It's the dark shadow of the fascism of modernist brutalism, the truth incarnate that every Utopia is unachievable. |
Fourth, He would incarnate somewhere else in one of the three aforesaid ways, but incorporeally and help the earth in a general way. |
Trinity Sunday celebrates the belief in the incomprehensible mystery of God, not only as Spirit, but also as God creator and God incarnate. |
That is ultimately what a virgin is, a woman who is free, and it is a free, blessed and happy humanity that is able to incarnate God. |
She blanched with fear, as though her worst fears stood incarnate before her. |
Bill is a man that is feared by all, and with his glass eye and towering top hat, he is as close as you can come to the devil incarnate. |
Here it is the incarnate God, who walked among us in human form, experiencing life as we do. |
For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became truly human. |
More importantly, as the Shaitan incarnate, he becomes a symbol of resistance for black British youth fighting against racism. |
I think I've always been drawn to communities that really do manifest some notion of a sort of incarnate Christ or being. |
Speech could not be the hypostatical reality that became incarnate in Jesus. |
The lounge is elegance incarnate, with its warm woods, smooth marble, soothing colours and fabrics of salmon and celadon. |
Tibet was a theocracy, ruled by incarnate Buddhas, and, in imitation of China, it had adopted a policy of almost complete exclusion. |
The orchestral introduction grips us by the scruff of the neck in the venom with which it makes hunting and stalking aurally incarnate. |
Baptists believe Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ, the incarnate manifestation of the Eternal God. |
Herbert takes the incarnation with absolute literalness, often simply identifying the incarnate Christ with God. |
The belief that any human being was God incarnate runs afoul of those norms, as Greenberg seems to recognize at the end of his response. |
In the typical Tibetan home, there are photographs displayed of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other incarnate masters. |
To her religious enemies, she was an imp of the Devil, if not probably the Devil himself incarnate. |
The Vera Icon clearly shows the humiliation and abjection of the incarnate Christ. |
Firstly, it is the incarnate Christ who reveals the Father, while yet veiling the sinner from God's burning holiness. |
The central symbol of much of the ancient pagan cult in biblical Canaan was the Ashera tree, symbol of the Goddess Ashera incarnate. |
This is also the meaning of the incarnate God entering human history through a manger and not Herod's palace. |
These were said to incarnate the spirit of their gods and their death was followed by a period of national mourning. |
But when the Reality becomes incarnate as the express Image of God, images become hallowed. |
The miracle stories of the New Testament can no longer be interpreted in a post-Newtonian world as supernatural events performed by an incarnate deity. |
Obviously, the task of the government prosecutor is to present the case for the prosecution, and therefore by definition he can hardly incarnate neutrality. |
A Gandhian in body and spirit, she comes across as humility incarnate. |
The common kenosis of inspired Word and incarnate Word offers an answer to one of the sharpest questions facing any bibliology that draws on the Analogy of the Word. |
In Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word of God, crucified and risen, the above paradoxes find a point of convergence. |
It means that with a traditional German scrupulousness and a pedantry it is brought to perfection incarnate technical thought. |
He foreknows that he will become incarnate in order to suffer death, a selfless act whereby humankind will be redeemed. |
Our brand was selected to incarnate the prestige of French cuisine in two establishments of high standing. |
The Divine Word of God has not come to incarnate on earth once again nor has Christ come again to be born in a humble manger. |
The Word of God constantly searches to become incarnate, to be born again and give witness in the world. |
At first glance, it seems almost inconceivable the Son of God would choose to become incarnate in our humanity in such desolate circumstances. |
The Word incarnate is Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God who has taken upon himself a concrete human nature. |
He may so ordain that His Divinity as Love may be manifest in the flesh and be among us as God incarnate. |
Later, as one of the most important of the incarnations of Vishnu, Krishna is portrayed as an incarnate god. |
Prepare yourselves spiritually and physically, for the great legions of spirits from the beyond await the instant to incarnate among you. |
Jesus, the incarnate Word, was sent by the Father into the world to save it and to proclaim and establish God's kingdom. |
You have found an eternal soul and you incarnate it in a being according to your own sweet preferences. |
I also think that, at farm level, inspectors are sometimes regarded as the devil incarnate coming on to farms. |
When a society in any way invalidates the sanctity of life, it throws in its lot with evil incarnate. |
Where Khador Warjacks incarnate brute strength and resilience, soldiers drawn from Khadoreans make up for their lack of subtlety. |
Migrants incarnate the process of integration beyond the differences, in the most possible human dimension. |
His angular cheeks, thick glasses, and carefully combed hair incarnate elegance, vision, and, unfortunately, personal agony. |
Conan was always the safe, mild-mannered choice to replace Jay Leno, who is blandness incarnate. |
Here are people after my own heart, who love the great GKC and who incarnate his odd funky hilarious and sensible spirit better than anybody I know. |
It is even, at times, hard to imagine that Rinpoche is an incarnate lama who spent fourteen of his first nineteen years in rigorous monastic training in Old Tibet. |
You probably know that in Tibetan Buddhism we have many incarnate Lamas. |
This was not true of Jesus in his incarnate and unrisen state. |
We do need to show that we can talk without contradiction of God's universal salvific will and the scandalous particularity of the incarnate and risen Lord. |
The Gurus always made it a point to repudiate the accepted notion of women being unworthy of performing religious ceremonies or being impure and temptation incarnate. |
The French propensity to incarnate ideas in depictions of the carnal reaches a high point in Klossowski's fiction, which indeed resembles Sade's in a few ways. |
They are depicted as descending by themselves, or with the dove of the Holy Spirit, or with the incarnate Christ Child enmeshed among the luminous striations. |
Whoever this being was, he seemed to represent beauty incarnate. |
This album is madness, suffering, pain, and sorrow incarnate. |
Webb says his band is called not to create the newest, most innovative style of worship but to pursue excellence and incarnate Christ in the arena of music. |
Opito is the only member of the tribe who refuses to believe the ball is indeed an incarnate of Manitu and begins to learn its true function. |
In this way, the Congregation together with those who identify with its charism carries on the inspiration of its founders and continues to incarnate it in a changing world. |
Actually, Sam would be the incarnate nightmare of all health insurers. |
Here it was – the Aspen block of wood incarnate! |
In healing and reconciling our relationships with one another and with creation, we make it possible for God to be with us and incarnate among us. |
Better yet, it's Brit blues-rock incarnate! |
Peter Halley, Day-Glo incarnate, blazed, while Andy Warhol nearly vanished into the Day-Glo of his own wallpaper. |
She is brilliance incarnate which is why we created this scent. |
Through what we have lived together with the laity, we sisters see how the charism of the Assumption has been enriched as it has become incarnate in a new way in today's world. |
Through the sacrament of marriage, you accept responsibility for the sanctification of your spouse, following the example of Christ who became incarnate and accepted responsibility for the salvation of humanity. |
Robicheaux, who maintains a superstitious belief in tangible evil that can be overcome by earthly men of honor, swears Surrette is the devil incarnate, citing his abominable sulfuric odor as proof. |
Man and woman take the fruit of life without preparation, unaware of their responsibility before the Creator when they bring new beings to incarnate on earth. |
The Gospel and all that it implies must become truly incarnate in every culture and among every people so that the Gospel can evangelize cultures and peoples. |
There is just something about foowashing that is off-putting, now as then, it seems, in its incarnate bodiliness. |
Opener CIAM15, with MC Topcat taking on Bush and Blair, packs a percussive punch and upcoming single Kwangchow is jaunty pop incarnate. |
Through a dishevelled play they incarnate diverse attitudes, attempting to establish an equilibrium between the forces and weaknesses that characterize the human being. |
All priests have as their primary duty the proclamation of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word of God, and the communication of his saving grace in the sacraments. |
In this way, dear brothers and sisters, your whole life needs to be, like that of John the Baptist, a great, living witness to Jesus Christ, the Son of God incarnate. |
You will see that in a short time that even the greatest wrongs suffered will be considered a school of life urging you to reach saintliness being able to incarnate the love and happiness of God. |
Robert Machray and Jacque Lynn Colton are disreputability incarnate as the vindictive Peachum parents. |
He represents the emperor and his wife as two devils incarnate, sent into the world for the destruction of mankind. |
In O Brother, a blind man on a handcar correctly predicts the fate of three escaped cons, and the sheriff chasing them may well be the devil incarnate. |
The Sangomas or basangoma are understood to possess their power over illness as a direct consequence of being able to incarnate or be possessed by ancestral spirits. |
One person and one Christ, who is God incarnate, and man deitate. |
Hence, God the Son is eternally God incarnate since God is atemporal. |
The Son of God is the spirit who will become incarnate as Jesus Christ, though he is never named explicitly, since he has not yet entered human form. |
Goddesses such as Kali, Durga, and Chandi who incarnate, in the Puranic traditions, shakti were transposed upon the woman in the spiritual sphere. |