Has their impact been as radical and far-reaching as was that of the industrial revolution? |
The drive toward centralization had transformed the legacy of the industrial revolution from that of world peace to one of a world at war. |
Waren Mill was typical of the undeveloped tidal havens frequented by small coasters during the industrial revolution. |
Opinion is divided on how to date both capitalism and the industrial revolution. |
After utterly destroying the once thriving Indian textile industry, Britain sparked its own industrial revolution. |
Since the start of the industrial revolution people have been paid a pittance for manual labor. |
Until the industrial revolution, the most widespread use of iron was in its wrought form. |
With the industrial revolution, the number of families with wage-earning fathers began to rise. |
These fossil fuels lay at the core of the exploitation of natural resources that arose with the industrial revolution. |
The teasel is another plant which had a vital use before the industrial revolution. |
The industrial revolution arrived in Japan with the new dawn of the Meiji period. |
It is this industrial revolution that is the defining process in the creation of modernity as we know it. |
Most of Ireland missed out on the first industrial revolution of the late eighteenth century. |
Although different cultures produced distinctive variations of an industrial revolution, the similarities are striking. |
The arts and crafts movement began in Britain in reaction to the industrial revolution of the nineteenth century. |
The landed gentry lost almost all of their power and status in the industrial revolution. |
Bulgaria's industrial revolution did not bring levels of development as advanced as in other countries, but people acquired more leisure time for cultural pursuits. |
In it, he raged against the loss of liberty that the industrial revolution and interfering government had imposed on the freeborn citizens of Albion. |
In the land of the industrial revolution, foreign ownership and management is the sine qua non of industrial success. |
For the pre-industrial period and the industrial revolution, records of either the number of hours worked per day or days per year are scarce and scattered. |
This requires a workforce that is computerate rather than merely functionally literate and numerate, as was needed for the first industrial revolution. |
The folk memory of medieval community life had been wiped out by the industrial revolution. |
It is true that the spinning jenny and other inventions of the industrial revolution caused many families to have a hungry winter after the breadwinner's job was lost. |
Harris pointed out that until the industrial revolution, foreigners had nothing but praise for the quality of the food in England. |
England's skies blacken as coal makes the industrial revolution possible. |
Accessibility to other ways of life was part of the monumental lifestyle shift enabled by the industrial revolution. |
Coal mining greatly increased during the industrial revolution and the following decades. |
Clogging is often considered the first form of street dance because it evolved in urban environments during the industrial revolution. |
Further, the usefulness of the experience of the industrial revolution in making predictions about current trends has been disputed. |
Historically, the diffusion of the industrial revolution also occurred in an unequal maimer. |
As the industrial revolution took hold increasing demand for alkali came from higher levels of production of dyestuffs, and bleach. |
The industrial revolution and the increasing mechanism of the economy transformed society and threatened the livelihoods of many workers. |
The industrial revolution in France followed a particular course as it did not correspond to the main model followed by other countries. |
Before the industrial revolution alkali was mostly used to help with the beaching process of making cloth. |
Some economists contend that since the industrial revolution, mankind has broken out of the trap. |
The Blackstone Valley running through Massachusetts and Rhode Island has been called the birthplace of America's industrial revolution. |
Significant privatizations of this nature occurred from 1760 to 1820, coincident with the industrial revolution in that country. |
The scars of the industrial revolution and Wales' industrial heritage can still be seen on parts of the Welsh landscape today. |
There are the remains of hushing gulleys on the slopes of the mountain, created during lead mining of the industrial revolution. |
Nevertheless, Belgium was the second country, after Britain, in which the industrial revolution took place. |
Formed in 1755 by Abraham Darby II it contributed to the birth of the industrial revolution through large scale production of iron. |
The industrial revolution changed a mainly rural society into an urban one, but with a strong contrast between northern and southern Belgium. |
Even if Belgium is the second industrial country after Britain, the effect of the industrial revolution there was very different. |
The third industrial revolution is spreading from the developed world to some, but not all, parts of the developing world. |
The industrial revolution and the construction of modern industrialised conurbations in Europe was dependent upon managed water supplies. |
Morris dancing continued in popularity until the industrial revolution and its accompanying social changes. |
The increased efficiency of production of the industrial revolution produced an even greater surplus than before. |
India enjoyed neither an industrial revolution nor an increase in food growing. |
Prior to the industrial revolution charcoal was occasionally used as a cooking fuel. |
Machine tools occasioned a surge in producing new tools in the industrial revolution. |
It was the industrial revolution that gave birth to environmental pollution as we know it today. |
The industrial revolution brought about huge change in Manchester and was key to the increase in Manchester's population. |
The volume of trade that the Roman merchant fleet carried was larger than any other until the industrial revolution. |
The industrial revolution made possible the use of new materials and designs that radically altered shipbuilding. |
Another important outcome of Europe's commercial revolution was a foundation of wealth needed for the industrial revolution. |
This period is also significant because it marked the transition of American manufacturing to the industrial revolution. |
Great Britain provided the legal and cultural foundations that enabled entrepreneurs to pioneer the industrial revolution. |
The industrial revolution began about 1870 as Meiji period leaders decided to catch up with the West. |
During the industrial revolution, the trade with French became more important, and many industrial words are French loanwords. |
These state projects were part of the advanced and technical progress efforts going on in the country alongside the industrial revolution. |
Based on earlier theories by Eric Williams, he asserted that the industrial revolution was at least in part funded by agricultural profits from the Americas. |
The woven fabric portion of the textile industry grew out of the industrial revolution in the 18th century as mass production of yarn and cloth became a mainstream industry. |
Nineteenth century urbanisation, industrial revolution and, modernism had already fueled the political left's struggle for democracy and parliamentarism for a long time. |
The Heads of the Valleys towns, including Rhymney, Tredegar and Ebbw Vale, rose out of the industrial revolution, producing coal, metal ores and later steel. |
Many of these sedimentary rocks have economic significance for it is here that the coal and iron bearing rocks that fueled Scotland's industrial revolution are to be found. |
The city expansion more than doubled the urban area which allowed Mainz to participate in the industrial revolution which had previously avoided the city for decades. |
The UK's heavy manufacturing drove the industrial revolution. |
As a result, the industry became Britain's primary export, enabling the country to import the raw materials and food that fueled the industrial revolution. |
However, the industrial revolution largely bypassed Dorset which lacked coal resources and as a consequence the county remained predominantly agricultural. |
During the industrial revolution, several new technologies were introduced to the Chesapeake Bay area, which allowed for more intensive oyster harvesting. |
The early industrial revolution occurred through much of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, but it mostly bypassed Cape Cod due to a lack of significant water power in the area. |
The spinning wheel was superseded by the spinning jenny and the spinning frame at the beginning of the industrial revolution in the mid 18th century. |
Due to this substantial shift in available workers, and the development of the industrial revolution, children began to work earlier in life in companies outside of the home. |
Many of these sediments have economic significance for it is here that the coal and iron bearing rocks that fuelled Scotland's industrial revolution are found. |
During the industrial revolution, Wallonia was second only to the United Kingdom in industrialization, capitalizing on its extensive deposits of coal and iron. |
In the late 1700s during the industrial revolution in the United Kingdom, families would place a cut of meat into the oven as they got ready for church. |
During the first decades of the industrial revolution in England, from 1750, there was a concentration of labor usually in not yet mechanized factories. |
New England was key to the industrial revolution in the United States. |
Economic historian Robert Allen has argued that high wages, cheap capital and very cheap energy in Britain made it the ideal place for the industrial revolution to occur. |
The early history of the Soho Foundry is of pivotal importance both to the history of the industrial revolution and to the study of the development of management theory. |
Many coalfields were developed in the industrial revolution. |
Like the first industrial revolution, the second supported population growth and saw most governments protect their national economies with tariffs. |
The Scottish intelligentsia was overwhelmed by the growth of the Scottish industrial revolution, and the new entrepreneurial bourgeoisie linked to it. |
The working class, which increased dramatically with the industrial revolution, and industrialists remained effectively excluded from the political system. |
What came out of the industrial revolution was a period when the Northeast of England's economy was dominated by iron and steel, coal mining and shipbuilding. |
The industrial revolution changed the nature of work and society The three key drivers in these changes were textile manufacturing, iron founding and steam power. |
Roman engineers were the first and until the industrial revolution the only ones to construct bridges with concrete, which they called Opus caementicium. |
But with trade and with the first rumblings of the Industrial Revolution emerged a leisured, town-based middle class. |
He was the first sociologist to observe the Industrial Revolution in Britain. |
Before the Industrial Revolution and the invention of suntan lotions, bronzed bodies belonged to the working class. |
Far from a product of the Industrial Revolution, child labor has existed since the beginning of time. |
Indeed, as I showed in Mokyr, there is no single cliometric explanation of the Industrial Revolution. |
In short, the advent of industrialism and the Industrial Revolution has irreversibly changed the prognosis for freedom and statism. |
Before the Industrial Revolution England's economy was based on its cottage industry. |
When England was the center of the Industrial Revolution, coal fueled the steam engines. |
Science has played into the hands of reaction and extreme-right profiteering since the days of the Industrial Revolution. |
Transformations of former country areas made by the Promethean outbursts of the Industrial Revolution are notorious. |
Though we know Shakespeare was a glover's son, we tend to think that England awaited the Industrial Revolution for the classes to begin to mix. |
China found itself up against the fruits of the British Industrial Revolution, pitting junks against steam warships. |
While the French Revolution politicized the sans-culottes, the Industrial Revolution industrialized them. |
The Industrial Revolution saw the start of what were known as back-to-back terrace housing. |
Later, the business world turned to Manila hemp, accelerated by the Japanese Industrial Revolution. |
In fact, the distilling industry had already undergone mechanization in the production process during the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. |
The steam engine had symbolized the First Industrial Revolution and the electric motor and internal combustion engine the Second. |
Crompton's invention of the spinning mule in 1779 marked a major step forward in the Industrial Revolution. |
It deals with effects of the Industrial Revolution on the saddlery trade. |
Capitalism existed before the Industrial Revolution, but its development was hampered by technologies limited to water power and a lack of surplus labor. |
What I mean by this is that although Fourier was aware of what was happening in England as a result of the Industrial Revolution, he rejected industrialism wholesale. |
Bolton is a town with a great history and a lot going for it, but we need to be known for more than the Industrial Revolution and a few lippy television presenters. |
The industrial Revolution and Victorian practically erased the holiday in England. |
No one before the Industrial Revolution would have raved in quite that way, and no one would in our information age. |
Keith tells Richard how the limestone of Wenlock Edge was a key factor in the Industrial Revolution because it was used to extract iron from the ironstone. |
When soldiers returning from the Crusades introduced wind technology to Europe in the eleventh century, the windmill helped usher in the Industrial Revolution. |
In the thousands of years before the Industrial Revolution, civilization was stuck in the Malthusian Trap. |
Yet, in spite of a distinct stress on the links between science and industry, the author eschews any simplistic monocausal explanation of the Industrial Revolution. |
This trend continued into the Industrial Revolution, when the city was populated with the upper classes in amongst the industrial sprawls of Manchester and Liverpool. |
In the Industrial Revolution, new methods of producing bar iron without charcoal were devised and these were later applied to produce steel. |
The water wheel remained competitive with the steam engine well into the Industrial Revolution. |
Development of water turbines during the Industrial Revolution led to decreased popularity of water wheels. |
During the Industrial Revolution in Europe, demand for alkaline substances increased. |
Many of them moved to the cities in search of work in the emerging factories of the Industrial Revolution. |
A synergy between iron and steel, railroads and coal developed at the beginning of the Second Industrial Revolution. |
The use of machine tools began with the onset of the First Industrial Revolution. |
The great inventions and innovations of the Second Industrial Revolution are part of our modern life. |
In Condition, Engels argues that the Industrial Revolution made workers worse off. |
Engels' interpretation proved to be extremely influential with British historians of the Industrial Revolution. |
He is also recognised for his study of the Industrial Revolution in England, and for describing cooperatives in the initiation of the revolution. |
Spinning machinery, such as the spinning jenny and spinning frame, displaced the spinning wheel during the Industrial Revolution. |
On the eve of the Industrial revolution it took at least five spinners to supply one weaver. |
Both industries underwent a great expansion at about the same time, which can be used to identify the start of the Industrial Revolution. |
This was one of the key inventions of the Industrial Revolution and shaped the economy of the Antebellum South. |
The growing demand for the Industrial Revolution would drive development as well. |
Only with coke smelting could there be produced the great quantities of iron made to meet the requirements of the Industrial Revolution. |
He was the third man of that name in several generations of an English Quaker family that played a pivotal role in the Industrial Revolution. |
That expansion constitutes the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution so far as the iron industry is concerned. |
As this considerably reduced the fuel consumed, hot blast was one of the most important technologies developed during the Industrial Revolution. |
The resulting increasing efficiency in water power contributed to the Industrial Revolution. |
This novel concept would prove critical to the Industrial Revolution and the development of mass production. |
In the 18th century part of the Industrial Revolution was the invention of the steam engine and cut nails. |
Maudslay laid an important foundation for the Industrial Revolution with his machine tool technology. |
The machinery industry came into existence during the Industrial Revolution. |
The Industrial Revolution received a further boost with the upcoming railways. |
The Fourdrinier paper machine, patented in 1799, was one of the earliest of the Industrial Revolution era continuous manufacturing processes. |
With the onset of the Industrial Revolution and the growing use of steam power, there was a rapid increase in the demand for coal. |
The Industrial Revolution was creating a new, increasingly affluent middle class. |
Child labour played an important role in the Industrial Revolution from its outset, often brought about by economic hardship. |
The regulation of child labour began from the earliest days of the Industrial revolution. |
Child labour existed in the Netherlands up to and through the Industrial Revolution. |
According to Milton Friedman, before the Industrial Revolution virtually all children worked in agriculture. |
During the Industrial Revolution many of these children moved from farm work to factory work. |
Strikes became common during the Industrial Revolution, when mass labor became important in factories and mines. |
The strike action only became a feature of the political landscape with the onset of the Industrial Revolution. |
Instead, the individual city boroughs and urban districts of the Ruhr grew independently of one another during the Industrial Revolution. |
The nation provided an ideal model for showing the value of the railways for speeding the Industrial Revolution. |
After the Industrial Revolution, Charleroi benefited from the increased use of coke in the metallurgical industry. |
Roads were paved, gas lighting was installed, and the city doubled in size thanks to the Industrial Revolution. |
Pawtucket was an early and important center of cotton textiles during the American Industrial Revolution. |
He was instrumental in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the United States. |
Incorporated in 1826 to serve as a mill town, Lowell was named after Francis Cabot Lowell, a local figure in the Industrial Revolution. |
The city became known as the cradle of the American Industrial Revolution, due to a large series of textile mills and factories. |
Before the Industrial Revolution, weaving was a manual craft and wool was the principal staple. |
Landes had a scholarly disagreement with Stephen Marglin over the Industrial Revolution. |
For example, the economist Joseph Schumpeter argued that capitalism did not begin with the Industrial Revolution but in 14th century Italy. |
Many sites have many archaeological remains dating from the Neolithic and Bronze Ages through to the Industrial Revolution. |
This use was replaced by coke in the 19th Century as part of the Industrial Revolution. |
They also dug coal which was further exploited especially during the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. |
Much of Greater Manchester's wealth was generated during the Industrial Revolution, particularly textile manufacture. |
Northumberland played a key role in the Industrial Revolution from the 18th century on. |
The collapse of the fishery was due to the rapid population increase of the towns that developed following the Industrial Revolution. |
During the Industrial Revolution factories, mills and terraced hovels grew up along the river banks. |
Much of the River Wear is associated with the history of the Industrial Revolution. |
Rochdale rose to prominence in the 19th century as a mill town and centre for textile manufacture during the Industrial Revolution. |
It was a boomtown of the Industrial Revolution, and amongst the first industrialised towns. |
The rapid growth of Southport largely coincided with the Industrial Revolution and the Victorian era. |
Historically the population of Southport began to rapidly increase during the Industrial Revolution and the Victorian era. |
The increased labour supply is considered one of the factors facilitating the Industrial Revolution. |
The eight-part travelogue will reveal the network's development during the Industrial Revolution and the role it played in our history. |
During the Industrial Revolution Norfolk developed little industry except in Norwich which was a late addition to the railway network. |
The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain and most of the important technological innovations were British. |
The precise start and end of the Industrial Revolution is still debated among historians, as is the pace of economic and social changes. |
The Industrial Revolution created a demand for metal parts used in machinery. |
As the Industrial Revolution progressed, machines with metal parts and frames became more common. |
The large scale production of chemicals was an important development during the Industrial Revolution. |
Another major industry of the later Industrial Revolution was gas lighting. |
Women's historians have debated the effect of the Industrial Revolution and capitalism generally on the status of women. |
The Industrial Revolution also created a middle class of businessmen, clerks, foremen and engineers who lived in much better conditions. |
However, harsh working conditions were prevalent long before the Industrial Revolution took place. |
Child labour existed before the Industrial Revolution but with the increase in population and education it became more visible. |
During the Industrial Revolution, the life expectancy of children increased dramatically. |
The Industrial Revolution on Continental Europe came a little later than in Great Britain. |
Lewis Mumford has proposed that the Industrial Revolution had its origins in the Early Middle Ages, much earlier than most estimates. |
There were two main values that really drove the Industrial Revolution in Britain. |
The debate about the start of the Industrial Revolution also concerns the massive lead that Great Britain had over other countries. |
Another theory is that Britain was able to succeed in the Industrial Revolution due to the availability of key resources it possessed. |
This unique concentration of talents accelerated the transition from the Commercial Revolution to the Industrial Revolution. |
Its largest city is Birmingham, and it was an important location for the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries. |
The Black Country, broadly the boroughs of Dudley, Sandwell, Wolverhampton and Walsall, played an important part in the Industrial Revolution. |
Most current Yorkshire breweries date from the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and early 19th century. |
Processes for the second stage include fining in a finery forge and, from the Industrial Revolution, puddling. |
With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, Britain surged ahead of its European rivals. |
With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, goods produced by slavery became less important to the British economy. |
Manchester's history is concerned with textile manufacture during the Industrial Revolution. |
Although the Industrial Revolution brought wealth to the city, it also brought poverty and squalor to a large part of the population. |
There was unprecedented growth in the rural population, which in turn provided much of the workforce for the concurrent Industrial Revolution. |
Britain escaped the 'Malthusian trap' because the Industrial Revolution had a positive impact on living standards. |
Much of the Industrial Revolution in the United Kingdom began in Birmingham and the Black Country area of West Midlands. |
The Industrial Revolution is thought to have begun when Abraham Darby substituted coke for charcoal to smelt iron, at his Old Furnace. |
Its historic importance is due to its role as the centre of the iron industry in the early stages of the Industrial Revolution. |
The company was formerly known as Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds and can trace its origins back to 1759 and the birth of the Industrial Revolution. |
Preston was a boomtown of the Industrial Revolution, becoming a densely populated engineering centre, with large industrial plants. |
Home to Lombe's Mill, an early British factory, Derby has a claim to be one of the birthplaces of the Industrial Revolution. |
Derby and Derbyshire were among the centres of Britain's Industrial Revolution. |
Isambard Kingdom Brunel, a famed engineer of the Industrial Revolution, was born in Portsmouth. |
They contributed to many advances during the Industrial Revolution which soon followed and were not improved upon for more than 200 years. |
At the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, Brunel was portrayed by Kenneth Branagh in a segment showing the Industrial Revolution. |
He was greatly respected by other prominent men of the Industrial Revolution. |
The spinning frame is an Industrial Revolution invention for spinning thread or yarn from fibres such as wool or cotton in a mechanized way. |
The stationary steam engine was a key component of the Industrial Revolution, allowing factories to locate where water power was unavailable. |
This enabled factories to be sited away from rivers, and further accelerated the pace of the Industrial Revolution. |
Lancashire emerged as a major commercial and industrial region during the Industrial Revolution. |
Philip James de Loutherbourg, Coalbrookdale by Night, 1801, a key location of the English Industrial Revolution. |
Blake was concerned about senseless wars and the blighting effects of the Industrial Revolution. |
He provides an alternative view of rural England in the age of an Industrial Revolution with which he was not in sympathy. |
It was around the time of the Industrial Revolution that newer compounds formed that provided better grip for the ball. |
With the onset of the Industrial Revolution, people began to move out of the country and into towns and cities to find work. |
Huddersfield was a centre of civil unrest during the Industrial Revolution. |
Belfast played a key role in the Industrial Revolution, and was a global industrial centre until the latter half of the 20th century. |
The increased labour supply is considered one of the causes of the Industrial Revolution. |
Consequently, large numbers of people left rural areas to move into the cities where they became labourers in the Industrial Revolution. |
Originating in Great Britain, trade unions became popular in many countries during the Industrial Revolution. |
The Industrial Revolution began in Britain due to the social, economic and political changes in the country during the previous centuries. |
Pottery manufacturer Josiah Wedgwood was one of the most successful entrepreneurs of the Industrial Revolution. |
Glasgow generated immense wealth from trade and the industries that developed from the Industrial Revolution. |
Consequently, he can be regarded as a forefather of the Industrial Revolution. |
This was a major step forward in the production of iron as a raw material for the Industrial Revolution. |
The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain in the last part of the 18th century and spread throughout Europe. |
Along with the Industrial Revolution, Asian style and emerging modernist ideas also influenced Mackintosh's designs. |
It was in 1769 when James Watt's engineering at Glasgow led to a stable steam engine and, subsequently, the Industrial Revolution. |
The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain, and many of the technological innovations were British. |
The development of trade and the rise of business were major causes of the Industrial Revolution. |
Productivity improvement in wool spinning during the Industrial Revolution was significant, but was far less that that of cotton. |
The majority of textile factory workers during the Industrial Revolution were unmarried women and children, including many orphans. |
The initial technologies of the Industrial Revolution, such as mechanized textiles, iron and coal, did little, if anything, to lower food prices. |
Railroads and steamships were introduced near the end of the Industrial Revolution. |
Weaving was an important part of the town's industry particularly during the Industrial Revolution. |
Scotland embraced the Industrial Revolution, becoming a small commercial and industrial powerhouse of the British Empire. |
Largely as a result of the Industrial Revolution, there was a large influx of people into the South Wales Valleys during the 19th century. |
Belgium participated in the Industrial Revolution and, during the course of the 20th century, possessed a number of colonies in Africa. |
Belgium was the first continental European country to undergo the Industrial Revolution, in the early 19th century. |
But that was already the case before the Industrial Revolution, with an engineer as Rennequin Sualem for instance. |
Lead production declined after the fall of Rome and did not reach comparable levels until the Industrial Revolution. |
In the second half of the 18th century, Britain, and later continental Europe and the United States, experienced the Industrial Revolution. |
During the Industrial Revolution the Welsh woollen industry was slow to mechanize compared to the mills of northern England. |
After the Industrial Revolution, there was a dramatic decline in young men working in agriculture. |
Chester played a significant part in the Industrial Revolution which began in the North West of England in the latter part of the 18th century. |
The Industrial Revolution saw the development of many new towns and villages, particularly in south Wales. |
The Industrial Revolution in Britain was based on iron and coal, the main products of the South Wales valleys. |
It is possible to trace the complex industrial process and its social aspects in the early Industrial Revolution. |
The site is dedicated to operational preservation of the Welsh heritage of coal mining, which took place during the Industrial revolution. |
This was in recognition of the town's importance to the Industrial Revolution. |
The city played no major role in the Industrial Revolution, but remained the centre of administration and a transport hub for most of the island. |
The Dee Estuary was industrialised from quite early on in the Industrial Revolution, and some industry remains today. |
This helped to stimulate literacy and learning, speeding up the second Industrial Revolution. |
The widescale use of fossil fuels, coal at first and petroleum later, to fire steam engines enabled the Industrial Revolution. |
The Industrial Revolution brought an infusion of untreated chemicals and wastes into local streams that served as the water supply. |
Flanders was one of the first continental European areas to undergo the Industrial Revolution, in the 19th century. |
As the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, England was home to many significant inventors during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. |
Bristol was surpassed by the rapid rise of Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool in the Industrial Revolution. |
The success of the Clyde at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution was driven by the location of Glasgow, being a port facing the Americas. |
As a result of the Industrial Revolution and the earlier political revolutions, the worldviews of Modernism emerged. |
Many analysts suggest that it allowed the formation of capital that financed the Industrial Revolution, although the evidence is inconclusive. |
The Industrial Revolution in the Midlands and Northern England spelled the end for most of Somerset's cottage industries. |
Bridgwater was developed during the Industrial Revolution as the area's leading port. |
Chalk mining boomed during the Industrial Revolution, due to the need for chalk products such as quicklime and bricks. |
The impact of the Industrial Revolution was first felt in the manufacture of fly lines. |
After 1800, the Industrial Revolution brought prosperity to Britain and Western Europe. |
The Industrial Revolution began in England, based on coal, steam, and textile mills. |
France's population dynamics began to change in the middle of the 19th century, as France joined the Industrial Revolution. |
The Industrial Revolution started in Britain in the 1770s with the production of the improved steam engine. |
During the 19th century, globalization approached its form as a direct result of the Industrial Revolution. |
The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain and spread to continental Europe, North America and Japan. |
In Europe, the Industrial Revolution spread from Great Britain during the period known as the Victorian Age. |
During the Industrial Revolution, the Hudson River became a major location for production, especially around Albany and Troy. |
The advent of the Industrial Revolution in Britain provided a great boost to cotton manufacture, as textiles emerged as Britain's leading export. |
The high profits from the slave trade, he said, helped finance the Industrial Revolution. |
Its largest city is Birmingham, and the region was important in the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries. |
It has probably never been true since the Industrial Revolution caused an enormous influx to cities from rural areas. |
Some industries which are usually operated from large, centralized factories were cottage industries before the Industrial Revolution. |
The transfer of these technologies to medieval Europe had an influence on the Industrial Revolution. |
After the Industrial Revolution, it was discovered that rape also yields oil suitable for lubrication. |
These huge factories began to produce a greater diversity of chemicals as the Industrial Revolution matured. |
The ensuing availability of inexpensive iron was one of the factors leading to the Industrial Revolution. |
This bridge still stands today as a monument to the role iron played in the Industrial Revolution. |
Others found that coldness appropriate for a story framed by the mise en scene of dog-eat-dog, 19th-century London during the Industrial Revolution. |
It was not until the Industrial Revolution fuelled demand for all metals and also provided the technology to mine them that mining resumed on the moor on any scale. |
An extensive canal network also remains from the Industrial Revolution. |
Textile manufacture was one of the leading sectors in the British Industrial Revolution, but weaving was a comparatively late sector to be mechanised. |
One of the most significant innovators of the Second Industrial Revolution, Bessemer also made over 100 other inventions in the fields of iron, steel and glass. |
Colt's methods were at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution, and his successes secured Hartford's place as a major 19th century manufacturing center. |
Being the birthplace and testing grounds of the cotton milling industry at the time, it has been called the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution. |