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How to use kneeling in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word kneeling? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
So the bus conductress wouldn't allow me to sit on the only empty double seat on the 38 because she was kneeling on it.
She set the parcel on the bed, kneeling on the floor as she untied the double knot.
William took the necklace from around the book, and, kneeling down in front of her, refastened it around her neck.
As she entered the garage she spotted Aouri kneeling beside Brigg's motorcycle, tightening something with a wrench.
She had a strong regal bearing and her kneeling on the floor seemed as improper as a priest swearing.
Sudden death smashed upon the kneeling priest when, having removed his helmet, he was administering the last rites to a dying fireman.
You may want to spread a sheet of plywood as a kneeling board over the newly laid tile as you continue to work.
Arnold, my son, was inside, kneeling in front of my open desk drawers, rummaging through the various documents within.
You see Thais offering white lotuses, waving incense and kneeling in quiet prayer at the various temples to the Enlightened One.
That's when she was forced to attempt the most difficult vault of the competition over a kneeling horse.
During these hidden years, Jeanne often spent hours kneeling in the chapel, gazing at the crucifix or the tabernacle of Christ's presence.
There's an old black man, an aborigine, with long, tangled dreadlocks, kneeling at the edge of the pit.
Five minutes later she is kneeling in front of him, taping a gauze pad over his elbow, when a note whisks under the door.
Modifications of the tarsometatarsal joints point to habitual use of a kneeling posture in which the feet were supported on the dorsiflexed toes.
When the ambulance men arrived, her husband was kneeling beside the baby on the bedroom floor.
All of the Omori ryu kata save one begin from the kneeling position of seiza.
I was still kneeling, perfectly still, hypnotized by the very alive beating of a heart.
She sighed and sat back on her haunches before settling into a kneeling position.
Slowly entering the cottage, Dimitri found Reana kneeling next to the cadaver of the old man, which lay bestrewn upon the floor.
All afternoon, people have come and gone, kneeling before the blessed sacrament in the golden monstrance on the side altar.
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Examples from Classical Literature
And, kneeling down, she began to disentangle a fly, imprisoned in a cobweb.
Don't think me heartless, but really to see you kneeling there is so funny!
It was not enough that a freeborn Afro-American should be caught kneeling to an Englishman.
Whatever others may say of me I will recite sutras kneeling before amitabha Buddha.
The aisles facing her antechapel are constantly filled with a crowd of kneeling votaries.
Ellis dived to his bedroll and rose to a kneeling position with his own rifle.
It was caused by the fall of Dr. benson In the pew while kneeling in prayer.
Robbie had recovered his wakefulness, and was kneeling at Sim's feet, chafing his hands.
Edward was kneeling beside his bed with his head hidden in the counterpane.
Jean stared in amazement, while Maurice, kneeling on his bed, craned his neck to see.
Within the rail, kneeling facing them, William's face gleamed like the death mask of prayer.
The poor woman would not quit the floor, even when, in despondence, she gave over her kneeling importunity.
The sunlight filtered through the thin silk when the Emperor raised the purple to enrobe the kneeling Julian.
We see the husband and wife kneeling facing each other, with a faldstool before each figure.
The firer must be able to hold the rifle steadily in the three positions, kneeling, sitting.
I only vaguely see the outline of a kneeling figure, evidently neither bulky nor obese, of a flat back and vigorous shoulders.
In one part of the room an old woman was kneeling down scrubbing the floorcloth.
He turned now to guyot, who was kneeling by the Captain, and looking to his hurt.
And there was snod Mistress Jeanie, forgetting her spotless gown and kneeling in the snow.
The lights were on, and I was on the floor, with old Bill kneeling beside me with a soda siphon.
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