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How to use in the morning in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "in the morning"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
To pollinate tomatoes, tap on the bamboo stakes once in the morning and once at night when you notice the petals of the flower are curved back.
Showers in the morning and consistent rainfalls made for restricted track times of the two drivers.
The weather patterns were consistently dry and sunny in the morning with steadily building clouds and heavy rainstorms in the late afternoon.
There are ballads, blues and western swing, and Burch describes it as music you might hear in a dream and try in vain to remember in the morning.
Though she was happy with the love and adulation that came with fame, she hated waking up early in the morning.
I tried you six different times and so what if I called your house at six in the morning?
The young king looked out upon the thousands of soldiers lined in ranks, the curved edges of their swords flashing in the morning light.
The looting started with thousands in the morning, but by noon the number of civilian ransackers had slimmed down to a few hundred.
It had been cleaned in the morning and they could see a heap of faded flowers at the foot of a tamarind tree nearby.
Aberdeen was the first city to see a white Christmas, with a couple of inches of snow covering the ground early in the morning.
She went afoot all the way to our house. I founded her sleeping on the grass in the morning.
A guided hike in the morning which climbs out of the village is on offer as is the chance to catch some rays at the nearby lake.
It was ten minutes after three in the morning when her tale telling was drowned completely by tears and heart wrenching sobs.
After a sleepless night, I managed to reach her in the morning and she confirmed that I was about to be sacked.
A class full of non-morning people is a class after my own heart, except of course for the times I have to teach them in the morning.
I told the mother the first thing in the morning, but we kept it from the children as long as we could.
I used to see him in service stations at 2am in the morning autographing serviettes for staff.
The grass has taken and was long and wet in the morning and was full of snails sucking to thick blades.
When it's cool, when you first start your car or truck in the morning, exhaust gases go out the tailpipe unburned.
A group of guys will go to a Patriots game with a 30-below wind-chill factor, and they'll be out there tailgating at 6 in the morning.
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Examples from Classical Literature
But, Monsieur, I have not asked you yet what madness sent you traversing this back passage at two in the morning.
Perhaps she got it up out of Baedeker before Florence was up in the morning.
If he enjoys a kind farewell overnight, he atones for it by the coldest greeting in the morning.
When the baba Yaga got up in the morning, the sorry colt was not to be seen!
At three in the morning Port of Spain woke up, all aglare with the blaze six miles away to the north-west.
At 3.0 in the morning they reached the Aisne, where they lay down and slept.
Besides, I can send back everything in the morning, anonymously, by parcel-post.
Her messenger will in the morning apprize you of the hour, and conduct you to the palace!
The after-effect of intense cold is seen in the condition of inexcitability persisting for a very long period in the morning.
We were to break camp at one-thirty in the morning and go down the pike after Beauregard.
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