Viewers are repeatedly given indications that there is one, distinct meaning lying behind each image, yet this is a cleverly deceitful ploy. |
As for the reported indications that teachers would have been engaged in a sick-out on Thursday, Dolor clarified. |
Bach, of course, left very few indications or interpretive marks as to how his music should go. |
I scanned the engine instruments and hydraulic gauges and was relieved to find normal indications. |
The exact role and indications for use of these imaging modalities as diagnostic aids still are being defined. |
While out and about, police constantly scan crowds for indications of trouble. |
Police said there were no indications that the collision had been caused by icy conditions. |
All in all, the indications are that the research might tell us something about how the brain behaves when gaming. |
Just last year, after decades of frostiness, there were indications from Beijing that it may forge diplomatic ties with the Vatican. |
Herbal preparations from the traditional Ayur-Vedic materia medica were utilized according to clinical indications. |
There are strong indications that our judges make decisions without mature consideration. |
However, we are starting to see indications of a lesser sentence of imprisonment, since a trine is a favorable aspect. |
In a segmented radio market, there are indications that there is a substantial country music constituency in Dublin. |
Early indications are that the data has not, at least yet, been misused to obtain fraudulent loans and credit card accounts. |
Early indications are that customers are selecting that tick box on the option sheet. |
From all indications, and I don't think it's mind over matter, the leg is now starting to feel a better. |
Also, we lack any indications of an apocalyptic new age, either on earth or in some transcendent realm. |
Since fluoroquinolone antibiotics were introduced for systemic use in the 1980s, their indications and use have increased rapidly. |
The counting is still going on, but there were indications that Saryna Bistro could be a good mid-range restaurant. |
There are indications that romantic aberrations are becoming more and more an evil of underprivileged people. |
Reversal of tubal ligation is one of the main indications for tubal microsurgery. |
The news follows a major review by Glanbia of its operation following indications of a major plunge in sales from next month. |
Well, I just hope and pray we work in a bipartisan way and from the middle, but early indications are not so good. |
Species rank is also indicated by the lack of indications of clinal variation or intergradation, despite direct evidence of dispersal. |
The fact is that perhaps 15,000 objects were stolen, with some indications pointing to an inside job. |
Maternal fever and suspected neonatal infection were the indications with the lowest examination rates. |
By all indications the episodic behavior could become more compulsive and frequent. |
Mr Santos told reporters that there were indications the security forces had been infiltrated at a very high level. |
Since insomnia has many causes, the indications for treatment are dependent on the etiology. |
The medical history may also yield medical indications for, or contraindications to, specific antihypertensive drugs. |
The device has been used for various indications, including chronic wounds, grafts, and flaps. |
By far, the two basic indications for tracheostomy are airway obstruction and ventilatory support. |
Table 2 shows the rates of antimicrobials prescribed for urinary indications for the 10 pairs of nursing homes. |
However, Member States may require that measuring instruments bear indications of quantity in a single legal unit of measurement. |
Hardiness zones are indications of the average minimum temperatures for different areas of the country. |
Be sure to inspect walls, curtains, barriers, and enclosures for holes, burn marks, and other indications of misdirected laser energy. |
There have been indications in government circles that the Department of Health may be coming over to his view. |
The composer provides clear indications for dynamics, pedaling and phrasing. |
Watch the road for collapsed pavement, mud, fallen rocks, and other indications of possible debris flows. |
All indications regarding engine operation, hydraulics and electrics appeared normal as the two aircraft prepared to taxi. |
These indications were suggestive of six previous hybridization events between the two native carnivores. |
Forging and overreaching are indications that the horse is moving out of balance, either in the foot specifically or in the entire body. |
This would still be a respectable out-turn, and significantly better than all current indications for the euro-zone. |
It also claims that despite indications to the contrary, Gateway insisted that retail market was strong. |
We are awaiting final pricing and stockists from Hiper, but initial indications are that it is going to be very reasonably priced. |
The Kremlin also gave indications that it would take action against other oligarchs. |
At the onset of tonsillitis the conditions are usually sthenic and indications prominent for veratrum. |
Though these uses aren't approved by the FDA, doctors can prescribe thalidomide for other indications, sometimes called off-label uses. |
That these off-label indications were not measured in the approved trials must be made clear, however. |
Early indications suggest that operating costs will continue to fall below half those of a conventional office building. |
The precise indications for referral to occupational therapy in patients with osteoarthritis remain to be delineated. |
As for 90 octane gasoline, there are strong indications that it will slowly fade into oblivion, hopefully unnoticed until it ceases to exist. |
I was triple checking my switches and querying the boomer for indications on his instruments. |
The numeration of the helices is consistent with the secondary structure indications present in the PDB file. |
What he cannot see, in his cultural incomprehension, are the numberless indications of our collective strength, character, and resolve. |
Despite that result, however, there are indications that the issue is not completely dead. |
Around both zones accretionary wedges are indications of Cretaceous subduction. |
The quiz serves to evaluate students' knowledge of medication indications, dosages, monitoring, and side effects. |
The signs of anemia and acetonaemia are general appetite loss and various indications of general lethargy in the cow. |
Black cohosh should not be confused with the blue cohosh herb, which is used for different indications and has a greater potential for toxicity. |
It is important that we do keep a weather eye on the horizon, watching for any significant indications that cyber terror actually will appear. |
Their results provide strong indications that policymakers who are promoting wedlock are indeed serving the public well. |
Another Jovian moon, Io, surprised astronomers by indications of volcanic activity. |
In the violin version, he writes double stops, pizzicato and tremolo indications and so forth, keeping with the capabilities of the violin. |
Rather, there were indications of the awakening of vigorous political debate. |
There have been no indications on whether the team want him to stay beyond the summer of 2006 when his three-year term expires. |
The indications as stated are that this is not being achieved nor indeed will it be in the medium term at any rate. |
He says he likes his garden to be left to its own devices, but all these matters, to our mind, are indications of non-residence. |
Telling indications of the power of a free press were also manifold during this period. |
Despite initial indications that the job would be re-advertised at the new salary level, the panel decided not to re-advertise it. |
Environmental health chiefs are still waiting for test results but early indications are that it is the airborne virus Norwalk. |
Fuel costs have added to concerns, but there are indications that the worst may be over for investors holding Ryanair shares. |
There are some indications, as well, that Bruce is anxious to avoid displeasing her conservative audience. |
Edward did not grant her a generous landed endowment, and there are indications that she suffered some financial problems. |
Passive range of motion of the foot and ankle joints should be assessed for indications of restricted movement. |
Early indications are that the steel two-by-fours behind the gypsum board are also in good shape. |
Early indications are that the method is working and biologists are planning to eventually restock the area with young fish. |
Liver transplantation for patients with alcoholic liver disease raises issues and controversies not seen with other indications. |
I hope this article will offer insight into the risks, benefits, and indications for use of this dietary therapy. |
There are constant indications in the score of riten, allargando, largamente, and so on, most of which you do seem to observe. |
We have to wait for re-marks, but the first indications are that local schools have yet again helped pupils achieve even more. |
These are not indications of a completed peacekeeping mission, nor yet one that might be successfully handed over to noncombatants. |
On most indications that is a job description which wouldn't find many takers in the bush across northern Australia. |
He gives us few tempo indications, but gives us repeats that we can arbitrarily take or not. |
The editing includes dynamic markings and pedal indications but no fingerings. |
All the indications are that Cherrywood will receive the town centre zoning. |
But early indications suggest resorts and urban centres are attracting holidaymakers at the expense of the countryside. |
These illustrations are no more than indications of a range of possibilities spanning several centuries. |
He added there was indications the winners of the English and French Derbies would run the 1.3 million race. |
Signs of engine icing could include loss of power, abnormal or slow RPM response to throttle movement, and indications of engine surge or stall. |
These many editorial changes include alterations in dynamic contrasts, tempo indications and rhythm. |
However, there are no indications that the social response reversal system is impaired in psychopathic individuals. |
Painful varicose veins with recurrent phlebitis or skin changes are considered indications for surgery. |
One of the rooms could have served as a courtyard or a light well, but clear indications of such a function are absent. |
There are strong indications throughout the film that the whole story is nothing more than Kevin's imagination run riot. |
Trumped-up waiting lists and emotional appeals concerning the poor quality of child care are indications of a far greater goal. |
All sites showed indications of soil slumping, and the loam to silt loam soil was derived from glacial till. |
Other than the imminent signing of rookie Mike Smith, there are no indications right now the roster will look drastically different. |
A number of mysterious indications from ancient cultures link the use of rock crystals with communications through the air. |
There are no indications that the end of the property boom will result in widespread negative equity for most investors. |
There are indications that using smokeless tobacco could be as detrimental to fetal health as cigarette smoking. |
We see indications of this tendency in the perennial impulse to bureaucratize and routinize business practices. |
Both rovers report positive indications that water flowed on the surface of the planet. |
In contrast, the present study found no indications of response reversal impairment in children with psychopathic tendencies. |
The rubrical indications of the entrance rite make clear that this is to be seen primarily as a musical part of the rite. |
There are indications that some sections of trade unionism are electing to make the progressive choice. |
This morning, the team tested a 20-gallon drum and received positive indications for sarin and tabun, two nerve agents. |
The subjective and objective yield indications are combined in a multistage process employing statistical and judgmental techniques. |
We often associate Easter with the start of the better tailor, bream and blackfish fishing, and indications already are that this is happening. |
Note any indications of multilevel thinking or thought patterns that are advanced for their age group. |
There are indications that the surroundings of the protoplanet are potentially heated up by the formation process. |
I am surprised at what the Coroner says about finding indications that he was a dram drinker, as I thought he was temperate in all things. |
By most indications, Aidid's supporters were decimated and demoralized the day after the Battle of Mogadishu. |
In May 1884 C.W. Marsh was sinking a trial shaft hoping to find gold but only found indications of fossils. |
Amid the initial focus on junketing and the abuse of expenses, it was one of the first indications of how far the cancer of corruption had spread. |
There are no indications that the resolve of members is weakening. |
However, to understand the more subtle indications we might get a clue from the homeopathic indication for aconite which are symptoms caused by shock. |
The indications are that Thursday and Friday could be wettish. |
Initial indications are that the positive test resulted from the consumption of a contaminated feed product. |
Yes, by all indications it appears sandboarding has finally come of age. |
The indications are that there is still a strong supply of these older cattle in the system and that the kill is likely to hold up for some weeks yet. |
As reported, the filly, who turns two years old next month, is set to race this season, with early indications showing she could have an exciting future in the sport of kings. |
On the east coast, television pictures showed bricks and tiles had been knocked from some buildings, but there were no indications of serious damage. |
There are indications of this early on, particularly in a scene in which Selina tries to teach Pervus to diagram sentences. |
There are indications that a new civil unrest may break out. |
Very old pieces with their original finish should usually not be repainted or refinished as you may remove the indications of their authenticity and antique value. |
He also creates a rubato feel, carefully notated by his tempo indications. |
Improvements in harvesting techniques and growth of stem cells in the laboratory will lead to increased safety of autografts and an expanding list of indications. |
This chapter contains excellent information on host and microbial factors, bacteriostatic versus bactericidal agents, and indications for combination therapy. |
Its indications include pain in the lower back and hip region, muscular atrophy, sciatica, pain, weakness and muscular atrophy of the lower extremities, and hemiplegia. |
By all indications, she just wanted to see a real, hard-hearted, spiritually bankrupt person in the flesh, and also wanted to score a new convert for the big guy in the sky. |
All indications are that the 777 was intact, with no fire, when it reached the runway. |
There are even more indications that it is a thermostable protein. |
Some of these songs have a varying beat and indications of some intelligent musicianship, not like the penetrating bass that thunders out from cars and flats wherever you go. |
We demand that the media present the facts in an even-handed manner, investigate indications of corruption and mendacity, and spare us the trivia. |
There already are indications that the commercial dispute between Japan and China will be contained, preventing a wider trade war which could damage economies across Asia. |
While there are indications the formula may be changing, Eastman sees its patient loads increasing as the population swells while its funding fails to keep up. |
But since the vacancy at the spy agency opened up, there are indications he may have had a change of heart. |
The results give certain indications about the state of the body politic. |
As revealed by light microscope and SEM studies, nannofossils are moderately to well preserved with slight indications of overgrowths in the marlstones. |
Consider just a few indications of the island's buoyant mood. |
Intravenous immunoglobulin prophylaxis and therapy is being given for a growing list of indications in the fields of immunology, neurology, hematology, and oncology. |
The most common primary indications for emergency caesarean were presumed fetal compromise, intrauterine growth retardation or an abnormal cardiogram, and failure to progress. |
And when the movement, if, in fact, it has begun, and the indications are that it has, this is going to be, we're told, a sustained operation, not just a one-shot deal. |
Additional indications for a potential tectonic boundary in Hinnoy are provided by local evidence of an Ordovician event in basement units of the Lofoten area. |
The Gospel of Thomas represents a partial record of his activities as teacher, although indications of his hierophantic mysteries are present also. |
It stated that several other managers also failed to stop the cost overruns even when there were indications of this before and early into the project. |
A quarter of all prescriptions in palliative medicine are for licensed drugs that are used for unlicensed indications or that are given by an unlicensed route. |
Here, the inspector is looking for any indications that summer storms or winds have loosened the fastenings connecting the roof to the rest of the building. |
I ran a built-in test on the fuel gauge, and all indications were normal. |
The browser rankings are scrutinised for indications of consumer trends. |
Fever and flank pain are not indications for intravenous urography. |
There are indications, however, that a new generation is starting to find its own voice, tempered and inflected by more exotic influences and general intellectual curiosity. |
Pilots were instructed to observe placarded dive speeds and angles and to watch for nose-heaviness and buffeting which were the first indications of compressibility. |
These decks were to be laid with the old yellow cedar planks on which marks of the planer still showed clearly, along with some definite indications of their previous use. |
All the indications are, though, that this is his final fling. |
Its efficacy, safety, and indications have yet to be delineated. |
Objective yield indications are derived from models based on observations over the last 5 years for the corresponding months compared with end-of-season yields. |
For my part I would reach that conclusion not by the rather blunt instrument of the ejusdem generis rule but from a combination of contextual indications. |
Typical indications for paediatric electrocardiography include syncope, exertional symptoms, tachyarrhythmias, bradyarrhythmias, and drug ingestion. |
The Compendia listing includes all indications where studies demonstrate beneficial use of the drug in at least some cases. |
There were indications that he was thinking of changing jobs. |
There are indications that Robert may have been briefly betrothed to a daughter of King Cnut, but no marriage took place. |
Although our literary sources are all relatively late, there are also indications of change over time. |
Archaeologists have not found any clear indications of a mass migration from Jutland in the early Iron Age. |
Obstructed labour was the most common indication, but other indications were fetal distress, antepartum haemorrhage and pre-eclampsia. |
Intelligence itself is not easy to define, but indications of intelligence include the ability to learn, matched with behavioral flexibility. |
There are no indications of hafting, and some artifacts are far too large for that. |
Looming as just as large a concern was the Czechoslovak eagerness to accept the aid, as well as indications of a similar Polish attitude. |
During the later Bronze Age there are indications of new ideas influencing land use and settlement. |
Feather moult and skull ossification provide indications of age and health. |
The Dumnonii had made their peace with Rome early, and there are no indications that the Roman army campaigned against them. |
There are indications that Plato was familiar with some version of the Orphic theogony. |
Viola has been evaluated in different clinical indications in human studies. |
However, it has been found that in some cases these indications could lead to a dangerous situation for the involved aircraft. |
There are indications of a whaling industry there dating to the ninth century, possibly introduced by Norsemen. |
By all outward indications, he's a normal happy child, but if you talk to him, you will soon realize he has some psychological problems. |
Foppish and fantastic ornaments are only indications of vice, not criminal in themselves. |
In biblical interpretation, it does not use speculations, suggestive theories, or incomplete indications, not going beyond what is fully known. |
I shall discuss in the following chapter the underlying principles and indications of actinotherapy in each of the diseases enumerated. |
All indications suggest that Maxwell had maintained an unquenchable curiosity from an early age. |
Given the indications that inequality is harmful for growth, attention has moved on to the likely mechanisms. |
Tricyclic antidepressants are widely prescribed for several indications in South Africa. |
There are strong indications that biological organic components of sea spray can nucleate ice, but there is a lack of data to quantify it. |
They address both classic indications in neurology and orthopedics and MR cholangiography, urography, and colongraphy. |
The pipeline, which is rich and diverse, has drugs being developed for both oncological and non-oncological indications. |
However, MCS-12 items displayed reasonable model fit without indications of multidimensionality but with signs of local response dependency. |
There are indications that the deal would be cancelled except three Cheetal helicopters, which were built by Hindustan Aeronautical Ltd. |
The report also examines the ophthalmology therapeutics treatment usage patterns for the covered indications. |
Oil exploration also began, with indications of possible commercially exploitable deposits in the Falklands basin. |
This initial study in acute mononucleosis will set the stage for broader indications involving EBV as an etiologic agent. |
Some indications are concerned with the expected effects while using the medicine as in cases used as purging, soothing and vermicide. |
Examples of other experts who gave indications of a financial crisis have also been given. |
The risk factors associated with DBS have made it a last-resort therapy for most indications. |
Currently, there are strong indications that a small droplet of nearly thermalized QGP is indeed formed in these collisions. |
This month, the agency approved two formulations of pancrelipase for different indications and patient populations. |
The indications of tidal processes suggest that these deposits are not alluvial and have formed in deltaic or estuarine settings. |
There were indications of some micrometeoroid orbital debris strikes on the sides of Orion, which was anticipated. |
The indications of significant noncompliance have particularly troubled Cairns and Glaum and Street. |
Reclassification would enable bone screws to be labeled and marketed for use in the pedicles of the spine for specified indications. |
The provision of separate seals is one of the earliest indications of the separate identity and personality of the two Bailiwicks. |
Indeed, there are numerous indications that many people today would do almost anything rather than one of these McJobs. |
Several investigators now believe the indications for surgery in patients with perforated duodenal ulcers have changed. |
Related indications included convulsions, dysrhythmias, hypotension and severe metabolic acidosis. |
Furthermore, research will need to emphasise the expansion of product indications and prolong the life cycles of blockbuster molecules. |
Advances in arthroscopy during the last 30 years have specified new indications for elbow arthroscopy. |
These indications can be related to psychological disturbance, which had its source in an enmeshment of narcissistic bonds in the Ruskin family. |
Our reconnaissance strongly suggests numerous anticlines and indications exist to support ideal source, reservoir rock and thermal gradients. |
All the indications are there that the early dairy farmers did make rinded cheese. |
There are cropmark indications that an outer ditch existed and that a roundhouse or henge was located inside the monument. |
Forecast epidemiology of key cardiology indications which impact the PTCA and transcatheter aortic valve markets. |
There are some indications that weaving was already known in the Paleolithic era, as early as 27,000 years ago. |
There are indications that renewable energy and distributed generation are becoming more viable in economic terms. |
However, consciousness representations three to five also seem to feature other indications of the narrator's fabulating presence. |
All indications are that he will try to unite his heavily factionalised Zanu PF party and also preside over his succession process. |
The subtle decreased fine fingers movements as well as spasticity of his right upper extremity were indications of pyramidal tract involvement. |
Kehler dismisses his views on Helena as indications of Coleridge's own misogyny, rather than genuine reflections of Helena's morality. |
There are very strong indications that criminal organizations are operating inside the fan clubs. |
Alluvial goldfields and quartz reefings are in its vicinity, and good indications of coal. |
In the Yankee, the initial indications of overspeeds, underspeeds and engine flameouts are remarkably similar. |
However, despite initial indications, he decided not to pursue a 1514 campaign. |
There are some indications that weaving was already known in the Palaeolithic. |
The frequent stops they make in the most convenient places are plain indications of their weariness. Joseph Addison. |
As has already been mentioned, indications of tense are often bound up with indications of other verbal categories, such as aspect and mood. |
From Kola, there are indications of a similar situation, suggesting a population of around 20 adults. |
Such results are viewed as false positive indications of drug use and were the basis of a legal defense. |
There were indications that a major Japanese offensive was building. |
Brokers can, however, take indications of interest from their clients. |
Such indications are present in the illustrations in the manuscript. |
The 15 solo pieces exhibit detailed dynamics and tempo indications, as well as various performance techniques, including glissandi and chord clusters. |
Moreover, the absolute indications for varicocelectomy become debatable because of the uncertainty about the patients who will benefit from this treatment. |
Following diplomatic efforts, there are indications from both the BSF here and Pakistan Rangers in Lahore that the BSF personnel would be handed over to Indian authorities. |
Oncology, infectious diseases, genetic disorders, cardiovascular diseases and ophthalmological indications are the most active gene therapy pipeline sectors. |
Much of this chapter deals with methods that allow follow-up analysis after a time series has yielded spectral indications of potentially significant periodicities. |
Humans have had an observational relationship with birds since prehistory, with some stone age drawings being amongst the oldest indications of an interest in birds. |
Denture stability begins with the denture base, particularly for demanding indications such as implant restorations with their increased masticatory forces. |
There are many possible indications for revision TSA, including aseptic component loosening, malposition of components, infection, instability, and stiffness. |
Initial indications were that human error, not maglev technology, was to blame for putting a maintenance vehicle on the track at the same time as the Transrapid train. |
Spokeswoman Viviane Chevallier, of the Bas-Rhin region, said there were no indications that the crash had anything to do with the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday. |
The additional indications include use of Pro Osteon in the treatment of cysts and tumors in long bones, both in the metaphysis and the diaphysis. |
Despite clear indications of the importance of significant others in making and implementing decisions, there is an apparent void in research related to their needs. |
Similar provenance indications continue stratigraphically upward in this section and elsewhere on Isle Madame through the thick lower and central parts of the Horton Group. |
It is important for medical practitioners to take note of the indications for oocyte cryopreservation, which may be both oncological and non-oncological. |
Two DVDs contain videos and lectures on hernia anatomy, repair of inguinal hernias, complications, ventral and hiatus hernias, and indications and contraindications. |
SighLife helped to develop the methodology to precisely cut corneal tissue using IntraLase keratoplasty to treat a variety of corneal transplant indications. |
Roman coinage was coveted by the Germanic people who preferred silver to gold coins, mostly likely indications that a market economy was developing. |
As a result, it is common for a single experiment to be performed multiple times, especially when there are uncontrolled variables or other indications of experimental error. |
Powered via Zener barriers or galvanic isolators, the panel mount sounder and lights produce reliable and cost-effective status indications with minimum power consumption. |
Warfarin is an oral anticoagulant that is used to treat a wide range of indications, with its efficacy having been verified in large-scale overseas clinical studies. |
In addition, prescriptions for non-promoted off-labeled indications have also been written for indications such as opsoclonus myoclonus, migraine, and fibromyalgia. |
Some indications are that, due to climate change, storms causing landslides and floods will become more severe in the area and in the surrounding counties. |
Some Augustan historians argue that indications pointed toward his sister's son Marcellus, who had been quickly married to Augustus' daughter Julia the Elder. |
The deviation in the user set levels was large with both of the tested lightings and there were indications that adjustment range affected to user set illuminances. |
The progressing age of the rock strata towards the core and uplifted center, are the trademark indications for evidence of anticlines on a geologic map. |
Aethelheard ultimately succeeded in this struggle for the throne, and there are subsequent indications that he ruled subject to Mercian authority. |
There are also indications that worms evolving into a kind of cyberweapon. In a recent series of attacks between US and Chinese hackers, a worm was used. |
Germanicus' campaign had been taken to avenge the Teutoburg slaughter and also partially in reaction to indications of mutinous intent amongst his troops. |
Clinical indications include the treatment of superficial digital tendons, deep digital flexor tendons and suspensory ligaments with or without lesion. |
One of the earliest known maps, known as the Turin Papyrus Map, shows the plan of a gold mine in Nubia together with indications of the local geology. |
At the time of the stock launch, after the Registration Statement has become effective, indications of interest can be converted to buy orders, at the discretion of the buyer. |
His notes suggested that he built small flying models, but there were no indications for any provision to stop the rotor from making the craft rotate. |
The hostels were gradually absorbed by the colleges over the centuries, but they have left some indications of their existence, such as the name of Garret Hostel Lane. |