Heand his lawyers will need to seriously abase themselves before the Committee if he's going to escape a similar fate. |
During the session, prosecution lawyers quizzed customs officers from Tokyo Airport with 91 questions. |
He owes substantial sums to a firm of lawyers who were forced in 1996 to sequestrate him. |
I don't expect it to be a bed of roses but if it all crumbles I will pick up the pieces in my own way, without the help of lawyers. |
There's such an imbalance that for them to say lawyers shouldn't advertise for meritorious claims is a bit hypocritical. |
Home Secretary David Blunkett accused some lawyers of time-wasting and costing taxpayers millions of pounds. |
Many of the appointees have been academics rather than professional lawyers. |
Across Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida, lawyers have already locked horns paving the way for lengthy court fights if the election is close. |
The papers, produced by the Executive's lawyers, include a detailed timeline of events. |
By the 15th cent., the palace was a rabbit warren of rooms and corridors, swarming with servants and lawyers, and liable to flooding. |
Hishamudin ruled that their detention was unlawful and done in bad faith as they were denied access to family members and lawyers. |
She said Jane Doe's lawyers asked Verizon to withhold her name because she was planning on challenging the subpoena. |
I also get the sense that some lawyers think baffling legal jargon and tortured syntax will impress their clients. |
Despite this, Anwar and his lawyers were able to account for his whereabouts on every single day of this three-month period. |
When my banker boyfriend came to London, he hung out with other bankers, or accountants and lawyers. |
The book has been meticulously poured over for accuracy by Fourth Estate's own lawyers. |
A beacon of hope for younger generation lawyers, he regularly goes to court, attends to cases and is still a leading lawyer. |
The corporations always have a battalion of crackerjack lawyers to defend themselves. |
His lawyers also claimed that he was heavily sedated with antipsychotic drugs during his trial. |
Clients must feel secure in confiding their secrets and entrusting their most personal affairs to lawyers. |
Family and matrimonial lawyers, according to Brown, are at the highest risk of being threatened. |
While packs of dog-bite lawyers still roam free in California, here in Oregon, their bark is worse than their bite. |
The season of festive goodwill to all men produces a bonanza for family lawyers. |
Of course, we'll never be rid of the sea lawyers, but we try to sit down and talk with the younger recruits and see what they think of it so far. |
Also on Monday, 25 Jackson accountants, lawyers, bankers and managers will meet to discuss the star's business affairs. |
City professionals include Lloyd's of London insurance men, financial PRs, lawyers and accountants as well as bankers and fund managers. |
The hardest thing is getting the lawyers to bang them up so I hope this new terror legislation will help cure some of those ills. |
The defense lawyers can't possibly have marshaled all of the mitigating factors in order to make a presentation already. |
The slickest of these, like glib lawyers paid to advocate a poor case, are accustomed to bamboozling innocent audiences. |
The press remains scrappy and defiant, but its skepticism about lawyers has been embraced by the mainstream. |
Braeutigam called on lawyers to forego part of their 125 million marks in fees to help pay the additional compensation. |
But even success-only fee lawyers will find it difficult to act for a bust business. |
The station said it would continue to work with lawyers to reach a final settlement with Cheng on the early termination of his services contract. |
Apart from local government offices and lawyers, the area is more notable for bail bondsmen, thrift shops and old houses. |
Many thanks also to the lawyers who did a good job and to the churchman who stood bail. |
One of his lawyers said the singer was still in pain from a back injury and would rest through the weekend. |
You can almost see the foam dripping from their mouths as they behave like lawyers badgering a witness. |
Explicitly promising to do so would at least put them on a par with schoolteachers, lawyers, and other professionals. |
He's already been forced to backtrack on the assertion that he made that three Republican lawyers supported the pardon. |
The same lawyers told him to bring charges to a civil court and the sports court of arbitrage. |
Despite his lack of education, this Manciple is smarter than the thirty lawyers he feeds. |
Oddly enough, the same gesture is also used to denote bank managers, estate agents, lawyers, and football team managers. |
Local lawyers and doctors in search of a tax break plant tea tree, macadamias and coffee. |
A team of lawyers and staff from Hammonds have devoted time and energy to fund-raising. |
People don't do that and instead they start getting lawyers and backing off and saying I won't talk to the cops. |
He may be a wash-out as an MLA, but all by himself, he's served as a one-man make-work project for northern lawyers. |
Still, most human rights lawyers read the majority opinion as a major disappointment. |
It was only then that the police stepped in, as they pushed the crowd away from the two lawyers. |
Their sharp-eyed fellow lawyers are able to use this to discern something of their current mental state. |
Of course, there are a lot of teachers who are only average, just as there are average dentists and so-so lawyers. |
Because of its trendy college and relatively liberal cadres of lawyers and civil servants, Austin became a magnet for nonconformists. |
The lawyers sit at the bar table facing the magistrate and the defendant sits with his or her lawyer. |
American lawyers say that it is almost impossible to sue external auditors for the debacle. |
And most are defended not by private attorneys but by public defenders or appointed lawyers. |
Defence attorneys and lawyers for the Arab Commission for Human Rights described the case as a sham because of the lack of evidence. |
No cover note was attached and the details of how the faxed document was sent seemed to have been lost, according to tribunal lawyers. |
Now in an effort to dispel their relentless anorak image the group has taken to handing out flyers with jokes, m'lud, against lawyers. |
It isn't right that lawyers can troll for clients from the police accident reports, or records of ambulance runs. |
Other lawyers said he was crazy to gamble millions of his firm's hours and resources on what looked like lost causes. |
Defence lawyers routinely accuse victims who failed to make 'vigorous enough' protests, as in fact having consented. |
The cost of teaching young lawyers and articling students is not a cost which should necessarily be passed on to clients. |
Finally, Ms Earle says human rights lawyers must come down from their lofty perches. |
This is done through local councils who hire armies of lawyers to fight the airport and its army of lawyers. |
Last spring, I got into a heated argument with a bunch of lawyers about judicial activism. |
From lawyers to lion tamers, some of their career aspirations may surprise you. |
Prosecution lawyers now have two or three days in which they can apply to appeal against the decision. |
The main villains of the piece actually are two white middle-class lawyers and policemen. |
Would you approach a society you knew to worship angst ridden doctors, corrupt lawyers and various subgenuses of surly private detectives? |
Their introduction often met fierce resistance by civil libertarians and liberally minded lawyers. |
When detained immigrants do find lawyers, confinement makes the detainees more difficult to represent. |
Never mind that leading constitutional lawyers insist that the revisions have no standing in law. |
The submissions of both lawyers emphasised the relevance of wider user clauses. |
We will never know, since pollsters, like trial lawyers, always avoid questions whose answers might prove embarrassing or unforeseen. |
And as if the company didn't have enough lawyers already, Rambus is currently advertising for yet more legal eagles here. |
If you wish to get legal advice, your best bet is to contact the California Bar Association for the names of lawyers who do pro bono work. |
Bank sources said that he has retained lawyers in Belfast and Dublin in anticipation of a possible compensation claim against the bank. |
We have a enough things to worry about without being tortured by evil lawyers and other professional annoyers! |
The report highlighted restrictive practices among lawyers, accountants and architects. |
All I did was give some parity against extremely well resourced defendants and their lawyers. |
There's comedic and romantic potential in the concept of beautiful leads playing divorce lawyers who accidentally get married. |
I think a lot of immigration lawyers like myself laughed when we heard about the laxness of our immigration system. |
Despite the pleas of defence lawyers, the attorney general appeared to do nothing to urge restraint. |
Once you get lawyers and solicitors involved things tend to get dragged out. |
This is particularly true in schemes operated in many States where public defence lawyers are assigned to cases. |
While the lawyers were with the judge, he sat and waited at one end of the hallway on the fourth floor. |
In a court you will never get completely unbiased when lawyers are ruling on lawyers, will you? |
We don't know, because the Act also permits the litigant and his lawyers to be excluded from the court. |
The lawyers and judges involved in its administration tend to be made from the same cloth and are regarded as no better. |
Women attorneys, doctors and lawyers are found in the provinces as well as in urban areas. |
Civil and common law lawyers have been multivalent without talking much about it. |
Immigration lawyers and judges are thus drawn into a debate that is less and less theoretical. |
The organization's lawyers are generally not allowed to influence rulemaking by administrative agencies or lawmaking by legislatures. |
The Competition Authority has welcomed the government's decision to require lawyers to submit tenders for work in future tribunals of inquiry. |
Common law lawyers tend to talk about things assuming everyone knows what they mean. |
They mostly earned their livings in other clerkly trades, as journalists, parliamentary reporters or lawyers. |
She noted that lawyers have always been among the most avid participants in the survey. |
A young lady and her lawyers came to me among others, and we represented what we believed. |
Walter Dellinger and Paul Smith performed very well for plaintiffs' amici, as can be expected for lawyers of their caliber. |
China is undertaking a large-scale legal reform ranging from courts and lawyers to every perspective. |
And you bet his lawyers are saying, look here, you could face life imprisonment or you spend 50 more days in here. |
Nothing bothers me more than to hear lawyers using legal language to intimidate and get their way. |
However, one of his lawyers said yesterday that today's court date will still have to be honoured since it was ordered. |
However Mrs Rodriguez's lawyers do not allege he had any sexual relationship with the singer. |
Only the judge, the registrar, the lawyers and the couples themselves are present in court. |
The alienist thus comes into court with a friendly feeling towards the lawyers for the defense together with a sympathy for the accused. |
He has not been charged with a crime, and his lawyers deny he has committed any wrongdoing. |
We find lawyers, work with them to find expert witnesses, and write cheques. |
Nor will defendants who lose be made to pay more because the claimant's lawyers are being paid extra under a conditional fee. |
Walhi's lawyers, however, said the early warning system had not worked properly. |
Creationists say that the Flood scraped away these deposits, before redepositing the other sedimentary lawyers. |
No doubt he thought that, if he was biased against supporters of a rival, recusal was appropriate and in the interests of those lawyers. |
Trial lawyers and MTV are bastions of liberalism and, therefore, kissing cousins. |
I think the media wanted it to be ugly and you get a bunch of lawyers together and it's ugly anyway, but it wasn't too much of a distraction. |
Judges, lawyers, police officers and witnesses already complain about the frequent delays and adjournments in court. |
Many of the migrants were lawyers, judges and engineers but only the doctors had their qualifications recognised. |
But she reckoned without the lawyers who mounted an action in the High Court attacking the legislation and seeking to have it set aside. |
The court receiver was directed to hand over the items to society members in the presence of both prosecution and defence lawyers. |
Judge Soedarto adjourned the next hearing to next Monday, when Antashari will reply to the rebuttals by the defendant's team of lawyers. |
Prisoners and their lawyers have no opportunity to see or rebut the evidence. |
They need lawyers who are prepared to aim at reconciliation, and none of that can be achieved by legislation. |
On some of the 11 other complaints lodged by lawyers of the jailed rebel leader, the court ruled in Turkey's favour. |
As it stands, the police are doing a tremendous job, but with the best will in the world, they don't have the legal expertise of lawyers. |
There is a widely held view among solicitors that do-it-yourself wills only result in making lawyers richer. |
What lawyers call the doctrine of parental authority grants parents wide latitude to rear their children as they choose. |
Newsweek notes that before the controversy erupted over the program two teams of lawyers had gone through and approved its script. |
She's requested a detailed medical report and then she's going to show that to her lawyers. |
The Bombay High Court's directive reallotting jurisdiction of the City Civil and Sessions Court judges has confused lawyers as well as litigants. |
The firm responded by reallocating resources and lawyers between departments, slimming down specialist teams and strengthening others. |
It's a system that locks together the interests of venture capitalists, bankers, lawyers, and entrepreneurs, much like Japan's keiretsu. |
Last month her lawyers said the Ministry of Defence had accepted liability for her husband's death. |
His lawyers have been instructed to begin legal action against the newspaper. |
But as they are themselves the owners of the aforesaid company, they would simply be making lawyers rich for the privilege of suing themselves. |
In their country, they were tradespeople and professionals such as teachers, lawyers or physicians. |
We need physicians, lawyers, nurses, educators, technologists and skilled tradesmen. |
The various guardians of the under-aged stars fell out over the money which slowly evaporated into the hands of lawyers. |
Graham said his lawyers will oppose the extradition, which falls under the Patriot Act in the United States. |
There are many brilliant Afghan women who were in the parliament, who were doctors, who were lawyers, who were the schoolteachers. |
The lawyers and accountants needed to know absolutely everything was whiter than white. |
Yet she hasn't the wherewithal to hire lawyers to fight for what she is due. |
Imams, sheiks, engineers, lawyers, educators, administrators and businessmen are among those who make up the council. |
She's a shabby infant among lawyers clad in immaculate coal-coloured, pleated robes. |
Like all lawyers, they are required to act as officers of the court as well as advocates. |
The Crown lawyers know of the Chief Justice's advocacy, and not one of them took objection to the case. |
That was largely because we were advised by our lawyers that such an admission would not help in any litigation. |
Several lawyers have offered free advice on the issue and he said he would ask one of them what he should do. |
He was left to represent himself in court, where he was ranged against council and Barbican Venture lawyers. |
But what would happen to the right to counsel if lawyers were always second-guessing the justice of their clients' causes? |
There is complicity on the part of police, lawyers, judges, customs officers and even politicians. |
The program's creator had already stopped distributing the software after Apple's lawyers contacted the company that housed its Web hosting. |
It was a bitter, acrimonious divorce that involved lawyers and an emotional tug-of-war over access to Leon. |
The Professor strongly suspects defamation lawyers will settle Marr 's hash. |
They say that Carroll sees the firm as top-heavy with lawyers and accountants. |
I now know that my fellow brothers and sisters, the lawyers of New Zealand, will be in a position to practise in front of the highest court of our country. |
The defense lawyers tried to impeach the witness's testimony by forcing him to admit that he had changed his story. |
Defense lawyers will look for inconsistencies in the same records as they try to impugn her credibility further. |
Friends, people close to him, his lawyers, have advised him to protect himself, to not watch this abominable film. |
The lawyers accuse Spinal Solutions of selling counterfeit implants and doctors of accepting kickbacks in return for using them. |
The lawyers are chosen not just for their acumen but also with an eye toward the filmic. |
During the Dujail trial, he shuttled back and forth to Baghdad to advise judges and lawyers. |
He is expected to spend the next few days closeted with lawyers and advisers at his home, royal Lodge, in Windsor Great Park. |
Random House lawyers were not so convinced and told him to append a complete list of citations at the back of the book. |
Some defense lawyers believe that even the rooms provided for confidential lawyer-client conversations in some jails are bugged. |
The organization counts scientists, journalists, lawyers, laborers, and businessmen among its members and supporters. |
First, the cheap shot threats that might have intimidated other victims and their lawyers don't faze me. |
The lawyers decided to stay in chechnya and demand investigation of illegal actions against them and their office. |
It was a sleepless night in chechnya for two lawyers from the Russian town of Orenburg, Sergei Babinets and Dmitriy Dimitriyev. |
If that does not open a war chest for lawyers in this country to make those sorts of applications to the High Court non-stop, I would be very surprised, indeed. |
Ashcroft's immediate response to the attacks was to sink into a dark Orwellian morass of secret detentions, warrantless wiretaps, and eavesdropping on lawyers. |
The Justice Department wants lawyers to help non-violent drug offenders get clemency to leave jail. |
I suppose this reflects what she really thinks, as opposed to the similar but more weaselly language crafted by lawyers for the law school's website. |
Zealous to whitewash herself Ekaterina in collusion with media loyal to the Kremlin attacked the lawyers. |
Darrow, on the other hand, was at times condescending and contemptuous in his treatment of witnesses, jurists, opposing lawyers and even the judge. |
Over a period of months, and after consulting with lawyers, Wyden settled on his question. |
Syrian activists successfully got lawyers in New York to handle their asylum cases after contacting them through the site. |
In the adversary system, we depend on lawyers to bring cases. |
But he does countersue the corporations set up by the lawyers of the families that allow them to gain standing in North Carolina. |
The lawyers, the accountants, and the white-shoe brigade will do well. |
As a sign of respect for the law and British custom, judges and lawyers during America's colonial period wore powdered wigs over their natural hair. |
The brief is riddled with the black boxes lawyers call redactions. |
They obtained a gag order against the defendant and his lawyers restricting what they could say about the case for several months. |
Incidents like this may serve as red flags to plaintiff lawyers. |
Tavakoli and the scores of other activists, bloggers, journalists and lawyers jailed in Iran deserve our unwavering support. |
There he urged family-appointed lawyers ding Xikun and Si Weijiang not to abandon the defense of Chen Kegui. |
He withheld the salaries of parliamentarians who refused to rubberstamp his laws, and lawyers who challenged him were disbarred. |
When Chen Guangcheng was tried in court in 2006, his lawyers were beaten, detained, and disbarred. |
Rather than dispatch a team of slick lawyers with leather briefcases, they seemingly adopted a cartoon character, Uncle Rhabdo. |
If he does win, he will be the first businessman to rule Mexico in modern times after a succession of generals, lawyers and latterly US Ivy League-trained economists. |
Fourth, most Korean law school professors are not lawyers themselves. |
They are the cost of going to the court at all, lawyers or no lawyers. |
The network draws on the expertise of intermediaries such as lawyers, patent specialists, corporate financiers, business angels, consultants and other advisers. |
Thankfully, the female lawyers told them to go jump in a lake, so the law was not enforceable. |
Even if the sentence is reduced on appeal, he still seems certain to miss the competition as his lawyers and those of his club continue to drag the process out. |
Similarly, given the litigious nature of his business, it would have been great to know the names and phone numbers of the lawyers he had retained. |
There are reports that a support group for bogus non-resident account holders has retained lawyers to fight a number of cases against financial institutions. |
Lloyd Grove talks to tax lawyers about the estate tax loophole presenting a powerful moral dilemma. |
The defense lawyers will ask the Ohio Supreme Court to review the case. |
The judge listed the various reasons we might be dismissed from serving, beginning with knowing the defendant or any of the lawyers or court officials. |
Obama's lawyers are foundering in explaining the legal rationale for his Libyan adventure. |
It has broken free from the literalism of the old black letter lawyers. |
To begin with, prisoners are among the least lucrative of clients, and certainly the least sympathetic to juries, so that few lawyers are willing to litigate on their behalf. |
Even as the nuclear deal was being negotiated, the Iranian government was furiously imprisoning bloggers, lawyers and journalists. |
Sulaiman gestured with his freed hands to the lawyers seated on either side of him. |
He was griping at the guards and complaining incoherently about his lawyers. |
Tort reform, for example, attracts millions in campaign lucre from corporate leaders while undermining trial lawyers, a major Democratic support base. |
Beneath the sicilian streets are rooms filled with monks, lawyers, babies, and virgins. |
Cue damaged teenagers, heartbroken parents, and crusading lawyers who blow the whole story open. |
The judge and the lawyers broke for a sidebar, outside the purview of the jury, the media, and the public. |
They parachuted these silk-stocking lawyers into the area, offer quick settlements and get the victims to sign these waivers. |
Driven by concerns about public health and moral order, sanitarians, lawyers, engineers, and landscape architects enlarged the scope of city planning beginning at mid century. |
Many jokes centred on the relative sanity of lawyers compared to doctors. |
The lawyers of ArchCity Defenders specialize in representing the indigent and the homeless. |
And behind the sleepless Moms will come binders full of freshly scrubbed lawyers looking to turn a buck on the news. |
Budding doctors, actors, stock traders, lawyers, and writers all had a slumber party Wednesday night. |
But for lawyers who specialize in national security law this distinction matters a great deal. |
Middle-class women commonly are employed as teachers and bank tellers, while upper-class women work as doctors, lawyers, engineers, and university teachers. |
There's always people bagging teachers or lawyers or someone else. |
In addition, his support for the growing claims of the clergy as professionals was in tension with his opposition to similar claims by physicians and lawyers. |
The lawyers accuse Headley of lying to implicate Rana in order to save his wife as well as his own life. |
As a result of a threatened boycott by the former dictator's defence team, the trial may have to take place with a scratch team of lawyers appointed by the court itself. |
There followed two meetings, totaling three hours, with MSNBC in-house lawyers and standards and practices staff. |
But even Jesselyn Radack, one of Snowden's American lawyers, instantly acknowledged that the interchange was a misstep. |
Four days prior, 1,800 lawyers marched through the city in protest at Chinese interference. |
According to reports, Sam convinced Bynes to fly out to LA, ostensibly to meet with some lawyers and sue her parents. |
If your dad didn't have a team of lawyers I'd give you a thick ear. |
There aren't political questions here, except potentially if stupid lawyers come barging in and start treating games as something other than games. |
Admission into the capitoulat was a momentous event for lawyers, procureurs and merchants of the Third Estate, for in addition to authority, the post also conferred nobility. |
He has since played thrusting lawyers, a cuckolded husband, a dysfunctional builder, cops and numerous romantic leads in a dizzying number of TV series and one-offs. |
A lot of the time the lawyers have to cut a deal because their evidence isn't good enough or can't be admitted for some seemingly spurious legal reason. |
Civil rights groups and lawyers have approached the attorney general and urged him to issue an informal warning to establish self-restraint by the print and broadcast media. |
He was different to many other lawyers who held strong political views. |
So no matter how much effort millionaires, lawyers and the military spend tilting at windmills, it seems, the future for wind power still looks good. |
But in this day and age, with so many mercenary lawyers around, talking libel and slander, you cannot even speak ill of the living without caution. |
What dismayed me the most about the exchanges on the website was the display of simple, raw mercenariness among new lawyers just entering the profession. |
If all that Scotland's new-economy tyros want to do is ape the customs and mores of Scotland's bankers, actuaries, accountants and lawyers, God help us all. |
Arbitrary arrest, police beatings, torture to extract confession, the persecution of defence lawyers, and the intimidation of witnesses are widespread. |
Auditors are even lower on the totem pole than lawyers, people! |
There were a lot of sexually discriminatory comments as regards female lawyers who became pregnant and tried to find out more about flexible working. |
The lawyers work tirelessly to delay the execution after the prison botched its first attempt at terminating their client. |
Maybe the best bets for taking on this project are bright lawyers who combine a bent for original thinking with a desire to work on behalf of public good. |
As luck would have it, right in front of me were lawyers from the same firm representing the plaintiffs. |
While it may seem positive that patrons, being doctors, lawyers, merchants, etc. |
C Young, Maidstone, Kent WE may have to have a whip-round for superinjunction lawyers, as I suspect they won't get much business in the future. |
Are the judges just addle-brained, or are they indeed helping the lawyers earn more money by not recognizing a frivolous lawsuit? |
During Tuesday's proceedings, lawyers for FJMC students, PU, UHS and the additional advocate general provided their arguments. |
The tradition was carried on by French lawyers, known as the Ultramontani, in the 13th century. |
If the wichity grub, water spider or greenback ant had decent lawyers, the makers of I'm A Celebrity. |
Sir Albert would do well to chivvy along his army of penpushers and lawyers to make a swift decision to list the ground. |
Jeffersonians decried lawyers and their common law tradition as threats to the new republic. |
Unbowed after two years in jail, nine of the defendants boycotted the trial, refusing even to talk to their lawyers. |
But we've spent a fortune on lawyers instead of aviation school and wherever this little tweeb is going. |
Sorte and his team had moved to the offices of their lawyers, Davis Polk, because they had a bank of six telecopiers. |
Justice North agreed with the lawyers who brought the case that the rescuees were effectively and completely detained by the government. |
Most Rumpers were gentry, though there was a higher proportion of lesser gentry and lawyers than in previous parliaments. |
The lawyers pelted stones at police from sessions court building and collectorate building around noon. |
Additionally, court rules may permit lawyers to issue subpoenas themselves in their capacity as officers of the court. |
Common law decisions are published in law reports for use by lawyers, courts and the general public. |
The membership consists of High Court Judges, Circuit Judges, District Judges, law practitioners and academic lawyers. |
The Rules embody some very common concepts, and lawyers frequently refer to those concepts by the rule number. |
The committee was composed of lawyers and legal scholars from across the country. |
But modern natural lawyers, such as John Finnis claim to be positivists, while still arguing that law is a basically moral creature. |
Richard's marriage to Anne was never declared null, and it was public to everyone including secular and canon lawyers for 13 years. |
In particular, the older natural lawyers, such as Aquinas and John Locke made no distinction between analytic and normative jurisprudence. |
The lawyers made the procedure a railroad to get the signatures they needed. |
Spanish culture restrains many challenges that knowledgeable lawyers are prepared to pursue if required by a case. |
The Legal Advice Scheme, staffed by over 840 volunteer lawyers, operates 10 sessions per week at nine evening centres. |
AaFour lickspittle lawyers and two bootlicking attorney generals provided sophistic legal briefs sanctioning torture. |
Its membership includes academics, practising lawyers and prominent community members. |
The Company Law Reforms Committee was set up in 1979 with leading civil servants, chartered accountants and lawyers. |
Rule 53 governs masters, who are typically lawyers designated by the court to act as neutrals and assist the court in a case. |
Another change was made by the rules of 1883, which was regarded by some common law lawyers as revolutionary. |
Bonham's lawyers replied by arguing that the Acts and charter were intended to prevent malpractice, not practising without a licence. |
The former champ's lawyers agreed to drop a case against the WBC, who in return will enforce a rule against immediate rematches. |
They were required reading for most lawyers in the Colonies, and for many, they were the only reading. |
Deliberation is done by the jury only, with none of the lawyers, the judge, or the defendant present. |
Parties to the case, lawyers, and witnesses are not allowed to speak with a member of the jury. |
Already, it had come to be the principal and only legislative body, and the dominant interest in it was that of the common law lawyers. |
But lawyers and marketers also need to be mindful of the state ethics issues involved with firm names, trade names and nicknames. |
His power base was his household, particularly the network of lawyers and stewards who held his estates together. |
Especially on the United States frontier, a judge might travel on horseback along with a group of lawyers. |
If it is a subordinate court, lawyers can use terms such as sir or any equivalent phrase in the regional language concerned. |
It was believed that the facts should speak for themselves, and that lawyers would just blur the matters. |
All lawyers by trade, Radcliffe and the other commissioners had all of the polish and none of the specialized knowledge needed for the task. |
Therefore, the practical advantages of Roman law were less obvious to English practitioners than to continental lawyers. |
Advertising by lawyers sensationalizing negative anecdotes from a small group of families fosters the public's negative perception of facilities. |
More recent editions for the use of lawyers and historians have been made by the Selden Society. |
Such authority in the minds of lay Roman lawyers who first used this word jurisdiction was essentially temporal in its origin and in its sphere. |
Many American lawyers who were prominent in the American Revolution were admiralty and maritime lawyers in their private lives. |
They have a reputation for being a hot bench. They come in knowing the case, sometimes better than the lawyers. |
Prosecutors said Senussi had been allowed to see relatives, but denied lawyers had been prevented from visiting their clients at the prison. |
Brandeis was unusual among lawyers since he always turned away cases he considered bad. |
The concept of speed dating was given a new twist by trainee lawyers and law students from The College of Law. |
As per the rule, lawyers can address the court as Your Honour and refer to it as Honourable Court. |
More than 260 Birmingham lawyers battled it out at the second annual Legal Eagles Quiz. |
In his new book Legal Eagles, former attorney and law firm consultant Simon Tupman profiles 16 visionary lawyers from around the globe. |
His lawyers and NGOs say that he was attempting to expose corruption in the Russian Republic of Udmurtia. |
Every second person is an actor, every other barperson, or even lawyers, want to be actors. |
In Italy and Portugal, both judges and lawyers wear particular black robes. |
In the wake of hobby Lobby, activist lawyers are getting busy too. |
Of course there is an immense amount of litigation going on and a great deal of the time of many lawyers is devoted to litigation. |
In fact, Bulger's lawyers conceded he ran a criminal enterprise that raked in millions through drugs, gambling and loansharking. |