If you need to borrow money for six months or less, you can do it interest-free with a credit card. |
Students are also being urged to check the costs of exceeding their interest-free overdraft limit because charges can be steep. |
When buying goods, be wary of interest-free deals, because the cost of the credit is built into the price of the item. |
The first priority for every student should be to find an account that offers an interest-free overdraft and charges no fees. |
It is concerned that customers fail to understand that any credit is only interest-free if the bill is paid in full at the end of the month. |
Cash hidden for years is being offered by criminals in interest-free loans in a bid to launder money quickly. |
There are more than 30 cards that offer interest-free periods of six months. |
Most credit card providers will offer up to 56 days interest-free credit on purchases. |
Her problem was made worse over a mix-up at the bank over what constituted a year's interest-free credit. |
After that it can be switched onto an interest-free refinancing loan, which gives three years free borrowing in total. |
The bank did offer a compromise of a three-month interest-free period to help her pay back the money. |
If you can, apply for one of the many cards offering an introductory interest-free period on transfers. |
The third option is a combination of interest-free loans and commercial borrowing. |
The Greens' policy of interest-free loans for solar heating in homes would cut energy demand and save people money, Mr Donald said. |
It is also gives interest-free loans to the poorest of the poor. |
For those interest-free notes where the project has a life greater than 5 years, the notes are discounted using an imputed interest rate. |
In December 2003, the Swiss Confederation agreed to provide an interest-free loan of CHF59.8 million, of which UNAIDS' share is CHF29.9 million. |
Caritas borrows this money interest-free and in turn lends it to these families without interest. |
This interest-free breathing space is a great opportunity to throw money at your debt and kill it off faster. |
State officials are refining a plan to offer interest-free loans to students who pursue degrees in science and engineering. |
The bill further honours the Government's election pledge to make student loans interest-free for most borrowers. |
National Irish Bank's student account offers free banking and an interest-free overdraft where the limit can be agreed with the bank. |
Credit cards provide interest-free credit from the time of purchase to the end of the billing period. |
For purchases, you may benefit from an interest-free period only if you meet certain conditions. |
Otherwise you are simply giving your bank an interest-free loan. |
But instead of loaning to car buyers and credit-card holders, the Fed handed trillions to banks and hedge funds, interest-free. |
These awards are interest-free loans, repayable over periods that vary from five to 12 years, depending on the size of loan. |
Customers were also given an interest-free overdraft until August. |
Among his first public proclamations was a call for the relief of the poor and the establishment of community chests to provide interest-free loans to the needy. |
The government is offering interest-free loans for the purchase of energy-efficient appliances. |
There is no interest-free grace period for funds advances, Amex cheques and balance transfers if offered. |
The CEO was able to get out of his lease and into cheaper space, negotiate interest-free extensions on his debt, and significantly reduce operating costs. |
The Manitoba Student Loan are provincially-subsidized loans that are is interest-free while you maintain full-tme student status. |
The court did go on to say that payments on a shareholder loan under an interest-free note may be viewed as establishing an unproductive asset. |
With an interest-free loan of at least 2.500 euros you will save people from despair without having to spend a penny. |
Demand could also have been stimulated almost limitlessly through interest-free central bank loans to the government. |
Eritrea was able to make interest-free loans to all of the country's disabled persons: that was a great achievement. |
Other credit card companies offering interest-free balance transfers refuted Cole's claims. |
It's important to remember that the interest-free period doesn't apply to balance transfers or cash advances. |
The proposed legislation goes further, adding storable crops to the list of eligible commodities and providing greater interest-free coverage. |
But the interest-free balance transfer has been distorted by competitive pressures. |
It will be treated like an interest-free loan, generally repayable to your RRSP in equal instalments over a 10-year period. |
We have improved cash advance programming by doubling the interest-free portion for producers. |
The amount of the cash advance would be increased as would the amount of the interest-free component of the advances. |
The British, for example, with interest-free loans to install solar systems on the roofs of houses. |
An interest-free loan from the senior consumer to the sponsor comes in the form of refundable entry fees. |
Thanks to an interest-free loan from her parents, she was able to purchase the centre, which was located in a strip mall. |
Desperate dealers are offering interest-free finance. |
Loans are interest-free, though inflation-linked. |
Carmakers are extending interest-free loans. |
They do have organizations that lend money interest-free. |
Even though many co-ops are eligible for 10-year, interest-free loans from the province, only a handful of co-ops have received approval from CMHC to borrow funds. |
First, the loans are interest-free as long as the student is in school. |
This also helps maximize the interest-free period for your employees. |
Making these interest-free would be a greater help to the recipients. |
The province has made interest-free loans available to owners of leaky buildings who don't have access to other sources of funding for building repair. |
Should the customer decide not to pay the balloon payment at the end of the interest-free period then it is time to renegotiate further monthly payments. |
Thanks to a combination of falling unemployment and interest-free credit options, Argentines are splurging on everything from new homes to cars to refrigerators. |
Even better, by becoming a 'rate tart' and surfing your debt from one deal to the next, you could effectively create a long-term interest-free loan. |
Producers who have already taken their spring advances will still be able to take advantage of the higher interest-free limit and extended repayment period. |
In accordance with the Stock Purchase Plan, the Company offers to the participants, an interest-free loan of an amount equal to the subscription price. |
Unlike almost every other cash-strapped student, Matt has resisted the temptation to open a student bank account with a huge interest-free overdraft, using a standard Halifax current account instead. |
Many card providers offer interest-free balance transfers for a number of months, which could give you a chance to clear your debt without accruing more interest. |
Seigniorage is essentially a tax on every dollar accepted anywhere as an interest-free loan to the Treasury. |
The LIFT scheme gives buyers an interest-free equity loan of 60 to 80 per cent to help fund the purchase. |
Since it is impossible to retain the stricter interpretation, the requirement when waiving interests was to indicate conditions that would put an end to the interest-free period, and what rates would be charged in that event. |
I pay many large war levies, perform many trierarchies, act munificently as choregos, lend money interest-free to many. |
Bulgariaas Pernik Municipality seeks a short-term interest-free loan of BGN 5 M from the central budget in order to cope with debts. |
Canada Student Loans are federally-subsidized loans that are is interest-free while you are a student and repayment is not required while you are a full-time student in an approved school. |
There is no interest-free period for balance transfers. |
Pursuant to the Share Purchase Plan, the Company offers each participant who subscribes for shares an interest-free loan of an amount corresponding to the subscription price. |
In 2005, we improved our liquidities through a private placement, non-refundable government assistance, the negotiation of our banking facilities, and through a Canada Economic Development interest-free loan. |
Constant revolvers should focus on interest rates and annual fees while transactors should worry about annual fees, interest-free periods and loyalty schemes. |