For infections caused by the chickenpox or herpes viruses, antiviral drugs may be prescribed if the infection is caught early. |
It's not a fun topic, but your feet can suffer from a variety of fungal infections that are a form of tinea, or ringworm. |
Medical staff in Scarborough have been put on alert for possible infections after a patient at the resort's hospital died of pneumonia. |
Pesticide organochlorines are diphenyl aliphatics previously used to control insect vector infections. |
The second factor which supports xenotransplantation is that these animal organs may be less susceptible to certain human infections. |
Patients who received only autologous blood had significantly fewer infections than patients who received allogeneic blood transfusions. |
With increased use of allografts, graft-related infections and disease transmissions have risen. |
Fungal or mycobacterial infections usually have an indolent and protracted course but can mimic bacterial arthritis. |
He lost seven stone, his hair fell out and his immune system was attacked by opportunistic infections. |
Despite initial immunological or pharmacological control, remote relapses of intracellular leishmanial infections are well recognised. |
Alcohol is chock full of sugar, and sugar causes yeast infections in many people. |
Staph bacteria can cause folliculitis, boils, scalded skin syndrome, impetigo, toxic shock syndrome, cellulitis, and other types of infections. |
If children have been living or holidaying in poorer countries causes such as amoebiasis or worm infections should be considered. |
It can cause a variety of problems, including pneumonia, pharyngitis, laryngitis, ear infections, and a prolonged cough. |
It is the repetitive, untreated Chlamydial infections that can cause women to be sterile. |
They covered a range of illnesses and treatments from respiratory infections to surgery to anaesthesiology. |
Most episodes are due to urinary tract infections and renal cyst rupture that relate to the underlying anatomical abnormalities. |
A research paper in the journal Science found the number of new infections was rising. |
Their bodies may be less able to resist infections, and they may be at greater risk for problems during surgery and anesthesia. |
Diabetes lowers your body's resistance to infections and slows your ability to heal. |
A good portion of antibiotic use appears to be for viral or spontaneously resolving bacterial infections. |
It's a disease causing shortness in height, redness of skin, and susceptibility to respiratory tract and ear infections. |
Unfit poultry meat can vary from being slightly bruised to containing infections or abscesses, which is legally not even fit for pet food. |
The origin of the streak mosaic virus infections isn't known, Agriculture Minister Warren Truss said last week. |
Yeast infections of the skin in older children, teens, and adults are uncommon. |
Hypericin may give promise to patients with AIDS because it has inhibited retroviral infections in animal and laboratory tests. |
The worldwide emergence of bacterial resistance to antibacterial agents has produced a need for new methods of combating bacterial infections. |
Bacteria that causes eye infections is sensitive to the antibacterial action of honey. |
Help fight antibiotic resistance by taking simple steps to prevent the spread of infections. |
The middle ear is the air-filled area between the eardrum and the inner ear, and infections here can be extremely painful. |
This may happen due to injuries, infections, or even chronic problems like rheumatoid arthritis and leprosy. |
Conjunctivitis can also be a symptom of other infections such as measles or leptospirosis, a bacterial infection. |
At least 52 people have died of illnesses associated with the floods, including diarrhea, leptospirosis, respiratory infections and dengue fever. |
Antibiotics are medicines that are lethal to bacteria that cause infections. |
They have seen medications alleviate pain, cure infections, and diminish anxiety. |
Trials to date show similar rates of clinical cure in common respiratory infections. |
Gisselquist says his reviews of past studies suggest sexual transmission is the cause of only one-third of Africa's HIV infections. |
The team trialled the test on 243 patients with infections of the lower respiratory tract, such as bronchitis and pneumonia. |
The special coating helps improve the blood flow and prevents blockages or blood clots, which can lead to potentially dangerous infections. |
Rarely, some children develop secondary infections such as an ear infection or pneumonia. |
This is roughly equal to the total number of HIV infections in the world today. |
Possible complications include wound and chest infections and abnormal heart rhythms. |
Anaemia, an overactive thyroid gland and infections can also cause heart failure. |
There are a number of causes of meningitis, including viral and bacterial infections. |
Eventually, they end up in a coma and are likely to die of secondary infections such as pneumonia. |
Do you think the smoking is connected to these chest infections you've had? |
The section above explains what measures you can take to prevent acute middle ear infections and glue ear. |
Most bacterial infections can be treated with one or a couple of drugs in a matter of days or a week or so. |
The prostate gland is just below the bladder, and infections can pass both ways along the urethra. |
Fungal nail infections can be treated with antifungal nail paints or tablets such as terbinafine. |
There are immunisations for several of the infections that can cause pneumonia. |
These infections can be passed from one person to another during intimate physical contact. |
He was also interested in the contribution of viral infections to chronic fatigue syndrome. |
When they do happen, they are similar to other viral infections such as glandular fever. |
Most chest infections are usually caused by germs such as bacteria or viruses. |
Fungal skin infections are divided into groups depending on what type of organism is involved. |
Nearly two decades after declaring the year 1984 as the year of the rheumatic child, infections due to GAS are still prevalent in India. |
Influenza or rhinovirus infections in adults, or respiratory syncytial or other viruses in young children, can exacerbate or lead to asthma. |
In pregnant women and in community acquired infections, simple antimicrobial drugs like nitrofurantoin might still be useful. |
Uncomplicated infections are generally benign but, if not treated, can interfere with daily life. |
Severe sepsis and septic shock are life threatening complications of infections and the most common cause of death in intensive care units. |
To prevent catheter-related infections, it is important to use an antiseptic hand wash before starting a procedure. |
Contamination of antiseptics has been associated with outbreaks of infections and false-positive findings on blood culture. |
Post-infectious glomerulonephritis has also been associated with other bacterial, viral, parasitic, rickettsial and fungal infections. |
Besides anthrax research, he focused on several other projects, including wound infections and micrococci in septicemic animals. |
Inadequately cleaned vaccine syringes are often responsible for localized infections associated with vaccination. |
In the two months following his warning, cases of SARS in Hong Kong leapt sevenfold, from 260 to over 1,700 infections. |
Bacterial infections such as those caused by listeria or Group B Strep are a recognised cause of some stillbirths and late miscarriages. |
Measles was once one of the most common childhood infections in North America. |
Several tests have been developed or are being investigated for testing seropositive individuals post-seoconversion to detect recent infections. |
Illnesses that most commonly cause febrile convulsions include viral upper respiratory infections such as flu, ear infections, or roseola. |
Treatment with this drug should not be initiated in patients with active infections including chronic or localized infections. |
Since the advent of antibiotics, however, most infections associated with cerebral abscesses are localized to the lungs and endocardium. |
Astroviruses, meanwhile, are a leading cause of gastrointestinal infections, second only to rotaviruses as a cause of childhood diarrhea. |
For the serodiagnosis of group A streptococcal infections and their late sequelae, a battery of tests have been suggested. |
High blood sugar impairs your immune system and increases your risk of infections. |
Urine may become stagnant leading to chronic ascending bacterial urinary tract infections. |
Measles, mumps, and rubella are infections that can lead to significant illness. |
When a mother has certain infections, such as rubella, during pregnancy, it can cause birth defects. |
With many infections, such as rubella and toxoplasmosis, the risk is greatest in the first trimester. |
Valproic acid is an anticonvulsant drug used to treat various seizures and tobramycin is an antibiotic used to control many bacterial infections. |
Early detection of this infection can reduce disease spread and prevent the sequelae of untreated chlamydia infections. |
Long incubation periods and frequent asymptomatic infections, make it difficult to rely on diagnosis. |
Most of these infections are asymptomatic until advanced liver disease develops. |
Human fungal infections, such as athlete's foot, can be treated by fungicides normally referred to as antifungal agents or antimycotics. |
As far as diseases are concerned, fungal infections such as grey mould and powdery mildew are the main culprits. |
Two patients developed sepsis related to catheter infections, and one patient developed septic emboli from a catheter infection. |
They determined whether viral infections alter the expression of tachykinins in vagal afferents. |
A physician checks for any ear infections, and an audiologist may be consulted to rule out auditory problems. |
Meningitis can also be a feature of other diseases, including Lyme disease, Leptospirosis, Typhus, Tuberculosis and other infections. |
Failure to do so may result in serious wound infections and possibly sepsis. |
The estimated fatality rate for MERS still is far higher than what's seen with seasonal flu or other routine infections. |
You are more likely to have bladder infections if your bladder does not empty fully each time you urinate. |
The substitute eliminates the problem of donated blood being tainted by infections or impurities. |
Profuse sweating can result in skin maceration and secondary microbial infections. |
Wounds, infections, and other traumas fundamentally alter the way in which macronutrients are normally partitioned. |
The importance of innate immune mechanisms in controlling viral infections, cancer and autoimmunity is currently an area of intense research. |
As infections go, mad cow disease and foot-and-mouth disease don't have much in common. |
In many infections, autophagy also helps digest pathogens and clear them away. |
Limit future infections by keeping excess moisture off the foliage in the autumn and winter. |
In doing so, this mucus becomes a culture medium for further bacterial growth, aggravating the state of recurrent infections. |
Some boys get recurrent urinary infections without any kidney abnormalities. |
The motion asks that rates of teenage pregnancies, abortions and sexually transmitted infections are also revealed. |
The Los Angeles Times reported January 27 that the skin infections, which appear as ugly boils, started turning up last fall. |
These infections may be mild such as pimples or boils or serious, for example infection of the bloodstream, bones or joints. |
I mean we have a common saying in paediatrics that up until about six years of age your child will have six to eight viral infections a year. |
Without an adequate water supply children cannot wash often enough and so contract eye infections and skin conditions such as scabies. |
Infections must be treated aggressively, and surveillance for unusual infections, malignancy, or autoimmune disease is critical. |
He points to work done in a Parisian hospital in which doctors used essential oils of tea tree, thyme and oregano to treat infections. |
It is also found in natural infections of several leguminous and malvaceous species. |
They are among the websites that fell victim to malvertising, and thus they passed infections on to their readers. |
Yeast infections such as thrush affect circumcised and uncircumcised men equally. |
More children referred from study practices than from control practices had bacteriologically proved urinary tract infections. |
Healthcare-associated infections are bacteriologically similar to hospital-acquired infections. |
Fortunately, asymptomatic bacteriuria and bladder infections can usually be found and treated before the kidneys become infected. |
The topical antibiotic used to be sold as an over-the-counter treatment for boils, school sores, and other skin infections. |
Slipped discs, pinched nerves, sciatica, aging, and infections are other common causes of lower back pain. |
Unlike staphylococci, which tend to cause localised infections such as abscesses, streptococci are essentially organisms that spread. |
Other dental infections, such as cavities and abscessed teeth, may also increase the chances of cardiovascular-related death. |
The actual probability depends not only on the reliability of the test, but also the number of infections in the population to begin with. |
These are recommended for some people with gum disease and for people with other mouth infections such as thrush. |
Mr Schroder said warm currents and high temperatures were causing the blooms, which may cause skin rashes and eye or ear infections. |
Molluscum contagiosum and warts are benign epidermal eruptions that result from viral infections of the skin. |
If you have a history of cold sores, shingles or herpes, your doctor can prescribe a medication to prevent these infections after laser surgery. |
Middle ear infections and fluid in the ear are the most common causes of temporary hearing loss in children. |
In just over one year, I was medicated 11 times for upper and lower respiratory infections, and at one point I was nearly hospitalized. |
Throat infections, sore throats, and upper respiratory tract infections were measured in episodes and days. |
Abscesses which arise secondarily to infections of the paranasal sinuses are usually found in the frontal lobes. |
The symptoms of bird flu in people vary from typical flu symptoms to eye infections and pneumonia. |
Parasitic infections manifest in different ways depending upon the parasite. |
Even patients with purulent secretions usually have viral infections and do not benefit from antibiotics. |
In order to prevent sexually transmitted infections as well as pregnancy, you must use a barrier method of contraception. |
Apart from immunisation, hand washing is seen as the best way to halt the spread of infections. |
In the United Kingdom most cases of sexually transmitted infections are treated at genitourinary medicine clinics. |
The risk for foodborne and waterborne infections among immunosuppressed, HIV-infected persons is magnified during travel to developing countries. |
One step in preventing waterborne infections is using filters that remove bacteria. |
His renal system, in addition to being weakened from the accumulative effect of many infections, also suffered from his overuse of alcohol. |
Soft cheeses such as Brie, feta, Camembert, and Mexican queso fresco may have bacteria that can cause infections. |
Many women are asymptomatic shedders at the time of delivery, and these account for most of the neonatal infections. |
Because of their extensive gram-negative coverage, quinolone antibiotics were initially used to treat urinary tract infections. |
Diabetic foot infections, which are polymicrobial, can be treated with quinolones in combination with other antibiotics. |
Other infections are associated with normal or elevated gastric acidity, and may lead to duodenal ulcers. |
Eating plain yogurt with live bacteria cultures daily and taking garlic and acidophilus supplements can fend off future infections. |
Frequent yeast infections, such as jock itch, athlete's foot and toenail fungus, are a third indication. |
There are several common superficial fungal infections and jock itch is one of them. |
Many patients suffer physical complications, such as infections or toxicity from intensive chemotherapy and radiation treatment, he said. |
If communion cups were a danger, he said, there would be cases of mass infections. |
Bladder infections caused by the herpes virus are usually treated with antiviral drugs such as acyclovir. |
Increased size of the adenoids causes breathing problems and also susceptibility to infections. |
Enlarged adenoids can also be caused by repeated chest infections or allergies, but in other cases the cause is unknown. |
Their faces are scarred from infections caused by sandfly bites, and they are dressed in filthy rags. |
Human African trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness is one of the most important but equally most neglected tropical infections. |
But they have eye infections and all the other health risks associated with dirty water such as malaria and intestinal worms. |
Garlic helps prevent and eliminate infections as well as destroys parasites, worms and viruses in addition to stimulating the immune function. |
Foot infections in diabetic patients are commonly polymicrobial and may involve aerobes and anaerobes. |
He came up with the idea after noticing that a rise in cases of IBD coincided with a drop in infections caused by roundworms and human whipworms. |
The etiologic role of HPV infections in cancers of the lower genital tract is well established. |
Doctors abroad are giving up their traditional white coats and ties as they could harbour infections. |
Proteins like white meat, fish, beans, nuts and seeds also help build and maintain muscles as extra muscle will help fight off infections. |
This can reduce symptoms, but permits infections to take hold more readily. |
Fungal infections usually affect the skin because they live off keratin, a protein that makes up skin, hair and nails. |
Dermatophytes are fungi that can cause infections of the skin, hair and nails because of their ability to feed on keratin. |
A person is said to have Aids when the immune system starts to fail and cannot fend off infections. |
Hantavirus infections can appear clinically uncharacteristic and may mimic other syndromes. |
Previously identified recombinants within a single gene were omitted and only one strain was included from groups of linked infections. |
The report also recommends national standards for cleanliness in hospitals be developed to reduce the risk of hospital acquired infections. |
White cell counts among the patients who have died have been up to 10 times greater than is normally seen with serious infections. |
These patients may then develop illnesses such as wound and skin infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonia or blood poisoning. |
Pneumonia, bronchitis, and sinus and ear infections are three examples of complications from flu. |
Painful skin ulcers with gangrenous margins may be a feature of mixed bacterial infections. |
It is more likely to happen with three simultaneous live infections. |
Doctors are worried because the gene causes the spread of MRSA between healthy people with unbroken skin who would not normally be expected to pick up infections in this way. |
Viral illnesses known to cause petechial rashes include cytomegalovirus infections, atypical measles and viral hemorrhagic fevers caused by arboviruses and arenaviruses. |
Its reputation for stimulating the immune system makes it an excellent tonic for treating coughs, colds, flu and other infections, as well as for easing allergies. |
The loss of genetic diversity could result in animals with weakened immune systems, unable to resist infections that may wipe out whole flocks or herds. |
The huge hit U.K. medical show Embarrassing Bodies has treated armpit abscesses, fungal infections, and much worse. |
Mother's milk is full of special nutrients, hormones and antibodies that are passed on to infants to help them to resist infections, respiratory illness and diarrhoea. |
The etiology of a pulmonary exacerbation is likely a variety of airway insults including respiratory viral infections, reactive airway disease, and pollutants. |
But please remember that people in ICUs, where cre and so many other deadly infections lurk, are not denizens of executive suites. |
They help with urinary tract infections too and their flavinoids are thought to have a general antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-infective action. |
Generally, antipruritic conditioners provide longer duration of effect and allow the use of an antimicrobial shampoo to help prevent cutaneous infections. |
Waiting 5 to 10 days after the fly-safe date ensures escape from fall infections of barley yellow dwarf and lessens the potential of root rot and early season foliar diseases. |
This one, too, will go the way of all respiratory infections and sooner probably than later. |
Kerri Kasem said in court Friday that her father was suffering from bedsores and lung and bladder infections. |
Persistent infections in humans can lead to a chronic form of Q fever. |
Ribavirin is an antiviral that is approved for treating young children with severe lower respiratory tract infections due to respiratory syncytial virus. |
Their results indicate that the cellular immune responses needed to protect against TB and HIV, are impaired by ascariasis and other helminthic infections. |
Most human infections are contracted by inhaling, ingesting, or inoculating a pathogen. |
Silver nitrate drops, or antibiotic ointment, are applied to the eyes to prevent vision-threatening infections from certain bacteria in the birth canal. |
In salmonella infections relapses of enteritis or bacteraemia are common. |
Respiratory infections, eye disease and bronchial ailments are common. |
A history of termination of pregnancy, recurrent miscarriages, sexually transmitted infections, or sterilisation can all become a source of conflict. |
The herb's primary internal application is a supportive therapy for colds and chronic infections of the respiratory tract and lower urinary tract. |
Recent reports have lent support to the potential use of previous generation antibacterial drugs to treat infections caused by new resistant bacteria. |
Mistletoes infections can kill individual trees and stands of trees, and most mistletoe species attack specific tree species. |
The herbs in this formula all have active antiviral properties and are effective against herpes, shingles, flu, warts, and other viral infections. |
Increasing evidence shows that many herpes infections are asymptomatic. |
Two percent of elderly with latent infections develop active tuberculosis. |
Half were admitted to the hospital to get intravenous antibiotics, and a few developed life-threatening lung and heart infections or toxic shock syndrome. |
If your child cuts or scratches his or her skin, be sure to use soap and water to clean the area because open wounds are more susceptible to warts and other infections. |
Two common fungal infections include athlete's foot and yeast infections. |
Several studies reported that circumcised boys were between 10 to 39 times less likely to develop urinary tract infections during infancy than uncircumcised boys. |
Wash your hands after visits to the restrooms and breakrooms and also remember that shopping and any trips to public places can result in exposure to infections. |
Research performed during the last 30 years has demonstrated that preoperative shaving using safety razors is a risk factor for the development of surgical site infections. |
In addition to causing infections, streptococci give rise, by an autoimmune process, to the serious conditions of rheumatic fever and kidney inflammation. |
Guns kill twice as many in this age group as cancer, five times as many as heart disease and 20 times as many as infections. |
An elevated white blood cell count with increased neutrophils and immature granulocytes is typically seen with fungal infections such as blastomycosis. |
Rarely, severe infections can lead to inflammation of the brain or meningitis. |
We scrub down our kitchens and bathrooms with antimicrobial cleansers, make sure to cook our hamburgers thoroughly and swallow antibiotics to treat strep throat infections. |
Unlike most infections, it can also move to other parts of the body without travelling through the lymphatic system, the body's network of glands. |
With two out of every three deaths in Iraq caused by diarrhoea and respiratory infections, a safe supply of clean water is crucial to child survival. |
Major and limb-threatening infections usually are polymicrobial and may involve aerobic gram positive cocci, gram negative bacilli, anaerobes, and enterococci. |
Which one of the following antibiotic groups is the best first-line oral therapy for infections associated with piercings of the auricular cartilage? |
The infections were detected in recipients by a positive blood smear. |
Rarely, strep throat infections that are either untreated or incompletely treated can lead to rheumatic fever, an illness that can result in heart disease and arthritis. |
I am always sick because of the cold and I have suffered constant lung infections over the past several months. |
Proper nutrition is also required to ensure cows can properly ward infections such as mastitis and prevent metabolic problems such as milk fever and ketosis. |
Victims developed strains of pneumonia, blood poisoning and dozens of other infections rarely identified outside hospitals as recently as five years ago. |
The periodic agony that accompanies sickle cell was joined by the torment of persistent eye infections and repeated surgeries. |
Complications from ear infections include mastoiditis and meningitis. |
Just doors away on the same street, Paul Samuels suffered numerous urinary infections and was also diagnosed with the same reflux as the Buckley and Chapman children. |
The first is a medical issue, and that is the recurring advice in the section on yeast infections to use cornstarch instead of talc or baby powder to keep the area dry. |
In both children and adults, asthma exacerbations are caused primarily by viral respiratory infections, with rhinovirus being the most common infectious organism detected. |
At the same time we would also audit the prescribing of trimethoprim for urinary tract infections and the investigations and second visits associated with its use. |
Their app, Colorimetrix, is accurate enough to monitor conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, and urinary tract infections. |
More often than not these kinds of infections are caused through faecal matter but there were no reports of any incidents of that sort on that day. |
In addition to the alveolar epithelial cells, host immune cells located outside the lung, such as splenic and thymic cells, undergo apoptosis during influenza infections. |
Over the past months, as I had tried unsuccessfully to fight colds and infections, a tumor had been growing inside my chest, sapping my strength and will power. |
Benign secondary headaches include headaches associated with the cold, flu, or sinus infections. |
But at the darker end of the scale, biofilms can form infection-inducing layers on implanted medical devices and cause deadly lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients. |
These include gastrointestinal problems and diarrhea afflicting children, and respiratory infections, cholera, typhoid, and typhus afflicting adults. |
Both in adults and in children, the majority of asthma exacerbations are caused by respiratory virus infections of which rhinoviruses are by far the most frequent. |
However, xenotransplantation may become a viable option if obstacles such as complement-mediated graft rejection and the introduction of unusual infections can be overcome. |
Symptoms of diabetes include having to get up at night to go to the toilet, feeling thirsty, lacking energy and getting reoccurring infections such as boils and abscesses. |
It eventually causes a decreased numbers of normal red blood cells, white cells and platelets, leading to symptoms of anemia, infections and bleeding. |
Unlike nylon cords, CleanCord won't soak up bodily fluids or other liquids that can transmit infections to others. |
Despite this near ubiquity, n. fowleri infections are few and far between. |
The 5-nitroimidazole molecules are very potent anaerobicidal agents commonly used to treat or prevent Bacteroides infections. |
Zoonotic trematode and cestode infections have been reported from semi-arid environments. |
And researchers at the National Institutes of Health report finding candidalike fungus infections in the blood of AIDS victims. |
Sometimes, too much foreign material can get caught in the crypts, leading to frequent infections. |
Specific foot management may be required, including advice on footcare and treatment of fungal infections. |
Hepatitises B and C are the most important chronic viral infections of humans. |
Before Lister's studies of surgery, most people believed that chemical damage from exposures to bad air was responsible for infections in wounds. |
The use of greater amount of red blood cells is associated with a high risk of infections. |
This biological difference occurs because women have more resistance to infections and degenerative diseases. |
Type I NF describes polymicrobial infections, whereas type II NF has a monomicrobial pathogenesis. |
Probenecid is still useful, however, for certain infections requiring particularly high concentrations of penicillins. |
Many cast members came down with colds, flu, or kidney infections after spending hours in cold water, including Winslet. |
Adjustments for respiratory infections in infancy and asthma and atopy in childhood did not change the results of these analyses. |
Neonotal infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa associated with a water-bath used to thaw flesh frozen plasma. |
Antiviral agents frequently applied for treatment of herpesvirus infections include acyclovir and its derivatives. |
Interpretation and use of the Western blot assay for serodiagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 infections. |
White blood cells are responsible for fighting infections and when the white cell count is low people are prone to infections. |
Positive controls from wildtype SINV-3 infections were included in each evaluation. |
It appears to be caused by a nematode and may be further effected by fungal infections. |
This form develops in approximately 2 percent of infections and occurred mostly in adults. |
In temperate areas, the number of smallpox infections were highest during the winter and spring. |
They are found in virtually all poxvirus infections but the absence of Guarnieri bodies cannot be used to rule out smallpox. |
Dual protection is the use of methods that prevent both sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. |
The air led to skin infections, eye infections, bronchitus and tuberculosis. |
Gastric acid acts as a barrier against microorganisms to prevent infections and is important for the digestion of food. |
Causes of deaths include strokes, heart disease, COPD, lung cancer, and lung infections. |
Through ruptured blisters, the animal is at risk from secondary bacterial infections and, in some cases, permanent disability. |
Those who are being treated tested positive for the infections acinetobacter baumanii and an enterobacter species. |
Closed arthrocentesis is recommended for septic infections of all joints except the hip. |
Wild boars are known to host at least 20 different parasitic worm species, with maximum infections occurring in summer. |
Notably, colonized patients have a much higher risk of developing MRSA infections than noncolonized patients. |
Reports of anosmia were also observed in the 1930s when zinc preparations were used in a failed attempt to prevent polio infections. |
Wound dressings containing silver sulfadiazine or silver nanomaterials are used to treat external infections. |
Protozoans, cestodes and nematodes lead to many turtle deaths because of the infections in the liver and intestinal tract. |
The danger now isn't so much from the AIDS virus itself as from opportunistic infections. |
Ototopical antibiotics can fight some ear infections better than systemic antibiotics can. |
Disease control focuses on containing infections and breeding resistant strains, and is the subject of much ongoing research. |
The canine coronavirus has been recorded in Alaskan wolves, with infections being most prevalent in winter months. |
A number of diseases can affect bone, including arthritis, fractures, infections, osteoporosis and tumours. |
Mammalian hosts react to infections with an innate response, often involving inflammation, followed by an adaptive response. |
Specific medications used to treat infections include antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, antiprotozoals, and antihelminthics. |
The branch of medicine that focuses on infections is referred to as infectious disease. |
Some viral infections can also be latent, examples of latent viral infections are any of those from the Herpesviridae family. |
An infection is not synonymous with an infectious disease, as some infections do not cause illness in a host. |
It's important to distinguish, because viral infections cannot be cured by antibiotics. |
Those who are weak, sick, malnourished, have cancer or are diabetic have increased susceptibility to chronic or persistent infections. |
Individuals who have a suppressed immune system are particularly susceptible to opportunistic infections. |
Persistent infections occur because the body is unable to clear the organism after the initial infection. |
Chronic infections by parasites account for a high morbidity and mortality in many underdeveloped countries. |
Techniques like hand washing, wearing gowns, and wearing face masks can help prevent infections from being passed from one person to another. |
Severe infections of the brain are usually treated with intravenous antibiotics. |
Generally, infections are initially diagnosed by primary care physicians or internal medicine specialists. |
When present, however, these infections seem to tend to be confined to only small regions of the body. |
The infections from both tyrannosaurs were received by being bitten during a fight, like the Herrerasaurus specimen. |
Being an equid, zebras are subject to many of the same common infections and diseases of the domestic horse. |
An experimental trial of albendazole, which is used to treat other parasitic infections, did not shorten his illness. |
P boydii infections are difficult to treat due to amphotericin B resistance and frequent need for surgical resection. |
The aim of this study was to find an alternative for amphotericin B currently used in treatment of fungal infections. |
Amphotericin B exerts broad-spectrum coverage and remains the drug of choice for life-threatening invasive fungal infections. |
The Yersinia species of pathogens can cause the bubonic plague and serious gastrointestinal infections in humans. |
His primary research interests include zoologic and wildlife medicine and health and emerging zoonotic infections. |
As a trusted, broad-spectrum antibiotic, Clavamox enjoys a wide range of uses in treating dental and other common infections. |
This happens when antibiotics are given for coughs, colds, flu, or viral infections where antibiotic treatment is not useful. |