This innocuous uniform, was ideal for retrofitting with a secret camera and hidden microphone. |
One of the most tumultuous rounds of cheering and applause was reserved by the delegates for a seemingly innocuous line about tax laws. |
There is no overt political statement here, it's just an innocuous sight gag. |
It is curious that in places where blindworms are often seen their innocuous nature should not be generally known. |
Still, he is the innocuous core that links a huge cast of eccentric characters, foremost his war buddy and closest friend Samad Iqbal. |
Belief and unbelief, so important to the intellectual posturing of modern existence, are innocuous, vacuous terms. |
In a nearby lake a horse slakes its innocuous thirst as vehemently as the peasants. |
Occasionally we encounter small crevasses, innocuous little fissures cutting slashes through the pristine whiteness of the slope. |
Tonight he was booked for an innocuous enough challenge, then sent off as a second bookable offence for clapping sarcastically. |
The second booking involved both players again, with Strong going down in an innocuous tussle for the ball. |
The fight is over a seemingly innocuous, wafer-thin device called a CableCard that unscrambles digital video images. |
One little sip of this antidote would have rendered the most virulent poisons of the Borgias innocuous. |
In Bombay, even something as innocuous as button mushrooms were impossibly exotic at that time. |
Through the third stanza, the poem is a recollection of young love, a bittersweet and innocuous piece. |
That seemingly innocuous statute implicitly included rules for classification and censorship. |
Provos is an expert on steganography, the science of concealing secret messages in seemingly innocuous content. |
The official spokesman said the powder was being checked to make sure it was innocuous. |
It sounds so innocuous, so harmless, like it would barely cause a murmur or a ripple. |
The humour lies in the construction that the listener's overactive imagination can put on these innocuous phrases. |
Why would a chemical substance as seemingly innocuous as milk sugar cause a body misery? |
It's very alcoholic, closer to the strength of a good sherry than an innocuous home brew. |
But I couldn't help but wonder, if that's how an innocuous honky is treated, what's happening to the swarthy bearded types? |
Similar technologies can separate innocuous packages from the suspect ones that need closer inspection. |
An innocuous looking free-kick was struck sweetly by the winger's left foot. |
In that innocuous sentence is some essence of this great city, this great cruel city. |
This may sound innocuous, but it is an important development and it could be key to dealing with doping in the future. |
At least one good thing I can say about this film is that it is fairly innocuous and gentle. |
Similarly, is it possible to develop or tweak software so that innocuous sites aren't blocked? |
The scheme itself is, as Larry points out, pretty innocuous in isolation, just like bar codes. |
The editorial barely touches on this and simply goes on about how innocuous the Project was. |
There are a number of issues here from what at the outset appears a pretty innocuous question. |
It is also true that some of the incriminating statements quoted in it are fairly innocuous. |
He seemed oblivious to the reception this innocuous comment was about to receive. |
I loved that as a line, because it's so innocuous, and it has more relevance as the movie goes on. |
The question is why an innocuous Hollywood film should provoke such a reaction. |
The plastic foam box was covered in cloth to disguise it as an innocuous package. |
Seemingly innocuous sparklers, firecrackers and bottle rockets exact a toll of pain and suffering on thousands of Americans each year. |
Yeah, I was doing the final copy-edit and some innocuous passages suddenly became sinister. |
Why else would they release this seemingly innocuous collection of scrawling post-punk? |
While remaining innocuous to the normal tissues, the prodrug is converted to the cytotoxin by the enzyme localised at the tumour. |
It bears the brunt of my hatred for the sheer depthlessly innocuous nature of the term. |
Often it feels as if their constant, innocuous grumblings are just a set-up for a legitimate complaint that never comes. |
The trend is explicable in terms of a set of often unrelated and often seemingly innocuous market decisions and administrative policies. |
So the celebrity face simply provides a bit of innocuous eye candy to package the merchandise within. |
In fact, haddock look positively ferocious compared to these innocuous marine travelers. |
Posting this sort of apparently innocuous message to newsgroups and mailing lists is one of the hallmarks of spammers and purveyors of quackery. |
These facilities are hidden in various ways, frequently coming under the aegis of innocuous organizations. |
She has just begun chemotherapy and her immune system is so ravaged that the most innocuous virus could kill her. |
The first, innocuous shower stroked the lake's surface but, when the wind came up, the loons began to call madly. |
At Bootham Crescent in August 2001, after an innocuous challenge by City defender Mike Basham, Lockwood thought he had been badly winded. |
Referee Ted Coutts added to Gala's misery when he yellow-carded Tim Miskelly for an innocuous looking offence at a ruck. |
But the swelling tide of latitudinarian theology and sentiment made it seem innocuous enough to most. |
The DVD might provide a pleasant evening for retirees in the mood for some innocuous nostalgia. |
These mosquitoes, breeding prolifically beneath our asphalt jungles, were previously regarded as innocuous. |
The final straw is when, in a scene that makes even the most innocuous Hindi movie seem lubricious to the extreme, they finally make out. |
Three overs later he was also gone, undone by an impatient waft at an innocuous delivery from White that took the top edge. |
Assuming this is a tall tale made up to lend an air of mystery to an otherwise innocuous eBay sale it is still a clever bit of advertising. |
On the surface, this might seem like a fairly innocuous little phrase, but it is guaranteed to make my blood run cold. |
Here's one of the most scandalous guys in the American public right now so he's got to at least be able to go into the store and be innocuous. |
Mary Jane, sweet as her name sounds, is far from innocuous, causing more lung damage than its evil cousin, tobacco. |
As one might expect, the work placed in medical environments was generally meant to be as innocuous as possible. |
Demme yields shocking imagery from seemingly innocuous props like night-vision goggles and a self-storage container. |
It looked an innocuous enough challenge and if the ref gives a penalty for all such tugs, we'll have a cricket score by the end of the night. |
Valentine Day email messages may not be as innocuous as they appear to be. |
If this is about engineering reality, the goal seems innocuous enough. |
Honestly you would think that this would be quite an innocuous activity. |
One faction contends violent games invite real-world brutality, and the other faction defends violent games as innocuous. |
For some people narcocorridos are innocuous, but for others the songs are a constant reminder of violence that has taken more than 60,000 lives to date. |
Well, Lou, there are about 1,000 images altogether, but we're told that many of them are innocuous, pictures of innocent horseplay and just snapshots. |
It feels like an innocuous moment, it should be an innocuous moment, but such moments are like serrated precipices. |
Even relatively innocuous data changes, such as a change of address, can be used to exploit or disrupt systems if they're not audited, says Brady. |
The innocuous ease of this verbal exchange implies that Monet's solicitousness and Kristen's outward constraint are complementary responses to social expectations. |
Each capability seems innocuous, but a hidden cellphone with both features can silently and automatically answer calls, establishing a radio link for bugging a room. |
But Jimmy Grimble smells like a sweet and innocuous film from the get-go, thus we know someone's going to get their comeuppance, and it isn't dear little Jimmy. |
I've had one refuse to give me even something as seemingly innocuous as their normal mani-pedi because they involved hot oil massage of the hands and feet. |
Isn't it funny how innocuous little expressions and everyday phrases can well and truly confuse our cousins from across the Atlantic ocean, and vice versa? |
On May 24, 2012, Senator Jon Kyl, an Arizona Republican, gave an innocuous interview to a visiting journalist from Turkey. |
Some security firms have systems whereby staff can signal that they are acting under duress by dropping pre-arranged and seemingly innocuous words into their conversation. |
Even the most innocuous of subjects would contain a hidden meaning. |
The visitors were denied a third goal on 69 minutes when Sills crashed a powerful volley into the roof of the net but his effort was ruled out for an innocuous push. |
This weighty political analysis lurks behind a more innocuous form. |
Lurking within that innocuous title is the sense of an artform in crisis. |
Heartburn sounds such an innocuous affliction until you actually experience it but stabbing sharp pains in your chest when ever you bend down or lie down is not very fun. |
When this picture was taken it couldn't have seemed more innocuous. |
An innocuous ruin such as this could be a real moneymaker if planning permission was secured to turn it into a small development of chichi apartments. |
Mass amounts of this innocuous beverage flooded the market and, backed by slick advertising campaigns and the lure of good cheap wine, few could resist the bait. |
The concept of a redeemer, a liberator, or a deliverer is much closer to the state of mind that is prevalent today than is the innocuous and ambiguous term information. |
Another casualty among the debris was Rangers' Chris Burke, who will go for an X-ray today after going over an ankle in the most innocuous circumstances. |
We see them move from clients as innocuous as a schoolteacher to more exotic ones like a dominatrix. |
Our olfactory systems have long regarded pungency as not just innocuous but in fact pleasing. |
The sites in the photos have been inspected and found to be innocuous. |
Why, to be sure! a kiss is now attestedly a quite innocuous performance, with nothing very fearful about it one way or the other. |
This unit will deliver the required innocuous HF current bursts and will individually command each microstimulator. |
In short, even innocuous treatments can indirectly produce negative outcomes. |
They are saprophytes that are usually innocuous, but become pathogenic when the host becomes abnormally susceptible to infection. |
Or why banish sodium erythorbate, which is perfectly innocuous and inhibits the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines? |
A small bill from the yellow pages may seem as innocuous as one from a snow plow company in fact. |
He sat down, and lighted a cigarette, casting about the while for an innocuous topic of conversation. |
Ruth Devlin announced that the song must wait, though it appeared to be innocuous and child-like in its sentiments. |
The innocuous trauma of high pressure jets and bubble massage to the insensate breast and back areas had caused the bruising seen in the picture. |
Not all of Genoa's merchandise was so innocuous, however, as medieval Genoa became a major player in the slave trade. |
This was no innocuous donnybrook but a veritable carnival of thuggee. |
The 28-year-old had featured in every league game before he broke a metatarsal in an innocuous training ground tackle with James Henry four weeks ago. |
With attractive pinkish-white flowers and lush green foliage, the Madagascar rosy periwinkle appears at first to be an innocuous, decorative plant. |
My problems started with an innocuous referral by my cardiologist Dr Jamsheer at Salmaniya Medical Complex to go and get an angiography done from the BDF Hospital. |
Even the most innocuous of lines are delivered as if on a soap box. |