Police have the power to take action against offenders for outraging public decency or indecent exposure. |
The reason that some senators want indecency to stay on the air is because they themselves are indecent. |
Keith was convicted of five gross indecency and three indecent assault charges at Swindon Crown Court on Tuesday. |
She began accepting the indecent proposals set before her, and had affairs to fill the void her husband had left. |
Shorts, miniskirts, and revealing clothing are considered indecent and are avoided. |
There was no other allegation of an indecent act, notwithstanding a detailed investigation. |
The jury returned guilty verdicts on two counts of indecent assault and one of common assault. |
He was one of three men arrested by police for indecent behaviour and insulting the head of state during the celebrations. |
Accordingly, the Act makes it an offence to display publicly any indecent matter. |
So it could not have been the real reason for the appellant's having the indecent photographs. |
What constitutes an indecent act is determined by what the courts feel are the community standards of the day. |
In terms of the Act it is illegal to commit any nuisance or disorderly or indecent act on an aircraft, to be intoxicated or to behave violently. |
Some of the men reportedly made indecent advances to women Navy officers staying at the same hotel. |
Michelangelo left Rome with a haste that struck some of his friends as indecent. |
The minister was furious and ordered the club immediately closed for permitting indecent behavior on the premises, the official said. |
Original charges of indecent assault and kidnap were dropped and Atkinson was found guilty of a lesser charge of false imprisonment. |
The Recorder directed that the prosecution needed to prove an indecent intention, and Lord Ackner signified his approval of this. |
In each case the offender rode up on a mountain bike and sped off after committing an indecent assault or exposing himself. |
A student fell to his knees and prayed after a jury cleared him on attempted rape and indecent assault charges. |
Her evidence was led in support of three so called specimen counts of rape, six of indecent assault and one of cruelty. |
It is indecent to use dirty words in one's native language, but foreign words are fine. |
Does the First Amendment limit the government's ability to regulate four-letter words and other forms of indecent speech? |
Detectives investigating an indecent assault on a teenage girl in a village near York today renewed their appeal for information. |
A teenage boy who set up an Internet pornographic site has pleaded guilty to making indecent images of children. |
He faces a plethora of charges ranging from aggravated assault to indecent exposure and corruption of a minor. |
He was subsequently charged for willfully committing an indecent act in a public place, which carried a sentence of four months in jail. |
She also thinks that people who have lived an indecent, ungodly life are prone to experience ghosts and revenants. |
All lewd and indecent shows should be stopped and places that harbor prostitution should be closed down. |
Maswana said rape, incest, abduction and indecent assault were the most commonly reported offences in this area. |
She will also send out witness appeals for other crimes, such as indecent exposure or graffiti. |
Wright notes that the charge of offensive behaviour usually applies to indecent exposure, drunkenness, and the like. |
Nash also had at least one conviction for indecent exposure too, didn't he? |
They were charged with indecent exposure, and the district attorney expects them to be fined and to serve periods of probation. |
The indictment includes 10 counts of child rape and six counts of indecent assault and battery. |
After luring her into a warren of back streets, Dadia throttled her and subjected her to a series of indecent assaults. |
Mr McIntee revealed that Sweeney had previous convictions for indecent exposure and gross indecency. |
Breastfeeding isn't considered an act of indecent exposure, whether or not the nipple or areola is exposed during the feeding. |
As Zack mentioned in his update yesterday, he was recently incarcerated for indecent exposure in a petting zoo. |
The teen was also charged with one count of indecent assault of another boy. |
The Schadenfreude is indecent, but the confident historical assertion is still less justified. |
The customers suspected of shoplifting were sometimes manhandled in a most indecent way. |
He imposed an additional sentence for gross indecency and taking indecent photographs. |
There was a 23.1 per cent rise in other sexual crimes, including indecent exposure and more minor sexual assaults. |
And the charges he faces right now include assault, maltreatment, indecent acts, dereliction of duty, and conspiracy. |
Modesty suggests shunning indecent behavior but it also implies bashfulness based on timidity. |
An offence of indecent assault, since 1985, carries a maximum sentence of 10 years. |
In that case the applicant had been convicted of offences of indecent assault. |
Unhappy with her 'immodesty', a fellow beachgoer called a cop, who arrested her for indecent exposure. |
Police have received several reports of indecent exposure in or around that area of the River Ouse in York over the last few weeks. |
The charges include conspiracy, dereliction of duty, cruelty, maltreatment, assault and indecent acts with another. |
The questions can be completely anonymous and we encourage you to challenge the boundaries of the profane, the indecent and the naughty. |
Somehow, expenses muddles are tolerated in the Commons, where it is considered rather indecent to question what members do with their cash. |
A charge of indecent exposure with intent to insult a female was withdrawn. |
It is alleged that his actions at the Leeds jail were indecent, unprofessional and an abuse of his professional position. |
But he had originally been arrested for such crimes as drunkenness, indecent exposure, and carting nightsoil. |
The charges were indecent assault, sexual assault, and assault causing bodily harm. |
He was also found not guilty of four indecent assaults and one serious sexual offence against a third alleged victim. |
With rape, or indecent assault, the rules and the way they are observed have been changing. |
He doling out fates with indecent vicariousness, reveling in his front-row seat at the parade of vices. |
The tabloids violated my family's privacy in a manner that I felt was vicious and indecent. |
There is abundant authority to show that such frauds as these vitiate consent both in the case of rape and in the case of indecent assault. |
He denied one count of rape and three further offences of indecent assault. |
Since 1927, the United States government has regulated against indecent language, obscenity, and indecency. |
In public statements, Clear Channel claimed it was pulling the plug because of indecent content. |
There is nothing to prevent the prosecution charging indecent assault in these circumstances. |
Four indecent assault charges and two rapes of patients were found not proven. |
They both walked to a secluded area where the man subjected the woman to a serious indecent assault. |
He denies nine charges of rape, one of kidnapping, one of indecent assault and one of attempted rape. |
His son, Dave, was convicted of nine indecent assaults and sentenced to community service. |
This time the charges were rape and indecent assault, the sentence seven years. |
In English law the offence of indecent assault is widely used as a residual offence, beneath rape and attempted rape. |
If the visitors were a long time in making any ground, Celtic eliminated any remaining title doubts with indecent haste. |
One council I know well, suffered financial loss as a result of that indecent haste. |
If any visions appeared owing to this kindly ecclesiastical intervention then they must have disappeared with indecent haste. |
Over the past few years, authorities have cracked down on bars in response to complaints of indecent or obscene behaviour. |
While the move was to keep rash driving and indecent behaviour in check, the law seems to be falling short on reach. |
Police are trying to track down a man seen performing an indecent act in a Colchester car park. |
The new law forbids the distribution to minors of obscene or indecent material through the Internet or on-line services. |
Approximately a year previously the appellant had been cautioned for a minor indecent assault on an 11 year-old boy. |
Films oscillate between sensuality and vulgarity, between suggestive sexuality and indecent exposure. |
On 29th March 2000 in the Crown Court at Norwich before His Honour Judge Barham, the applicant was convicted of six counts of indecent assault. |
He is that indecent thing, a man whose dreams not only came true ludicrously early but remain in pristine condition. |
He was arrested later that day, and on May 17 this year was convicted of rape, false imprisonment and indecent assault at Maidstone Crown Court. |
Couple charged with indecent behaviour for holding hands in public. |
I am seated with almost indecent haste and am handed a menu. |
There is the smell here of an indecent rush for scapegoats, even before we know what really caused this crash. |
The problem is that being a decent person in an indecent situation is not enough, even though it may also be all you can do. |
I get letters regularly from a harrassed worshipper who is regularly scandalised by the indecent haste with which her parish priest gets through the Mass. |
He was also convicted earlier this year of indecent exposure involving a minor, and sentenced to six months in jail. |
That means that many crimes, including touching, indecent exposure, and rape, are frequently seen as socially acceptable. |
A leading Australian novelist once upbraided me about the poet's indecent use of metaphor, as though he felt that my mob was stealing a march on him, poor soul. |
This derives from the case in which two showmen were convicted of keeping a booth on Epsom Downs for the purpose of presenting an indecent exhibition to those who paid. |
A primary school headteacher was found dead in his car with a hosepipe attached to the exhaust, days after being quizzed about indecent photographs, it emerged yesterday. |
He said there had not been any improper or indecent behaviour. |
She insisted charges be brought against the man for his indecent behavior. |
Not just by an indecent, illegal image, but by indecency and illegality itself. |
He has been charged with stalking, indecent acts and indecent dealing. |
She saw a male following her performing an indecent sexual act. |
Otherwise, indecent assault is a misdemeanor of the second degree. |
We do not consider that sentences of three years are adequate to reflect the gravity of these continued indecent assaults and we shall quash them as unduly lenient. |
The alleged offences were rape, indecent assault and false imprisonment. |
Dionysus, cider-sodden, dances for change in the subway and gets periodically arrested for indecent exposure, a shadow of himself Zeus was ushered into a retirement home. |
Vic is arrested for indecent exposure in a store men's room. |
The story was that while I was out of town, Robin got caught on the beach with someone, they were arrested for indecent exposure and went to jail. |
Police will warn you and eventually arrest you for indecent exposure. |
Most were about love and betrayal and many others were indecent things Arnel tried not to think about, although it was hard with that fool grin on the old man's face. |
Why are all these immoral, indecent, godless heathens apparently committing no crimes when decent, god-fearing folk are being arrested and institutionalized in droves? |
Charles Letellier, for instance, decried the figure's indecent state of undress and compared her bare arms to those of modern grisettes and washerwomen. |
He pleaded guilty to three other indecent assaults on the same youngster. |
For those of you staring at the byline about to reach for your pens and write scathing letters crying out nepotism and other indecent dishonesties, sit down. |
Yet if he were to die tomorrow in a jeep accident, drowning in ditch water as Mike did, it would be fundamentally indecent and mean-spirited of me to sketch such a portrait. |
Hall, 83, of Prestbury Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire, was also charged with 14 offences of indecent assault. |
Saying that obscenity is indecent and then saying something is indecent if it's obscene is a circular definition. |
Travis, of Mentmore, Buckinghamshire, has been charged with 11 counts of indecent assault and one of sexual assault. |
The officer is also charged with two counts of indecent exposure to young girls and with using threatening words or behaviour. |
A WELL-KNOWN failed restauranteur has appeared in court to deny charges of making indecent images of a child. |
Abusive and indecent remarks continue to echo and re-echo within these camps making way to our residences and ears. |
The 46-year-old thought nothing of ordering himself some donuts half naked but a member of staa reported him for indecent exposure. |
She finds the changes in the script are designed to render it less indecent and antinationalist, or less Ibsenian, one might say. |
They did not know Summerfield had previous indecent exposure convictions or that he had admitted the two new indecency charges. |
British Transport Police are appealing for witnesses to the indecent exposure, which has left the 77-year-old victim deeply traumatised. |
The alleged indecent assaults date from 1980 to 1986 and relate to two complainants aged 14 and 15 at the time of the alleged offending. |
A jury at Canterbury Crown Court last month convicted him of indecent assault, but cleared him of an alleged rape and two more indecent assaults. |
The first six charges are all indecent assaults, relating to one complainant, a boy aged under 16 at the time. |
Hall showed no reaction as he was found not guilty of 15 counts of rape and four indecent assaults. |
Aug 29 Charged with nine indecent assaults on two girls aged 14 and 15 in 1980s and four counts of making indecent images. |
English teacher Edmonds got six years for four serious sexual assaults and seven indecent assaults. |
Seven of the indecent assault charges and the assault occasioning actual bodily harm allegation relate to the same man. |
Batten, of Neath Road, Maesteg, denied three counts of indecent assault and one of committing an act of gross indecency with a child. |
A mayor in the US state of Louisiana says he will sign into law a proposal to make wearing saggy trousers an act of indecent exposure. |
The 47-year-old also has 11 charges of indecent assault, and allegations of gross indecency and actual bodily harm against him. |
As a depiction varying soldiers return from the front, The Lost Brigade offers a unique look into the mind of the exhausted and indecent. |
Brennan was arrested and eventually charged with indecent exposure. |
Deb, of Cartland Road, Stirchley, has denied four charges of indecent assault. |
The teener pleaded guilty to indecent assault of his sister and inciting her to perform a sexual act. |
Roy Norry, 54, of Connah's Quay, faces four counts of indecent assault, one count of sexual assault and one count of attempted sexual assault. |
A postman accused of rape and indecent assault with a hammer handle told a court his alleged victim scrammed him in pleasure. |
The New York Society for the Suppression of Vice applied the Comstock Laws against an article Lewis wrote, describing it as lewd and indecent. |
Then, the FCC should be responsible for investigating whether the content was truly indecent and sanctionable under the law. |
A LONER who downloaded hundreds of indecent images of children has escaped a prison sentence after a court heard he was trying to mend his ways. |
I wouldn't have believed Rolf Harris capable of indecent assault had he not groped my breast. |
The 68-year-old was at Westminster Magistrates' Court where he indicated he will plead not guilty to 11 counts of indecent assault and one of sexual assault. |
Paul Hwang, aged 32, received a two-year community order after he admitted three charges of making indecent images between October 2006 and October last year. |
A search of his home uncovered laptops and numerous memory sticks with 16,419 indecent pictures and videos, pinhole cameras and anti-detection software. |
The former deputy head of technical studies at Bridge of Don Academy in Aberdeen had been suspended on full pay after the indecent material was found in the pigeon hole. |
Born in 1925, Bruce started his career in a countrythat not only routinely suppressed skin mags but banned Lady Chatterley's Lover, Lolita, and Howl as indecent. |
The 64-year-old, who was a regular on the floating weather map on ITV's This Morning, has been charged with nine counts of indecent assault and one count of sexual assault. |
McNeil, of Wellingborough, denies indecent assault and assault. |
Richard Bonk, 37, of Chandlers Close, Winson Green, appeared at Birmingham Crown Court and admitted nine charges of making indecent images and nine of distributing them. |
The 11-year-old Warnbro boy has been charged with aggravated indecent assault, aggravated sexual penetration without consent and stealing a motor vehicle. |
David Stickings, 35, was jailed for life for the attack yesterday.Stickings was convicted in 1980 of indecent assault and lewd conduct in a Scots park. |
It would, therefore, hardly be deemed an indecent liberty in the most private citizen, to offer his thoughts to the consideration of the Executive. |
He was vicar of Bistre in Buckley until his resignation in 1999, when he received a police caution for making indecent images of boys by downloading them off the internet. |
Darren Capper, 46, was jailed for four years at in November for a string of offences, including the distribution of indecent images to other paedophiles via the internet. |
Ian William Rimmer, 59, was jailed for four years at Swansea Crown Court in June 2010 after he was convicted of five counts of making indecent pictures of children. |