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How to use juxtaposed in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word juxtaposed? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Rectangular panels of fiberboard, each painted a solid color, are juxtaposed to create works that achieve harmonic balance.
The el zar or Force of Estrangement is counter juxtaposed to the true God, the God of oneness.
He painted Avlekete, the Fon spirit of the sea, outside, next to the wall of juxtaposed African and African Diaspora Vodun symbols.
For example, opposite arms may be juxtaposed during prophase of meiosis, providing opportunities for gene-conversion type events.
He's juxtaposed cartoonish fantasy with the most painful and revealing details of his childhood deprivations and wrecked marriage.
A campaign for hosiery featured the standard disembodied, stocking-clad leg that Dali juxtaposed with his provocative iconography.
Anthers are juxtaposed, included in the corolla, extrorse and open longitudinally.
Traditional instruments such as the yidaki and bilma are juxtaposed with electric guitars, bass, keyboards and drums.
These housing projects are cruelly juxtaposed amid the sublime beauty that surrounds Nuuk.
The animate and the inanimate, human and objects and finally cinema and painting had been exquisitely juxtaposed for superb equivocal effect.
This series is characterised by perfect realism juxtaposed with wild imagination.
In several instances three works by separate artists are juxtaposed to look like a triptych in spite of their stylistic diversity.
Talking heads are juxtaposed with offbeat Cold War footage and recurring tunnel imagery in split screen shots, montages and slo-mo sequences.
That weird, surreal, juxtaposed image will be one that stays with me forever.
Warm melodic figures are juxtaposed with harsher percussive patterns, setting up some fascinating contrasts in sound.
When two contrary elements are juxtaposed, the sudden surprise catches us off guard.
A silk screen impression of a heroine from yesteryear sitting in a languid pose declaring her self-awareness is juxtaposed with the modern.
Brecht's words, juxtaposed against Weill's music, with its atonal harmonies and angular lines, venomously satirized the state of affairs.
The traditions will be juxtaposed with Zeta Bar's resident DJ mixing 'electro-tango' beats.
If she had to listen to a minute more of their mindless chatter juxtaposed with Evie's ear-splitting shrieking, she might go mad.
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Examples from Classical Literature
In other words, they are not superposed, as in the human species, but juxtaposed.
The most free and ruddy and brave of his pages are juxtaposed with some of the most soft and timid.
The upper half of the wire cloth belt is supported by and runs over a series of closely juxtaposed rollers.
Delacroix never juxtaposed large strips of complementaries in one plane, but applied hachures of almost the same tint.
When they were together the Jacobean and the Victorian ages were juxtaposed.
Fattman juxtaposed the commemoration of the Farrows with Monday's funeral in Northbridge for Army Cpl.
Lund's artwork incorporates abstractions of space and time and reference of hybridism, urbanism, juxtaposed to concept of natural order.
When colours are juxtaposed, they become influenced as to their hue.
Orlando and Adam, ill-fortune and good luck, are juxtaposed.
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