So the bus conductress wouldn't allow me to sit on the only empty double seat on the 38 because she was kneeling on it. |
She set the parcel on the bed, kneeling on the floor as she untied the double knot. |
William took the necklace from around the book, and, kneeling down in front of her, refastened it around her neck. |
As she entered the garage she spotted Aouri kneeling beside Brigg's motorcycle, tightening something with a wrench. |
She had a strong regal bearing and her kneeling on the floor seemed as improper as a priest swearing. |
Sudden death smashed upon the kneeling priest when, having removed his helmet, he was administering the last rites to a dying fireman. |
You may want to spread a sheet of plywood as a kneeling board over the newly laid tile as you continue to work. |
Arnold, my son, was inside, kneeling in front of my open desk drawers, rummaging through the various documents within. |
You see Thais offering white lotuses, waving incense and kneeling in quiet prayer at the various temples to the Enlightened One. |
That's when she was forced to attempt the most difficult vault of the competition over a kneeling horse. |
During these hidden years, Jeanne often spent hours kneeling in the chapel, gazing at the crucifix or the tabernacle of Christ's presence. |
There's an old black man, an aborigine, with long, tangled dreadlocks, kneeling at the edge of the pit. |
Five minutes later she is kneeling in front of him, taping a gauze pad over his elbow, when a note whisks under the door. |
Modifications of the tarsometatarsal joints point to habitual use of a kneeling posture in which the feet were supported on the dorsiflexed toes. |
When the ambulance men arrived, her husband was kneeling beside the baby on the bedroom floor. |
All of the Omori ryu kata save one begin from the kneeling position of seiza. |
I was still kneeling, perfectly still, hypnotized by the very alive beating of a heart. |
She sighed and sat back on her haunches before settling into a kneeling position. |
Slowly entering the cottage, Dimitri found Reana kneeling next to the cadaver of the old man, which lay bestrewn upon the floor. |
All afternoon, people have come and gone, kneeling before the blessed sacrament in the golden monstrance on the side altar. |
It took only moments for her to unarm the man and have him kneeling, gasping and begging for mercy. |
Our kneeling hero is basically wearing a one-piece bodysuit with boots and a headband. |
His knees flung forward, buckling under his weight, leaving him kneeling on the hard, unheeding cement. |
Telli, kneeling in the bows and paddling hard, failed to notice a third unlighted craft approaching until it was nearly upon them. |
He came out of his roll into a kneeling position and loaded a fresh shot into the breech. |
He went to his new bride and, kneeling on the floor next to her chair, folded her into his embrace. |
Aurora was kneeling beside me, lightly sprinkling water on my face to rouse me. |
She fell back into a squat from the kneeling position he had raised her to. |
Tanj held her pose, kneeling in front of the Bear, as the Instructor moved off to examine Kayla's handiwork. |
She only offered a gracious giggle before kneeling down to gather nearby sticks and branches for firewood. |
David moved behind him and, kneeling up on his strong and muscled haunches, began to slowly massage David's back and shoulders. |
In two bounding strides the woman was in the street, kneeling over her friend. |
The heroine, Portia, about to arrive home, is reported to be kneeling at holy crosses in the company of a hermit. |
Interestingly, Rembrandt overpainted the figure of a prostrate woman at Christ's feet with the present kneeling figure. |
He clapped his hands once more and serving men and women, after kneeling, came forward with a table and refreshments. |
She smirked a bit, and clapped her hands once more as she rose from her kneeling position and bowed to the idol. |
She formed the two loops, a simple clove hitch, and slid them over the right wrist of the figure kneeling in front of her. |
With a white chalky stone, the guide was kneeling on the kasbah roof, trying to draw the El Glaoui family tree on the dun-coloured surface. |
I'm kneeling by the end of this pool, with my hands in the water, trying to grab hold of this monster to fish it out of there. |
The coyotes and the bewildered souls kneeling in the headlights know that the border war cannot be fought like this forever. |
People said my brother was face down on the ground and they were kneeling on him and cuffing him on his head and body. |
Devotees walk days, weeks and even months to visit the holy shrines, sometimes kneeling and genuflecting before and after each step. |
This is the reason for head-coverings, face-veilings, bowing, kneeling, genuflecting, and other signs of spiritual modesty. |
She lifted her helmet from over her eyes and saw him kneeling down by the door, frowning as he prodded at the remains of his coat. |
Invoking and glorifying Him, praising and thanking Him and kneeling and prostrating before Him are the practical manifestations of worship. |
I was kneeling before my dearest Lewis, a golden crown was perched high on his brow. |
Throughout all of this, people kept kneeling, praying, crying, and staging theatrical die-ins in front of the fort. |
He was restrained with what looked like duct tape and was now kneeling beside me. |
She found it exquisite torture to have to hold still, to remain kneeling, but somehow she managed. |
A traditional ex-voto figure would have shown the duke kneeling, his hands folded in prayer, without the reliquary or Saint George. |
Emily was sitting on a chair, next to the washtub, talking to Hannah, who was kneeling at the tub helping a girl bath. |
Two goons cocked their guns ready to fire at me, still kneeling on the ground, when he lifted a finger. |
By 9.30 I was kneeling beside the phone and the pains were now bringing tears to my eyes but bizarrely I was still racked with doubt. |
So picture me, kneeling on my bed, trying to jiggle loose this plug, which is plugged into a six-plug adapter. |
From the back, hundreds of women looked like my mother, bent kneeling with bowed heads, kerchiefs or chapel veils covering their heads. |
Rod winged another in the leg and he fell to a kneeling position still firing. |
I was on my knees as I said these things, kneeling near the end of my bed with my hands joined in a vague approximation of a person praying. |
When I came to my senses again, I was on my knees with JD kneeling beside me. |
Then he noticed her, she was kneeling with her back to him but her long black curls were unmistakable. |
He was kneeling on the floor, blindfolded and gagged and wearing handcuffs. |
They tied me up like a beast and then they were kneeling on me, kicking and punching. |
The man hit him again and forced Pierre down on to his knees as if he was kneeling before a king. |
I was kneeling on the floor beneath his feet and nearly got trampled to death in the scrum. |
Gardeners should use foam knee pads and take frequent breaks from kneeling. |
At the edge, Linda lays the flowers down, kneeling beside the grave. |
She was kneeling under our mango tree drying out some wheat. |
The beginner's set, the Omori Ryu, consists of twelve kata, eleven beginning from the kneeling position called seiza, and one starting from a standing position. |
She was kneeling in the boat's compact cockpit watching carefully ahead for any telltale clues on the water that dangerous rocks lay just out of sight below the surface. |
Design for a decoration of a semi-dome, with Christ in a mandorla of cherubim between Sts Peter and Paul, and two martyrs, with a kneeling pope below. |
The kneeling nuns, roused from their devout abstraction, made their reverence and went away. |
We serve God best when we exercise our responsibilities locally, healing our fellow creatures within our damaged Earth community and kneeling with them in the praise of God. |
During early phases of weapons training, soldiers are taught supported and unsupported prone positions and may be introduced to other positions such as the kneeling position. |
Sometimes an episiotomy can be avoided simply by choosing a different position for the delivery, for example, kneeling, on all fours, or a supported squat. |
The change, in which both hero and beast are prone and wrestling on the ground, gives a strikingly different appearance from the standing or kneeling schemes. |
Susanne was kneeling up in her chair, flailing her arms wildly at me, her glowing face evidence that the celebrating had started long before my arrival. |
Police say he pulled a gun on them, but his family claimed that McIntosh was kneeling on the ground with his hands in the air. |
The demon's eyes seemed to narrow intensely as they fixated their dark depths on the shimmering, angelical woman kneeling in the shallow water of the pond. |
Her kneeling body involuntarily leans against David for support. |
The roundels in the center show a doge kneeling before an enthroned Saint Mark and a seated, robed figure with the right hand raised, presumably in blessing. |
A seven-foot-tall statue at the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, Italy, shows the god Atlas kneeling with a globe weighing on his shoulders. |
Taking Maggie with her, the two made their way to Adam's home, only to find him kneeling in his vegetable bed, inspecting the base of one of his tomato plant stalks. |
Then, kneeling or standing, say the Apostles' Creed and the Lord's Prayer. |
The back of a second, kneeling Magus and of the seated Virgin supporting the Child form two sides of an equilateral triangle located plumb in the centre of the design. |
In the base is a kneeling canon between two shields, one bearing the arms of Basset of Weldon dimidiating those of Ridel, the other bearing the arms of Basset of Weldon alone. |
She was not kneeling there, breviary in hand in silent devotion. |
The video showed a blindfolded man kneeling on the ground with his hands bound behind his back. |
He decorated his Christmas cards with totemic animals copied from Aboriginal rock galleries, not sheep and oxen kneeling in prayer around a manger. |
They also take their turn kneeling to pray amid the flowers in front of the coffin, peering at the waxily reposed figures with a mixture of curiosity and bewilderment. |
The Vowess in a blue dress with white hood is kneeling before the Bishop. |
And there are obviously easier and quicker ways of making a cup of tea than performing sado, the Japanese tea ceremony, with all its ritual and hours of quiet kneeling. |
Each of these small paintings portrays a Calvary scene with a kneeling Carthusian, recognizable by his white full-length scapular, fitted with a cowl. |
If you have to get down on your knees, try kneeling on one knee and then switching to the other one every minute to minimize the pressure and disperse it. |
He turned to see Nelson kneeling on the deck, supporting himself with his hand, before falling onto his side. |
I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together. |
One of the most discussed Roman finds from Cumbernauld is a sandstone slab depicting Triton and a naked, kneeling captive. |
He jabbed at an eight-by-eight glossy of a multiculti toddler in madras overalls kneeling and hugging a golden retriever pup. |
A stout Burmese woman, wife of a constable, was kneeling outside the cage ladling rice and watery dahl into tin pannikins. |
Alexander VI kneeling in front of the Madonna, said to be a likeness of Giulia Farnese. |
A collection of fluid in the patellar bursa in front of the knee joint due to frequently kneeling on hard surfaces, hence the name. |
It includes a kneeling cushion, stool, transplanter, trowel, rake, digger, small fork, sprayer and gloves. |
In the early church, standing, extending or raising the arms, and kneeling were common forms of gestural spirituality. |
Mark's Coptic Church, a shrine dedicated to the Holy Family, in a kneeling position, surrounded by light. |
More and more Protestants are kneeling in supplication before the quangos, commissions, agencies and ombudspersons that they once so rightly despised. |
Beneath the marble canopy, any time between daybreak and moonrise, you will find kneeling figures dreamwrapt in adoration of their beloved Virgen del Pilar. |
He was so fricking drunk, he passed out kneeling in front of the toilet. |
The initiation ceremony for newly appointed privy counsellors is held in private and typically requires kneeling on a stool before the sovereign and then kissing hands. |
Up to the point where the Green Knight is kneeling in front of Gawain awaiting the axe blow that will cut off his head, the action has proceeded mainly in chronological order. |
The end result was a compromise in which the famous Black Rubric, which declared that no adoration is intended while kneeling, was included in the second edition. |
If a mourner is either Taoist or Buddhist they may hold a burning joss stick while bowing. A family member will usually be kneeling nearby to burn joss sticks and paper money. |
The conqueror himself was said to have met the friars as they approached the capital, kneeling at the feet of the friars who had walked from the coast. |
Communicants may receive standing, kneeling, or while seated. |
The removal of the Black Rubric complements the dual words of administration of communion and permits an action, kneeling to receive, which people were used to doing. |
One morning she was kneeling on an old grain sack on the wet black soil, turning the thick rich tilth over and smoothing it ready for the new lettuces. |
The gestures of the reclining woman at the start yield to 20 minutes of squiggling, spiraling, kneeling, rolling, and recovering bodies, often congealing in unison. |
To unknot the calves, try kneeling with a skinny roller lying on top of the calf muscle length-wise, sit back on it, and move gently from side to side. |
But a four-year-old boy habitually, routinely and unremarkably kneeling for 15 minutes, being made to do squats, running, at a time when he looked like a Belsen victim? |
Botheration! How she had crumpled her skirt, kneeling in that idiotic way. |