In the first decade of the sixth century, the Persians invaded Thrace and made it part of the satrapy of Skudra. |
But the family have been forced to scrap the annual festival after rowdy lager louts invaded this year's event and started a fight. |
In May 1940 German forces invaded France and had taken Paris by the middle of June. |
It has invaded the precincts of both liturgical churches and free churches. |
Weidenreich came to the Museum in 1941, just before the Japanese invaded Beijing and his beloved Peking man fossils were lost in the shuffle. |
Areas once graced by desert mariposa tulip, Rocky Mountain bee plant, prickly poppy and evening primrose were invaded by the hostile horehound. |
Before he could return, the Lombards invaded Italy and he hastened to Rome at the request of the Pope. |
The workers, living in tied cottages, often had their gardens invaded by hounds. |
Anyway, a fan waving a banner invaded the pitch in the last seconds of a Swiss-Portuguese match. |
High southern latitudes were not invaded by angiosperms until the end of the Cretaceous. |
Can we stand idly by while in the name of the fight against terrorism countries are bombed or invaded by the US war machine? |
Hungary was invaded by troops of the Warsaw Pact on 4 November and, despite guarantees of safe conduct, he was arrested by KGB troops. |
East Timor, a former Portuguese colony, was invaded in 1975 by Indonesian troops, with 200,000 of its citizens killed before it was taken over. |
Agricola, stated Tacitus, invaded Caledonia because the northern tribes were acting in a threatening manner. |
He was grinning and he immediately invaded her personal space, backing her against the locker beside hers. |
The Moors invaded Spain in the eighth century, and much of the Spanish language derives from Arabic. |
On the plus side, last time I checked, we're not being invaded by hordes of liquid breathing little green men in chrome flying saucers, either. |
He has red hair, shouts incessantly and moves as though a colony of ants has invaded his tracksuit trousers. |
However that may be, Australia will, if invaded, fight to the last man and will apply the scorched earth policy. |
In 568 the Lombards invaded, a people even more wantonly destructive than the Vandals. |
The use of the German language goes back to the early Middle Ages, when the Alamans invaded lands where Romance languages were developing. |
By the time the Europeans arrived, only a few centuries after the Maoris invaded New Zealand, the last moa was gone. |
An Anglo-Indian force landed at Basra while another British force invaded from Transjordan. |
In April 1701 an Austrian Habsburg army invaded Lombardy, bent on conquering Milan for the archduke Charles, Leopold's second son. |
In a world where technology has invaded every minute aspect of our lives, their music seems somewhat anachronic. |
As the barbarians invaded, they often took over the old Roman provincial titles, so that Roman authority continued in a new guise. |
I detect a resentful air out there, a feeling of wings clipped, of space grossly invaded, of a winter's benign neglect cast violently aside. |
However, this reserve is constantly invaded by hunters, squatters, and lumberers who modify the natural environment. |
During the Bristol mange epidemic, we found that casualties had their territory invaded by new foxes within days. |
Yes, Alexander invaded the old Persian empire, killed armies who opposed him and sacked towns that refused to surrender. |
After the Bronze Age, Amorites, Western Semites, Hyksos and Hittites successively invaded the area. |
Ordinarily, scientists gauge environmental impacts by comparing before-and-after data on species in a region invaded by an alien. |
Every one of them is constantly invaded in the public interest with universal approval. |
Filthy lucre has invaded the town, and its inhabitants would likely stomp over one another to get the last roast beast from the butcher. |
After heavy overnight rain, they faced very slippery roads, invaded by thick mud and loose stones. |
But, over the centuries, Persians, Greeks, Parthians, Kushans, and White Huns invaded India. |
From townhouses to the most humble homes, New York City is being invaded by bedbugs. |
Mice had invaded the boxes and made nests out of old shoelaces and wrapping paper. |
In 1118 he invaded Egypt, with a tiny army of only 216 knights and 400 foot soldiers. |
When the Aryans invaded India three thousand years ago, they tried to replace her with their own masculine gods. |
At first, small theropods such as Sinosauropteryx invaded arboreal habitats to elude predators. |
Over a dozen foreign armies invaded Russia and joined up with reactionaries inside Russia in a civil war. |
At the same time, German troops, followed by Italians and Hungarians, invaded Yugoslavia. |
Nonnative tamarisk or saltcedar has invaded many wetlands, and others have been drained and filled. |
Business had invaded the cloisters, where, in lieu of antiphonaries, fat ledgers lay on the lecterns. |
This was the case when the US, the UK, and a ragtag of minor allies invaded the country in March. |
We are being invaded by hard rock, acid rock, punk rock, new wave, and heavy metal music under the guise of religious rock and roll. |
Thousands of giant jellyfish with 30 foot stinging tentacles have invaded the seas around Scotland. |
But they may not have time with Putin challenging, Crimea invaded and an economy in tatters. |
Telescopes, binoculars, cameras and naked eyes all strained seawards to catch a glimpse of these huge creatures that had invaded the Cornish coast. |
Well, Martians haven't invaded and we've avoided nuclear war so far. |
In 224 Antigonus marched south, organized his allies into a Hellenic League under Macedonian presidency, restored Achaean influence in Arcadia and in 222 invaded Laconia. |
And then, like a Vespa gang of European teenagers, jeggings invaded our shores. |
When the classical culture invaded Egypt, they sought to capture the deep reverence afforded to Thoth and amalgamated his characteristics into their own god Hermes. |
But in South Africa, as with many other countries invaded by the South American water hyacinth, the fight to stem its relentless spread has long been a losing one. |
Why do celebrities complain about their privacy being invaded when they invade their own so readily? |
If Nelson had lost Britain would have been invaded, without question. |
After Japan invaded the Korean Peninsula in 1905, the conquerors sought to co-opt local pride to reinforce Japanese hegemony. |
By 565, Roman Italy was invaded and overtaken by the Lombards. |
Despite facing many obstacles, it was encroached only once, when militants invaded and took Dr. Abdi hostage. |
Road rage, air rage, work stress, etc. have invaded our society. |
Having invaded the Russian steppes alongside the Mongols in the thirteenth century, the Tatars were seen by medieval Russian chroniclers as the epitome of Oriental barbarism. |
Soon after their father's death, the Khazars invaded their lands. |
More interesting, perhaps, is the possibility that the co-eds themselves are the disease, unable to acclimate to the rural environment they've invaded. |
Recruiting large numbers of Gaelic kern, they then invaded England, landing at Furness in Lancashire, and immediately made for Richard III's old power base in north Yorkshire. |
In 907 Magyars, a semi-nomadic people from the northeast, invaded the empire and established the Kingdom of Hungary, which incorporated modern-day Slovakia. |
The room is gradually invaded by well-wishers, liggers and distant relatives, the support bands and their friends, until there is barely room to breathe. |
In April 1982, Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands group, a set of small islands off its coast. |
But some scholars assert that fair skinned Aryans invaded India during 1500 BC and defeated dark skinned Dravidians and pushed them into South India. |
He told Hudson that he had to understand that people who had their homes invaded felt very bad about the fact that others had been meddling with their property. |
The Anglo-American forces that invaded Iraq in March 2003 did so for the purpose of deposing Saddam Hussein. |
The area is a disturbed wetland, invaded by non-native melaleuca trees that have crowded out native flora and fauna. |
One group rallied behind Sulla and in 88 B.C. he invaded Rome. |
I was lodged with her when the Russians invaded Czechoslovakia. |
King Zog tried to reduce his country's economic and military dependence on Italy, but on 7 April 1939 Mussolini, spurred by Hitler's annexationist policies, invaded Albania. |
Smells of horses, leather, and saddle soap invaded Nicola's nose. |
In 1066, William II of Normandy invaded and conquered England, becoming William I of England, also known as William the Conqueror. |
Exception was made for the Falkland Islands, which had been invaded in 1982 by Argentina. |
In November 1956, Britain and France invaded Egypt in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to capture the Suez Canal. |
This changed in 1092, when William the Conqueror's son William Rufus invaded the region and incorporated Cumberland into England. |
Henry never successfully invaded Wales and he was obliged to seek compromise with Rhys ap Gruffydd for control of the south. |
But in July, Edward invaded again, intending to crush Wallace and his followers, and defeated the Scots at Falkirk. |
In May, an English army under Henry of Lancaster invaded, followed in July by another army under King Edward. |
In 1513, after preliminary raids by borderers came to grief, James's main army invaded England. |
He also invaded Portuguese Mozambique to gain his forces supplies and to pick up more Askari recruits. |
Austria invaded and fought the Serbian army at the Battle of Cer and Battle of Kolubara beginning on 12 August. |
Between 1939 and 1941, German forces invaded Poland, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium, and the Soviet Union. |
In response, after failing to persuade the Czechoslovak leaders to change course, five other Eastern Bloc members of the Warsaw Pact invaded. |
To Hitler's great annoyance, all his diplomacy failed to stop Britain declaring war when he invaded Poland. |
The Allies then launched the invasion of Sicily in July 1943, and subsequently invaded Italy in September the same year. |
At the same time, the IDF had a rather disorganized logistics arm, which was put under severe strain when the IDF invaded the Sinai. |
When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in December 1979, Thatcher saw it as a typical example of relentless Communist imperialism. |
Orkney was invaded and forcibly annexed by Norway in 875 and settled by the Norse. |
Merlin is supposed to have hidden the golden throne of Britain among the cliffs north of Crib y Ddysgl when the Saxons invaded. |
During the Second World War, the Imperial Japanese Army invaded British Malaya, culminating in the Battle of Singapore. |
In January 1758, the Russians invaded East Prussia, where the province, almost denuded of troops, put up little opposition. |
In answer to the Prague Spring, the Soviet Army, together with most of their Warsaw Pact allies, invaded Czechoslovakia. |
However, the Methodist Federation did call for a boycott of Japan, which had invaded China and was disrupting missionary activity there. |
From Syria, the Romans invaded western parts of the region several times, briefly founding Assyria Provincia in Assyria. |
In November 2002, the UN Security Council passed UNSCR 1441 and in March 2003 the US and its allies invaded Iraq. |
The pestilence invaded every country of Europe despite all efforts to keep it out. |
A month later, British armed forces invaded and occupied the country, violating Icelandic neutrality. |
Instead of attacking directly, the Germans invaded through the Low Countries, bypassing the Line to the north. |
In 1940, the Netherlands was invaded by Germany with Nijmegen being the first Dutch city to fall into German hands. |
Nine days later, it was invaded and occupied by Indonesia and was declared Indonesia's 27th province the following year. |
Under Claudius, the empire invaded Britannia, its first major expansion since Augustus. |
The army which invaded England in January and February 1138 shocked the English chroniclers. |
In retaliation, Edward invaded Scotland, starting the Wars of Scottish Independence. |
In retaliation, Edward I invaded, commencing the Wars of Scottish Independence. |
In 1303, Edward invaded again, reaching Edinburgh before marching to Perth. |
Once Edward received word of the revolution that had started in Dumfries, he again raised an army and invaded Scotland. |
Henry V of England saw his opportunity and allied himself with John the Fearless and invaded. |
Henry VIII of England invaded France, and James reacted by declaring war on England. |
In 1513, James invaded England to honour his commitment to the Auld Alliance, only to meet death and disaster at the Battle of Flodden. |
In July 1780, Ali invaded the Carnatic, and laid siege to Tellicherry and Arcot. |
The British and Soviets invaded neutral Iran to secure the Persian Corridor and Iran's oil fields. |
Edward in turn invaded Scotland and captured Berwick, destroying much of the town and massacring many of the inhabitants. |
The first alludes to the story as recorded by Boece who relates that in 855 Scotland was invaded by two Northumbrian princes, Osbrecht and Ella. |
On 14 November, Harris invaded the stage of the UK's The X Factor during a performance by Irish duo Jedward, holding a pineapple on his head. |
On the continent the French pressed the English as the French army invaded English Plantagenet Aquitaine. |
Some protesters refused to buy television licences and others climbed up television masts and invaded television studios. |
Five years into his kingship, Magnus Maximus assembled a vast fleet and invaded Gaul, leaving Britain in the control of Caradocus. |
In 1241 the King invaded Gwynedd, and Dafydd was forced to submit in late August. |
Henry invaded Gwynedd in 1157 with the support of Madog ap Maredudd of Powys and Owain's brother Cadwaladr. |
Rather than taking the usual route along the northern coastal plain, his army invaded from Oswestry and took a route over the Berwyns. |
After the mainland was conquered, Germany invaded Crete in what is known as the Battle of Crete. |
In a fresh attempt to reclaim his family's lands in France, he invaded Poitou in 1242, leading to the disastrous Battle of Taillebourg. |
Meanwhile, Louis VIII of France allied himself with Hugh de Lusignan and invaded first Poitou and then Gascony. |
Edward invaded with a huge army, pushing north from Carmarthen and westwards from Montgomery and Chester. |
Tenby was taken by the Normans, when they invaded West Wales in the early 12th century. |
In winter 1940, he enlisted in the British Army, but stayed at Cambridge to take his exams in June 1941, the same month Germany invaded Russia. |
Since the late 1990s and early 2000s, the Bay has been invaded by spider crabs. |
After days of decomposition, beetles from the families Histeridae and Staphylinidae and anthomyiid flies invaded the corpse, as well. |
The water that invaded the trenches became radioactive and had to be disposed of at the Maxey Flat facility itself. |
Most of the sharks were marine, but the Xenacanthida invaded fresh waters of the coal swamps. |
The Vandals had already invaded parts of Roman France, Spain, and Portugal, asserting themselves as an important power in Western Europe. |
Because many different cultures settled, dominated or invaded the island, Sicily has a huge variety of archaeological sites. |
In the 5th century, the western half of the Roman Empire collapsed, and the island was invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. |
Then, in the spring of 1941, the German Army and the Finnish Army invaded the Soviet Union together. |
In 860, Charles the Bald invaded Charles of Burgundy's Kingdom but was repulsed. |
On 6 June 1944 the Allies invaded Normandy and in August they invaded Provence. |
The territory of modern Portugal has been continuously settled, invaded and fought over since prehistoric times. |
The Vikings who invaded western and eastern Europe were mainly pagans from the same area as present day Denmark, Norway and Sweden. |
In 832, a Viking fleet of about 120 invaded kingdoms on Ireland's northern and eastern coasts. |
In eastern Aberdeenshire the Danes invaded at least as far north as the area near Cruden Bay. |
Over 200 species have been introduced to the San Francisco Bay in this manner making it the most heavily invaded estuary in the world. |
Germany disregarded Belgian neutrality and invaded the country to launch an offensive towards Paris. |
All of Germany's African colonies were invaded and occupied by Allied forces during the war. |
Germany invaded the Netherlands on 10 May 1940 and took control of the country. |
Norsemen began settling in Normandy, and from 919 Magyars invaded repeatedly. |
Finally the Count of Flanders invaded France, ravaging the whole district between the Somme and the Oise before penetrating as far as Dammartin. |
When word reached Philip that Richard had finished crusading and had been captured on his way back from the Holy Land, he promptly invaded Vexin. |
Italy declared war on Greece and invaded the country, but it was not until German intervention that the country was overrun. |
While the Greek campaign was underway, German forces, supported by the Italians, Hungarians and the Bulgarians simultaneously invaded Yugoslavia. |
Following the Axis defeat in Africa, Allied forces invaded Italy and during a prolonged campaign fought their way north through Italy. |
After the Axis invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin began pressing for a second front in Western Europe. |
Austria was annexed while Czechoslovakia and Poland were invaded and direct German military governments were installed. |
In 1940, the Empire invaded French Indochina, after which the United States placed an oil embargo on Japan. |
Therefore, the United Kingdom invaded and occupied the Cape Colony that same year. |
In the early 11th century a Viking chieftain named Tryggvi invaded Norway, claiming to be the son of Olaf and Gyda. |
In early 1091, William Rufus invaded Normandy with a sufficiently large army to bring Robert to the negotiating table. |
Hungary then fell into a serious crisis and was invaded, ending its significance in central Europe during the medieval era. |
Also, in resolving political hostilities with the German emperor Frederick III of Habsburg, he invaded his western domains. |
Julius Caesar invaded southeastern England briefly in 55 and again in 54 BCE, but he never reached Hampshire. |
The Romans invaded Britain again in 43 CE, and Hampshire was incorporated into the Roman province of Britannia very quickly. |
The tumor invaded through the muscularis propria into pericolorectal fat tissues. |
He also invaded Kent, in 686, and may have founded a monastery at Hoo, northeast of Rochester, between the Medway and the Thames. |
Harold's sons, Godwin and Edmund, fled to Ireland and then invaded Devon, but were defeated by Brian of Brittany. |
Had Brunswick been defeated at Minden, Hanover would almost certainly have been invaded and the total defeat of Prussia would have been imminent. |
Between 572 and 574, Leovigild invaded the valley of the Douro, pushing the Suebi west and northwards. |
By 58 BC, the Romans had invaded and established Alsace as a center of viticulture. |
In the spring of 1945 Germany itself was invaded from the east by the Soviet Union and from the west by the other Allies. |
After the Social War, King Mithridates of Pontus began his bid to conquer Rome's eastern provinces and invaded Greece. |
You don't have a reek of garlic and foul onions discharged upon you at early morn from ten breakfasts, and you are not invaded before dawn. |
Claudius' immediate concerns were with the Alamanni, who had invaded Raetia and Italy. |
In the late fourth century, the Huns arrived from the east and invaded the region controlled by the Goths. |
Around 1395 Timur's army invaded Northern Caucasus and massacred much of the Alanian population. |
After the fall of the Roman Empire, the area was invaded by Bavarians, Slavs, and Avars. |
In 1814, Austria was part of the Allied forces that invaded France and brought to an end the Napoleonic Wars. |
Austria, in general, was treated as though it had been originally invaded by Germany and liberated by the Allies. |
German armies invaded the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, initiating nearly four years of total war. |
Moldavia was invaded repeatedly by Crimean Tatars and, beginning in the 15th century, by the Turks. |
In 109 BC, they invaded the Roman province of Gallia Narbonensis and defeated the Roman army there under Marcus Junius Silanus. |
In late 166 or early 167, a force of 6,000 Langobardi and Lacringi invaded Pannonia. |
Upon Nepos's murder in 480 Odoacer invaded Dalmatia, to punish the murderers. |
Theoderic invaded Italy in 489 and by August 490 had captured almost the entire peninsula, forcing Odoacer to take refuge in Ravenna. |
That same year, the Vandals took their turn to strike while both sides were fully engaged and invaded Sicily. |
The Persian Empire in the East invaded several times during the 230s to 260s but were eventually defeated. |
Having unified the Franks under his banner, Charles was determined to punish the Saxons who had invaded Austrasia. |
Instead, Desiderius took over certain papal cities and invaded the Pentapolis, heading for Rome. |
In the summer of 779, he again invaded Saxony and reconquered Eastphalia, Engria and Westphalia. |
In 832, a Viking fleet of about 120 ships under Turgesius invaded kingdoms on Ireland's northern and eastern coasts. |
In 238, the Goths invaded across the Danube into the Roman province of Moesia, pillaging and exacting payment through hostage taking. |
The Mongol Empire invaded Kievan Rus' in the 13th century, destroying numerous cities including Ryazan, Kolomna, Moscow, Vladimir and Kiev. |
In 1968, the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact allies invaded Czechoslovakia to halt the Prague Spring reforms. |
When war broke out between France and its rivals, Russian and Austrian forces invaded Switzerland. |
The Saxons invaded the area of the Chatti, a Germanic tribe already converted by Saint Boniface and firmly in Charlemagne's empire. |
It is found in all places invaded by the ancient Germanic peoples and the Vikings. |
He hired Huns to fight against the Alans who invaded the Greuthungi's land, but he was killed in a battle. |
When a revolt in Constantinople halted his dynastic project, he again invaded Thrace and conquered Adrianople. |
Jackson invaded Florida in 1818, demonstrating to Spain that it could no longer control that territory with a small force. |
When World War I began, Germany invaded neutral Belgium and Luxembourg as part of the Schlieffen Plan, trying to take Paris quickly. |
In recent months, the dirt-poor peasants of Honduras have invaded farms and blockaded bridges to force the government to fulfill its promises. |
As with Deism and Materialism, the German Rationalism invaded the department of Biblical exegesis. |
In 55 BC Julius Caesar invaded, claiming that the Britons had aided the Veneti against him the previous year. |
In 685 it was invaded by Caedwalla, who tried to replace the inhabitants with his own followers. |
The Bulgar and Slavic tribes profited from these disorders and invaded Illyria, Thrace and even Greece. |
Monasteries were targeted in the eighth and ninth centuries by Vikings who invaded the coasts of northern Europe. |
The island has been invaded by some algae, some of which are now well established. |
The large number of gold mines in France is thought to be a major reason why Caesar invaded. |
The Romans were alerted to this when a particularly warlike tribe invaded two Etruscan towns close to Rome's sphere of influence. |
Marius invaded Numidia and brought the war to a quick end, capturing Jugurtha in the process. |
When Claudius successfully invaded in 43 AD, it was in aid of another fugitive British ruler, Verica of the Atrebates. |
Before he was able to leave Africa, Mauri tribesmen invaded southern Spain. |
The conference was cut short, however, when news reached Licinius that his rival Maximin had crossed the Bosporus and invaded European territory. |
Wessex was invaded by the Danes in 871, and Alfred was compelled to pay them to leave. |
Cenwealh married Penda's daughter, and when he repudiated her, Penda again invaded and drove him into exile for some time, perhaps three years. |
King Harald Hardrada invaded northern England in early September, leading a fleet of more than 300 ships carrying perhaps 15,000 men. |
Local nobles resisted the claim, but William invaded and by 1064 had secured control of the area. |
In 1064 William invaded Brittany in a campaign that remains obscure in its details. |
While William was in Normandy, a former ally, Eustace, the Count of Boulogne, invaded at Dover but was repulsed. |
In 1072 William invaded Scotland, defeating Malcolm, who had recently invaded the north of England. |
William invaded Scotland in 1072, riding as far as Abernethy where he met up with his fleet of ships. |
The couple invaded England and, with Henry, 3rd Earl of Lancaster, captured the king. |
In 1164 Henry intervened to seize lands along the border of Brittany and Normandy, and in 1166 invaded Brittany to punish the local barons. |
Finally, in 1183 Henry the Young King and Geoffrey, Duke of Brittany, invaded Aquitaine in an attempt to subdue Richard. |
In July 1277 Edward invaded with a force of 15,500, of whom 9,000 were Welshmen. |
Yet, the French never invaded England and France's King John II died in captivity in England. |
In 1346, Edward invaded France and pillaged the countryside rather than attempt to hold territory. |
In September 1494 Charles invaded Italy with 25,000 men, and attained his object by 22 February 1495, virtually unopposed. |
Charles IV formally renewed the treaty in 1326, promising Scotland that if England invaded them France would support the Scots. |
Edward invaded France, for the third and last time, hoping to capitalise on the discontent and seize the throne. |
In 1408, Percy invaded England once more and was killed at the Battle of Bramham Moor. |
Arab logicians had inherited Greek ideas after they had invaded and conquered Egypt and the Levant. |
In 1795, the French revolutionary army invaded the Dutch Republic and turned the nation into a satellite of France, named the Batavian Republic. |
The royalists rose in May 1648, igniting the Second Civil War, and as agreed with Charles, the Scots invaded England. |
Cromwell left Ireland in May 1650 and several months later invaded Scotland after the Scots had proclaimed Charles I's son Charles II as king. |
Britain quickly invaded and occupied most of Germany's overseas colonies in Africa. |
In reaction, on 19 August the Prussian general Duke of Brunswick invaded France and besieged Longwy. |
During the Revolutionary Wars, the French invaded and occupied the region between 1794 and 1814, a time known as the French period. |
The Allies then invaded France and captured Paris in the spring of 1814, forcing Napoleon to abdicate in April. |
Austria, keen to recover territory lost during the War of the Third Coalition, invaded France's client states in Eastern Europe. |
The Russians strongly opposed any move towards an independent Poland and one reason Napoleon invaded Russia in 1812 was to punish them. |
As Napoleon realised that extensive trade was going through Spain and Russia, he invaded those two countries. |
They never invaded, but Napoleon's troops received careful and invaluable training for future military operations. |
Napoleon invaded Prussia with 180,000 troops, rapidly marching on the right bank of the River Saale. |
In the early morning of 10 April, leading elements of the Austrian army crossed the Inn River and invaded Bavaria. |
On 10 June, Italy invaded France, declaring war on both France and the United Kingdom. |
The British and Soviets invaded Iran to secure the Persian Corridor and Iran's oil fields. |
On 3 September 1943, the Western Allies invaded the Italian mainland, following Italy's armistice with the Allies. |
After a quiet winter, Germany in April 1940 invaded and quickly defeated Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands and France. |
It must be noted that the Red Army had invaded the Second Polish Republic several hours before Polish president fled to Romania. |
Bulgaria abandoned the Axis and joined the Allies when the Soviet Union invaded, offering no resistance to the incoming forces. |
In 1920, after the last British forces had been withdrawn, Churchill was instrumental in having arms sent to the Poles when they invaded Ukraine. |
A trial blackout was held on 10 August 1939 and when Germany invaded Poland on 1 September a blackout began at sunset. |
When Henry died, Stephen invaded England, and in a coup d'etat had himself crowned instead of Matilda. |
In 400, the Visigoths invaded the Western Roman Empire and, although briefly forced back from Italy, in 410 sacked the city of Rome. |
In 1295, when Balliol renounced his allegiance to England, Edward I invaded. |
During the Anarchy, Scotland invaded Northern England and took much of the land north of Durham. |
Instead, Henry gathered a fleet at Southampton and invaded the Norman coast in August of that year. |
When Parthia invaded Roman territory, Severus waged war against that country. |
Alexander waged war against many foes, like the revitalized Persia and German peoples who invaded Gaul. |
Unhappy with this, their chieftain Odoacer defeated and killed Orestes, invaded Ravenna and dethroned Romulus Augustus, son of Orestes. |
In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte's General Louis Alexandre Berthier invaded Italy, imprisoning Pope Pius VI, who died in captivity. |
The Scots invaded and on 3 September 1513, she ordered Thomas Lovell to raise an army in the midland counties. |
The Kingdom of Navarre had been invaded by Ferdinand of Aragon jointly with Castile in 1512, but he pledged a formal oath to respect the kingdom. |
Spain successfully held on to all of its Italian territories, though they were invaded again on multiple occasions during the Italian Wars. |
During World War II, Imperial Japan invaded most of the former western colonies. |
The manthings had invaded their home, killing many and forcing them to flee. |
Pashtun forces also invaded Persia, and the opposing forces were defeated in the Battle of Gulnabad. |
Henry invaded England in June 1399 with a small force that quickly grew in numbers. |
In 1092 Cumberland was invaded by William II and incorporated into England. |
In 1757, Hanover was invaded and George gave Cumberland full powers to conclude a separate peace. |
The Scotland fans invaded the pitch after the match, ripping up the turf and breaking a crossbar. |
In the Himalayan region of India, oak forests are being invaded by pine forests due to the increase in temperature. |
When Julius Caesar invaded Gaul, there were nine different Celtic tribes living in Normandy. |
The final significant act of the League was to expel the Soviet Union in December 1939 after it invaded Finland. |
During this turmoil, the Illyrians invaded Macedonia, only to be repelled by Alexander. |
In response, Admiral Zheng He and his troops invaded Kotte, conquering its capital. |
In the autumn of 1381, a Ming army invaded and conquered Yunnan, which was then ruled by the Mongol prince Basalawarmi, Prince of Liang. |
In 1431, the Khmer abandoned Angkor after Ayutthaya forces invaded the city. |
The Dongxiangs, Bonans, Yugur and Monguor people were invaded by Chinese Ming dynasty. |
After the Germans and Estonians invaded Pskov, the Novgorod authorities sent for Alexander. |
Meanwhile, the rebel prince Shikqtur invaded the Chinese district of Liaoning but was defeated within a month. |
During the early 13th century Khwarezmia was invaded by the early Mongol Empire. |
In 1521, a Portuguese force led by commander Antonio Correia invaded Bahrain to take control of the wealth created by its pearl industry. |
French colonists progressively invaded and took over all the kingdoms except Sine and Saloum under Governor Louis Faidherbe. |
When the Arabs first invaded the peninsula, Berber groups were situated in the northwest. |
After several years, the royal rule was replaced by democratic city states, although there existed a few kings when Alexander invaded India. |
Naresuan even invaded mainland Burma as far as Taungoo in 1600, but was driven back. |
In 1615, the Dutch invaded Ai with 900 men whereupon the English retreated to Run where they regrouped. |
In the early 19th century, Bahrain was invaded by both the Omanis and the Al Sauds. |
Netherlands New Guinea and the Australian territories were invaded in 1942 by the Japanese. |
After crossing this river, they invaded the Dutch heartland, getting as far as the city of Amersfoort, which promptly surrendered. |
Spain went on the defensive against the French forces that invaded in May 1635 and successfully held them at bay. |
When Safa Giray invaded Muscovy in December 1540, the Russians used Qasim Tatars to contain him. |
In 585, the Visigothic King Leovigild invaded the Suebic kingdom of Galicia and defeated it, bringing it under Visigoth control. |
He reminded his audience of events in 88BC, when the same Mithridates invaded the Roman province of Asia, on the western coast of Turkey. |
The Japanese subsequently invaded New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and other Pacific islands. |
The kingdom of Lunda came to an end in the 19th century when it was invaded by the Chokwe, who were armed with guns. |