Sentence Examples
Informed of her husband's death and of its savage circumstances, she goes to her room, crouches over, and keens. |
No chord, no bass line, no melody beyond Gibbons's voice until four minutes in, as a synthesizer keens a minor-key figure. |
Throughout the ordination, we had a really keens sense of how many people all over the world had prayed for us. |
He keens with a musical intensity that, if self-absorbed, is touching. |
The pieces recalled the boxed works of Cornell, Beuys, and even Keens or Hirst. |
It's a toss-up whether the Landmark Tavern or Keens Steakhouse is closer to the Javits Center, but both are within comfortable walking distance. |
They have rituals: in New York, they like to have dinner at Keens, the midtown chophouse, with some mutual friends, including Jim Taylor and his wife, the director Tamara Jenkins. |
Some members felt sore that methyl bromide had been banned in cheesemaking, but was still allowed in the forestry and shipping industries, Keens added. |
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