But when men start weeing wherever they feel like, it is indeed your duty to step in. |
There is indeed a digital divide in cyberculture studies, and, like the digital divide in on-line access, it is keyed to racial categories. |
In this film, I play a biker out to woo someone, which is indeed a very real situation for me. |
War memorials were indeed reaffirmations of the symbols of decency, comradeship, and sacrifice expressed by millions of soldiers during the war. |
Music has existed through the ages and is indeed one the oldest languages of the world, spoken all over in different dialects. |
The owner objected that he was there first, indeed that stone from his quarry had built the foundations of the houses. |
In the midst of luxury, abundance, and indeed waste, what can be our proper response when confronted with the poverty Kapuscinski describes? |
The best laid plans, I discovered, can indeed gang agley, as swiftly as a mouse's existence is ended by a harvester. |
Yet, this is indeed possible absent a willingness to read critically and teach students to do likewise. |
Although it counts as a sea fish, the lamprey goes up rivers to spawn and is indeed most often met in estuaries or the lower reaches of rivers. |
Both are very skilful indeed at reaching out to other people who resent cleverness and learning. |
Some of these people I call friends and indeed we still are friends after a fashion. |
First she must help the ant because a friend in need is a friend indeed and she can find another worm soon. |
But Phillips sounds Whiggish indeed in regarding the three wars as building up to a global destiny. |
Roosevelt the Germanist admired the kaiser's finer Teutonic qualities, as indeed he did those of Bismarck and Helmuth von Moltke. |
There is indeed scope for persuasion and advocacy of tolerance, and much has changed in this respect. |
Yet those little bumps are indeed insects, related to aphids, whiteflies, and jumping plant lice. |
It's very useful indeed to have friends who are like walking encyclopedias. |
Now Hooke was never a person who did one thing at a time, indeed he seemed at his best when his mind was jumping from one idea to another. |
It is indeed possible that his story, and others like it, were instrumental in the foundation of the abolitionist movement. |
I actually don't have a problem with the law itself, nor indeed in most occasions, with the way in which the courts administer the law. |
Strong words indeed for a fellow who abhors political smear and accuses others of engaging in it! |
Entropy, according to the 2nd law, can indeed remain constant but only either in reversible adiabatic processes or in reversible cycles. |
It was indeed lucky that none of these bandits seemed to be very adept with a sword. |
When he returned from his act of bovicide and saw that the butter was indeed in the bowl, he was stricken with regret. |
If they are indeed candidates, this election could turn into the battle of the 50-something alpha males. |
Such a position does indeed amount to a form of epistemological relativism. |
So it should be perfectly fine to conjoin two noun phrases as complements of expect, and indeed it is. |
The intimate relationship between oral, literate, and indeed visual culture is worth recalling. |
I have Welsh parentage, Welsh ancestry, was taught the Welsh language at school, and indeed I have lived in Wales. |
Her eyes studied more clues that let her to piece together that this was indeed the lair of the criminal they were looking for. |
He offers his, and indeed the century's, standard example of clocks which may have various internal mechanisms to produce the same outer effects. |
She was indeed a vision in powder blue silk, the bodice of the dress enhanced with lace and even more pearls. |
This was truly a magnificent display of power rugby by the team and indeed a superb all round team effort. |
Most people who have weight problems can lose weight, indeed have already done so. |
The nurse simply laughed at this, observing that I was indeed alive and kicking, and simply moved on to the next passenger. |
Our forces do indeed continue to keep alive the flames of freedom in the world. |
Invasive species, indeed any weedy species, don't give a hoot about your property boundaries. |
His intuition that public life is indeed intellectually diminished gives way to a humble acceptance of the world as it is. |
But the scale of the leap is very large indeed and the political alignments do not yet vindicate Mr Kennedy's new-found confidence in his vision. |
Their results provide strong indications that policymakers who are promoting wedlock are indeed serving the public well. |
This is indeed a unique race, regardless of age or gender all the athletes run together. |
The oft-heard attempt at reassuring a doubting public may indeed have some substance, but actions speak louder than words. |
Fearing that the jinn had possessed her, her mother took her to an exorcist, a middle age man who confirmed that the girl was indeed possessed. |
But the rhetoric of Marxist exploitation and alienation does not speak to the needs of non-labourers, and may indeed oppose them. |
I don't know about you, but I find it very hard indeed to think of writing as a sensible occupation. |
Luther did indeed set out with the idea of reforming the church, but reformation quickly turned into revolution. |
Consequently, reforming institutions of the federal government to accommodate western concerns may indeed help cure this problem. |
And indeed in the last ten minutes, Newry, in a better late than never style, finally got their act together up front. |
Unfortunately, it would appear that canals did indeed require an Act of Parliament. |
Simply calling the big blind would make no sense if hands indeed ran close together in value. |
There is indeed much evidence of design in nature and God's Word frequently refers to it. |
It has come to my knowledge that a few people are indeed working on their own private projects. |
We will be following it to find out if you are indeed word-perfect, and we will report back to our committee. |
It combines elements of logical flow with questions of semantics, word association, and indeed outright mistake. |
I try to persuade them that holistic medicine need not be, indeed must not be, woolly and imprecise. |
For Barres, this constituted a menace to the French nation, indeed to the French race, for it was a German ideology. |
He was held in the warmest regard by all who were indeed fortunate enough to make his acquaintance. |
If the Judge is indeed recused from death penalty cases, this will make the average Ninth Circuit death penalty case more anti-death-penalty. |
Monmouthshire was indeed the strongest recusant area in the kingdom, apart from Lancashire. |
The smoke alarm did indeed go off, and the candles were so waxily embedded in to the cakey goodness that it was well beyond eating. |
The outskirts of space are wild indeed and those with the fastest draws and the quickest wits are the only ones to survive. |
Yes, they are indeed proper hand-made wattle hurdles, thank you for asking. |
A couple of months later, he proved he was indeed the king of rapid chess when he won the World rapid championship at Cap d' Agde. |
While these titles are indeed fitting, I believe that James must also be reckoned as a significant novelist in her own right. |
Faith thus combined with reason in the quest for understanding, and indeed extended the possibilities of understanding. |
It's also a shop window for talent scouts from top English clubs, of course, so the prospects are bright indeed for the Cushlough man. |
He imagined himself in a winding sheet, and horror overwhelmed him until he was able to fight free of what was indeed a sheet. |
For your information, I can indeed account for my whereabouts when Daniel smashed his neck in. |
We are asked and indeed expected to present ourselves to the world and each other as beings of value and worth. |
Stealing clothes from washing lines in the night is indeed a strange hobby. |
With the bird in hand, you can see that our little accipiter does indeed have sharp shins. |
Having said this, however, Aquinas freely admitted that existence was indeed accidental to substance. |
And the Republican candidates are indeed attacking him as defeatist and weak. |
There is indeed a threat, but it is the Northern Irish parties themselves who are in the best position to defang it. |
This is the starting point for a barrowload of stereotypes about feminine sensitivity and womanly feeling to be wheeled out into the courtroom, and indeed the media. |
If these sharks were indeed still alive, it would be noteworthy and concerning for anyone who spends time in the ocean. |
When he returned, he did indeed have a butcher's knife in his hand. |
As is customary in detective films, the film periodically withholds information, and indeed gives false clues in the form of misleading flashbacks. |
Having stood for pre-selection and having been elected as a member of the Howard Government, the member for Kooyong has indeed taken the king's shilling. |
The following comprehension skills are indeed worthy to use. |
As an impecunious artist myself, I have indeed had to learn to live by my wits, and by whatever sparse and sporadic income I can glean from my paintings. |
This is indeed the desire of many more Zambians outside the public service spectrum who have also been complaining about poor salaries and the high tax regimes. |
Various environmental factors count, and indeed the reasons why richer nations may have excessive asthma are far more than just exposure to germs in infancy. |
In the cataclysm that followed, the survival of republican government indeed was in peril. |
The week ended with Mr Smith indeed getting his jotters, but instead of Mr McCall it was the assistant manager, Mr Hegarty, who was placed in temporary control of the shop. |
There is now rather compelling data that one of the factors leading to the demise of the water vole is indeed the influence of this imported alien species, the American mink. |
Many outsiders indeed strongly supported the right of self-determination for South Sudanese. |
If Berkovic imagined his move to Ewood Park would mean an instant recall to first team duties he must indeed be blessed with a hugely inflated ego. |
Once again, it is surely the case that many people in the organizations on the ADL list are indeed anti-Semitic. |
My friend Dominick proved there are second and even third acts in American life, and that the good men do indeed live after them. |
France, and indeed Europe, was on the cusp of a new kind of living where governments needed to be efficient. |
He was described by Shakespeare as having a hunchback and indeed the skeleton shows evidence of curvature of the spine. |
There is a sudden kick on the rod and yes, it is indeed a fish, a perch that stays deep for several minutes before, slowly, it begins to swim to the surface. |
Assuming that Romney does indeed lose, I advise Republicans to accentuate the positive. |
Such an abattoir would never be permitted to continue in the United States, or indeed the developed world. |
Everyone knew that that reality could easily, indeed would likely, devolve into the sectarian disaster we see now. |
It is a gift from them to us, and we must indeed hold it dear. |
Terry looked abaft himself and saw that the fearsome man had indeed gone. |
Several studies have indeed shown that plants acclimated to high light are less susceptible to a range of processes related to photoinhibition and photodamage. |
If it leads to real change, not just in tone, but also in doctrine and policy, it would indeed be an earthquake. |
By taking into account the difficult process of adaptation of the military into the civil society, I think, the army indeed paid a heavy price for the reforms. |
I was very ill indeed before and now I feel reasonably well. |
Researchers in subsequent decades have indeed documented the violence, sexual and otherwise, that these birds are capable of. |
In his playing days, he was quite sharp, he was a pretty fierce Captain, he played to win and there wasn't much quarter given to the opponent or indeed sometimes his own side. |
These are indeed the all too familiar weasel words of appeasement. |
Kate is not bulimic, and indeed she had appeared to be gaining weight in the past few weeks. |
There is no coercion or identification of the town, city, or state with a particular god, or indeed with any god. |
Perhaps the most interesting and indeed relevant of this is the C2 addresses found in the malware. |
Yet the activists, for all their feminist rhetoric, are indeed promoting a disturbingly paternalistic view of women. |
The lamb fillet did indeed have the redolence of India, while the duck managed to retain its own flavour, enhanced by the Grand Marnier and pinenuts. |
Bolton confirmed that he did indeed know Bigelow and had sought her counsel many years ago. |
If this was indeed the 12-week scan, we wil probably soon get an announcement from the palace concerning Kate's due date. |
It is the biggest, the boldest, the most visible, and indeed the only monument in town. |
But new research shows it is indeed real, and may be the cause of asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, and more. |
The Charlottesville Police did indeed have jurisdiction over the Phi Kappa Psi house. |
Copenhagen is indeed wonderful, for it is easygoing, upbeat, and walkable. |
Figueroa told The Daily Beast that her husband indeed was stabbed and he is also anemic from malnutrition. |
Yet as Emily Bazelon revealed in Slate, a coterie of right-wing organizations has indeed lined up to oppose contraception itself. |
Each will have a special anecdote of their friend Michael and his memory will long be cherished by all who were indeed fortunate to make his acquaintance. |
If indeed the suit was a gamble by the Jackson matriarch to amass a sizable bank account of her own, it did not pay off. |
The events that led to this claim and counterclaim are indeed regrettable. |
This is another case in which the profit motive had conflicted with, and indeed blotted out, the object of the exercise, which was to obtain a supply of jurymen. |
I cannot look upon the Universe as the result of blind chance, yet I can see no evidence of beneficent design, or indeed design of any kind in the details. |
Unfortunately, a lot of alternative medicine is indeed deeply unscientific, and deserves to be treated with skepticism. |
And, if these alternative foods were indeed similar in food value to pine nuts, why are the bears not already wolfing them down? |
By the time I concluded that yes, I did indeed need a piece of carrot cake and successfully bounced a rolled-up napkin off my waitron's neck, a saxophonist appeared. |
She did indeed go to Harvard, where she majored in English and delighted in reading Chaucer in Old English. |
The drive was a pleasant one, and the breeze was indeed refreshing. |
The bones unearthed in the parking lot revealed that Richard did indeed have a deformity. |
It is also incorrect to assume that the MRCA passed all, or indeed any, genetic information to every living person. |
Ingratitude is indeed their four cardinal virtues compacted and amalgamated into one. |
To Cusa we can indeed articulately trace, word and thing, the recent philosophy of the absolute. |
This antling was, as indeed all the larvae and cocoons appeared to be, of the dwarf caste. |
These are startling terms indeed for someone so often thought of as the arch-misogynist and arch-sexist of the Enlightenment period. |
Just what awaked me I cannot yet say, but that I did indeed awake at this given point I feel very certain. |
She had indeed issued from the palace in a plain gown and gipsy hat, carrying a badine, or slight stick, such as ladies then used. |
Beerlore indeed gave way to druglore, and student attitudes and values shifted as Greek life waned. |
There is indeed a bluff pertinacity which is a proper defence in a moment of surprise. |
Jumping off a cliff is indeed dangerous, but it's meant for bravehearts only. |
He must be blind indeed who does not perceive the radical and chasmal difference between the truthful and the poetical modes of inculcation. |
All government, indeed every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue and every prudent act, is founded on compromise and barter. |
The cow shot is regarded as inelegant, and indeed risky, but can be very effective for a batsman with strength and a good eye. |
And so I'd ask myself, why indeed dwell into to darkside of literature? Does it make me happy to figure out new ways to cause people's death? |
And indeed if he does escape it will seem a miracle, and almost a divine intervention, not only to the pursued but to the pursuers. |
It was no good. I felt beyond all question that I was indeed Eden, not Elvesham. But Eden in Elvesham's body! |
The term emmenagogue is applied to any remedy or indeed any resource whatever which normalizes the menses. |
A man's persuasion that a thing is duty, will not excuse him from guilt in practising it, if really and indeed it be against God's law. |
Progressively, the F.L.N. had indeed begun to impose discipline upon the some four hundred thousand Algerian workers in metropolitan France. |
If indeed he had so turned from Latin texts to garden-tools, he would certainly have been forswunk. |
Come to Him, the ever-living Stone, rejected indeed by men as worthless, but in God's esteem chosen and held in honour. |
Although major coups had taken off in the Arab world in Egypt in 1952, this was the first coup in the Horn or indeed in post-independence Africa. |
The north and west corners are indeed sometimes penetrated by the rain and require a little attention from the housewright to remedy the evil. |
The 15th century philologist Lorenzo Valla proved the document was indeed a forgery. |
Tolkien's Farmer Giles of Ham is based on Mercia, and indeed the story is dominated by a dragon. |
Personal courage and an indomitable self-confidence were the chief, indeed the only, qualities which sprang to light in General Feversham. |
Kant's work continued to shape German thought, and indeed all of European philosophy, well into the 20th century. |
The many French successes led to the spread of the French revolutionary ideals into neighbouring countries, and indeed across much of Europe. |
Late that night after much more tumultuous debate, indeed dozens of Girondins had resigned and left the Convention. |
I wish that the atrocities of which we hear so much and which I abhor as much as any man, were indeed unexampled. |
This is indeed a crude measure, as key groups and their fertility rates are not clear. |
If this were indeed so, the p and b in lip-service, laptop, lapdog, sob-story, adoptive, etc. ought also to be pronounced labiodentally. |
In M. laniger the canine and most anterior premolar are more equal than in any other Lermuroid, or indeed than in any other Primate except Man. |
For indeed your Lordship's House was happy to me, and I kiss your noble hands for the welcome which I am sure you give me to it. |
French scientists, Pierre Joliot, Hans von Halban and Lew Kowarski, soon verified that more than one neutron was indeed emitted per fission. |
There were so few of them that I indeed cannot think of a single one south of the Thames when I became king. |
By the early 970s, after a decade of Edgar's 'peace', it may have seemed that the kingdom of England was indeed made whole. |
Many Chinese graduates did indeed return to make a significant contribution to their country, but some stayed. |
The 1990s brought back the familiar idea that explicit grammar instruction and error correction was indeed useful for the SLA process. |
Though it was dangerous for anyone to have anything to do with Barton, More had indeed met with her, and was impressed by her fervor. |
Such seclusion and sublimity were indeed well suited to the dark and wild mysteries of the Druids. |
Very little indeed survives from the significant quantities of large sculpture that originally decorated temples. |
Charles comforted her by telling her she had indeed given birth to two sons and a daughter. |
Some indeed wrote chiefly in Latin and were valued for the elegance and Classicism of their style. |
Hilaire Belloc grew up in England, and indeed spent most of his life there. |
He did indeed refer to himself as the dodo, but whether or not this reference was to his stammer is simply speculation. |
He chose not to identify the hospital, and indeed was deliberately misleading about its location. |
The hands and minds of many artists have indeed been inspired by Tolkien's legends. |
Kalb was indeed rewarded for his deeds by Graham Allison, who named this mediacrat director of the JFK School's new mass media center. |
The most potent and indeed dangerous of all menstrual blood was the menarche, the first day's flow of the first menstruation of a virgin girl. |
In Australia, and indeed the rest of the region, the annual State of Origin series ranks among the most popular sporting events. |
At that point, Real Madrid was the only club meeting either qualification and indeed met both. |
The nomenclature is equally significant, and its aim is to combine definitive exactness with a brevity that is indeed laconic. |
This is so true, that of the proprietors of slaves a very small proportion indeed are ever seen to labour. |
Three more weeks of such a pace would indeed have exhausted aircraft reserves. |
In practice atmospheric conditions make such sightings extremely rare and indeed there are no reported sightings. |
The largest group of Lords Temporal, and indeed of the whole House, are life peers. |
On 27 March 2014, however, it was announced that the line would indeed extend to Reading. |
Shell has a strong presence in Singapore, indeed Singapore is the main centre for Shell's petrochemical operations in Asia Pacific region. |
Despite their failure to be tried as temporal peers in the House of Lords, it remained unclear whether the Lords Spiritual were indeed peers. |
His talk indeed is wonderfully to the point and remarkable for clear good sense. |
Scientific study by AOC archaeologists in Edinburgh, demonstrated that it did indeed contain human tissue and it was of appropriate age. |
He eventually backed down from his position, and agreed that those who died in grace do indeed immediately enjoy the beatific vision. |
Leaders such as George Washington strongly endorsed tolerance for them and indeed for all denominations. |
Other scholars, known as nativists, have asked how the differences could arise if the authors of canon and secular law were indeed the same. |
Often, members of those parties and indeed some from the Labour Party to be present. |
Though thread counts are indeed quite specific, they can be modified in certain circumstances, depending on the desired size of the tartan. |
It was the second largest slate quarry in Wales, indeed in the world, after the one in neighbouring Penrhyn. |
The formal bureaucratic style jarred my ears and reminded me that I was indeed home, no wucking furries! |
However, the Gospel of Mark in Papyrus 45, Codex Washingtonianus and in Family 13 does indeed reflect a distinct type of text. |
To initiate the performance, there must be a frame of some sort to indicate that what is to follow is indeed performance. |
For most of Magellan's voyage from the Strait of Magellan to the Philippines, the explorer indeed found the ocean peaceful. |
The osteoarchaeological record for the corresponding period confirms that these were indeed a real practice. |
It was clear that the Queen, if she indeed proved to be the target, would be outpointed for grooming and hauteur. |
The result was indeed a string of Dutch dialects with Low Saxon features, which were also again looked down upon. |
Nevertheless the strategical and indeed political consequences of this affair were of great importance. |
His father went on pilgrimage to the Shrine of Thomas Becket to pray for Philip's recovery and was told that his son had indeed recovered. |
The precise meaning of shafan remains unclear, but the balance of opinion appears to indicate that the hyrax is indeed the intended meaning. |
The sea surface temperatures in the eastern equatorial Pacific and the transport of the NECC are indeed highly correlated. |
Having now seen for myself how he travelled across the pack ice, I am more convinced than ever that Peary did indeed discover the North Pole. |
So it is possible that the Third Armada may indeed have discovered Fernando de Noronha island on their outward leg. |
However, if these species do indeed constitute their own genus, then they may be given their own name, the Paranthropus. |
Over the years rumors have circulated that Jose Gaspar was not indeed an actual person, but that means little to the Tampa community. |
In another northern species, ptarmigan, such a see-saw pattern between warring and peacing has indeed been observed by researchers. |
It included a Velociraptor attacking a Protoceratops, providing evidence that dinosaurs did indeed attack each other. |
Vespasian was indeed noted for mildness when dealing with political opposition. |
Some types of caterpillars are indeed poisonous or distasteful and their bright coloring is aposematic. |
Regarding their own civilisation as superior, the Lombards did indeed provide the environment for the illustrious Schola Medica Salernitana. |
Over time many theories have been proposed on why the Empire fell, or whether indeed it fell at all. |
Caesar says that he wanted to annihilate the Eburones and their name, and indeed we hear no more of the Eburones. |
It is indeed the peculiarity of a cavalry force quickly to win and as quickly to yield a victory. |
The story of his career shows that Augustus was indeed ruthless, cruel, and ambitious for himself. |
So, migrating from one part of Italy to next could be seen as though they were indeed migrating to another country or even continent. |
The Origines also spoke of how not only Rome, but the other Italian towns were venerable, and that the Romans were indeed superior to the Greeks. |
It was indeed Aubrey's principal hobby, and allowed him to air his unorthodoxies. |
Kant's work continued to shape German thought and indeed all of European philosophy, well into the 20th century. |
Some followed Pierre Bayle and argued that atheists could indeed be moral men. |
The power of the goddess, having indeed been manifested in previous times, has been abundantly revealed in the present generation. |
Viera y Clavijo also mentions the fact that Petrarch states that it was a local tradition that the Vivaldis did indeed reach the Canary Islands. |
If authentic, it is prior to the Barcelona edition, indeed it precedes all known versions of the letter. |
But the event at the Last Supper was indeed a sacrifice, precisely because it preenacted the sacrifice on Calvary. |
He captured three natives and began to torture them until they confessed that this was indeed true. |
The company president, Amancio Ortega, is the richest person in Spain and indeed Europe with a net worth of 45 billion euros. |
Tunguses indeed soon made several attacks, however the Russians easily repelled them with firearms. |
The true champion of this boom in the silver industry was indeed the Spanish crown. |
One can have two or more native languages, thus being a native bilingual or indeed multilingual. |
And I would indeed argue that to do otherwise is to do a disservice to the cause. |
In other accents, such as varieties of Caribbean English, Nigerian English, and Liberian English, such pairs are indeed merged. |
The fifth was published in 1597, while the final three were published posthumously, and indeed may not all be his own work. |
Augustine, elects an Abbot Primate as figurehead of the Confederation and indeed the whole Canonical Order. |
The judge ruled that Denny's statement had indeed meant this, and from this position of strength Coke forced a settlement. |
I had sought out a dark corner, since by now I did indeed feel rather qualmish inside my yellow skin. |
Note that in secular architecture, human and animal representation was indeed present. |
It is not known what role John Bright had in these Queensland political activities, or indeed if he was even aware of them. |
Press attacks on Asquith continued and indeed increased after the publication of the Dardanelles Report. |
The Committee agreed and reported to the House on 20 October 1999 that the Bill was indeed lawful in this regard. |
If men are to wait for liberty until they become wise and good in slavery, they may indeed wait for ever. |
Later, Queen Mary I ruled that the Earls of Oxford were indeed entitled to the office of Lord Great Chamberlain on an hereditary basis. |
Most parliaments in the remainder of the eighteenth century did indeed last for six or seven years, with only two lasting for a shorter time. |
Special cutters can also cut grooves, bevels, radii, or indeed any section desired. |
The presence of coal dust in the air increased the risk of explosion with firedamp, and indeed could cause explosions itself. |
If a splinter occurred at the end of a crack, or indeed any other unevenness, then the seal might be compromised. |
Opponents, by contrast, point out that property owners and operators can indeed feel terror. |
Sadler's Bill when introduced indeed corresponded closely to the aims of the Short Time Committees. |
He tears apart the unfinished female creature after he sees the Creature, who had indeed followed Victor, watching through a window. |
As a result, they are primarily, indeed exclusively, focused on serving the tourist and leisure markets, not local transportation needs. |
They all look alike, have about the same tone and the same color, and indeed they are very sameish all around. |
The Anglosaxon belief in the Shieldmaidens comes to us indeed in a darkened form, yet we can hardly doubt that it survived. |
To lose two sons in one day was indeed overwhelming and could crack any stronghearted man. |
It would indeed be great if my red socks and my tighty whities declared themselves to my washer. |
He did indeed have a thoroughly pagan, materialistic, unforgiving eye. |
It is indeed the human being's natural and appropriate response to danger. |
Divine appellatives may indeed refer to a particular god, but we have no way to determine just which of the possible referents is intended. |
We might indeed have been the wraiths of the departed dead upon the dead sea of that dying planet for all the sound or sign we made in passing. |
The poll results indicate that the Color of Change Censorship Campaign has indeed backfired. |
Girard has elucidated the mimetic, indeed acquisitively mimetic and potentially violent, character of a great deal of human desire. |
Sure, case reports include plenty of ADA claims that lose, and many courts have indeed applied relatively narrow interpretations. |
Are the judges just addle-brained, or are they indeed helping the lawyers earn more money by not recognizing a frivolous lawsuit? |
The waters are meant to be medicinal, well I can tell you some of these Adonises were indeed a sight for sore eyes. |
This self-watering sprouter ensures that your wheatgrass, or indeed sunflower or spelt sprouts will be well rinsed in your absence. |
It's indeed very easy to share your wish lists and start making money by buying gifts from each other using the Amazon Affiliate program. |
If jesting is witty and human beings are the sole creatures endowed with such wittiness, they are indeed the unique beings that laugh. |
The audience was engaged by the astrophysics and indeed the visual glamour of Wolf-Rayet stars and their associated nebulae. |
Not for me the stress of City trading and yabbering into a mobile phone, or indeed cooking in a new-fangled microwave. |
Art in the service of religion, those pieces that would be encountered in mosques, is indeed aniconic. |
Before Zechariah sang his Benedictus, the mother of John the Baptist prophesied that God was indeed coming into the midst of the people. |
Travelling over to Northern Ireland, he untangles a tale of rags-to-riches and learns that sure enough, his family were indeed story-tellers. |
There are very few, if any, aparthotels in this segment in Saudi Arabia and indeed the region. |
There are indeed many people who regard the foreign minister as a vulgar arriviste. |
From the outset, I must disclaim any competence as a former Kremlinologist, or indeed as a political analyst of Central Asian affairs. |
Doing the evaluation with respection of length contraction as well as refractive index effects leads indeed to a non-null result. |
However, by 30 July 2008, IOC spokesman Kevan Gosper had to retract this optimistic statement, announcing that the Internet would indeed be censored for journalists. |
He seems also to have claimed a kind of protectorate over the Germanic powers generally, and indeed to have practically exercised it, except in the case of the Franks. |
The other vamachara does indeed exist here with all its objectionable practices, in the name of the worship of innumerable petty female deities such as Mariyamman. |
While there is some debate over whether rhabdomyosarcomas indeed arise from skeletal muscle cells, the staining pattern is consistent with that differentiation. |
He was handsome and graceful too, especially when a young man, and indeed in his whole body with the exception of his feet, the toes of which were somewhat cramped. |
As well as the standard widdle test, zookeepers in Edinburgh are also keeping an eye on the general disposition of Tian Tian to predict whether she is indeed with cub. |
Many other similarities, however, are indeed old inheritances. |
Hawks has argued that the genetic similarity to Neanderthals may indeed be the result of both structure and interbreeding, as opposed to just one or the other. |
The analysis of the 1514 inventory combined with hints of structural changes in the ship both indicate that the gunports on the main deck were indeed a later addition. |
So I did read it, beginning with Kwame Anthony Appiah, ending with Bernard Yack, and, once I had started reading it, it was indeed difficult for me to put it down. |
However, although the mileage is recorded during the test, no part of the inspection requires the test station to verify that this is indeed the actual mileage. |
Nelson's plan was indeed a gamble, but a carefully calculated one. |
And it was at Noltland on Westray too, that one of the most impressive castles in Orkney, and indeed the Northern Isles, was built, Noltland Castle. |
The buyer had indeed bought marsh land and sold constructible land. |
Many of these houses were indeed refittings of former shops. |
Human oncoviruses soon followed and it became apparent that whole classes of cancer, such as cervical cancer, were indeed caused partly by viral infection. |
The list of Scots who influenced Canada's history is indeed a long one. |
I must indeed abide the Doom of Men, whether I will or I nill. |
Under a show of messengers and invitants to Absalom's feast, but indeed to underfeel the chief of each tribe, and to acquaint them with the intent of the meeting at Hebron. |