Anyone who doubts the possibility of artificial intelligence has clearly never used a Windows operating system. |
His luminous intelligence and genial argumentativeness made it respectable to be a dissenter. |
Allies need to do more about training good minds who are expert on Asia and who are not afraid of challenging conventional intelligence wisdoms. |
Conversely when she plays jazz or tango or Baroque she brings to it a very modern-classical intelligence and clarity. |
It was the more secretive networks of intelligence and escape which forged the first working links with the British or the Free French in London. |
And we need to refocus both our resources and the restructure our intelligence community, and those things are going on. |
Let's hope his successor has the wit to fashion an intelligence agency that is fit for the struggles that lie ahead. |
Over the next five years, militants continued to worm their way into military and intelligence jobs. |
What they do with these questionnaires, is they dumb the questionnaires down, as the level of intelligence of the population collapses. |
When you combine all this glamour with their high intelligence and magnetic personalities, your dog will be the envy of the neighborhood. |
Chinese and US warships already work in tandem and share intelligence in antipiracy operations off the east coast of Africa. |
The meeting was led by the assistant to the National Police chief for intelligence affairs. |
I have directed the full resources of our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find those responsible and to bring them to justice. |
We must have been asleep at the switch, and so we have to revamp our intelligence structure from the ground up. |
In response, the bureau is redeploying agents into counterterrorism and working more closely with the CIA and other intelligence rivals. |
He explored the realities of urban life with a critical intelligence and a Faulknerian restlessness unmatched by any of his contemporaries. |
Her dry Aussie wit is a godsend in an industry choked with airheads, and her quicksilver intelligence animates her luminous beauty. |
I think our intelligence officers have the information but they keep it to themselves. |
Now is the time to apply your skills and intelligence to material affairs, and sow the seed that can be reaped at a later date. |
Each found the other's intelligence and well-founded opinions refreshing and they began to talk. |
This time though, he was not only accompanied by his adjutant but by a flock of intelligence officers. |
The Commissioner adds that gathering actionable intelligence on criminals and their sponsors will continue to be the priority. |
An office boy will not be what he is now if he had education, skills, common sense and intelligence like his boss. |
Nasa boffins have declared their intention to hand over control of three satellites to artificial intelligence software. |
On 16 December, signals intelligence reported enemy units leaving an assembly area north of Trier and then going to radio silence. |
Linguistic intelligence involves sensitivity to the spoken and written language and the ability to learn languages. |
She's my best friend and she vowed to me that she had received this intelligence from a reliable source. |
After joining up in 1998, Cpl Fox served in Germany and in Kosovo as an intelligence and security clerk with the Queen's Royal Hussars. |
Not that education or skills are signs of intelligence as such, but there is a correlation. |
The Australian Federal Police and ASIO are engaged in law enforcement and intelligence information gathering exercises. |
Apparently, along with their civil technology, they had at least some military or intelligence capabilities, including surveillance. |
What becomes clear throughout that is the value of intelligence in determining a nation's response. |
The Times article accepts the claims of military intelligence at face value. |
Tenet's departure comes after a series of political, military and intelligence fiascos for the Bush administration. |
That brings us back to the knotty dilemma of the reliability of intelligence information and the difficulty in interpreting it. |
We can moan about people's apparent lack of intelligence and mixed motives later. |
And the need to field a new army of spies and intelligence agents to track down and destroy terrorism is clear. |
We are putting all our sources of surveillance and intelligence together to catch him. |
A raid by army troops and intelligence agents on the town uncovered the 10 kilogramme belt concealed in a solar water tank. |
But he makes up for whatever he lacks in physical skills with intelligence and versatility. |
The way he astutely details intelligence operations appeals to me at many levels. |
The Westie is a wonderful breed, scoring big on the Cute-O-Meter, with buckets of surprising intelligence to boot. |
It is an examination of the impact of technology on augmenting the intelligence of a species. |
I'm absolutely convinced Sutton's ability, intelligence and experience mean he offers the England squad something they have not got. |
The serpents' wisdom quoted here means shrewd intelligence with perfect knowledge of the position under which one is placed. |
The current state of robotic technology or artificial intelligence is not such that a robot could REFUSE to do anything. |
He was a rabid snob and a squirming snake-pit of prejudice, without even the intelligence to realise that other people were as human as himself. |
Quite a few conservatives responded to the widespread put-downs of his intelligence by embracing literal know-nothingism. |
General Platen's avant-courier now arrived with the intelligence of his approach. |
Some life form of high intelligence has to be behind those lovely chocolate-covered bars that come from there. |
At the same time detectives will be liaising with York police for any intelligence they can offer. |
The use of artificial intelligence systems requires processor speeds three to four times as high. |
They are so alive with nature's intelligence that fatigue-causing toxins cannot accumulate in the body when you eat them. |
However, their quick wits and intelligence often brings them through, and they may make a fortune from nothing. |
This will probably be a window of vulnerability until the human intelligence capabilities are fully rebuilt. |
Instead, hostilities found him posted first to the naval intelligence division of the Admiralty and then to the Royal Air Force. |
They've shown initiative, intelligence and an acute awareness of what punters need as they traipse round the stands. |
Allowing for obsolescence in intelligence testing is just as essential as allowing for inflation in economic analysis. |
Being turned on by intelligence can be a tricky thing. And one thing's for sure: No sapiosexual is turned on by the exact same things. |
The intelligence agencies are woefully short of people fluent in Arabic, Farsi, and Urdu, and this is remediable. |
United States intelligence estimates 350,000 soldiers in the regular army, poorly equipped with low morale. |
This is in large part why the original goals of artificial intelligence and robotics remain a long way from being achieved. |
Einstein's wild hair is not the mad scientist's coiffure but a secular aureole, bespeaking his superhuman intelligence and wisdom. |
This also applies to air defense artillery, signal, and military intelligence units. |
On the other hand, many of the CIA's best agents through the years have been intelligence volunteers. |
The message was intercepted by U.S. intelligence and caused a major political stir in Washington. |
Crooks, spies, and intelligence agents of all stripes began flooding into the United States. |
The idea that it will help Chinese intelligence infiltrate America's military secrets seems more than just a little ludicrous. |
Being able to redeploy analysts and form ad hoc teams quickly and effectively is a basic requirement for intelligence organizations today. |
It ruled that from then on, every last communication between intelligence agents and law-enforcement officials required its approval. |
Aircraft losses forced the United States to look at other methods for collecting photo reconnaissance intelligence information. |
The mechanical agent uses artificial intelligence techniques to aim at optimally achieving its goal. |
Barbouti is suspected of having been a double agent for British intelligence and the Iraqi regime. |
Hello, Earth, Do You Read Me? How might the first intelligence from an extraterrestrial civilization be transmitted to earth? |
It is stupid to cast aspersions on either the intelligence of the electorate or the validity of the verdict. |
I'd like my intelligence and my ability to contribute to this country to be recognised formally with a nice stamp on my passport. |
They were to get behind enemy lines and act as scouts and gather intelligence to feed back to British military headquarters. |
At the end, I was greatly impressed by the smartness and keenness of all of them, and by the firmness and intelligence of their questions. |
At 25, her success has been formidable, but she is oddly unhelpful about applying her reputed intelligence to an understanding of it. |
An artificial intelligence program on a computer learns how to play the game, and plays entire games against itself. |
Finding a book with the right combination of highbrow intelligence and lowbrow kicks has gotten nearly impossible. |
The authors will all be invited to write for the series because they don't underestimate readers' intelligence nor overestimate their knowledge. |
Increasingly able artificial intelligence systems mean we can get more out of robotics. |
What role did he and the intelligence boffins play in compiling the deceitful dossiers last September and February? |
I was getting noticed for my looks, as well as my intelligence and athleticism. |
Sense of self, physical abilities, ability to interact with others, communication skills and intelligence begin to develop from the age of three. |
In the later years, major state intelligence agencies had their safe houses to detain and question Tiger guerrilla suspects. |
Meanwhile two of Australia's intelligence agencies have received a lashing in a report from a US-based think-tank. |
No matter how good, artificial intelligence just can't measure up to human intelligence. |
The question of how advanced we are in the area of artificial intelligence would have added a more factual section to the book. |
A brilliant strategy is, certainly, a matter of intelligence, but intelligence without audaciousness is not enough. |
According to the science of phrenology, which was currently all the rage, such a brow hinted at intelligence and broadness of mind. |
They seriously risk jeopardizing their careers if they attempt to work purely in the intelligence field. |
It's all innuendo and unsubstantiated intelligence given by people who clearly have an axe to grind. |
It consists of a business intelligence advisory service; as well as a communications and public relations firm. |
And for me to say anything about the intelligence dispute would be talking through my hat. |
I would not have voted to authorize use of force had the intelligence not been as substantial as it was. |
Therefore, sending Portuguese passport holding Macanese to Taiwan on intelligence missions is very convenient for Beijing. |
What if they declare that it's time for the public to be told some of the hard truths about the intelligence community's quotidian operations? |
His intelligence and exactitude were always in evidence but without detracting from the poems' liveliness and immediacy. |
This doesn't mean men can't do it, it just proves that kneading calls for no special skills, intelligence or ability. |
The two-year scheme will see the creation of safe houses and is expected to create better intelligence on the criminals behind the trafficking. |
Their task was to scout some way ahead of the main infantry units, gathering intelligence and reporting information to headquarters. |
He minced no words in lashing out at critics who charge the administration manipulated pre-war intelligence to justify going to war. |
Analysts must fully absorb cultural information, an area in which the intelligence community rarely excels. |
Interestingly, they wrote their code primarily in Lisp, an artificial intelligence language most commonly used at universities. |
The addresses were targeted from intelligence gathered about where the weapons were being bought, primarily over the Internet. |
He is good company, a man of great intelligence and broad knowledge, good humour and acerbic wit. |
In college, my quick wit and intelligence made up for whatever I lacked in dedication. |
But what artificial intelligence did show was the value of rules-based technology. |
They also said the study makes no mention of the value of intelligence collection and the need to reward cooperation with lesser sentences. |
Most of the abused prisoners had no military intelligence value, Special Agent Worth said. |
However, this time additional intelligence informed the British about the true nature of the field. |
Boffins at Sony are working to develop artificial intelligence technology capable of composing original music. |
The formal head of Syrian intelligence in Lebanon was greeted with flowers. |
The problem is, whenever intelligence is injected into a process, latency is introduced. |
The intelligence and analytical acuteness you bring to the site have been an inspiration to me. |
The conversation, revealed by Indian intelligence intercepts last week, was not unique. |
Add to that the invention, intelligence and dry wit this title contains, and it deserves to top the charts. |
From September of 1970, he served in the Urals Military District as intelligence chief of a missile battalion. |
According to Weismannists, habit, effort, and intelligence acquired during the experience of any one life goes for nothing. |
Are the CIA and military intelligence agencies cooperating fully with the investigation? |
Wielding batons, they looked like versions of Robocop minus the laconic wit and intelligence chip. |
The recently released JIC minutes for 6 June 1941 reveal the precise structure of Anglo-American intelligence cooperation in the Far East. |
Our view, having reviewed all the material, is that judgments went to the outer limits of the intelligence available. |
Oriental blue and silver gray are the traditional colors of military intelligence units. |
You have brought to your position a loveliness and grace and intelligence that are unusual and, I am afraid, irreplaceable. |
We know that the government are reconfiguring the apparatus of the intelligence community to concentrate in these areas. |
If you're in the military reconnaissance or intelligence business, you already know the value of real-time information. |
But they have had no objections to Jeffery, whose political, military and intelligence record has been unreservedly embraced. |
Tofte began to recruit, train and insert agents who would gather intelligence behind enemy lines. |
This will require new forms of artificial intelligence and a whole new field of software design. |
In Scotland, police were concerned enough to activate a nationwide intelligence centre to evaluate the terrorist threat north of the Border. |
But without the information from FBI intelligence agents, his grand jury didn't have enough evidence to return indictments. |
The process of gathering and analyzing intelligence was sometimes distorted by preconceptions and politicization. |
The committee's unprecedented trawl through the secret world of British intelligence makes devastating reading for Blair. |
Her duties also included mediating information-sharing disputes between FBI intelligence and criminal agents. |
American intelligence knew Hanoi's general intentions, but was wrong on the estimates of the time and place of the offensive. |
It will improve the gathering of military intelligence on enemy movements and boost early warning capability. |
I am often highly impressed with the intelligence and learning of the military officers I meet at security conferences. |
The problem centred around intelligence from a police informant suggesting people other than Coghlan could have committed the murder. |
The documentary evidence, records of meetings and intelligence briefings would have been shredded long ago. |
So there you have it, make of it what you will, but I reckon intelligence comes into it somewhere. |
Since July, the defense secretary, military intelligence chief and finance secretary have resigned. |
He's got great managerial experience, and goodness knows we need that within the intelligence community. |
I saw stacks of tapes at one of our intelligence listening posts in Europe, and they had only two analysts to translate them. |
Given that the very gathering of such intelligence is at the heart of the dispute, how could such information be rendered politically neutral? |
After all, if there was incompetance, then it deserves to be equally apportioned to all governments and intelligence agencies. |
We have 15 agencies now that are charged with gathering intelligence about our potential enemies. |
It has also stepped up the gathering of information and intelligence on petitioners to better identify the sources of tension, sources said. |
Dad always has a crowd around him because of his intelligence and sense of humor. |
Even if there are occasional longueurs, the show's visual wit and intelligence remain impressive. |
The intelligence service was criticised for not re-evaluating its assessments in the light of Mr Blix's reports. |
The intelligence offices decided that the Scouts were quarrelsome and difficult to manage and so substituted girls for boys. |
The people in the intelligence community say that there's so many methods and sources that they have to protect, that these redactions, as they call them, were necessary. |
He went into the recreation room on the lower floor and told a young woman in the makeshift office space that he was there for the intelligence briefing. |
There is no effective congressional oversight, as we can see by the acquiescence of the intelligence and judiciary committees. |
He cannot tell if the flashes of wit and intelligence he witnessed in private were more revealing than the president's bumbling and ignorant moments in public. |
Can the legend be explained by animal instinct and natural intelligence alone, or did a true friendship develop between these two hunters of the sea? |
As anyone who has had anything to say about Reyner Banham will agree, it is impossible not to fall under the spell of the wit and the intelligence of the writing. |
The intelligence officers at the bomb scene do not demur from this assessment. |
He, once again, directed more focus to the appearance of the guys and ignored the wit and intelligence with which the songs were written and performed. |
It is funny to see that the rats at various British intelligence agencies are already trying to avoid the blame for the lies told to the British people by Blair. |
For one thing, computers are a pretty intelligent lot, if the measure of intelligence is the ability to absorb, process and recall vast amounts of information. |
A critic may also question why other important topics, such as intelligence and reconnaissance, air-sea rescue, and helicopters, were not covered in separate monographs. |
Without courage, intelligence and passion, the present kairos may pass. |
Luckily, K-OS has the rhymes to back up his rants, wielding a lyrical intelligence that shines both on his ardent raps and in his surprisingly smooth singing. |
Is it possible that in some far-off galaxy as yet beyond our ken creatures very different but perhaps far superior to us in intelligence live in a civilisation of their own? |
They eye the door anxiously, convinced that at any moment, a Pakistani or Iranian intelligence officer will come barging in. |
An adulterous affair could be used as blackmail if it fell into the hands of a foreign intelligence service. |
Insults to public intelligence and rank stupidity became commonplace. |
She was also an autodidact, an illegitimate girl from the provinces whose intelligence became the stuff of legend. |
When intelligence discovered the time and place of a meeting of his lieutenants, a plan was devised to take them by surprise with helicopter rangers aided by ground troops. |
Artificial intelligence systems and expert systems will be required to provide just-in-time logistics in support of the smaller logistics footprint ashore. |
The game allowed senior officers from all services to consider logistics, communications, intelligence and the other complex arcana of military operations. |
Overt displays of intelligence are considered just dandy in the art world so long as they are opaque enough to lend themselves to afflatus and jargoneering. |
The process, completed at the beginning of February 1990, found 4,944 out of 15,312 personnel acceptable for re-employment in the new intelligence service. |
The fear of other people's intelligence and ability applied to the production of goods we consume is not only profoundly wrong but also extremely dangerous. |
One senior U.S. intelligence official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, concurred. |
Syrian rebels have overtaken a joint Russian-Syrian secret facility that they claim was a covert intelligence collection base. |
Owen will have the power to compel the production of witnesses and documents from the British security and intelligence services. |
Who of them had really considered the thought that mankind with all its technical knowledge and intelligence would lose against the simple powers of nature? |
Three films about British brains show the trouble of bringing otherworldly intelligence to the big screen. |
The U.S. should step up intelligence cooperation with India to prevent and deter attacks such as the ones in Mumbai and Herat. |
The demand for intelligence rose when increasing education, hand in hand with the material advance of the bourgeoisie, awoke a desire for political action. |
In all her camera-ready conversations, it is her dexterous intelligence that keeps it all carefully balanced. |
We need intelligence personnel to give us the actionable intelligence. |
First of all, on the intelligence aspects it's the hardest part of this, you know, the answer's always we don't need more troops we need more actionable intelligence. |
Courage, personal magnetism and sharp intelligence combine to make these people brilliant leaders when it comes to the management and execution of original ideas. |
Before I wrote novels, I investigated for the business intelligence company Kroll. |
He saw himself as a deep-inside player in the intelligence world, and the heaviness of the responsibility was not sitting well. |
By 1 February, U.S. naval intelligence was tracking a Kildin guided-missile destroyer, a Kotlin destroyer, a Riga destroyer escort, and four auxiliaries in the Sea of Japan. |
Many of them are actually my military commanders and intelligence agents. |
Nothing he's said has not been said by leaders like Ehud Olmert and intelligence chief Ephraim Halevy. |
This week's testimony has made it much clearer that there was a wealth of intelligence available in the summer of 2001 indicating that a major terrorist attack was coming. |
He points out that where such extreme early deprivation is followed by nurturant care there is some improvement in speech, intelligence and social skills. |
Molly may address us from a psychiatric hospital, yet the intelligence and insight of her monologues, most saliently when they describe her mental state, argue for her sanity. |
But his asylum was rejected, thanks to the blurring of lines that intelligence assets are often mired in. |
So any attempt to ignore the truth or deliberately not look in the direction where it obviously resides is the antithesis of what intelligence is about. |
Speech recognition and artificial intelligence are especially critical. |
Our aim is to gather intelligence from the local community and to work to tackle long term problems, including crime issues and others such as antisocial behaviour. |
The chairs of the House and Senate intelligence committees have also said clemency should be ruled out for Snowden. |
But the falcon is not yet Air Force certified for military and intelligence payloads. |
Schiff told The Daily Beast that he was given a classified briefing about the Sony attack from the intelligence community Friday. |
These approaches have quite different origins in artificial intelligence and linguistics, and involve corpus input, lexicons and knowledge bases in quite different ways. |
He dealt with an awkward question on devolution with the surety and intelligence you would expect from a man who refused to be bullied into Vietnam. |
At least one U.S. intelligence official says that clapper might have gotten just a bit ahead of his skis. |
In the future, they may apply artificial intelligence to these robots. |
When last have officers of any branch of the protective services infiltrated the ranks of drug dealers, money launderers, and provided intelligence that led to major arrests? |
The experience of the Great Patriotic War showed that particular communication security measures complicated the work of signals intelligence units. |
The intelligence community knows this, he said, from insights gleaned from eavesdropping on the night of the attack. |
Conflicting reports in the U.S. media while top-notch intelligence and on the spot sources tell the story otherwise, are important to keep an eye on. |
In West Yorkshire, police set up Operation Stirrup in July 1999 after receiving intelligence that Yardies were making a move on the cities of Leeds and Bradford. |
The only intelligence failure comparable to this one was Pearl Harbor, which led to the sacking of those responsible and a major Congressional investigation. |
Concurrent with these changes, we are witnessing a fundamental examination of what underlies and actuates the character of who we are as intelligence professionals. |
It also said turf wars between police officers, Special Branch units and intelligence agencies were holding back attempts to intercept terrorists. |
In other words, in Raelian belief, intelligence is responsible for the origin of the intricate DNA codes of life, including the ones coding for our intelligent brain. |
Possessing both superior intelligence and the mischievous soul of an all-American boy he is as removed from his defiantly average family as he is from his nerdy classmates. |
Carmel always brought intelligence and a sense of reality to her contributions at local authority level, weighing her words with care and consideration. |
She claimed that the intelligence services had been bugging his private phone for years, especially in the pivotal period in the run-up to the Iraq war last year. |
Of the three candidates, Miller has the most seniority on the House intelligence committee. |
Internal intelligence collection should go fulltime to the police, who with minor augmentation can operate a fully fledged intelligence service with appropriate funding. |
Ken comes alive in a theatre situation, and his wit and intelligence are a refreshing change to the mundane stand-up acts as he makes you see life through new eyes. |
Capt. Devon Blake is a fellow graduate of West Point and a military intelligence officer. |
Schwend had described Glavan in glowing terms to US intelligence in 1946, but, clearly, the two men had had a falling out. |
She is surprised by the intelligence into a wounding tactlessness. |
A spokeswoman for Greater Manchester Police said the force had re-evaluated its own security arrangements but there was no specific intelligence to suggest it was at risk. |
For example with officers with special signals intelligence abilities, intercepting the communications of others and making their own covert transmissions. |
On a walkabout in Brent East, he accused Mr Blair of insulting the intelligence of electors by warning that voting Lib Dem would produce a Tory government. |
Ortega folded his arms, taking comfort in the fact that this brutal method of gathering intelligence was for the better of South America, and the world. |
Resources are hard-pressed, but Lithuanian authorities are working closely with British and other European police forces to gather intelligence to capture gangs. |
The false intelligence led the Germans to believe that the main force would land on the Pas de Calais rather than in Normandy. |
Journalists and observers will watch proceedings from behind bullet-proof glass, or via a live-stream at a US military intelligence base in Virginia. |
Just because people do not see the police doing anything it does not mean we are not working behind the scenes gathering intelligence and information about these crimes. |
We were at the CIA recently, and I broached this question because it was front and center in our make-believe intelligence agency. |
He has suggested that robots with artificial intelligence will gain consciousness, supercede human intelligence, and ultimately become autonomous. |
Obama's top intelligence advisers told him recently that partnering with the FSA against ISIS was too big a risk to take. |
The second Riot Girl London zine has talent and intelligence in abundance. |
But fortunately, our intelligence were able to intercept his plans to blow up these planes about 8 or 9 years ago, but he has been on the run since then. |
One junior intelligence analyst thought that although they weren't at all like modern American centrifuge rotors, they might be usable in what are known as a Zippe centrifuge. |
And the military collects intelligence from a great variety of platforms. |
Collecting, analyzing, and assimilating information at this level of detail is a formidable challenge for intelligence analysts, policymakers, and warfighters alike. |
That is the awkwardness of testifying about intelligence matters in public. |
Rather it appears to have been a concerted policy decision to use illegal techniques to acquire intelligence from detainees in violation of international standards. |
The next 10 years are expected to see a revolution in the application of artificial intelligence to every day tasks. |
Both the bangalore City Crime Branch and Indian national intelligence officials are after him. |
Born in 1960, just outside of Paris, LeCun has been drawn to computers, robotics, and artificial intelligence since a young age. |
The Interior Ministry will also command a domestic intelligence network made up largely of secret police and intelligence agents from the ousted government. |
A few days later, an Associated Press story reported that Western intelligence agencies had foiled an AQAP plot. |
Some suspect that British intelligence was attempting to spy on them. |
Gross and an unnamed American intelligence agent were freed Wednesday in exchange for three Cuban spies. |
Current and former intelligence officials have said North Korea has long been a priority target for American spies. |
I really think this season is about the toll that is exacted on intelligence officers doing their work. |
The process for informing the Senate and House intelligence committees is often shrouded in secrecy. |
As a private attorney, he works without charge to help hundreds of intelligence agents obtain lawful permission to declassify and publish the hidden secrets of our times. |
The alfa Team trains with specialists from Russia, according to former Russian military intelligence officer Boris Volodarsky. |
A fire that he insists is only picking up pace, according to top-secret intelligence briefings. |
In some ways the need for legality hampers the intelligence services. |
The man at the center of the sturm und drang was a spy in the offices of the German BND intelligence service. |
With the birth of civil and military aviation in the early 1900s, the focus of weather intelligence shifted from ballistics studies to aviation support. |
Some in the intelligence community seem to have followed through on that plan. |
But she soon transferred to Iraq as chief military intelligence officer. |
Lawmakers have been debating whether the recordings, reportedly illegal wiretaps by military intelligence agents, could be used in legal proceedings. |
At one point Rugova even claimed that it was set up by Serbian intelligence as an excuse to invade, or to discredit DLK itself. |
Chile gave support to Britain in the form of intelligence about the Argentine military and early warning intelligence on Argentine air movements. |
An example of harmonious action between the intelligence and the sentiency of the mind. |
Asimov acknowledges the problems with considering multi-organismic intelligence from the point of view of a single-organismic intelligence. |
He had intelligence that the consular army was camped at the mouth of the Rhone. |
Every item of intelligence appeared to redouble the astonishment of the islanders, and they gazed at us with inquiring looks. |
Collingwood joined the Admiralty intelligence division at the outbreak of the First World War. |
At the same time there was increased intelligence and espionage activity, Eastern Bloc defections and diplomatic expulsions. |
His intelligence was considered subnormal, but amazingly as a musician he was a genius. |
He added that he has never worked for any government or intelligence agency. |
His biographers felt he had all the intelligence to be a good student, though a record of his academic achievements has not been found. |
It also exposes security lapses in the Kenyan intelligence and security forces. |
The city became the destination for Loyalist refugees and a focal point of Washington's intelligence network. |
Recent developments in artificial intelligence has brought about a new race of robots that can perform household chores without supervision. |
He now feared for his life, and believed US intelligence agents would pursue him. |
Despite his intelligence and personal charm, Walker consistently proved to be a limited military and political leader. |
They may have calmer temperaments than horses and also a high level of intelligence that may or may not be used to cooperate with human handlers. |
Studies have assessed equine intelligence in areas such as problem solving, speed of learning, and memory. |
Parliament is not ready for it, and the intelligence of the country is not ready for it. |
The staff was even more pressed for useful intelligence about the enemy's intentions than it was about the enemy's capabilities. |
The Portuguese attributed qualities like intelligence and industriousness to Chinese and Japanese slaves which is why they favored them more. |
The Axis had considerable success in intelligence gathering through radio communication intercepts and monitoring unit radio traffic. |
For example, they claim that intelligence provided by ULTRA had little impact in stopping Italian convoys reaching North Africa. |
Allied intelligence and counterintelligence efforts were successful beyond expectations. |
An increase in radio activity on 5 June was correctly interpreted by German intelligence to mean that an invasion was imminent or underway. |
She also stated that creating an external intelligence agency would remain an option. |
Other specialist staff were navigation, signals, and intelligence personnel. |
Artificial intelligence is a unifying theme throughout Scott's career as a director, particularly in Blade Runner, Alien, and Prometheus. |
This lack of leadership and solid intelligence meant the Germans did not adopt consistent strategy, even when the RAF had its back to the wall. |
Fifth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to the global network of illicit weapons of mass destruction. |
However, RAF intelligence at the time claimed that the Allies had shot down 96 German aircraft, thus winning a major victory. |
Special Branch, the intelligence division of the Metropolitan Police, maintained a file on Orwell for more than 20 years of his life. |
Some intelligence successes were achieved, including electronic intelligence. |
At the time, there was a vigorous dispute within the intelligence community whether the CIA's conclusions about Iraq's UAV fleet were accurate. |
First, government required a degree of intelligence and breadth of knowledge of the sort that occurred rarely among the common people. |
With satisfyingly multilayered plots, Pratchett's humor honors the intelligence of the reader. |
However, Zee News reported the ISI as the fifth ranking among the world's most powerful intelligence agencies. |