A polar vortex is a persistent, large-scale weather pattern, likened to a jet stream on Earth in the upper atmosphere. |
The two missiles screamed through the air pushed on by a jet stream of fire and leaving a long trail of smoke. |
The easterly jet is replaced by a narrow westerly subtropical jet stream on the southern edge of the Himalaya. |
As the graphic above shows, these jet stream changes can have major effects on the USA's weather, especially in the winter. |
A polar jet stream appears to be the cause of the dismal weather, say the experts. |
Georgi had asked Wegener to coordinate an expedition to establish a winter weather station to study the jet stream in the upper atmosphere. |
As she increases her speed to 29 knots, the prop wash piles up astern into an arcing jet stream then fans out into a broad trailing wake. |
During unusually mild winter weather and during the summer, the jet stream retreats northward into Canada. |
Don't go blaming a dead archbishop for this, and don't blame global warming either, just blame an unusually southerly jet stream. |
As El Nino strengthens, the northern jet will weaken and give way to a strong southern jet stream pattern. |
The jet stream typically hovers above New England making the predominate wind a westerly one. |
As his plane plunges into freefall, spinning helplessly in jet stream like a poohstick in an eddy. |
Previous studies have shown that during the solar maximum, the jet stream in the Northern Hemisphere moves northward. |
The first is the ridge of high pressure which exists between depressions moving from west to east steered by the upper-level jet stream. |
Strange that a jet stream can find a straight path through a bunch of constantly clashing asteroids as big as apartment buildings. |
The strong winds along the jet stream generally blow from west to east due to the rotation of the earth. |
They created a simulacrum complete with a miniature jet stream and cyclonic storms. |
One of the major reasons for the, often, very heavy showers and downpours that characterise April is the position of the jet stream. |
Eastbound flights welcome time-saving tail winds from the jet stream to increase their speed and thus save fuel. |
It causes die-offs of plankton and fish and affects Pacific jet stream winds, altering storm tracks and creating unusual weather patterns in various parts of the world. |
The polar-front jet stream is associated with the boundary between higher latitude cold and lower latitude warm air, known as the polar front. |
The resulting flow produces a jet stream moving generally towards the east, parallel to and above the polar front. |
When the thundercloud reaches the cumulonimbus stage and hits the tropopause, the jet stream tugs the cloud into a recognizable anvil shape. |
The location of the polar-front jet stream is often closely related to the daily weather pattern across North America. |
After having done that, there's no time to take a breather because it's off you got to the jet stream canal. |
Give them these weather items to search for: Jet Stream: What is a jet stream? |
The derecho tends to be situated at the right entrance of an upper jet stream having a slight anticyclonic curvature. |
A jet stream with its associated strong winds below the jet axis is an ideal situation. |
There's a swimming pool that can be covered, a jet stream, underwater massage and you can also enjoy treatments in the wellness centre. |
These changes may, in turn, reflect a shift in the average position of the polar jet stream. |
We know that Oklahoma will have tornadoes when the cold jet stream meets the warm gulf air. |
The winds in the centre of the jet stream can be as much as 250 mph. |
The jet stream is a band of very strong winds at around 30,000 ft above the surface of the Earth, which controls the weather that we see on the ground. |
The jet stream and the cold front met at Ft. Smith, Arkansas. |
Such lows usually form when a strong wind speed maximum riding along the main belt of westerly jet stream winds dives into a deep upper-level trough or dip in the jet. |
The average jet stream position during the past three weeks places the mean storm track across the Dakotas eastward through the mid-Atlantic states. |
Met Eireann said Ireland's terrible summer is a result of the polar jet stream travelling further south this year. |
The polar-front jet stream is embedded in the general upper-air circulation in the middle latitudes where winds generally flow from west to east with broad north and south swings. |
Some of the vortices are swept along with the jet stream as if on a racetrack. |
Rossby wave, in meteorology, large horizontal atmospheric undulation that is associated with the polar-front jet stream and separates cold polar air from warm tropical air. |
The polar jet stream, which moves in a west to east direction across the middle latitudes, advancing low pressure systems, storms, and fronts. |
It generated its own long term weather patterns, which affected the jet stream passing over the North American continent. |
When it comes to weather forecasting, it pays to know where the jet stream is. |
The number of summer storms from the Atlantic, such as the remnants of a tropical storm usually coincides with the location of the jet stream. |
The resulting storms forced the jet stream further north, which in turn blocked the southward flow of continental precipitation fromCanada over the central United States. |
The polar jet stream forms perhaps the biggest front, an ever-changing boundary where the cool winds from the north meet the warm winds from the south. |
The electronically controlled compressor cooling system and the special design of the jet stream heat exchanger guarantees optimum dew point reduction to a low, stabel value and secures condensate formation. |
The polar-front jet stream occurs over the polar front, where relatively cold air at higher latitudes comes in contact with warm air from the lower latitudes, and near the tropopause. |
These winds, called jet stream winds, carry storms. |
Polar front jet stream, also called polar front jet or midlatitude jet stream, a belt of powerful upper-level winds that sits atop the polar front. |
In and at the jet stream level, we noted that the wind analysis is often underestimated compared with observations, and that the temperature field diagnosed at this level is often too warm compared with the observations. |
The jet stream pattern gradually shifted towards the end of the month towards a more north-to-south flow, in conjunction with a deep low pressure system which moved over the Great Lakes. |
The jet stream reaches its greatest velocity at the tropopause. |
The family held together in the Gypsy jet stream that is military life. |
The jet stream is behaving very strangely. |
Like the Alfa Laval TJ20G, the Alfa Laval TJ40G uses a high-impact jet stream to effectively clean tough tank residues and minimize the risk of product contamination. |
The answer is the jet stream, the river of air that dictates our weather. |
Now, a fast jet stream travels in a pretty straight line around the planet from west to east, just like a mountain stream goes pretty straight downhill. |
This research has been front and center since the Hurricane Sandy disaster, when the wavy jet stream steered the storm on its sharp left turn and smack into the Jersey Shore. |
This is because it served to divert the jet stream which would otherwise flow from the relatively warm Pacific Ocean through Montana and Minnesota to the south. |
Since that difference in temperature is what drives the jet stream that flows along the boundary between the two air masses, a lower difference means a slower jet stream. |