Sheep and goats were probably introduced to Britain during the Neolithic period with other domestic livestock. |
Finally, direct broadcast satellites were introduced to further expand cable television. |
The Government introduced a graduate-level qualification for childcarers two years ago. |
Ketogenic milk was introduced supplementarily in 55 patients and exclusively in five patients. |
Frances was an entrepreneur in her own right and introduced the first chipper and later the first self service supermarket to Kiltimagh. |
In her book, Hurston tells how hoodoo practitioners in New Orleans introduced her to the diversity and intensity of diasporic energies. |
The first part introduced a tax surcharge to induce high-income earners to purchase private health insurance. |
The airlines introduced passenger fuel surcharges in May to help neutralise what were then record fuel prices. |
The 2004 update uses the tool palettes menu interface system introduced with Architectural Desktop. |
Another option is Hopi ear candles, named after the Native American tribe who first introduced them to the west. |
This church introduced a surpliced choir, pew rental and housed the first pipe organ and heating system in San Diego. |
The founder of the company developed watches to reflect his family horologic tradition and introduced new innovative ideas. |
The chook raffles were introduced to make an early start on fundraising activities. |
Deer parks and markets were established, and the horse collar and heavy plough, previously unknown in Gaelic Ulster, were introduced. |
A BBC presenter introduced pundit Ravi Shankar as the most famous living Indian on earth. |
Avian pox was undoubtedly introduced into Hawaii during the 1800s with the importation of domestic avian stock. |
You introduced the idea that there is a difference between the genders, which is intuitive. |
In the new covenant introduced by Jesus, we have all become God's chosen people, called to spread the marvelous truth of his love to the world. |
Oh, and the hospitality industry squeals that their profits will take a nose-dive if bans on smoking in public places are introduced. |
Babies are breast-fed on demand, often for well over a year, although solid foods, usually rice pap, may be introduced at a young age. |
In Central America and Mexico, the Chinese may have introduced technologies for papermaking, dye extraction and jade working. |
The Farthing Office was a part of the Mint and Charles II had introduced, in 1672, the copper half-penny and farthing with the Britannia type. |
This was true of fair wages agreements dating back to the last century introduced to combat sweated labour. |
That's counting the birds like starlings, rock doves and house sparrows, introduced species most birders don't even count! |
The films will be introduced by the acclaimed Italian director, whose movies have done the rounds in international film circuits. |
Government changes to parliamentary procedures cannot be successfully introduced without the support of the Opposition. |
Moreover, after citral was introduced, a strong buzzing was heard inside the colonies. |
He was a good parson, and I am happy to have been introduced to his life by such a reliable biographer. |
Until recently, expansion of citriculture was accomplished by the propagation and distribution of material originally introduced via nurseries. |
Particularly by the sixteenth century, however, an additional tension had been introduced into the system of partible inheritance. |
One thinks of Mikhail Bakhtin's chronotypes, which introduced synchrony into the heavily diachronic tradition of literary history. |
I felt partly responsible for the big day because I had introduced them on a night out. |
The claim that the visa regulations are being introduced is not true to fact. |
In these concluding remarks, I shall return to the various issues concerning religious syncretism, which introduced this article. |
These exogamous marriages introduced the possibility of idolatry and syncretistic practices into the community. |
Vinegar syndrome only affects films made up to the 1970s, when a different type of film was introduced. |
They saw the potential of our business synergy and introduced me to key decision makers of the company. |
He introduced phones with clamshell designs that flip open to reveal a larger screen and take pictures. |
As a result, the synthesized speech signal sounds brighter without having introduced significant coding noise. |
Each year, over 1,000 new synthetic chemicals are introduced in the United States. |
We introduced this Bill and we have continued to press for its passage despite continued resistance and obstruction by the Opposition. |
Deletions of gene 1.3 were introduced into the preadapted virus, and the recombinant virus was then passaged to allow fitness recovery. |
We carefully examined whether taking this subset introduced any systematic bias into our sample. |
Unless and until such a systematic method is introduced, the delay cannot be cut down. |
When native and introduced species hybridize, the conservation of native species implies developing a plan for preventing such hybridization. |
The monks also kept alive classical culture and introduced the techniques of efficient and profitable land management. |
The hydrothermal fluid introduced only small amounts of water and alkali elements. |
In China I was introduced to traditional Chinese medicine, including patent medicines, herbology and meridian work. |
The Immigration Act 1971 introduced the two concepts of the right of abode and patriality. |
Around 1660, clocks with longer pendulums were introduced by English clockmakers. |
An RAF veteran who introduced himself as 'not a peacemonger' talked about his sons in the Black Watch. |
The strictest electoral laws in Europe were introduced on the back of false allegations of mass personation. |
Any national identity card introduced in the UK will have to meet new international standards for biometrics. |
Always an idiosyncratic individualist, he seems to have introduced his own pronunciations for the names of players. |
Like so many coarse fish, gudgeon are only naturally found in the South of England, but have been introduced to Wales, Scotland and Ireland. |
In this article, we have introduced a new coarse-grained approach for modeling protein stability in concentrated solution environments. |
I can't tell you how long I was looking for one like it before a pen pal introduced me to it! |
When I was first introduced to the concept of the coatigan, I admit I did not see myself embracing it. |
There is growing concern that predaceous coccinellids introduced into North America may have negative impacts on native ladybird beetles. |
I introduced myself, waiting for the door to be slammed in my face and, surprise, she let me in and started to talk. |
The patient received ventilation through a face mask while a bronchofibroscope was introduced through the nose. |
Some of the countries have also introduced commemorative coins with the face value of 10 Euro. |
While wall paintings and perhaps stained glass introduced colour to otherwise gloomy, ill-lit interiors, furnishings were sparse. |
Rescorla uses network traces and clear diagrams to illustrate the concepts introduced in the text. |
The first treatment in English was Layamon's Brut, which introduced the element of faerie. |
These climates introduced permafrost and cold-climate weathering products to river systems. |
Ducks, geese and water hens will be introduced shortly and it is hoped over a short period to build up a colony. |
However, these concepts are introduced all at once with no immediate application for the student. |
Joy then introduced the guest celebrity in the person of yours truly, this humble correspondent! |
It is not coincidental that tighter censorship is being introduced amidst a wave of severe cuts to social services. |
Even a normal seed requires two years of trials and tests to ensure that new diseases and pests are not introduced. |
The genre is traceable to The Diary of a Nobody, in which the brothers Grossmith introduced Charles Pooter, the epitome of the petit bourgeois. |
In the early 1980s, implantable devices designed to replace and repair damaged temporomandibular lower jaw joints were introduced. |
Designer Ralph Rucci has used them for his couture collections and even introduced rainwear made from transparent silk. |
When Liu introduced an embryo to the artificial uterine lining, it successfully implanted. |
I'm not sure he recognised me at first but when I introduced myself he greeted me with the familiarity of a family friend. |
The evidence based policies implemented by several governments in the West have not been widely introduced here. |
Then, there was an important-sounding fanfare, and a mellifluous announcer introduced the first Guest of Honour talk. |
They were introduced late in the nineteenth century by colonists alarmed by the spread of rabbits and hares. |
Ketamine, a derivative of phencyclidine hydrochloride, was introduced in the 1960s as a dissociative anesthetic. |
The cryptic whimsy with which this idea is introduced cannot conceal its improbability. |
The Colorado beetle was introduced to Europe from North America and has been damaging potato crops in Europe ever since. |
Since new incentives were introduced, the shareholding of fishing companies has phenomenally increased. |
A formal colour bar in employment was introduced in 1934, under the Industrial Conciliation Act. |
She had liked the new colour scheme and the pale oak benches I had introduced. |
In fact, individuals who introduced moderate activity to their formerly inactive lifestyles noticed the most pronounced benefits. |
We've not only introduced new animals and plants, but we've also inalterably paved and built on vast expanses of former wilderness. |
He was the far-seeing pioneer who introduced cattle ranching and wheat farming to the American West. |
He introduced one of the most famous metaphors in the philosophy of science, the image of the watchmaker. |
All the combatant nations introduced newer designs which incorporated where possible the lessons of the earlier war years. |
It was most probably the early Phoenician settlers at Carthage who introduced viticulture to that region of North Africa. |
When given a combination vaccine, three different disorders are introduced deep into the body. |
The town was a fashionable health resort and this biscuit was introduced as a diet item. |
Later, machinery was introduced, and now threshing is done instantly inside a combine harvester. |
It was a simple twist of fate that introduced him to the chartered accountancy profession. |
McCarthy played very well when introduced and, indeed, finished as his side's top scorer. |
Counting ribs and phyllotactic spirals was easy and accurate, so that should have introduced little error. |
Following the abolition of slavery in 1835, Indian indentured labourers were introduced to work the sugar plantations. |
Student loans were introduced in 1991 when fees at tertiary institutions were increased. |
During the last decade, their curiosity has introduced us to a whole new language of phytonutrients, the beneficial compounds in plant foods. |
Legislators had introduced legislation both federally and in California that addressed records retention. |
The company has introduced a pick-and-mix card that potentially provides customers with 360 different choices. |
Mint was grown and pickled in vinegar by the Romans, who introduced the plant into England. |
The Annobon population, native to Angola, was introduced by the Portuguese via Sao Tome. |
When a conducting metal is introduced into this field, an eddy current is induced in the metal. |
The firm introduced a new industrial relations policy with new shift arrangements to cut down the risks to workers. |
Instead, a complicated procedure for seeking permission to fell oak trees legally was introduced. |
Its stock markets, which were introduced on an experimental basis in the early l990s, are in their infancy. |
The union is against plans to introduce the change to a six-term school year being introduced across the country in a piecemeal way. |
Gymnastics has rapidly developed during recent years and new complicated elements have been introduced. |
Besides this, Spanish cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats introduced European meats and fats, milk, butter, and cheese to the Mexican diet. |
They first introduced horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and domestic poultry. |
Historically, comprehensive secondary education in mixed-ability schools was first introduced by Labour. |
He introduced comprehensive education, women's emancipation legislation, and reforms in higher education. |
Drumheads made of animal skins were the only game in town from cave-man times until the 1950s, when synthetic drumheads were first introduced. |
The service introduced on a pilot basis in Guntur and Tenali will be extended to all towns. |
That's when the bonds first hit the market, sort of like when stocks get introduced through an initial public offering. |
A needle is then introduced between these bones and the special liquid is injected. |
Primary mesenchyme cells introduced by injection at the animal pole move in a directed manner to their normal positions in the vegetal region. |
Rate of return targets and requirements for the payment of dividends to the state government were introduced concurrently. |
They were also introduced to the latest methods of surveying bats and taught how to conduct field studies. |
Many Chinese people might have forgotten that pipa the traditional Chinese instrument, was actually introduced to China along the Silk Road. |
A private bus operator has introduced a hand-held ticketing machine, which allows conductors to print tickets a la railway booking clerks. |
The code was introduced by the International Maritime Organisation to deter terrorism, piracy and other criminal acts. |
The US system of rank badges and insignia, introduced in the early 19th century, is highly distinctive, and instructive. |
Barratts has introduced a shallower roof pitch to the design of the third block and plans to plant 107 new trees. |
To instill acid or saline in the lung, we introduced a cannula via a tracheotomy. |
When the euro was introduced as a virtual currency in January 1999, financial institutions reviewed their charges. |
He was introduced to the unique venue during a work experience placement and he went on to work there during summer holidays. |
Since the smoking ban has been introduced the sight of people congregating around the entrance to a licensed premises has become commonplace. |
Recently introduced regulations on sound and heat insulation for new houses also affect rebuilding costs. |
This Minister has introduced a bill that is an absolute insult to the cause he should be serving. |
And they have introduced a balance billing system whereby the insured patient must pay extra to make up the shortfall. |
The two families met soon after, when Susan was finally introduced to her cousin. |
These trees were introduced from abroad by foresters for fast-growing commercial plantations. |
They are now seen more simply as part of a general trend to ostentatious display of personal wealth, introduced at that time from central Europe. |
Dietitians should be introduced to interdisciplinary research in undergraduate programs. |
Australian growers remain concerned about the risk of the disease fireblight being introduced to their orchards. |
The problem is that the system is not being introduced in a consistent way. |
Fixed notice penalties have already been introduced for throwing a firework in a public place. |
An intermolecular pair interaction between water molecules is also introduced. |
The children introduced themselves through song and words and we watched them at play. |
Unable to deal with fractional powers, he used interpolation, a word which he introduced in this work. |
Lunch was that strange not so fishy fish Morgan had been introduced to the first day of her arrival. |
The same can also be expressed intracellularly when introduced through plasmid or viral vectors. |
In October 1986 the government introduced the Goods and Services Tax charged on almost everything you buy or contract for. |
An automated watering system was introduced around five years ago and the project was contracted out. |
This meant a single-lane contraflow had to be introduced in both directions. |
It is clear that there are now more new products introduced every year than before. |
Family tax benefits are just one of the many measures introduced by the government that effectively lower the average rate of tax. |
Now, East Lancashire Hospitals Trust bosses have introduced a number of measures to combat the problem. |
The move is one of a number of measures introduced by Burnley Council as part of a shake-up of their waste collection services. |
At least two new flavours and products are introduced each year after extensive taste tests. |
It is hoped the order will reduce the chance of more strict drought measures being introduced next year. |
It is as if the disease was only introduced to give the appearance of three dimensions. |
In contrast, many pest species are introduced to the region and flourish with the large expanses of a single food source. |
Rabbits were introduced to the Macquarie Islands, far to the southwest of New Zealand, to provide food. |
It is understood the disease was then introduced to the trout lake by an angler who had been fishing for carp. |
It is estimated that about one new species is introduced to the Great Lakes each year. |
But it was the pigs, rats and monkeys introduced by man that ravaged the dodo eggs and chicks and led to the bird's extinction. |
Hundreds of non-indigenous species are introduced to different habitats each day. |
So hazardous was the approach to this remote piece of rock that it's believed foxes were never introduced to Buldir. |
Originally native to the eastern United States and Canada, this insect was apparently introduced to Europe after the Second World War. |
In the wake of that success, the moth was also introduced to other islands, such as Montserrat and Antigua. |
The fox was introduced to Australia and has caused havoc to the native animal population. |
The weekly collection was originally introduced to help combat such problems. |
Prickly pear cacti and large agave succulents, introduced from Mexico, grow everywhere in the north of the island. |
The son of Thomas Arne, he was brought up by his aunt, the actress Mrs Cibber, who introduced him to the stage. |
Critics note that novel genes introduced into GM plants could produce proteins that are toxic, allergenic or carcinogenic. |
The novelties introduced by these elections were many, interesting, and ripe with consequences. |
The staghound is such a versatile hunter it can be used on all introduced game ranging from bunnies up to scrub bulls. |
In Ireland, the number of nullity decrees had been rising inexorably before divorce was introduced. |
New by-laws are set to be introduced in the town to stamp out anti-social behaviour. |
More than 10 million iPods have been sold since it was introduced, and it is the number one selling digital music player in the world. |
He introduced standard weights and measurements, revenue districts and officers. |
Allowing guests to speak freely was radical enough, but then he introduced viewer call-ins. |
The monochrome half-tone process, introduced in 1872, was refined by the end of the 19th cent. to allow full colour reproduction. |
When they were first introduced, the league tables were an oasis in a desert of information. |
In recent years, society has introduced new greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, namely CFCs and other halocarbons. |
He had introduced a field lens, a third lens between the objective lens and the eye-piece, which served to increase the field of view. |
They are most common in wet, shrubby, lowland thickets, often frequenting introduced plants such as Scots broom and reed canary grass. |
Arriving in Athens, the son of Sopaeus was introduced to the banker Pasion, with whom he deposited his money, as much as 1,000 gold staters. |
In 1991, Tata Motors introduced a station wagon and later a sport-utility vehicle. |
The company apologised to the court and said it has now introduced procedures to prevent similar occurrences in the future. |
The jurisdiction to stay, although introduced by statute in the field of arbitration agreements, is in origin an equitable remedy. |
The social workers and the parents exchanged hellos and handshakes and then introduced Jaime. |
I'd recently been introduced to the miracle of antibacterial handwash, an incredible, but rather thin, soap product. |
Surprisingly the fundamental change of Indonesia's government structure has been introduced by stealth. |
The Pentagon introduced misleading information pertinent to stealth aircraft, space defense, and tactical aircraft. |
During the 1930s, catalysts were introduced to promote chemical reactions during cracking. |
The Executive has introduced measures through the police bill to crack down on knife culture. |
The project has been introduced to help police solve crimes and deter criminals from further offending. |
In 1988 the Conservative government introduced the Education Act as part of its general offensive against welfare and social services. |
At a police station two plain-clothes officers introduced themselves as members of Special Branch. |
Instead, we are introduced to necessary elements in offhand, haphazard fashion. |
Weapons training introduced the students to the Colt.45 and.38, and to the Sten gun, which was considered unreliable by some. |
An off-site monitoring system was introduced gradually and extended to cover co-operative institutions also. |
They regularly go on shopping trips together and Eileen and hubby Raymond have now introduced Mary to caravanning. |
I suspect that the stereobate of the Parthenon has a flat surface, the famous curvature being introduced in the stylobate. |
When widescreen films were introduced, stereophonic sound also became a selling point. |
The year after they introduced their seeds, Taylor switched from canola to flax, a different kind of oilseed. |
With a hard launch expected in late Q3, the company introduced its beta version in New York and San Francisco in April. |
Throwing off the restraint they had shown, Germany now had to chase the game and reverted to the high-tempo style Klinsmann has introduced. |
From the late 8th century on, the Vikings forced entry, occupied the land, and introduced Old Norse words into Old English. |
The UK is determined to stop majority voting being introduced for steps towards harmonising European common law systems. |
In the United States three primary artificial fats have been introduced including Olestra, Simplesse, and Stellar. |
Stiff penalties are to be introduced for people who make bogus insurance claims. |
Coinage was introduced, manor houses, farms and villages were established, olive groves and vineyards were planted. |
Sugars located within the cellular structure of food are thought to be less cariogenic than sugars intentionally introduced into foods. |
Six ducks and 5,000 grass and silver carp have been introduced into the reborn lake to conserve its ecology. |
He introduced himself to me and asked if I'd like him to visit once in a while on his rounds. |
When quite modest health care reforms were introduced by New Labour in England, Scottish Labour was haughtily dismissive of them. |
The patient may be sitting or supine, and the instrument can be introduced either orally or nasally. |
Born and raised in London, Heston Blumenthal was introduced to haute cuisine at the impressionable age of fifteen. |
If a one-handed keyboard is more than you can handle, they introduced a digital notepad. |
It has only been introduced for shop floor staff, with no-one in management or in the stockrooms having to use a swipe card. |
Since the new 2004 model was introduced in the fall, the Prius has been stomping the Hummer. |
We've introduced all of these very sophisticated systems and devices into the plant and into the headend. |
The stone marten is native on the Adriatic islands, and the small Indian civet has been introduced to Ngazidja. |
Catheter shapes vary from flush catheters that opacify large vessels to selective catheters that can be introduced into branch vessels. |
Food rationing has been introduced and the opening hours of food shops limited. |
Bermuda extends 21 square miles, and much of it is covered by introduced species like the casuarinas tree, an import from Australia. |
In the 1960s, open-plan offices were introduced, though not without some controversy. |
A few lucky people become friends straightaway, soon after they meet or get introduced to each other. |
The Catalonian had introduced a style of football to England now synonymous with Barcelona and the Catalan giants' recent successes. |
In Heaven he was introduced to Indra, who enrolled him in his heavenly workshops. |
The cataphracts were introduced into the Seleukid army in the Hellenistic era. |
He feels that Sanskrit could be introduced as one of the optional languages in schools and colleges. |
In 1907 he introduced special types of ordinals in an attempt to prove Cantor's continuum hypothesis. |
Eventually she took my hand and drew me through a small door into a cave-like room where I was introduced to her father. |
The Black Orpington was created and introduced in 1886 by poultry developer, William Cook. |
Ludwig had first been introduced to ancient Germanic tales by his governess and later became obsessed with the dark stories. |
We had been introduced to alternative medicine as a possible cure for Spence's asthma and became interested in the history of herbal medicine. |
Much information from this book has been summarised by Anna Chaudhri, who also introduced similar elements from Ossetian hunting lore. |
Our statistics also show that more than half of those heritage seeds were introduced by only 21 companies, so these gains are extremely fragile. |
I was very pleasantly surprised when the editor introduced me and my other half to the rest of the team with a full bio. |
The heroine of his Ephesian Tale, Anthia, is introduced dressed as Artemis in a procession where all can behold her beauty. |
The first Racing Calendar was introduced in 1773 and stud books and jockeys' colours followed. |
Of greater significance was the parole system, introduced in 1908, the same year as convict leasing was abolished and the chain gang introduced. |
This distinction was introduced to accommodate fossil taxa within extant taxa without inflating, unnecessarily, the taxonomic hierarchy. |
To help enforce these new restrictions, the programme-makers have also introduced a formal disciplining mechanism. |
The National Curriculum, stipulating subjects to be studied until the age of 16, is also introduced. |
The new security regulations are being introduced to reduce the risk of terrorism and other criminal acts, including hijackings and piracy. |
Pensions have fallen in value by over a third since the change was introduced. |
Means-tested benefits, introduced chaotically over the past seven years, may be a sorry substitute for a dignified pension. |
It used to be that when you introduced a new material, you spent 10 years characterizing it and understanding it. |
She introduced him to charades, although the clues had to be limited to those that could be done from a sitting position. |
In May, the company also introduced a web service which helps banks deal with disputed payments, known as chargebacks. |
He introduced himself to me by the punch table, and we have remained friends ever since. |
We saw each other again at the finish line and the amputee introduced himself as Jim Bonney. |
Abu Qarib Asad who was the king of Yemen introduced Judaism among the idolatrous Himyarites. |
After all, the Indians have introduced Hinglish, a mixture of Hindi and English! |
In college I was introduced to a friend's friend, a short, cute, hirsute writer named L. who drank too much. |
Possibly, some bacteria are introduced into the distal in-line suction connection during attachment and removal of the common suction tubing. |
At this point in the therapy, I introduced medication for John, explaining that it would help relieve his suffering. |
At school he was introduced to Anglo-Saxon and Chaucerian English, and also began to read the Norse Sagas. |
Carrie's friend Cathey had introduced the two and they seemed to hit it off immediately. |
Instead, he overplayed his hand and introduced doubts and inconsistencies with his failed dossiers. |
Muslims introduced new crops, such as sugar cane, rice, cotton and a number of fruits. |
The new system introduced at the border checkpoints involves more close screening of those arriving and departing. |
The fashion for propelling yourself around town on a hobby was introduced to this country by the London coach-builder Denis Johnson. |
A new 6pm to midnight shift was introduced this month, when the festive party season was in full swing. |
The crowd started cheering as the DJ introduced their school's homecoming court. |
As in all those movies, the demonstration is an overture to how that newly introduced power will explode narrative, characters, bodies. |
In the last 100 years, humans have introduced hundreds of new, synthetic compounds into the environment. |
An efficient algorithm for Ewald summation calculations for the multistate empirical valence bond model is also introduced. |
Police cars, buses and disabled drivers have all been victims of overzealous parking wardens since the Parkwise scheme was introduced. |
What, in particular, was the diet of national leaders who introduced sumptuary laws, to prevent extravagant expenditure on food and wine? |
In Season One of Kojak we are introduced to this tough-as-nails NYC cop who always wears his Sunday best. |
Greece originally introduced the chestnut tree to the rest of the European community. |
The Portuguese introduced the domestic pig, chickens, olives, and salt cod as well as coffee and tea. |
Two cricket balls of mashed bread groundbait were introduced into the top of the swim. |
When new functionality is introduced to the Internet, in most cases it comes in the form of a software package, like e-mail or Web pages. |
A disease was introduced from unknown origins into the swine in California. |
He is also a leader in the natural-birth movement, having introduced homelike birthing rooms and pools into French hospitals. |
Ideally the concepts and materials should be introduced and promoted by tutors. |
Sheep and cattle, introduced by homesteaders, munched the grasses that fueled periodic fires. |
For use in such tanks, Tokyo Gas developed and introduced the world's first small-size and lightweight submergible observation device for visual checks of inside of the tanks. |
The government has recently introduced a law to combat hooliganism. |
He also introduced the concept of a stipendiary chairmanship, at one stroke freeing the council from its reliance on semi-retired highflyers from the business community. |
A weights and conditioning expert who has previously worked extensively with rugby teams was introduced, and an intensive weights programme provided for those needing it. |
They've only been there 5 months, and rather than them giving us the tour of their new area, I gave them the tour, and introduced them to all my old haunts. |
Consequently no new patterns of flatware or hollowware were introduced by the leading makers, and after the war the companies resurrected old patterns. |
It is curious to see the periodical disuse and perishing of means and machinery, which were introduced with loud laudation a few years or centuries before. |
It was introduced because we identified a consumer need for a low-carbohydrate and low calorie beer that still has a taste refined enough to carry the Michelob family name. |
The train company says business has rocketed since it introduced a half-hourly train service last September using tilting Pendolino trains travelling at up to 125 mph. |
Another novel sake introduced at the tasting event was the award-winning Kijoshu sake, which has a syrupy texture and a rich, nutty caramel flavor. |
In interviews done in the contender's homes, we are introduced to these oddball children and their overactive imaginations and enormous intellects. |
A joint paper on symmetric products introduced an idea that modifies the definition of Cartesian product and leads to the construction of some curious manifolds. |
Caltrop is quite rare in Cottesloe, as far as I know, and it looks like this infestation may have been introduced during works associated with the path construction, perhaps. |
It featured some horrendous claims about anthropologists abusing a South American tribe and even conniving in their deaths from introduced diseases. |
Before Hiawatha's story begins, we are introduced to the Master of Life and one of his gifts to mortals, the red pipe stone, from which the calumet or peace pipe is made. |
Genes were introduced into embryogenic calli with the particle inflow gun. |
After decades of producing small arms by hand, by 1842 the armories introduced large-scale assembly of muskets from uniform, interchangeable parts. |
Following completion of the homologation process, the system will also be introduced in other countries and then only requires activation of the software already available. |
In past the SRA has suggested that new rolling stock on the East Coast line should be introduced after it has been put on other intercity franchises. |
One project that is seemingly outstripping all others is Airbus's A380, introduced in a fanfare about eight years ago but is due for its first flight this year. |
He defines a pathfinder as someone who has been there and knows how to operate in an environment where 20,000 bills are introduced and maybe 2,000 become law. |
We are introduced to Rome reborn, ancient and eternal but all the more potent. |
The interviews are coherently introduced in the fabric of the book. |