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How to use jailers in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word jailers? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
There will be so few jobs available that many foolish young men and women will be gulled into becoming their own families' jailers and murderers.
The possibility that the jailbreak was planned jointly by the prisoners and at least one of their jailers is also being investigated.
In The Abduction from the Seraglio, in The Magic Flute, the prisoners will be guarded by jailers whose vigilance must be outwitted.
Did their pitiful cries and prayers rise into the night to a God who seemed deaf and pitiless as their cruel jailers?
If your community needs judges, jailers, or even hangmen, and you are qualified, he declares, sign up!
He heard the shriek of the gale, the clanking of the flag against its mast, the jangling of the jailers chain and his heavy footfall.
When Italy capitulates to the Allies, the Italian jailers desert from the prison camp and the prisoners are left to fend for themselves.
Once we get all those annoyers into prison and they start annoying their jailers, what them? Charge them with being annoying, fine them for being so annoying.
Taking the kids from the 10-foot-by-15-foot cell one by one, it took the jailers three days to interrogate them all.
During 18 months in secret detention, he was subjected to repeated torture by his military jailers until the brothers made a daring escape.
The jailers, who had sat in on the 33 meetings, testified that nothing had been couriered.
By December 2004, Baghdadi was deemed by his jailers to pose no further risk and his release was authorised.
In 2013, Egypt was among the most prolific jailers of journalists in the world, according to a recent CPJ survey.
Men who stumbled into the jail cells in chains and who couldn't hold their bowels...had to be cleaned up by their jailers.
Even if the letter is intercepted by authorities, at least the jailers will know that Thuy, Nhan or Nghien has not been forgotten.
People have to come to realise that the so-called liberators have become their jailers.
Cuba and Ethiopia have become two of the world's leading jailers of journalists in the past five years, CPJ said.
His goodness gradually conquered his jailers and this infuriated the higher authorities.
And the jailers were complaining because they wasn't their job to take care of this so-called human garbage.
Indeed, how can Quebec want to separate from their jailers today and yet want to reassociate with them tomorrow?
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Examples from Classical Literature
See now, let us dance and sing, so that the jailers may know we are not daunted.
Whatever his jailers considered that he needed was conveyed to his cell by night through a wicket.
By the end of my second month in prison, one of the jailers made himself known as a revolutionist in touch with the organization.
Indifferently I groped for it, thinking it but some new invention of my jailers to add to my sufferings.
That's because I don't care to leave you the means of corrupting your jailers.
The prisoners, the jailers and spectators laughed at its antics.
Some of the jailers went last night to the tamasha at Chinsura.
The standing army is only an arm of the standing government.They are the standing army, and the militia, jailers, constables, posse comitatus, etc.
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