It turns out that this was an error, apparently an entry mistake by a keypunch operator. |
The newer 029 keypunches were used by graduate students while undergraduates were limited to using the older 026 keypunch terminals. |
When the library was started, the Stanford University computing center was a little building with keypunch machines and a line printer. |
Gloria's first job, fresh out of high school, was to keypunch data secured from dairy barns around the state. |
I first learned to type on a keypunch machine in my father's office. |
And the cost to keypunch paper lists in an electorate of 3 million voters was clearly too much, given our lack of experience in targeted political direct mail. |
Sprinkled throughout the 50-year-old regulations were descriptions of jobs that no longer exist, such as keypunch operators, legmen, straw bosses and gang leaders. |