Looking for sentences and phrases with the word intrusively? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
Many local houses will be overshadowed by buildings which are intrusively near and over-sized for the neighbourhood.
I've wondered why pop-up ads and new larger sized, intrusively placed ads are so annoying.
The presence of extrusive volcanic rocks during the rifting stages suggests that a large volume of melt may also have been added to the crust intrusively.
It must often probe much more deeply and sometimes intrusively if the security of Canada is to be adequately protected.
In all sorts of ways African governments need to run their countries more efficiently, more accountably and less intrusively.
The relationship between the street and the galleries inside is not as intrusively immediate as is suggested by the open-ended, perpendicular orientation.
The addition of new rock units, both depositionally and intrusively, often occurs during deformation.
He touched her, licked her and looked at her intrusively.
And where to go with the erosion of the last refuge of the modest and chaste-souled when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded?
We were openly and intrusively commented on when we went out together.
Leaks by Edward Snowden, a security contractor, show that the National Security Agency spies more broadly and more intrusively than many people thought.
Examples from Classical Literature
Note the hogarthian touch of the p. 118initials carved on the window, sufficiently distinct and yet not intrusively so.
Do you think that because you are in your own house you can be as intrusively insulting as you choose?
Ozias Midwinter, after intrusively rising to the surface, had conveniently dropped out of sight again.
A question often put when a jaw-breaking word has been intrusively uttered by savants.
Do I therefore inquire their names, and intrusively seek to know what books they have written, before I admire their scholarship?
Would they not, with considerable peremptoriness, desire these intrusively pious members of society to mind their own business?
A yard or so of counter stretched inwards from the door, just as a hint to those who might be intrusively inclined.
Him he thought for that moment everything that was aggressively and intrusively vulgar.