Looking for sentences and phrases with the word jes'? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
Mas'r Sumner an' a'heap mo' on 'em would jes' like fur to kill dat Mas'r Dayton ef dey could cotch him. |
A millennium, mah son, am jes' de same as a thousan' legged worm, only hits got mo' legs. |
Examples from Classical Literature
So, you an' bushie jes' set heer on de log, while we look about us fur some grub. |
She is great on a biled dinner, where the 'gredients have to jes' simper along. |
Dey march 'round de table, jes' scoopin' up meat and 'taters and grabbin' cornpone right and left. |
He weren't no farmer, jes' truck farm to raise de livin' for he household and slaves. |
I was jes' finkin' I was wiz her, and she was divin' me somefin' dood to eat. |
Ezry Winship al'ays has done for his own, an' he proposes to do, jes' as fur's he's able. |
Why, Maria, if you look close ye can see jes' where the ants crawl in and out. |
Der's plenty mo,' jes' as good and better, too, and you'll meck her sorry some day. |
Sometimes 'e jes' bop 'em crost de ear wid a battlin' stick, or kick 'em in de beehind. |
But, Hagar, ye can't do nuffin but jes' trust de Lord, nohow. |
Ye hev jes' got tired o' comin' hyar, I reckon,' said old man Cayce. |
Lookin' back now I reckin' I married him jes' to res' myself. |
I jes' want ter ax the folkses ter tell me the way ter birk's Mill. |
I 'spec' mine done it, too, jes' like you say, 'long 'bout 'Leven. |
Some moved to town and do carpenter work, and others jes' piddle around. |
Jes' because he couldn't chew himself loose, he chews Spanker loose. |
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