Every so often there is a frenzy of activity, involving the chorus charging off stage or a supremely inelegant dance. |
For too long sword-wielding psychos have been brought down with bullets or capsicum spray, methods which are not only unfair, but inelegant. |
While he continues to deliver low blows in equally inelegant packaging, his apologists say he merely has an unclassifiable sense of humour. |
In the end I had to take off my jacket, wedge it into the footing and make my way down in an inelegant tangle of legs and arms. |
This sort of inelegant lie should be a warning to anyone who tries to understand the country through the words of their spokesmen. |
That's an inelegant way to describe it, I know, but when I was looking at it, I felt this pull in me. |
When you copy from another author and don't let your readers know it, it's called inelegant footnoting, not plagiarism. |
First, the book is loaded with the technical and markedly inelegant jargon of postmodern philosophy. |
It may have looked somewhat inelegant, but it worked so well for 45 years that it attracted international attention. |
One objection is that they'll let various inelegant usages into the language, but that is a tough basis on which to make one's argument. |
The other extreme of inelegant solution is to become callous and indifferent to the suffering of others. |
The penultimate movement just sort of unravelled at the end and slumped to a very inelegant mess. |
He deplored the inelegant roughness and dull hilarity of their conversation. |
And I ended, as old fogies are entitled to do by slagging off today's so-called operating systems, describing them as crude and inelegant. |
Cal snorted in an extremely unladylike and inelegant way, and spoke to her girlfriend. |
He teetered, lost his balance and fell off, making a tremendous splash as he hit the water with an inelegant bellyflop and an angry shout. |
The youth press is, all too often, a place of bad grammar and inelegant sentences. |
His ungainly, inelegant posture can leave him exposed against nimbler opponents, and he easily attracts ridicule. |
It was dark and slightly inelegant, and I thought it was so cool. |
Fluoride first entered an American water supply through a rather inelegant technocratic scheme. |
The clothes, however, were a chaotic pastiche of fur and glitter assembled in inelegant ways. |
I want him to feel so unhappy that he makes an inelegant departure. |
Good games can be elegant or inelegant, elegant games can be good or bad. |
When you reach a certain age, it's kind of inelegant to date. |
I don't think there is a disagreeable, inelegant sentence in the book. |
Although written in rather inelegant and sometimes ungrammatical prose, this is an insightful and original work, based on a remarkable range of evidence. |
It gets the info across but also sets a workmanlike and inelegant tone. |
It was, however, what computer programmers call a kludge: a dirty, inelegant solution. |
We're talking about managing-and I don't mean this in an inelegant way-a park of heritage assets. |
To change the rules now, in midstream as it were, would be in our mind not only inelegant, but unjust. |
From the late 1960s the hotel slid into a prolonged and inelegant decline. |
This inelegant legislative drafting technique was nevertheless followed by a number of States when they adopted the Model Law. |
It was inelegant, and my lawyer and I enjoyed writing a detailed response to this list. |
Landlords have thus not to worry about inelegant on-wall conduits if connections are missing. |
The last button of the bottom of the shirt is placed in a horizontal way so that the shirt does not open in an inelegant and disgracieuse way. |
Gone are the cumbersome hinges, the inelegant baffles and the little glass pane. |
The multifunction polis is an inelegant name for an elegant concept. |
It was Callista, officer, who forced her husband to make his inelegant comments on Medicare that infuriated the conservative base. |
Its components were simple, inelegant, and, by Western standards, of seemingly workmanlike craftsmanship. |
Why are other magazines so successful in filling up their copies with lucrative advertising and this one only attracts a few inelegant, inartistic, advertisers? |
In 37 years it has never looked so inelegant and bedraggled. |
The use of inelegant and possibly inappropriate kanji floored me, and to top it all off, I was sitting in front of speakers blasting Indian fusion music. |
There is a clunky, inelegant quality to these objects that is matched by the deliberately crude quality of the plywood tables and shelves on which they rest. |
The young gentleman listens manfully to my abortive attempts to demonstrate my interest with a light smile, while I slowly turn an inelegant purple. |
His writing can be inelegant and rich with generalisations, but he tells Plath's story with the verve of a thriller, punching it with choice quotes. |
The cow shot is regarded as inelegant, and indeed risky, but can be very effective for a batsman with strength and a good eye. |
Informal, in French, means badly formed and inelegant. |
What they decided upon was workable, if inelegant. |
We should, moreover, mention the inelegant way in which some of the paragraphs in the letter sent by the President of the Egyptian Parliament to the President of the European Parliament were simply copied out. |
The 300-strong trial panel brought in mixed reviews, with complaints that the device was inelegant and colour rendition was poor, although images were sharp. |
These are predicted by supersymmetry, a theory which removes mathematically inelegant fiddle factors from the Standard Model, the reigning rule book of particle physics, by doubling the number of species in the particle zoo. |
As with any initiative that is designed to bring together disparate national laws and regulations, there are compromises, many of which are significant and some of which are inelegant or even damaging. |
On a blue stone, acids create spots sometimes irreversible, the use of pads and abrasive scouring powders should be avoided, the stripes are equally inelegant. |
Sotomayor's mode of expression can be inelegant. |
Elegance is a core value of this discipline. Very strict rules lead to instant disqualification for inelegant or unsportsmanlike behaviour, both of which are considered to be unacceptable by coaches and skaters alike. |
The drafting of the amendment, which places these members under the broad umbrella of 'deferred vested members', may be conceptually inelegant, but there is no mistaking its intention. |
Here a sentence beginning with an absolute claim and building in its rhythm toward an eloquent climax deflates in the bathetic surprise of a harsh and inelegant monosyllable. |
The politically correct society is the civilised society, however much some may squirm at the more inelegant official circumlocutions designed to avoid offence. |
While most graffiti are simple tags or icons or inelegant defacements, some rise to the status of art with their expertly executed images and themes. |