Among the latest achievements of the Committee are the kosher cracknels made for export. |
We dine on kosher hot dogs, Old Style beer, Cracker Jacks, and frosty malts. |
Those who are strict about eating only glatt kosher meat eat only meat that is koshered within the three days of Shechita. |
Muslims may not eat any food that has been sacrificed to idols, but kosher is fine. |
For kosher meat, Kashrut law stipulates that all meat must be consumed within 72 hours of slaughter. |
I figured there was no reason to mention that I now kept kosher and make a scene. |
Or, scrub the pot with half a lemon sprinkled with kosher salt, and rinse thoroughly. |
He explained the rituals of eating kosher and keeping Shabbat as spiritual practices. |
His family kept kosher, went to services and developed its community around the temple. |
As an orthodox Jew, he observes Shabbat, eats kosher, and prays three times a day. |
Then he added it to a bowl with cayenne pepper, kosher salt, and brown sugar. |
Being hungry, I stopped at the cafeteria and asked if they had kosher food. |
Sara Goldstein, of Long Island, New York, has the added requirement of finding kosher foods suitable for her Weight Watchers diet. |
Despite its widespread popularity among Florida's politicians, the bond cap statute was not entirely kosher from a constitutional point of view. |
But my mother was worried about how she would feed and care for four kids who could eat only kosher food. |
In one block, you can take your pick of reasonably priced Russian, kosher Middle Eastern or Caribbean fare. |
Though my family has never been particularly religious, we go to the synagogue on holidays and observe Shabbat, and eat kosher. |
We came back with a good supply of pumpernickel bread and kosher dill pickles for guffing in the evening while we studied. |
The article appeared to suggest that there is a diminishing demand in NYC for kosher restaurants. |
He worked at the Agriprocessors kosher meatpacking plant in Postville, Iowa. |
In the kosher Nobel Prizes we have some Brits, some Japanese, Americans and of course a Swiss, but once again, all men. |
That's when you combine kosher salt, brown sugar, juniper berries, and a lot of water. |
When four people are sharing a spliff, taking more than three tokes in one pass is not kosher. |
And he's the guardian and protector of our barbecue, to make sure that everything is strictly kosher. |
Three local councils had banned the sale of pork declaring the meat was unclean and most certainly not kosher. |
At Passover seders, traditionalists who favor sweet kosher wine and modernists who prefer dryness can share this 2006 late-harvest chenin blanc. |
KosherPets was founded by a Florida couple who started feeding kosher meat to their dog for health reasons. |
Well, both Leviathan and Behemoth, the mythic and legendary giant creatures of the sea and the land respectively, are kosher. |
The Army lost all the kosher food I'd brought with me, and my wife had to work hard back in the States just to make sure I was fed. |
The chief justice seemed to be arguing that anything short of hostility or blatant evangelism was kosher. |
Pat dry and season lightly with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. |
Yet, kosher did not alter Indian vegetarian cuisine in any way, he said. |
Two of the entrees, shrimp and pork, are not kosher, and a third, sausage, is possibly not kosher. |
For years the kitchenware was not kosher, and some of the religious soldiers ate with disposable utensils. |
As a result, Rue des Rosiers houses only a few kosher shops and kitschy delis, mostly dedicated to vistors rather than locals. |
Classes in yoga, ballet and bridge run alongside workshops in kosher cooking and psychoanalysis and Judaism. |
Banister went on to say that while she would ban halal food, kosher fare would be allowed. |
To attack a synagogue and a kosher grocery store is quite simply antisemitism and racism. |
The massacre of 17 people in the Charlie Hebdo and kosher supermarket attacks were a reminder of the threat of terrorism. |
Kalman's father owned a factory that manufactured kosher soap, sabbath candles and candles for church altars. |
A recent study of specialized beef products in Canada shows there is a growing market opportunity to produce halal and kosher meats. |
And the first kosher McDonald's opened in early 1995 in a suburb of Jerusalem. |
On the kosher issue, the problem of food, I would say there's definitely a role for government. |
In Bir Sika, inspectors of the Rabbinate inspect the harvest and ensure that it is kosher. |
The production of kosher and halal products is usually done by specialized processors due to their relatively small market. |
When a customer needs to know if the product is kosher or contains peanuts, you respond. |
In one bag add granulated sugar and in the other add the kosher salt and chili powder. |
It is the only Canadian winery certified by the Kashruth Council of Toronto to produce kosher wine. |
A special niche in New York is the production of sweet kosher wine from the Concord grape, as well as dry kosher table wines from other grape varieties. |
The gentleman was listed as Orthodox and kosher, which is way too religious for my friend whose JSwipe account I was test-driving. |
Mixing meat and dairy is a kosher rule-breaker, so they switched the cheese for potatoes. |
Since customers would normally assume the meat is kosher, the defect must be revealed to all customers, even non-Jewish ones, to avoid misleading them. |
I know this isn't kosher, this isn't how you're supposed to read books! |
With a little effort, it is possible to keep kosher and respect the Sabbath. |
Perhaps that should have been the first inkling that this might not be a totally kosher idea. |
Madam President, I had hoped that despite the warm words you have sent to Mr Berlusconi, you would lead the way in this campaign to make it clear that what is currently happening in Italy is really not really kosher. |
This unique program delivers appetizing and healthy choices, from grilled vegetables, fruit plates, pasta and salmon to special orders, such as kosher and vegetarian meals to patients. |
This package contained kosher wine, matzot, matzah flour, tea, tuna, and even meat. |
Food prepared in accordance with them is termed kosher, and food that is not kosher is also known as treifah or treif. |
Nobel Peace Prize-winner Rigoberto Menchu, center, leads a candlelight walk to Agriprocessors kosher meatpacking plant in Postville, Iowa, Nov. |
To adhere to the kosher process, Alle hired ritual slaughterers, or shochetim, to travel from New York to Texas. |
The butcher's daughter of the title is the only child of a shoykhet, a ritual kosher slaughterer, so I spent some time learning about slaughtering practices, the texts for which are naturally all in Hebrew. |
Please note that the food served in the café is not kosher. |
He would confidently identify or misidentify me as a friend of his, a customer in his delicatessen, a kosher butcher, another doctor — as a dozen different people in the course of a few minutes. |
AviGlatt has a huge selection of kosher foods for Passover, and they are ready to ship so that customers receive their orders by Pesach. |
Pita Joe, a healthy kosher Mediterranean eatery, will open in the city's Union Square area, at 2 West 14th Street, on the corner of 5th Avenue. |
All of the varieties are certified organic and kosher, made without hydrogenated oils or refined sugars. |
For example, in order to be considered kosher, mammals must have split hooves and chew their cud. |
Without the proper slaughtering practices even an otherwise kosher animal will be rendered treif. |
Chicken and other kosher birds are considered the same as meat under the laws of kashrut, but the prohibition is Rabbinic, not Biblical. |
Season with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper and check flavor. |
Cliffstar produces more than 100 different brands and has to separate kosher from nonkosher juices. |
The New York City Department of Markets estimated in 1925 that 40 percent of the meat sold as kosher in the city was actually nonkosher. |
According to John Baker, executive director of trade marketing at the Beef Information Centre, the greatest challenge facing processors of kosher and halal products is the procurement of beef. |
In 1982, the family began producing milk according to the strict and specialized requirements of the kosher market. In 2003, they switched from a traditional parlour setup to a high-tech robotic milking system. |
There are four functioning Orthodox synagogues in Gibraltar and several kosher establishments. |
After the victims were killed, the perpetrators hung the bodies from meat hooks and mutilated them in a vicious parody of kosher slaughtering practices. |
I ask the minister why her government is continuing to pursue charges against the Hahamovitch kosher food company when l'Office de la langue Française has dropped its charges. |
In this article, learn about what makes milk kosher and how this new robotic milking system helped the Landry family's dairy business become a whole lot easier. |
The management has vowed that the donations will be distributed, via an independent panel, to the families of the victims of all the January attacks,including the kosher grocery attack. |
With some, though, there was nothing to be done to help a kosher gal out. |
The use of dishes, serving utensils, and ovens may make food treif that would otherwise be kosher. |
One day, maybe, we'd go by Rabbi Leibish, Rabbi Leibish would show him how you take a trafe knife and get it kosher again. |
Copepods, being crustaceans, are not kosher, nor are they small enough to be ignored as nonfood microscopic organisms, since some specimens can be seen with the naked eye. |
The water was ultimately ruled kosher by posek Yisrael Belsky. |
Most often they were completely unable to partake in the outdoor food markets that the general population utilized as most of the food for sale was not kosher. |
But for aficionados of the real thing, the high-quality, old-school kosher renditions of brisket or flanken or center-cut tongue like silk, the Second Avenue Deli was it. |
Consumers love Sabra hummus and look to the brand to bring them a little food adventure.All varieties of Sabra hummus are gluten-free and certified kosher. |
Their scrumptiously seasoned pastrami sandwich may not be strictly kosher, but it's piled sky high on a sturdy rye and will cure those hot pastrami blues in a New York minute. |
So when the legendary Beverly Hills Hotel re-opened with a new kosher kitchen, it chose a New York Style, Kosher pickle available only by mail-order. |
Another licensed cleric in Judaism is the shochet, who are trained and licensed by religious authorities for kosher slaughter according to ritual law. |
An 18-ounce Delmonico steak with its own house-made steak sauce was accompanied by french fries tossed in truffle oil and sprinkled with kosher salt. |
Campaigns continue to target halal and kosher religious ritual slaughter. |
To transform your dip into Mediterranean hummus, add tahini, which you can usually find in Middle Eastern or kosher markets or in the gourmet sections of many grocery stores. |
Hassid said the Cashio development is unique in its kosher amenities, acknowledging the kosher retirement and assisted-living condos and hotels in other parts of the country. |
As usual, Talia's has prepared a team of cleaners who will clean every inch of the kosher Manhattan restaurant overnight to make sure there is no chametz left on the premises. |
For seafood to be kosher, the animal must have fins and scales. |