Blessed with job titles like Head of Inspiration, they spend their working lives writing 'mission statements' and trading intellectual capital. |
Everyone defers to him, especially his main man, a clubfooted ghetto intellectual known as Smush, and the other members of Smush's ragtag crew. |
Its purpose was to call upon Bulgaria's intellectual community to aid the country in the process of accession into the European Union. |
But at its best, especially in the fiction, there is a fantastic sense of energy, intellectual fearlessness, contingency, reckless dash. |
This week, Bulgaria's intellectual potential will be called upon to aid the country in the process of its accession into the European Union. |
Does perhaps the ridiculing of an area of academia bring the whole intellectual community into disrepute? |
You might argue that he is an exception, but intellectual innovations usually come from the younger, less established, less qualified people. |
His comedy timing is impeccable and he was equally at home as a man of action or a driven intellectual of thoughts, dreams and desires. |
We can follow these themes into the law of intellectual property, but with important qualifications. |
The episode achieves its emotional effect without sentimentality and with intellectual integrity. |
Groomed by his father Nicholas I to head the navy, he had developed into a perceptive intellectual who at the same time was a man of action. |
The academic reader will find the book a scholarly and intellectual tour de force. |
Here though, I'm uncertain whether Boshoff's chosen subject matter is able to carry both his intellectual acuity and visual dexterity. |
Another aspect of their Africanism is intellectual, a conscious stance that systematically questions the Western perspective on reality. |
According to this idea, loss of Uox activity might result in a quantum jump in intellectual capability and thus trigger emergence of man. |
A lot of people recognise his intellectual ability, his leadership and the fact that he is wedded to the values of the party. |
Ideas about racial and sexual difference have long been a part of British intellectual thought. |
He can go head to head and throw intellectual punches, or deliver rapier wit with ironic finesse. |
In so doing, McDowell greatly extends our understanding of the intellectual roots of the Levelers, the Quakers, and the Ranters. |
These pursuits require mental acuteness, intellectual agility and detailed analysis. |
Rebecca Hall confirms her star status by endowing Maria with a mixture of scrubbed piety, intellectual fever and human rattiness. |
Far from holding the intellectual high ground, economics rests on foundations of quicksand. |
The method integrates the physical growth and emotional balance of children with intellectual capability. |
The Jedi are primarily mystical, though they can, of course, deploy their knowledge of Right to achieve intellectual understanding. |
Columnist for Vanity Fair and for brain-boggling US journal The Nation, Hitchens has a fierce reputation for intellectual and political acuity. |
The most important point to make is that the aesthete and intellectual showed not the least reservation with flagrant melodrama. |
It is characterized by a loss of intellectual abilities such as judgment, memory and abstract thought. |
One may jib, like George Orwell, at Greene's belief that a brutally stupid gangster is capable of intellectual subtlety. |
We don't need any more ideologies imposed on us from above by intellectual thugs who think they are doing it for our own good. |
To equivocate in the face of it would be an absolute abdication of intellectual responsibility. |
Up until then the language of the intellectual elites had in the main been Italian. |
It becomes interesting and exciting only when we acquire some new skills physical or intellectual. |
The Abbasid caliphs decided to adopt a more deliberate approach to the cultural and intellectual growth of the empire. |
Unfortunately, neither our media nor academic establishments allow much intellectual diversity in their ranks. |
Most joiners of cults respond to the leader's message first at an emotional level, then later at the physical and intellectual levels. |
Students were chosen on the basis of interest, intellectual acuity, career field, and career patterns. |
It led her to buy the intellectual property rights to the food waste decomposer and the company's Singapore units. |
Conceived as an accretive extension of the public realm, Norwich's Millennium Centre adds to the city's social, intellectual and civic life. |
Despite predictable whinges from Spain's intellectual elite, he supported Aznar's crackdown on ETA terrorists and their political allies. |
At the moment, we attract a very intellectual, academic audience and we want to make it a cultural centre which will welcome family groups. |
Hooker displays an acute awareness that the hermeneutical task is not simply the intellectual assent to truth. |
These two quintets contain music that is extremely pleasant and also very relaxing without being too troublesome on the intellectual side. |
It is rank intellectual dishonesty and hypocrisy on your part. |
The academicians thus transformed their intellectual studies into civic action and promoted their vision of the value of scholarship and language to the larger community. |
The visit of the governor of the province galvanized the Soissons academicians into identifying their intellectual interests more carefully and in a more public venue. |
Thank God for post-modernism, the salve of the intellectual conscience. |
These employees have a recognized professional status based on the acquirement of advanced knowledge and performance of work that is predominantly intellectual in character. |
This is the conspiratorial mind using skepticism as a cloak for intellectual laziness. |
The work requested was already complete, produced on her terms, so no intellectual or conceptual was required. |
Perceived as one of this country's most intellectual moviemakers, the Jesuit-educated, one-time history student scoffs at people who claim they have no time for the tube. |
It has become a truism in today's world that intellectual property rights have taken the place of access to commodities in the traditional economy. |
In a blog post, he announced that the company would open up its patents and other intellectual property to competitors. |
The most egregious uses of lethal force have been borne by people with intellectual disabilities and children. |
The charging-order protection is critical for businesses with valuable assets, such as real estate, significant accounts receivable, contracts or intellectual property. |
Few would now dispute that Jansenism, originally an austere Augustinian movement, was one of the most significant intellectual influences of the age. |
In far too many cases, black studies very quickly became a hotbed of paranoid bunk and intellectual buffoonery. |
However, intellectual honesty is the first thing to go when you are forced to constantly pander to your base. |
Aristotle is not typically remembered as the father of naturalists, but Darwin acknowledged a line of intellectual descent. |
Did it take a crucial bit of scriptural or intellectual evidence in addition to your personal experience? |
For Mr. Okeke-Diagne, being sapiosexual means intellectual conversation. |
This sort of reckless intellectual adventurism is not surprising, coming as it does from someone who affected surprise that rising petrol prices have an effect on the economy. |
Although a man of action and a skilled administrator rather than an intellectual, he enjoyed the company of scholars and converted to Protestantism. |
Her novel, a fictionalized take on her Left Bank intellectual circle, centers on an adulterous woman torn between two men. |
I was adopting a position of enlightened intellectual who was going to teach my Midwestern students about the realities and inequalities of their nation. |
They might not have been wholly intellectual in their costuming, but their message was multilayered. |
If you’d like to discuss intellectual things more than going mini golfing or to the movies, this is yet another sign that you could be a sapiosexual. |
One of the great intellectual achievements of the 20th century, Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces is an elaborate articulation of the monomyth. |
Your discussion of the intellectual property debate is all wet. |
In the late 18th century CE, Europe was swept by a group of intellectual, social and political movements known as the Enlightenment. |
Scotland reaped the intellectual benefits of this system in its contribution to the European Enlightenment. |
To these Christianisation, particularly from the sixth century, added Latin as an intellectual and written language. |
Common Sense Realism swept American intellectual circles in the 18th century. |
He notes that most people who have experienced both physical and intellectual pleasures tend to greatly prefer the latter. |
The First Being is intellectual and volitional, and the intellect and will are identical with the essence of this supreme nature. |
In his later life, he took a tutoring position that allowed him to travel throughout Europe, where he met other intellectual leaders of his day. |
Wittgenstein rejected the argument of his paper in discussion but praised Berlin for his intellectual honesty and integrity. |
I meant it as a kind of enjoyable intellectual game, but it was taken seriously. |
His work has since influenced subsequent intellectual, economic and political history. |
Marx's ideas have had a profound impact on world politics and intellectual thought. |
Among current novelists, Martin Amis lacks intellectual force but is well supplied with nastiness, which occasionally resembles humor. |
After 1955, virtuoso Astor Piazzolla popularized Nuevo tango, a subtler and more intellectual trend for the genre. |
In the Scottish Enlightenment Edinburgh was home to much intellectual talent, including Francis Hutcheson, David Hume, and Adam Smith. |
Lombardy became one of the intellectual centres leading the Italian unification process. |
Jonathan Edwards was a key leader and a powerful intellectual in colonial America. |
The civic tradition of the Scottish Enlightenment contributed to the intellectual ferment of the American Revolution. |
Faith is not purely intellectual, but involves trust in God's promise to save. |
During this time, both colleges made notable intellectual contributions to the Scottish Enlightenment. |
That's when I started doing a lot more nonvanilla. With Guy, the Marine from LA, I had more of an intellectual relationship. |
Shrewsbury has also played a part in Western intellectual history, by being the town where the naturalist Charles Darwin was born and brought up. |
The intellectual emphasis of the earlier revivals had left a dearth of religious imagery that the visions supplied. |
The Second World War overshadowed, for a time, almost all intellectual and artistic production. |
Sicilian was an early influence in the development of the first Italian standard, although its use remained confined to an intellectual elite. |
Muslims imported a rich intellectual tradition from the Middle East and North Africa. |
Due to its climate of intellectual tolerance, the Dutch Republic attracted scientists and other thinkers from all over Europe. |
Initially, regional languages and dialects were thought to limit the intellectual ability of their speakers. |
The influx of Flemish printers and the city's intellectual tolerance made Amsterdam a centre for the European free press. |
Alexandria was the intellectual and cultural center of the ancient world for some time. |
Traditionally, the European intellectual transformation of and after the Renaissance bridged the Middle Ages and the Modern era. |
Developing during the Enlightenment era, Renaissance humanism as an intellectual movement spread across Europe. |
This would seem to indicate that the intellectual superiority of AMH populations may be questionable. |
This may focus on intellectual, cognitive, neural, social, or moral development. |
He was a keen supporter of the Cluniac order, probably for intellectual reasons. |
The intellectual transformation of the Renaissance is viewed as a bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern era. |
Anthropology and many other current fields are the intellectual results of the comparative methods developed in the earlier 19th century. |
The dominant intellectual currents of the Enlightenment promoted rationalism, and most Protestant leaders preached a sort of deism. |
In the late 18th century, and throughout the 19th, Milan was an important centre for intellectual discussion and literary creativity. |
His rule spurred the Carolingian Renaissance, a period of energetic cultural and intellectual activity within the Western Church. |
Since divinity is intellectual, and all intellect returns into itself, this myth expresses in allegory the essence of divinity. |
He was equally fortunate in the harmony that existed between his intellectual and moral natures. |
The Church preserved the intellectual developments of classical antiquity, and is the reason many of them are still known today. |
After the Revolution, the Enlightenment was followed by the intellectual movement known as Romanticism. |
I do not see any sign of intellectual power or perception or grasp or subtlety in his work or himself. |
It was with these intellectual discoveries and technological advances that the nation state arose. |
Neoclassicism was the artistic component of the intellectual movement known as the Enlightenment. |
Geographically, and because of trade, Italian cities such as Venice became international trading and banking hubs and intellectual crossroads. |
All four schools were based on the same intellectual foundation, but advocated different theoretical approaches toward medicine. |
Monasteries developed not only as spiritual centers, but also centers of intellectual learning and medical practice. |
This industry, coming just before the dawn of printing, contributed enormously to the sudden expansion of the intellectual horizon. |
The spontaneous intellect of man always defines the divine which it feels in ways that harmonise with its temporary intellectual prepossessions. |
The college, located in the capital and heart of the Tidewater region, dominated the colony's intellectual climate until after independence. |
The term also more specifically refers to a historical intellectual movement, The Enlightenment. |
Europe in the late 17th century, 1648 to 1700, was an age of great intellectual, scientific, artistic and cultural achievement. |
In 1928 Ido's major intellectual supporter, the Danish linguist Otto Jespersen, abandoned Ido, and published his own planned language, Novial. |
We ought to acknowledge intellectual property of indigenous knowledge including language, music and dance. |
Humanism was a European intellectual movement which stressed classical studies. |
Residents engage in addas, or leisurely chats, that often take the form of freestyle intellectual conversation. |
The traditional and vulgarized type of the intellectual is given by the Man of Letters, the philosopher, and the artist. |
Despite his generally poor health, his intellectual grasp and wide knowledge and research gradually made him famous as a jurist and historian. |
Holmes was a leading figure in Boston intellectual and literary circles, Mrs. |
Holmes accordingly grew up in an atmosphere of intellectual achievement, and early formed the ambition to be a man of letters like Emerson. |
A particularly difficult question is whether people have rights to intellectual property developed by others from their body parts. |
Recently, international attention has turned to intellectual property laws to preserve, protect, and promote traditional knowledge. |
It was soon urged that implementing these provisions would require revision of international intellectual property agreements. |
Indigenous peoples have shown ambivalence about the intellectual property approach. |
Once the intellectual property rights afforded to these new works of traditional knowledge expire, they fall into the public domain. |
The public domain, as defined in the context of intellectual property rights, is not a concept recognised by some indigenous peoples. |
During this period, Bengal witnessed an intellectual awakening that is in some way similar to the Renaissance. |
The first known use of the term intellectual property dates to 1769, when a piece published in the Monthly Review used the phrase. |
Until recently, the purpose of intellectual property law was to give as little protection as possible in order to encourage innovation. |
Other recent developments in intellectual property law, such as the America Invents Act, stress international harmonization. |
The value of intellectual property is considered similarly high in other developed nations, such as those in the European Union. |
Although the relationship between intellectual property and human rights is a complex one, there are moral arguments for intellectual property. |
The arguments that justify intellectual property fall into three major categories. |
Personality theorists believe intellectual property is an extension of an individual. |
Utilitarians believe that intellectual property stimulates social progress and pushes people to further innovation. |
Lockeans argue that intellectual property is justified based on deservedness and hard work. |
The belief is that the human mind itself is the source of wealth and survival and that all property at its base is intellectual property. |
Use of the term intellectual rights has declined since the early 1980s, as use of the term intellectual property has increased. |
Other criticism of intellectual property law concerns the expansion of intellectual property, both in duration and in scope. |
It encompasses personal property, real property, and intellectual property. |
At times he portrayed himself as the descendant of a Scottish crofter, as a businessman, aristocrat, intellectual and soldier. |
There is also a literature of intellectual capital and intellectual property law. |
In this way, the salaryman was both a progressive social stratum and an intellectual class. |
The intellectual realization of his angelicity becomes, consequently, the soul's goal. |
The issues Dr. Wolfensberger wrestles with and writes about are not intellectual discussions of angels dancing on the head of a pin. |
The intellectual leader of this era whose work was most influential for the rest of the century was also the most antihistorical. |
Sinclair Lewis claimed that American letters exemplified a divorce of intellectual life from authenticism and reality. |
During the 11th century, developments in philosophy and theology led to increased intellectual activity. |
The Fabian Society provided much of the intellectual stimulus for the party. |
The top three students had a bet on which one was going to book their intellectual property class. |
On the first day at the university I was on cloud nine that I had begun my intellectual life. I was happy to join the cream of creams. |
A man may set the poles together in his head, and clutch the whole globe at one intellectual grasp. |
Truth and reason constitute that intellectual gold that defies destruction. |
The tenth century used to be reckoned by mediaeval historians as the darkest part of this intellectual night. |
The extreme tendency of civilization is to dissipate all intellectual energy. |
The real difficulty was moral, not intellectual. Was the whole edifice of Ptolemy to be destroyed? |
He strikes me as the perfect example of an intellectual gumph. He knows too much! |
Certain international trade laws, such as those on intellectual property, are also enforced in India. |
In the late 16th century, James VI emerged as a major intellectual figure with considerable authority over the kingdom. |
After the Restoration there was a purge of the universities, but much of the intellectual advances of the preceding period was preserved. |
In contrast, Aristotle's philosophical endeavors encompassed virtually all facets of intellectual inquiry. |
Because intellectual functions are not involved in memory, memories belong to some animals too, but only those in which have perception of time. |
He was not known as a patron of authors, and there is little evidence that he sponsored scholarship or other intellectual activities. |
We like to keep our product and process development in house to help protect our intellectual property rights. |
The Renaissance was a cultural movement that profoundly affected European intellectual life in the early modern period. |
Likewise, the position of Italian cities such as Venice as great trading centres made them intellectual crossroads. |
Humanist scholars shaped the intellectual landscape throughout the early modern period. |
The Virginia Foundation for the Humanities works to improve the Commonwealth's civic, cultural, and intellectual life. |
When I am in my isness, thoroughly purged of all intellectual sediments, I have my freedom in its primary sense. |
An intellectual of considerable ability, he is said to have been the figure who introduced Wren to arithmetic and geometry. |
After the Revolution, the Enlightenment was followed by an opposing intellectual movement known as Romanticism. |
The Enlightenment has long been hailed as the foundation of modern Western political and intellectual culture. |
In the eighteenth century Scotland reaped the intellectual benefits of this system. |
Scotland produced some of the most significant architects of the period who were involved in the intellectual culture of the Enlightenment. |
By the year 2000 many historians were saying that the field of the French Revolution was in intellectual disarray. |
A broad intellectual movement, the Celtic Revival, grew up in the late 19th century. |
Much of the scholarly and written culture of the new kingdoms was also based on Roman intellectual traditions. |
In the second half of that century, the intellectual triumph of Latindom and Christendom is complete. |
In early 1982, Chapman came to an agreement with Toyota to exchange intellectual property and applied expertise. |
While at university, Hardy joined the Cambridge Apostles, an elite, intellectual secret society. |
Once a work is accepted, commissioning editors negotiate the purchase of intellectual property rights and agree on royalty rates. |
Many of their families contributed to the development of intellectual elites in their countries. |
He is described as below medium height, well proportioned, strong, with a bright eye, a clear complexion, and a saintly, intellectual face. |
Some scholars believe that these works represented one of the most important document discoveries in Western intellectual history. |
The High Middle Ages produced many different forms of intellectual, spiritual and artistic works. |
The intellectual revitalization of Europe started with the birth of medieval universities. |
There is no mystery, nothing intellectual. Even the calculator, in a sense, manualizes the intellectual and wristwatches are manual things. |
Even the most skeptical among Rome's intellectual elite such as Cicero, who was an augur, saw religion as a source of social order. |
Alcuin's intellectual curiosity allowed him to be reluctantly persuaded to join Charlemagne's court. |
Gervinus reserves his praise and respect only for Theseus, who he thinks represents the intellectual man. |
With the connections from Florence, Milton was able to have easy access to Rome's intellectual society. |
Although his time there was marked by variable health from asthma attacks, he nevertheless became an intellectual hero of the Whigs. |
Their Italian years were a time of intense intellectual and creative activity for both Shelleys. |
Mill argues that free discourse is a necessary condition for intellectual and social progress. |
The young Bernard was in perpetual intellectual motion, like a dragonfly hovering above a sea of ideas. |
He just did not have much in common with people who did not share his intellectual interests. |
Not published until 1920, it is now widely recognised as an English novel of great dramatic force and intellectual subtlety. |
Woolf went on to publish novels and essays as a public intellectual to both critical and popular acclaim. |
Another not-so-nice term is meat puppet, a newscaster who is the intellectual equivalent of a puppet. |
Romanticism was an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe toward the end of the 18th century. |
After the death of Constantius II, Julian the Apostate, a bibliophile intellectual, ruled briefly for less than three years. |
Coats of arms are considered an intellectual property of a family or municipal body. |
Gaelic Ireland had a rich oral culture and appreciation of deeper and intellectual pursuits. |
Other intellectual influences from France continued into the 18th century as well. |
Culture in German states has been shaped by major intellectual and popular currents in Europe, both religious and secular. |
The Czech intellectual elites were to be removed not only from Czech territories but from Europe completely. |
The term creative industries begins to elide with knowledge economy and questions of intellectual property ownership in general. |
Prior thinkers, including the early 14th century nominalist philosopher William of Ockham, had begun the intellectual movement toward empiricism. |
Descriptions of Maxwell remark upon his remarkable intellectual qualities being matched by social awkwardness. |
Webster dedicated his Speller and Dictionary to providing an intellectual foundation for American nationalism. |
Engels acknowledged the influence of German philosophy on his intellectual development throughout his life. |
It was written when Engels was 64 years of age and at the height of his intellectual power. |
In 1844, in Paris, Engels met and formed his lifelong intellectual partnership with Karl Marx. |
As a child he was sickly and of such unpromising intellectual capacity that at one time the idea of cutting the entail was seriously entertained. |
And whether you think of those little cans as intellectual puzzles or reliquaries or scams, there are surprises inside. |
The young Weber and his brother Alfred, who also became a sociologist and economist, thrived in this intellectual atmosphere. |
The final German form published in 1921 reflected very much Marianne Weber's work and intellectual commitment. |
The tendency toward Legalism is apparent in intellectual circles toward the end of the Han dynasty, and would be reinforced by Cao Wei. |
Financial, commercial, legal, and intellectual factors changed the size of encyclopedias. |
The editors also refused to treat the decisions of political powers as definitive in intellectual or artistic questions. |
In the interests of intellectual exchange the author attempts to describe foot fetish and shoe retifism. |
It celebrates the emotional and intellectual concepts of sentiment, sentimentalism, and sensibility. |
He described his educational aims as being the cure of souls first, moral development second, and intellectual development third. |
Her original power was nothing more than was due to earnestness and intellectual clearness within a certain range. |
The era of the German Empire is well remembered in Germany as one of great cultural and intellectual vigour. |
When his action is mechanically good he produces a great effect on an uncritical assembly, but he is a tiresome tautologist to the intellectual. |
The De Immensa is... a prolonged hymn of wonder and praise and intellectual exaltation, sung in the temple of immensity. |
Its intellectual life was thus able to go on amidst the wreck of its political life. |
The brilliantly intellectual baron de Charlus suffers a stroke. |
DeVlieg Bullard II has purchased the intellectual property, machine and after-market parts inventories of Motch Corp. |
Heska has also obtained non-exclusive rights to intellectual property relating to recombinant pollen allergens from Japanese cedar. |
Rohr's best observations are always aphoristic and incisive, reflecting not mere intellectual cleverness, but profound contemplative experience. |
They've enjoyed the flexibility to recontextualize their stories and reach people on an emotional level rather than intellectual level. |
The WIPO treaty and several related international agreements underline that the protection of intellectual property rights is essential to maintaining economic growth. |
Scientific and intellectual achievements blossomed in the period. |
You find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. |
The table is deliberately confined to three of the factors, namely lack of intellectual ability, unsupporting home background, and personal factors. |
Artistic works including music and literature, as well as discoveries, inventions, words, phrases, symbols, and designs can all be protected as intellectual property. |
It provides expert policy advice to the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau and legal advice to other government departments on intellectual property. |
During the Industrial Revolution an intellectual and artistic hostility towards the new industrialisation developed, associated with the Romantic movement. |
The Kardomah Gang was an intellectual circle centred on the poet Dylan Thomas and poet and artist Vernon Watkins in Swansea, which also included the painter Alfred Janes. |
First, he argues that absolute music, though it uses no words, does indeed articulate ideas in its relation to its cultural and intellectual context. |
As much of traditional knowledge has never been protected under intellectual property rights, it is argued that they can not be said to have entered any public domain. |
The commodification of information is taking place through intellectual property law, contract law, as well as broadcasting and telecommunications law. |
In short, Critical Race Theory is an intellectual movement that is both particular to our postmodern times and part of a tradition of human resistance and liberation. |
Scripture does not compel a mere intellectual assent to its doctrine, resting on logical argumentation, but rather it creates the living agreement of faith. |
There is no self-pity here, just a ferocious intellectual inquisitiveness and a lifetime affair with a city where Gornick's aliveness, her alertness are rewarded daily. |
However, due to difficulties in technology transfer, intellectual rights limitations and getting the consent of Congress, the American option was sidelined. |
Pierre Trudeau and other liberals formed an intellectual opposition to Duplessis's regime, setting the groundwork for the Quiet Revolution under Jean Lesage's Liberals. |
However, his intellectual and spiritual attraction to Anabaptism and Pietism led to a rather scandalous conversion to the German Baptist Church in America. |
The fact that medieval thinkers considered intellectual activity to be anagogic, that is, something that brings us toward a higher being, enlightenment, etc. |
Furthermore, now that book production was a more commercial enterprise, the first copyright laws were passed to protect what we now would call intellectual property rights. |
This period also saw a flourishing in intellectual activity, now known as the School of Salamanca, producing thinkers that were studied throughout Europe. |
His dissertation is his most important intellectual progeny to date. |
The Society played a large role in spreading Robert Boyle's experimental philosophy around Europe and acted as a clearinghouse for intellectual correspondence and exchange. |
This intellectual elite was favoured by the state, but that might be reversed if the process of the Enlightenment proved politically or socially destabilizing. |
Before 1750, the German upper classes looked to France for intellectual, cultural and architectural leadership, as French was the language of high society. |
For him the library represented a Pierian spring.... He drew deeply there, quelling his intellectual insecurities and nourishing his fanatic ambitions. |
Entirely fresh ideas as expressed by Friedrich Schleiermacher, Soren Kierkegaard, Albrecht Ritschl and Adolf von Harnack restored the intellectual power of theology. |
It promoted scientific thought, skepticism, and intellectual interchange. |
At the time New Zealand was not known as an intellectual country. |
The Benelux is particularly active in the field of intellectual property. |
He has been an influential intellectual resource in the Labour Party. |
The primary source of letters patent in the United States are intellectual property patents and land patents, though letters patent are issued for a variety of other purposes. |
African teachers were not permitted to criticize the government or any school authority. It was intellectual baasskap, a way of institutionalising inferiority. |
Voltaire's junior contemporary Jean Jacques Rousseau commented on how Voltaire's book Letters on the English played a great role in his intellectual development. |
The mainstream of intellectual activity in the colonies was on technological and engineering developments rather than more abstract topics such as politics or metaphysics. |
For nearly 40 years, Mr. Solarin, an unpretentious and intensely pugnacious man, has been an intellectual guru for Nigeria's disenchanted and disfranchised. |
Communism, still wrapped in the laurel leaf of anti-fascism, had wide intellectual and emotional appeal, not only in the so-called Third World, but also in Western Europe. |
Mace's opinion that metaphysics is a form of intellectual poetry. |
Although primarily interested in furthering his intellectual pursuits, he was very keen on sports, particularly rugby, and reputedly played the Eton Wall Game very well. |
The University Philosophical Society also provided an education, discussing intellectual and artistic subjects such as Rossetti and Swinburne weekly. |
As an intellectual enterprise, black studies investigates processes of racialization with a particular emphasis on the shifting configurations of black life. |
Holmes's primary intellectual detection method is abductive reasoning. |
Radicalization was the result of intellectual stagnation of the society. |
Radicalization was the result of intellectual stagnation of the society which was being promoted by decision makers in tandem with the religious orthodoxy. |
We look upon it rather as one of the phenomena of that multanimous nature of the poet, which makes him for the moment that which he has an intellectual perception of. |
After the Restoration there was a purge of Presbyterians from the universities, but most of the intellectual advances of the preceding period were preserved. |
People became passionately and emotionally involved in their religion, rather than passively listening to intellectual discourse in a detached manner. |
Even if to restrict the problem to the most influential intellectual trends of the nineteenth and twentieth century, the matter remains complicated. |
A set of folk beliefs took hold that linked inherited physical differences between groups to inherited intellectual, behavioral, and moral qualities. |
Some classes of cases, such as intellectual property disputes, are heard by an individual judge designated by the Lord President as the jurist for intellectual property cases. |
The most significant Irish intellectual of the early monastic period was the 9th century Johannes Scotus Eriugena, an outstanding philosopher in terms of originality. |
A capital city that is also the prime economic, cultural, or intellectual centre of a nation or an empire is sometimes referred to as a primate city. |
It was a nationwide protest movement about the domestic backwardness of China and has often been depicted as the intellectual foundation for Chinese Communism. |
It was in this culture of microcelebrity that Anderson, an intellectual drifter who had been a hacker in his teens, saw an opportunity for MySpace. |
Themistius set about a bold program to create an imperial public library that would be the centerpiece of the new intellectual capital of Constantinople. |
He ruled for 24 years and accelerated the development of the library and the intellectual culture that came with such a vast accumulation of books. |
Its intellectual, fantastic and apolitical lyrics and its shunning of rock's blues roots were abandonments of the very things that many critics valued in rock music. |
The sisters did, however, benefit indirectly from their brothers' Cambridge contacts, as the boys brought their new intellectual friends home to the Stephens' drawing room. |