She laughs, radiant in her self-satisfaction, shielded by a hard hide and chutzpa from charges of vulgarity, greed or egomania. |
However, the serious subject matter is often played for laughs rather than the absurdism it requires. |
Following the fortunes of a gang losers, wasters and thieves on a near-derelict council estate might not seem like a barrel of laughs. |
I am far more nervous than they are and there are quite a few laughs when they see this gangly fellow mixed in with them. |
All these people their fake, their smiles and laughs were all pretend, just an act to cover up reality. |
A disparate group meeting for weekly tap dance lessons might not sound like a barrel of laughs but that's exactly what Stepping Out is. |
Ranji David is Appu, Rashmi Kothari and 13 others join in to make up a dramatic interplay of laughs and guffaws, back talks and whatnots. |
The women were all in sequins and diamonds and they smoked cigarettes and had raspy voices and husky laughs. |
He laughs as he says it, but he actually does have the air of a kid who's gotten away with something. |
Two teams battle for laughs and points as they make up scenes, games and songs on the spot. |
They wound me up about the result, we had a few drinks and we shared some laughs. |
Such rote interpretative strategies betray a lack of imagination, like the cocktail-party boor who laughs at every wisecrack. |
She knew that if she poised her laughs right, she sounded sophisticated and worldly. |
Being a white-headed wrinklie, as Australians call us old folks, I now feel the laughs bubbling up the way they have most of my 76 years. |
Loud shouts, yells, and laughs ran from the tavern and out onto the street, disturbing the town's late night silence. |
The plain card laughs at you, symbolically suggesting that it's a fleeting moment of happiness. |
I am aided along this expressway to embarrassment by Alec, who either makes things worse or laughs at me. |
The only problem is that I have to walk with my legs apart and I look like an idiot that way and everyone looks at me and laughs at me. |
My husband laughs at me because I put our children's clothes on the radiator to warm in winter but it is a habit I picked up from my mother. |
If your guidance counselor laughs at you because of what your hope for a career is, ignore them. |
It was a local story that inspired the poem about a drunken farmer who laughs at the devil and only just escapes. |
He never seems to notice, he shrugs, laughs it off, but she smiles at these women, at every one, she smiles into their eyes. |
But his plan became clear as she started bursting out with guffaws and laughs and giggles when he tickled her. |
Trying to make the audience laugh is perhaps not much more difficult than trying to explain why it laughs. |
He showed his sense of humour and gave the public plenty of laughs along the way. |
The bishop has moral authority over his priests, but if one of them laughs in his face, that moral authority is useless. |
Unfortunately, this young cast steers it further into caricature, playing the sexual repression and racism for light laughs. |
They feel that I want to play certain scenes for laughs rather than emphasising the seriousness of the situation. |
The original surf movies basically played the formula for laughs, with a few cheap thrills mixed in. |
Rock seems uneasy carrying a semi-serious role, and can't conceal his natural urge to play every situation for laughs. |
Instead he plays it for laughs, as perky one-liners replace probing dialogue. |
Learning from experience, we have adopted a highly conservative approach to fiction and mostly play it for laughs. |
And while most of the characters are played for laughs, there are some truly poignant moments in this story. |
Ryo, the main character, is perpetually hot to trot, and his lecherousness is played for laughs, but that's about it. |
In other words, I reverted to a song when I wasn't getting any laughs, which was more often than I care to remember. |
The belly laughs provoked by that rib-tickler have put the entire main island of Japan on tsunami alert. |
After a slightly slow start the audience did begin to warm up and there were some big laughs and rounds of applause. |
The odds are that, whoever romps home to victory, there'll be plenty of laughs along the way. |
Made in a pre-CGI age, it all looks a little ropey, with the fight scenes played for laughs out of necessity. |
She laughs and says she has longed for the ring for a great time and wished to take it. |
Instead, it's got four good dances, a few good laughs, and not a few longueurs. |
They are constantly aware that they are in the midst of a movie, and some of the funniest laughs come from their asides to the audience. |
Your column gave me a lotta laughs, but I'm also ambivalent over the whole anti-bullying curriculum. |
Robin laughs non-stop day and night, pausing only for meals and medication breaks. |
He laughs at his own contradictions, a lot more comfortable in his own skin these days. |
My guess is Mike just sits and laughs when he sees you posting taking the time to reply every once in a while just for the lulz. |
Then you exploit their insecurities to get an insane amount of drama, laughs and lulz. |
He got lots of laughs when he recalled a story of how he could hardly talk English after linking up with him. |
Lots of future campaign speculation, loads of laughs, food and music were on tap for the gathering of women movers and shakers. |
He is certainly not above getting laughs out of the sheer awfulness of his characters' tastes and habits. |
He slouches in his chair, he laughs at his own jokes, he makes fun of himself, he kids around with his subordinates. |
From sci-fi stuff to lots of laughs to reality shows with a twist, it's couch potato heaven. |
There are laughs to be had from the updated text, and Shakespeare's basic story is as entertaining as ever. |
Hoffman and Reilly squeeze all the legitimate, and many illegitimate, laughs out of the text. |
For a barrel of laughs, go and see this likeable duo as they entertain and exchange banter across a farm fence. |
However, whenever the subject of marriage comes up, Bob says he's been there, done that, laughs, and changes the subject. |
He guides you to long satisfying laughs or giddy giggles, while the rest of the cast scares you into sharp barks of laughter. |
The heavy bass of the music, combined with the shrieking laughs of drunk girls reminds me of why I like to avoid parties. |
When Donna Hazelton laughs, I hear a deep, throaty noise that I recognise instantly. |
It's self-deprecating and he laughs about it, but I think there are two things I'd say. |
Any time things got serious I could pull back and allow for some laughs, which was really a way to distance people. |
He didn't win, but he did gain a few laughs, thus setting in motion a phenomenal career. |
There are some laughs to be had here, but they are islands in a becalmed ocean. |
The fact that he always laughs over the book, shows what a fraud his professed belief in the separableness of mind and body actually is. |
You will be giving a lot of laughs, smiles, giggles, chuckles, hoots, snorts, cackle, titters, grins and guffaws. |
All I really want when I venture out at weekends is a few quiet beers, a bit of mickey taking and a few laughs. |
But while these are serio-comic documentaries, The Son's Room is not played for so many laughs. |
The figure laughs and I cringe at the raucous, metallic sound that sounds from the image of my mouth. |
He laughs when he explains all the rail franchises were awarded on the understanding that passenger traffic would contract each year. |
He laughs, mocking the pose a Shakespearean actor might take during a particularly tragic scene. |
Unfortunately the formula that produces big laughs on screen is somewhat less amusing for the fans of this latter long-running tragicomedy. |
If you want more than a half dozen laughs over 90 minutes from your comedy, you are shizzle out of luck. |
Our go-to funnyman is back, and besides the laughs, we've even got some NYE outfit ideas for you that are shoppable below! |
Requests new to the circle brought about plenty of laughs, with the rope trick, songs and jokes. |
In other words, it's the mixture as before, with few surprises but lots of laughs. |
For a play involving such grotesque and bizarre subject matter, it sure got a lot of laughs! |
He's a goofball guerrilla reporter who's drawn laughs, confusion and bizarro quotes from politicians, movie stars and big-time musicians. |
He laughs at that, but you can't help thinking there is an element of truth in that suggestion. |
The filmmakers may not be the Zucker brothers, but at least they know how to get a few laughs out of mondo tomatoes on the loose. |
It has some solid performances, a few laughs and a likable cast of characters. |
Despite the laughs though, many might not find it as side-splitting as the first hilarious instalment. |
This is not a monochromatically somber piece, but a suspenseful slice of unvarnished life, mixing anguish and grief with smiles and laughs. |
Instead of witty banter, lines are delivered blandly, leaving little room for laughs or sexual tension. |
However all is not quite as it seems, and the audience is taken on a journey of twists and turns, with laughs and a few surprises along the way. |
I did not walk into the cafeteria to laughs and heckles, no one got in my face. |
He blows harder and harder, everybody laughs in anticipation, and the balloon busts with a big bang right in his face. |
Sterling sneaks a sip of his sponsor's product, uncaps his Sharpie one more time and laughs. |
Something like Mouse Hunt gets boffo laughs with scenes where a cupboard takes three shots to fall on Lee Evans. |
Fortunately the giggles from the Thai ladies and boisterous laughs from the lads who were nearby painted a different picture. |
Popular boofhead humour gameshow returns and we may need the laughs after the evening's earlier Election Debate at 7.00 pm. |
These drops are expelled when the infected person talks, laughs, sneezes, or coughs. |
While this story is not entirely without gaping plot holes or rampant silliness, it should at least provoke a good supply of laughs and snickers. |
His unsurpassed resilience to Hollywood's finest voice coaches may get laughs from the critics, but also works in his favour. |
The greatest laughs come when we realise the full banality of virtual conversations, when spoken out loud. |
In a scene played for laughs, he even watches a video about voodoo so he can render her powerless to resist his advances. |
But life has not always been a bundle of laughs and he has struggled to overcome some bad times. |
It's not a very interesting site but the topic of software is rarely a bundle of laughs and it does the job it sets out to do. |
I mean, it's obviously not a bundle of laughs and you don't go round kicking up your heels and thinking, tra la-la, how lovely. |
Manic depression might not be a bundle of laughs, but an hour in the company of a Coked-up Carrie Fisher certainly is. |
So many spoofs today make only token gestures towards the genre they're aping, then look for laughs in deliberate anachronisms. |
One of the conclusions hits the spot, but the others, while funny, are sitcom laughs. |
I'm sorry, but she laughs in her sleep and can never remember the joke in the morning. |
He laughs recalling one stressful day when he ended up smoking in the back garden and heard the bathroom window squeaking open. |
He looks at Natasha, who squints her eyes and pouts, then laughs, hands on hips. |
He's really quiet and doesn't say anything, but when he laughs it's this really loud scary cackle. |
It is the camerawork in this film, however, that is granted the smartest trickery, gets the best laughs, and the cleverest lines. |
Indeed, it was a star-studded gala event filled with laughs, tears, tickles, and fears. |
If you want a fun flick with a lot of laughs and a killer Canuck soundtrack, you will not be disappointed. |
The script also lays out a plethora of supermodel stereotypes for quick laughs. |
Its richness is strong but understated, and the Old Rose red is a special colour hue that just laughs at yearly trends and fads. |
He has a reputation for being careful with money, but not with time and laughs. |
All us omniscient narrators were getting together to have a few laughs and a few drinks. |
He has hazel coloured eyes that actually light up every time he smiles or laughs. |
He laughs heartily, he has a slue of female friends, including myself, and he genuinely cares about all of us. |
The ruffian casual laughs at him, and sings funny and oftentimes libellous songs concerning him as he breaks stones or picks oakum. |
Sam smiled a bit as the rest offered their own strained smiles and laughs to his amusing but rather frighteningly honest statement. |
There are several hearty laughs to be had, and the hesitations and flubbed lines of opening night will surely disappear as the run continues. |
He regularly attempted to embarrass me during classes to get laughs from the dumb jocks, but I usually outsmarted him. |
The record is harder, more serious, but then its subject matter is hardly a barrel of laughs. |
She gets applause, ovations, and laughs, but it's important to remember that those in the audience share her views. |
When I'm tickling her tummy and she laughs hilariously, with her whole body. |
This puppet show was a big hit at the Fringe, combining music, song and laughs. |
Most of them are using that trick for cheap laughs, while he earned those laughs the hard way. |
It hurts, but now I just remind myself that they don't know anything about me, and that I am worth more than their cheap laughs. |
Here was I, cheeky Emma Kennedy, about to have to do some proper acting with no laughs attached. |
A theatre full of modern-day hyperactive children still laughs and cheers at all the right places. |
The cult fiction collection presents four cheeseball attempts at low-budget horror that purposely elicit more laughs than chills. |
He is fine company and laughs chestily at times, even if for the most part he assumes the patented demeanour of the serious, centred actor. |
Marjorie Campbell plays a sour and surly chambermaid that scores laughs galore. |
Cheap laughs were hard to come by, and the crashing economy seemed to be turning all Hong Kong films into horror movies. |
Ethan laughs a long horse laugh that is entirely inappropriate but fits with his racism. |
My trepidation gave way to guilty chuckles, then belly laughs and then genuine admiration. |
Bogosian knows how to prime his audience with some chuckles, and then goad them into a few uneasy laughs. |
He's a chuckler, and something of a giggler, and it has that infectious quality that the best laughs have. |
Mum perches on the edge of Thomas's bed and laughs at the outrageous situation we've found ourselves in. |
This humorous play has a serious undercurrent and will give audiences as much food for thought as it does laughs. |
It's a slight premise, but it's played for laughs throughout, pastiching not only the TV show, but the buddy genre and the Seventies in general. |
It had laughs and characters, and moments of what could almost be called pathos. |
They clinked the elegant crystal glasses together and the whole night consisted of laughs and champagne. |
His timing remained exquisite, expertly coaxing laughs from the bleakest onscreen situation. |
While this received plenty of laughs, the combative chairman was not amused as will be revealed later. |
It may have been written in a comic style, but it's hardly the barrel of laughs the reviewers make it out to be. |
It seemed that somehow, amidst the reminiscing, the laughs, and an indeterminable amount of liquor, he and Jessie had fallen asleep. |
It ends up being just another competently made, untaxing, light as candy-floss action film with a few laughs thrown in for good measure. |
The actors assimilate the cringe-worthy lines with great skill and finesse, so that the audience laughs rather than groans. |
The fact he is playing it for laughs and playing it straight at the same time is on occasion an unsettling twist. |
When the legislature laughs at him and starts playing games, he's not going to get it. |
We had some laughs as we reminisced of old times and got caught up with news of family members that we have lost contact with. |
Eager to please, it goes for easy laughs, reinforcing rather than challenging stereotypes. |
The film has plenty of heart, plenty of style, and a fistful of solid laughs. |
I suspect this remake, now satirising post-feminist America and suburban life itself, may raise more laughs here than on its home turf. |
Kerry leans his head back and laughs heartily, because he's having fun, you know? |
The film looks fresh and trips the light fantastic, it's fun, breezy and full of laughs. |
When I felt he was out of earshot, I burst into a fit of laughs and Danny did the same. |
Sometimes he laughs for no earthly reason, and one feels sorry at being not able to join him. |
Caidryn laughs bitterly, the angry bruise on her face darkening her features even further. |
Anyway, thanks for the laughs, and I look forward to reading the next journal and next gazette. |
Unfortunately, like all spring getaways, this trip of laughs and fun in the sun is ultimately a short and abbreviated one. |
I could hear kids at the top of the hill just up the road from where I was, their laughs and giggles making me want to join them. |
Alison found this just hilarious and her bubbly giggles had graduated to full blown belly laughs. |
It had taken all day to find it, and had cost him many giggles and laughs behind his back, but it was worth it. |
He takes an armchair, orders a gin and tonic, leans back and laughs nervously. |
He gives one of his rumbling belly laughs, then replies that he is certainly not Superman. |
There are certainly a lot of good things about the series and definitely some laughs. |
She laughs uncontrollably, trying to hit me and fight back, but her blows glance off. |
She gnaws a steak with her mouth open, picks her teeth with her fingernails, laughs with a porcine snort and drinks beer out of the bottle. |
There have been a few laughs around the village this week following the Democrat's cover of the colonies of wild feral cats prowling around. |
The series's triumph is in making a depressing premise funny, while never losing sight of the grim reality beneath the laughs. |
He treats his lip-synch sequences as if he's goofing on us, going for laughs, instead of playing it straight. |
For all the laughs their comedies still elicit, you can't help but detect a note of regret in their remarks. |
Occasionally someone laughs at how clever this is as I sit gouging my eyeballs out with my ticket. |
He gets a consistent amount of laughs with that rubbery, expressive punim of his. |
It certainly can't be a barrel of laughs watching your portfolio gradually diminish in value. |
In a festival where easy laughs are mostly the order of the day, this is a serious piece of work that separates the grown-ups from the kids. |
Those looking for more meaning here than silly belly laughs and guffaws are bound to be disappointed. |
The force of Jem's sudden exclamation surprises even him, and he laughs after an embarrassed pause. |
Usually if a horror film takes itself too seriously it winds up being an eye-rolling embarrassment full of unintended laughs. |
The comedy has some funny bits but relies on too many eye-rolling cliches for laughs. |
Sadly, Adam is let off the leash in the second half and everything goes downhill, but not before the movie has delivered big laughs. |
He then laughs dramatically for far too long at this joke and I had to pause the video to calm myself. |
There's a lot of comedy in Mallboy, and Giarrusso is certainly not above getting laughs out of the sheer awfulness of his characters' tastes and habits. |
Not far away some woman in a house laughs, a mad cackle of a laugh. |
A part of me was tempted to read the whole thing out and see which jokes got laughs, but I'm not sure they would have stuck with me for that long. |
Men don't lacerate themselves in their attempts to get laughs. |
He laughs about how he once burned her foot with a hot poker when she lied about doing her homework as a schoolgirl. |
He then went through a scornful recitation of all the things he could do if he wanted to settle for cheap laughs. |
Impatient and dismissive, punctuated by forced, faked little laughs and peevish demands for more airtime. |
He laughs, ambles back to the cashier and returns with the missing drink. |
It's still a very entertaining commentary, with plenty of info and laughs, but it too is a holdover from previous releases, originally recorded for the laserdisc. |
The giggles and laughs were silenced when another round of fanfares began. |
They humiliate themselves in front of millions of people, and everybody with their TV dinner just laughs it up, not being able to critically discern it from a good movie. |
Now everyone within a ten mile radius laughs at you in the street. |
Indeed, the majority of the laughs are generated from this one sight gag. |
Nothing too brilliant and it did have a few draggy moments, but I heard at least a few laughs from the audience and I felt pretty good about doing it. |
With its insane mix of loves-me-loves-me-nots, switcheroos, flawed motives, crooked laughs and crying babies, it is one of cinema's most buoyant genres. |
Leigh Anne laughs with a friend while Gavin eyes up a dark-haired girl. |
And there are plenty of laughs along the way to make up for it. |
Emma starts in on me about Paul and he just laughs and nudges my shoulder. |
She laughs aloud turning finally once more to her plighted cousin. |
Sure, she had given a few polite smiles and laughs and even cooed over her goddaughter, but he had never seen her smile or laugh from pure unadulterated joy. |
My new boss laughs, disbelievingly, but I patiently explain I'd been invited to a singles night comprising of rising marketing professionals such as myself. |
The director encouraged me to play the part for laughs, and so a character developed which was effectively a satire on all my adolescent neuroses. |
They chain-smoked and pushed around skinny underclassmen for laughs. |
He becomes a ventriloquist, and gets laughs only when the dummy pees on him. |
She is strong and passionate, with endless, beaming smiles and deep laughs, a love of bright colours, and a flamboyant style that includes a passion for eye-raising hats. |
Taken as a whole, however, Plaza Suite still offers some great entertainment and laughs, including a dozen or so wonderful zingers shot off by the late, great Walter Matthau. |
It runs a bit long but great lines, solid, zippy performances, laughs, intelligent ideas and some out-and-out chaos make this a model Fringe experience. |
But the director is actually more interested in eliciting cheap laughs than in extended social commentary. |
He laughs uproariously as he finishes off the last of his papdi chaat. |
They both laugh hard, forced laughs that go on for five seconds too long, and Sarah drags on her cigarette and surveys the foggy chateau grounds that will never be hers. |
He laughs and says he does not expect his slaves to be honest, as the system of slavery forces them to resort to cheating and dishonesty just to get by. |
The archaic ridiculousness of the original script is played for laughs. |
A dish of linguine with lobster and Granny Smith apples, on the other hand, sounded so wildly wrong that I ordered it for laughs, and found it very good indeed. |
He brought laughs to the lips of millions, and he will be sorely missed. |
He laughs, the old roguishness oozing back into his expression. |
Queens-native Fran Drescher is known for her nasal voice, but when the actress laughs, ear drums truly feel the effects. |
She laughs as she talks, but big, unspilled tears well in her eyes. |
These may become airborne when the person sneezes, coughs, or laughs. |
What she calls jokes often seem to me thinly disguised reproaches of his behaviour or character flaws, the only difference is that she laughs afterwards. |
Several of the men let out whoops of merriment and two stood and began to polka around the fire with each other, causing laughs and jeers from the others. |
In fact my little boy is shouting so loud for me that the race commentator mentioned him a few times, and is getting lots of laughs out of the spectators. |
Performed to a collage of composers ranging from Kurt Weill to Bela Bartok, Sorrow's Sister reveals women bent on survival, even finding a few laughs in the worst of times. |
They don't fool me in their red vans and their long white beards and their false ho ho ho laughs, coming down your chimney at Christmas with sackfuls of letters. |
He laughs, snugging his cap down over his monk's coif of graying hair. |
He laughs when asked about his new sobriquet of Britain's richest man. |
The ramp is wobbly, and Clarkson grasps the handrail to steady herself and laughs. |
Although Luna Papa strives for a balance of laughs and drama, the taint of human cruelty and violence is so strong that many of the comedic elements feel forced. |
The hosts on business cable channels refer to pe ratios and swap spreads, and no one laughs at them. |
He laughs nervously, then moves the conversation on to a different topic. |
And the veteran comedy writer, 52, is no slouch when it comes to getting laughs. |
There was a germ of a good idea here, but the finished product was a pretty flaccid affair, relying on saucy language and innuendo for its cheap laughs. |
This brings the usual round of laughs from the bridal party. |
Right Bed, Wrong Husband is a production which assures steady laughs, from beginning to end, spiced with the bacchanal elements that local audiences love so well. |
Johns' blue eyes brighten as he tells this story, and he laughs. |
She tells stories, laughs easily and explains processes and ideas clearly. |
The possible risk being that she schtums and won't tell me the truth or just laughs in my face when I bring it up because it's apparently trivial. |
She laughs again, her ocean-colored eyes sparkling in the dim light. |
That was a shock, he admits, although now he laughs at how easily a child could deceive himself that somehow, even at boarding school, his parents would still be around. |
Instead, Kennedy took the punch-line for himself and applied the loud laughs he earned as an inoculation against a poisonous idea. |
Bremner apart, it wasn't exactly a bundle of laughs for the delegates. |
He laughs, aware perhaps that, as with his baking, he's being over-modest. |
He was in fine form, ducking and jabbing on a number of tough questions and even getting laughs on some of his wry responses. |
The film is a comedy, but rarely relies on outright gags for laughs. |
Sure, it's cringingly inappropriate at times, but the writers have spent more of their time over the last four years creating genuine laughs than trying to make censors blush. |
The incorrigible nanny provided the majority of the laughs throughout with her classroom scene and exercise routines the most humorous of the panto. |
She jumps when the small explosive bursts, splitting the wood in half as intended, and Ted smiles, laughs, and then walks her through the process again. |
The thing is, I think Max fried all his nerves so he just laughs. |
But the khalifa, he laughs, spent 120 million Bahraini dinars on a bowl made of pearls. |
Dressed in white for her next entrance, in ACT III, she smokes a cigarette and laughs at Ariel, who cuts a caper, mincing air with someone's sword. |
While reading, I ranged from smiles to titters to outright belly laughs. |
She affects Victorian-melodrama attitudes, tromps about like a regiment of dragoons, utters horror-film laughs, and spits out a goodly number of her lines. |
Boledi, who lives in Sweden, laughs heartily when I call him to ask about his connections to Jundullah. |
But I've gotten laughs at a couple of inopportune moments also. |
From the unforgettable image of Gene Kelly standing in the rain, smiling so wide to Donald O'Conner hamming it up and running up walls for laughs. |
He laughs, leans back in the squashy sofa in his Whitehall office, overlooking the Cenotaph war memorial, and refuses to confirm or deny the story. |
Larry, of course, has gotten a few laughs out of Laurie's metamorphosis. |
While these campy interludes are good for a few laughs, after the first one they quickly become interminable and stop the film dead in its tracks. |
Jay slows it down a bit, takes out a few road cones and laughs. |
Barker is often perceived as a rather chilly writer, but here he laughs at the absurdity of humanity that dares to hope even as it digs its own grave with a spade. |
It has laughs, gripping stories, various space fillers, and a few puzzles. |
The car is the source of most of the laughs as it winks its headlights, smiles using its front bumper, and uses its trunk to conk meddlers on the head. |
He stops after a second, looks around him and laughs, apparently realizing the absurdity of the endeavor. |
After angrily sharing a secret about the friend who posted about him, he catches himself and laughs, exasperated. |
She laughs when she recalls how he served her cereal from a box so old, there were ants in it. |
A white police officer standing amid the crowd inside the barricade got his laughs a moment later. |
His voice carries some of the Bavarian lilt of Werner Herzog, and he looks slightly like Daniel Day-Lewis when he laughs. |
For those looking for a bellyful of laughs, two humorous pieces in the yuletide spirit. |
Rather, breaths all around me were wasted on rounds of hushed laughs and snickering. |
Like all family reunions, this meeting has a ton of laughs, a few tears, and a busload of drama. |
Instead of painted blondes on the arms of fat cats, there sat Bret Easton Ellis at a nearby table, laughing big horse laughs with his funky, downtown retinue. |
Tell them I miss having a supportive crowd, and I miss the laughs. |
Chuck is a paternal authority figure and not a barrel of laughs. |
Geez, the Timmons family reunions must be a real barrel of laughs. |
Can she really believe that Julius Caesar is a barrel of laughs? |
When Matsui hears himself characterized as a showman or a performer, he laughs hard and then shakes his head so vigorously it appears his cap might pop off. |
By now it's less than an hour until show time and there isn't room to swing a mascara backstage so unsurprisingly Belinda laughs when I ask how she's coping. |
Blumenthal, a courtly gentleman of 68 in a perfectly crisp blue shirt, gets laughs by trotting out his rudimentary Spanish. |
She laughs wildly and climbs up the staircase, daring him to go. |
He laughs at these great transformations of nature by nature. |
Sunday was a nice lazy day, full of odd surprises and a few belly laughs. |
Both he and Garlin are good for laughs when they're goofing off to entertain the children with sing-alongs or synchronized face-making exercises, but this is the problem. |
James Caan should be able to play a curmudgeonly drunk grandpa in his sleep and still get laughs. |
He laughs again to show he's not posturing, he's kidding around. |
My throat was so sore from gasping for breath that my laughs at animals humping people, people injuring themselves and children stepping in dog poo came out like coughs. |
The movie provokes a lot of smiles and chuckles, but few belly laughs. |
Skullduggery and laughs mix effortlessly as bounty-hunting heroine Stephanie Plum tracks down a rather nasty group of killers. |
And then makes a slashing gesture across his throat and laughs. |
In its God-like prime, The Simpsons attacked well-worn satirical fodder from unexpected angles, finding fresh laughs in the hoariest of subjects. |
This rather lazy effort tries to mix laughs and gunplay but is reliant on the charisma of its two leads, Ice Cube and Kevin Hart. |
Unlike Judd Apatow's sneery Walk Hard, this sweet secondchance comedy earns its laughs the farce way. |
On the phone from her home in Coventry, England, Davis laughs. |
Utterly gratuitous excremental jokes are included as, it seems, a low comedy way of saying, See, cheap laughs are the same in any language. |
Well, I once had an Albino King snake called Tyson, which I swapped for a parakeet called Finlay,'' laughs Mitchell. |
There are some moments that might make you smile, but don't expect any huge belly laughs. |
Biggest laughs go to Frank Harper as Ronnie, the spivvish businessman who backs the club. |
She laughs as she recalls using the restroom in the Seoul airport. |
Daniels laughs at himself, once again shaking his head in disbelief. |
He laughs at the unintentional contradiction of that statement. |
Many of us who have lived here for any length of time have some repairmen service experiences to tell to provide a few laughs. |
One minute her words prompt laughs, the next, they summon tears. |