Like peace before the storm, Sunday was marked by total inaction at least on the face of it. |
If not, you can expect more finger-pointing about who is to blame for the inaction. |
She said she was disheartened by the police force's inaction in relation to similar intimidation incidents in the past. |
That the police failed to interview him was more to do with their own inaction than clearing him of alleged guilt. |
They say the Council's inaction has allowed a worsening of conditions at the spot. |
I am stunned into inaction by the brilliance of Darren's un-celebrity desktop wallpapers. |
The other route would see the fruits of eight years of growth wither on the vine through inaction and lack of imagination. |
The Government, with one eye on the ballot box, is paralysed into inaction. |
But as shameful as inaction is, Alberta is expected to set some all time records for a new low. |
Here in Toronto we have our own sad and terrifying story of inaction in the face of murder. |
True historical breakthroughs, in which the defender is shocked into inaction or headlong flight, are almost impossible to achieve. |
This culminated at the early part of this year with a complaint to the ombudsman over the Council's inaction. |
The inaction of the police in this case has irked many concerned citizens of the State. |
The inaction of our parliament condemns another generation to ill health and addiction. |
They wanted to know the reason for the Government's inaction against the land-grabbers. |
But more importantly, this sounds like he is trying to explain away his inaction. |
The consequences of inaction for our nation and the world are too shocking to consider. |
This issue is simply too important to give in to gridlock and to accept inaction. |
People have a right not to vote, however, messages are sent through inaction. |
But the Council was split on what to do and who was to blame for a decade of inaction. |
I sincerely believe it is more of an excuse for inaction than a valid justification. |
Was this inaction simply the result of key people disregarding, or being ignorant of, the evidence? |
And what about the actions or inaction of some of those higher up who didn't do what they should have? |
These are not reasons for inaction but they counsel caution and careful planning. |
For the moment, the project is bogged down in bureaucracy and can't get off the ground because of government inaction. |
Indecision and inaction can lead to bigger problems in business so avoid procrastination and delay. |
For those who trust the government, these informational lacunas are an excuse for inaction. |
The gadfly soon became an annoyance to both the MTA and the union, creating a newsletter which aired workers' grievances but criticised alleged union inaction. |
And the old arguments for inaction will be trotted out for the next president, as well. |
Anyway, today there was indeed one such person in the cafe, and the abrupt shift between bovine inaction and sudden stentorian animation was particularly marked. |
There are people who are weighing the costs and benefits carefully, and because they're weighting the risks of action more highly than inaction, they wish to stay our hand. |
He fears a similar outbreak in another country with weak health systems could result in the same inaction. |
Our growing responsibilities will leave no room for the vacillation and inaction we have displayed in the past. |
Our growing responsibilities allow us no scope for vacillation and inaction. |
The Court further held that the inaction of the father did not relieve the authorities of their obligations in the matter. |
After his appeals were repeatedly ignored, the painter sued the cultural bureau for administrative inaction. |
Against a regional power, our choice would not be between inaction and annihilation. |
But these words, borrowed from the revolutionary years, were now only a cover for inaction and retreat. |
Accepting that unfortunate fact is by no means an argument for inaction. |
This process is too important to be allowed to lose momentum through inaction or indifference, or to be overwhelmed by violence. |
How much longer will he insist on employing doublespeak to mask 15 months of incompetent Conservative inaction? |
However, lack of perfect knowledge should not be used as an excuse for inaction. |
Setting out responsibilities within an accountability framework is not enough: both action and inaction must be accounted for and justified. |
This inaction and lack of environmental will leads in the end to trivialities, essentially no results. |
Roussel even breaks into Spanish on the song, berating political leaders for their arrogance and inaction. |
Timely action can bolster both economic growth and development, while inaction may constrain both. |
The political and military costs of inaction and failure to react to these new threats could be inordinately high. |
It is a staggering condemnation of inaction and dithering that has gone on too long. |
These crop up every year and regularly serve as sticking points for discord and inaction. |
Many Syrians see the vetoes used to block a robust resolution as an excuse for inaction. |
Eventually, such lack of ownership on the part of partner countries leads to a sense of disfranchisement and inaction. |
This outlook on the conflict was not totally without foundation, but the French command confused defence with inaction. |
Quite often, cause-related marketing uses the negative consequences of inaction as the main motivator. |
We are seeing this problem and a lot of other problems festering because the Conservatives seem to have inaction as their middle name. |
Today, sadly, the Lebanese people are bearing the cost of that inaction and ineptitude. |
The other eleven simply looked at him, stunned into inaction. |
I am not sure what good these conversations did Kay, but they helped me to understand that doubting one's ability was not an adequate excuse for inaction. |
They and their families are living with the consequences of corporate greed and government inaction. |
But by our own inaction to ensure an immediate end to this killing, maiming and destruction, we are in fact doing just that. |
His inaction almost single-handedly prolonged the war for the North. |
The other difference was that for the first time the inaction, connivance and bias of the police were all on display on television screens in every Indian homes. |
Cost did not come into it, except as a reason to justify inaction. |
The government's callousness towards the problem of relief and rehabilitation is in consonance with its earlier policy of calculated inaction during the carnage. |
Cases won or lost in court can be neutralized, strengthened, or reversed through subsequent government actions or inaction. |
He said that if we did not intervene our inaction would encourage Hussein to commit other atrocities and prolong his reign of terror. |
The Security Council, in a word, must be aware of the danger of inaction, which would be appeasing a bellicose and unpredictable leader. |
The case law referred to considers acquiescence to be a type of qualified inaction. |
Unless we challenge the status quo of government inaction, how many more generations will be burdened with the bomb? |
Governments everywhere are perceived as playing a waiting game, even while they denounce their own addiction and inaction. |
I paraphrased it by saying that Poland now feared German inaction more than Germans in action. |
Clear-sightedness leads not to despair or inaction, but to the social project. |
After a long period of inaction, they are looking forward to loads of fun. |
Implied consent is consent that can reasonably be inferred from an individual's action or inaction. |
Fuming Iranian officials blamed the United States and United Kingdom for backing the militants, and Pakistan for inaction. |
Canada has, unfortunately, already been faulted for its inaction on film pirating by just about every country on the planet, and rightly so. |
What followed, instead, was a year of inaction, culminating in a government shutdown and a stand-off over the fiscal cliff. |
Here in this country a motion regarding putting labels on all alcohol beverage containers has been languishing because of Liberal inaction. |
And by their inaction, they not only handed authority to his unelected kitchen cabinet, but did great damage to the democratic process in this country. |
If we prevaricate and postpone this issue, the Council can continue to hide behind its inaction. |
Even the most successful elections later this year cannot possibly scrub away decades of encrusted corruption and inaction. |
This disdain stems from anger at intrusive Congressional action and feckless Congressional inaction. |
They are expecting us to shake off the political paralysis and to shed the philosophy of inaction. |
A hierarchy of oppression is perpetuated by legislative inaction and democratic inaction. |
The task of securing such an agreement should not be underestimated, but the costs of inaction will be far greater than those of action. |
The report also showed that the cost of preventing violence is far less expensive than the cost of inaction. |
We all need to strive to reverse the negative effects of inaction that have plagued the Conference in recent years and indeed have cast shadows of doubt over the relevance of multilateral efforts in the field of disarmament. |
And being of warm blood he had not the phlegm tacitly to negative any proposition by unresponsive inaction. |
In addition, significant delays were assertedly occasioned by the inaction or lack of preparation of the author or her legal advisers, particularly in relation to the appeal to the Court of Criminal Appeal and the High Court. |
We get long, dun patches of inaction, interspersed with startling shows of force, in which men — and it is almost always men — belch forth uncontainable furies. |
From the Armenian heartlands to Dachau and the Warsaw ghetto, and to Biafra, Cambodia, Rwanda and Darfur, can the precedent of inaction by one generation to prevent or intervene be bequeathed to the next? |
We could take action now and deal decisively with this threat, or do nothing, evade responsibility and deal in a few months or a few years with the result of our inaction. |
There must be no room for coverups, retaliation or inaction. |
After 13 long years of inaction and increasing greenhouse gas emissions under the Liberal government, we have come to the point where we are taking action to reduce emissions through decisive measures. |
Why does it not act rather than maintaining this persistent level of inaction, subterfuge and treachery which continues to make a mockery of this parliament? |
Since then, the car manufacturing lobbies, together with government inaction and force of habit, have made it impossible for many people to do without a car. |
Deploring the lack of any real progress in the fulfilment of the decolonization mandate, she said that it was due, in part, to the inaction of the United Nations system. |
Their experiment involves testing the saliva of humans who have volunteered, sanely or not, to chew on soft PVC. Scientific uncertainty, of course, is not necessarily an excuse for inaction. |
We in Canada should be the strong, calm voice urging cool-headed examination of the consequences of all the actions that are proposed and, indeed, the consequences of inaction. |
If you look at the number of days lost through industrial inaction, a matter of record, there is a decline from 1985 onwards. |
Mr President, on a point of order, the Commissioner has had almost ten minutes to stand up and make an apologia for Mugabe's regime and the inaction of Mbeki, the Commission and the Council. |
The Little Pebble should have sensed that things were not right with certain people who counciled him and should have reacted, but his inaction displeased Heaven and thus put him on a sidetrack. |
So the present inaction of the government, its lack of response to the report thus far, is one way of contributing to the disorganization and this is unacceptable behaviour. |
People with disabilities in Canada have waited long enough, and are speaking loud and clear in a unified voice that they are no longer willing to accept inaction, vague promises, and a lack of support. |
The potato wart was another incident where through neglect, inaction, and a lily-hearted response we waited at the peril of those who make a living from the land with potatoes. |
The most realistic element on which blame can be attributed for the debt crisis is inertia, inaction, non-involvement, a relations network characterized by widespread irresponsibility and routine behaviour. |
The ineptitude and inaction of the Government of Lebanon has led to a situation in which it has not exercised jurisdiction over its own territory for many years. |
As we have seen, a clandestine market is emerging to fill the void left by government inaction and ineptitude, and international tempers are becoming frayed as a result. |
Some 24,000 families have lost their breadwinner because of the inaction and ineptitude of the previous Liberal government and the inaction and ineptitude of the current Conservative government. |
I have an even harder time explaining why it is that many delegations here seem to assign the principal blame for inaction at the CD to those of us who refuse to acquiesce in hostage-taking by others. |
I will also probe into the costs of inaction, the advantages of prevention and the obstacles to a genuine and comprehensive preventive health care policy. |
What was important in the paragraph was that the State must intervene and that acquiescence or inaction on the part of the authorities must give rise to compensation. |
Mr. Speaker, the current government's inaction is giving free rein to abolitionist groups to spread falsehoods. These abolitionists include a Liberal senator, Mac Harb, who is calling for an end to the seal hunt. |
If the other court simply fails to take action or to proceed, a decision not to exercise jurisdiction may presumably be inferred from a long period of inaction. |
The passivity and inaction of the minister are destructive and dangerous in more ways than one when it comes to the future of the country and the future of national health care that held Canada in good stead. |
We know a lot about this, and we know the cost of inaction. |
Mr. Speaker, the point I was making is that the member should be the least of all members trying to suggest that there is inaction in this party when there was provision for funds in both budgets and action has been taken. |
The national capacity for tackling these disasters is limited essentially by high levels of poverty, environmental degradation and government inaction when remote areas are involved. |
For both organizations and individuals, confusion about where behaviour lies in this continuum can lead to inaction, inappropriate action, or fear of taking appropriate action. |
This is also the case of the politician who, in his own interest or in that of his party, tries to cover up a financial scandal but cannot do so without the help of other persons whose action or inaction he purchases. |
Our inaction is making this world a more dangerous place to live in. |
Instead of brainstorming and problem-solving, professionals blamestormed, creating more problems and inaction. |
The Senate version of the House measure now bobs quietly in the horse latitudes of legislative inaction. |
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine fears government inaction on the NHS could risk lives. |
However, he has been criticised over his perceived inaction on enacting policies set forth by the OECD to combat tax avoidance. |
This pathos is often derived from the narrator's actions, or, more often, inaction. |
This interpretation blames the Federal Reserve for inaction, especially the New York Branch. |
There should be no more excuses for inaction on violence against women. |
She said the police by their inaction against the murderers stand complicit in this murder. |
Once this request is made, the offeror is often lulled into inaction until the debriefing occurs, which can be a week or more after the notification of the awardee. |
Shen advises the ruler to keep his own counsel, hide his motivations and conceal his tracks in inaction, availing himself of an appearance of stupidity and insufficiency. |
Illinois ruled the equitable power of the United States can impose positive action on a state to prevent its inaction from damaging another state. |
Later, the governments inaction worsened the industry's problems. |
In a rage, Hamlet brutally insults his mother for her apparent ignorance of Claudius's villainy, but the ghost enters and reprimands Hamlet for his inaction and harsh words. |
It seems the law is popular with Arizonans and resonates with many Americans in the other 49 states, many of who are fed up with federal inaction on immigration reform. |