top of a crisply fried pancake of bubble and squeak, made from leftover mash and greens, it's a kingly dish. |
A spokeswoman said a shortage of lean beef in the U.S. is forcing the company's hamburger suppliers to turn to cattle from Australia and New Zealand. |
You become involved when others lean on you and depend on you. |
You hope and trust he has a few good men to lean on among his teammates. |
It can be tempting to lean on your partner and rely on them for reassurance, but the stronger you are as an individual, the stronger and more equal your relationship will be. |
They took their spear by the shaft, and made it lean on the knee. |
I'm the sort of dependable type he can lean on a lot, and he does. |
David had taught her to lean on other people, to trust, and to love. |
With the trappings of representation obliterated, the paintings offer a lean and stripped down physicality defined by specific proportion, luminosity and surface quality. |
Dad heard a truck go by and opened a window in our trailer to lean out. |
He wasn't a buff guy, more lean than bulky, but he was still fit. |
This is a gorgeous lean wine in a truly subtle Burgundian style. |
A lean man, smartly dressed, wearing shades, hovers menacingly. |
He was six feet tall with a lean build and wavy blonde hair. |
He was lean and wiry, but muscled, and there was strength in him. |
The dinghy has three sails and a trapeze, which allows Katherine to lean out of the boat on a wire to counteract the force of the sails and keep the boat upright. |
He was lean from undernourishment, and had to be at least sixty-years-old. |
It was a framed picture of Shirdi Sai baba with his hand raised in blessing, lean and austere, with a white cloth tied around his head and a trimmed white beard. |
As no networks for ethnic women existed, there was no crutch to lean on and I had to find a suitable niche for myself without affirmative action assistance. |
Sitting on the balustrade as well, but at the corner where he could lean against the wall, Impi's eyes were closed, his thick tawny mane catching the evening sunlight. |
Preparing bison meat is comparable to preparing other lean meats. |
He was now clad in only his cotton tunic and trousers with the leather vambraces remaining on his forearms, his riding boots and a belt around his lean waist. |
Farmed venison means we can buy this lean meat all year round. |
This means more lean meat or fish and veg, with only a palmful of wholegrain rice or sweet potato. |
Streamlining tools such as lean manufacturing, six sigma and theory of constraints have become commonplace in a range of industries. |
I anticipate more KIBS companies will address their processes and adopt lean management initiatives. |
The Bishop is a lean and slippered pantaloon, at least in his old clerical garments which he thinks good enough for the sea. |
Neptunes in hempen wigs waltzed with the lean New Zealandress, who had stuck flowers from a hat into her fair hair, to impersonate Oceania. |
Order lean cuts of meat and ask for them to be prepared broiled, grilled or roasted, rather than sauteed or fried. |
Slow roasting is better for lean or not so tender cuts such as topside or whole bolar blade, which are not suitable to be cooked very pink. |
Remember, every time you drastically reduce your kilojoule intake your body will go into famine mode and burn up lean tissue for energy. |
Common ostrich meat tastes similar to lean beef and is low in fat and cholesterol, as well as high in calcium, protein and iron. |
The excellent old gentleman's nails are long and leaden, and his hands lean and veinous. |
Best sources lean red meat, poultry, fish, dark green, leafy vegetables and wholegrain cereals. |
Also make sure you don't lean on the shroud assembly, which some mechanics call a heat shield. |
Alcoa is now a lean and agile enterprise, after having split last year into two entities. |
Running on too lean a fuel-air mixture will cause, among other problems, your internal combustion engine to heat up too much. |
The latter separate the blocks' mass movements from the lean encasement concrete. |
Those who do not belong to any group but lean towards one side often tend to use the language of that group. |
Tall, lean Danny with the huge horsedick seated on the bar stool was a fixture Saturday afternoons. |
He was a tall lean man with a voice like a rasping crow. Impeccably dressed and hatted with a dark Homburg. |
What if my seatmate was a sadistic fatphobe who would lean on our shared armrest just to see me wince in pain as it dug into my hip? |
The creators of this nutrition plan believe that cavemen and cavewomen were lean and healthy because of the all-natural foods they ate. |