Achang was called, and was asked to inquire of the Siamese if the crocodiles were dangerous. |
I had no time to inquire much about the pigs, but a man told me that they were dirt-cheap. |
He turned to her, all solicitude and gentleness, to inquire the reason of her outburst. |
May I inquire if the sponsorship is official, personal, social, or all three? |
I supposed so only, for it would have been indecorous to inquire into the meaning of what I saw. |
Cambyses, observing this, sent a messenger to Psammenitus to inquire what it meant. |
One might as well inquire why one is so wet who has been out all night in a Scotch mist. |
What became of all his waifs and strays, it might be well not to inquire too curiously. |
You naturally inquire as to the cause of these flashes of light that are emitted by Stromboli. |
Do I therefore inquire their names, and intrusively seek to know what books they have written, before I admire their scholarship? |
Neither shall we be very careful to inquire into the validity or invalidity of the charges against his kinsfolk. |
As to his motive for secluding himself in such a wild spot, they did not presume to inquire, and never found it out. |
But I very seriously inquire why ironware is produce, and silverware is not? |
Cant., and to inquire how far it can be trusted as a reproduction of the original returns. |
It is unnecessary to inquire here whether such a contract is void as champertous, and contrary to public policy. |
A messenger was therefore despatched to the post town to inquire for such, but none were there. |
Sometimes several such writs are addressed at one time to the escheator to inquire into many deaths in the same place. |
Now this was the reason that induced Tancred to inquire of Baroni respecting the Ansarey. |
I made no complaint, nor did I write to claves to inquire why he had ceased writing. |
Deeply grateful for this information, I ventured to inquire, And did you ever see any of these pixy people yourself? |
The Committee proceeded to inquire by what authority the Redbridge had been stopped. |
I have desired him to inquire after Lovelace's life and conversation in town. |
Meanwhile I might inquire where was Mrs. Spencer's shadow while she was taxiing up the avenue? |
Mr. Buckle might probably inquire whether we would eliminate wholly from history all philosophic aim, all teleologic purpose. |
He promised to inquire into the matter, and to see what could be done with old thornhill. |
I know that ye have sad hours, when the Comforter is hid under a vail, and when ye inquire for Him, and find but a toom nest. |
Let us not at this moment go into an excursus to inquire who he was and who he was not. |
Until at last, seeing me dead-white, Galeotto checked to inquire what ailed me. |
It might be well to inquire at this point the meaning of the word problem as used in this bulletin. |
The gentleman thrust a moon face through the dusky doorway to inquire if I had changed my mind. |
He need not inquire to know that the time was one of revolution, change, and unsettlement. |
Next morning the bonder came to her bedside to inquire how she felt, and to learn what turn the sickness was likely to take. |
The first point that a valuator should inquire into, is the age of the forest land on which a plantation has been formed. |
Let us now inquire briefly into the bearing of this planetesimal hypothesis upon the early geological history of the earth. |
May I be so bold as to inquire what interest you may have in my personal affairs, Miss Webb? |
It will never trouble itself to inquire minutely into the truth, but will pronounce its hasty judgment, and then ostracize. |
As for this matter of the white lady and her companion it is one that we can inquire into at leisure. |
He had the assurance to inquire for my wifes health, and why she had not come. |
Wondering whether Arima also had noticed this, I rang our engines ahead for a revolution or two, and hailed the Fukui to inquire. |
The pontifices also explain, to those who inquire of them, the proper ceremonies at funerals. |
Miss dartle glanced at me, as though she would inquire if there were anything that I desired to ask. |
On going down from Salem to inquire about it, he received another and better appointment as weigher and gauger. |
When Mr. Davys came in the morning, he would frequently inquire if she had been good. |
Is requested to inquire if the United States will enter into a convention with Holland, guarantying freedom of navigation. |
It is more to the purpose for us to inquire where the mountains of Ararat are to be found. |
Hope asked no questions, and hardly felt the impulse to inquire what had happened. |
How much his business engrosses him already is very plain from the circumstance of his forgetting to inquire for the book you recommended. |
We may now inquire as to the necessary conditions for artesian wells. |
Let us first of all inquire into the correctness of these assumptions. |
Let us now inquire how things stood with regard to absenteeism. |
His curiosity even went so far as to inquire if Miss Henley had abjured matrimony. |
I have taken pains, in some bookstore loungings, to inquire about this. |
What the codicil is, my dear brethren, it is not our business to inquire. |
I do not stop to inquire whether we are both the victims of a delusion, or whether we are the chosen recipients of a supernatural communication. |
They were to greet her courteously, and inquire who she was. |
He beat it back to inquire what in the Sam Hill Haymond wanted with her? |
It is necessary, then, to inquire as to the scope of this chapter. |
One day a man came to my hut from Lexington to inquire after his hound that made a large track, and had been hunting for a week by himself. |
But now, should you go thither to seek him, you would inquire in vain for the Locofoco Surveyor. |
Does the thoughtcontracted brow of the local Sage or the lustrous eye of local Beauty inquire whose fortunes? |
They were soft-hearted, and stopped to inquire how long he had been blind. |
Allow me to inquire of your host if there is not a good bottle of Beaugency, or of the Ceran growth, at the back of the large bins in his cellar. |
Then seeing Flora and Ewan he began to inquire who they were. |
At every call he would inquire, gravely and expectantly, for despatches. |
But then let us inquire who first trained and familiarized them to it? |
Will you inquire, Fullerton, and if so, tell her to come here? |
Next day he called at the gate, on horseback, to inquire for mistress. |
One might as well inquire of a lodging-house slavey the way to make beds as expect a country bumpkin to know the road to the next village. |
A man-at-arms lounged out of the guardhouse to inquire our business. |
May I inquire, Miss Silvester, if your sufferings are relieved? |
Joan had no reason to inquire his opinion of the storekeeper. |
We must needs inquire then on what principle the Sovereign is originally invested with that right. |
Let us now inquire what the invertebrate fauna of the Alps teaches us. |
Toward evening, J. came again to inquire what we had concluded on. |
Tell your people to inquire of Harry Kellogg, the junior partner. |
When he takes the attitude of a knower he begins to inquire. |
Another jay was going by, and heard him doing his devotions, and stops to inquire what was up. |
The man who fetches our letters every morning shall inquire for yours too and bring them to you. |
I did not inquire, for our tankful lasted us the week of our stay. |
The Commodore at Lima ordered Captain Fitz Roy to inquire concerning this debt, and to demand satisfaction if it were not paid. |
I should like to inquire how his son, my truant protege', is going on. |
Various motives urged Bulstrode to this open-handedness, but he did not himself inquire closely into all of them. |
But here is Marshal Murat come to inquire after you, from the Emperor. |
Perhaps curiosity might have conquered resentment, if Beth had not been there to inquire and receive a glowing description of the play. |
Regarding heavy metals, it is totally insufficient to look in a patient's mouth for amalgams and inquire into known heavy metal exposures. |
It is natural for a polar bear not to have to inquire the way home. |
For further particulars inquire at the pop-shop, Bond Street. |
If you would know the history of these homesteads, inquire at the bank where they are mortgaged. |
The ranee has but once sent a stable-helper to inquire after me. |
I heard my master say to a gentleman who stopped him to inquire, that he hoped no bones were broken, but that she had not spoken yet. |
They rode on rapidly, intending to go to the house and inquire for espy. |
Looking aside at Clifford's face, and seeing the dim, unsatisfactory elegance and the intellect almost quenched, she would try to inquire what had been his life. |
George Ashby came over to inquire after the condition of Bob's back and Taff took the opportunity to ask about the place, Murwara, whcih they had passed through last night. |
To inquire what he might have done, if he had had any boldness, would be like inquiring what a mongrel cur might do, if it had the spirit of a tiger. |
I was thinking, sir, that very few masters would trouble themselves to inquire whether or not their paid subordinates were piqued and hurt by their orders. |
He never failed to inquire what flowers had bloomed since yesterday. |
There were all sorts of things they had made up their minds to inquire about, but when the time came, they either forgot them or lacked the courage. |
With the bag slung over her arm, and rattling as she waddled away, she waddled to the door, where she stopped to inquire if she should leave us a lock of her hair. |
This was mostly a journey to the farmhouse on the slopes above the vale, to inquire how the advanced cows were getting on in the straw-barton to which they were relegated. |
You are impanelled here to inquire into the death of a certain man. |