It is happening on some celebrity talk shows and it could be doomsday for channels in the long run. |
A lot of people may overlook him now, but they'll be sorry in the long run. |
But any time we can let the public know that what we're doing is above-board, honest and balanced, it helps our profession in the long run. |
On various occasions during the trip Tim and Chris quarrelled, but Tim assured Trevor in the long run it made their friendship stronger. |
All these poxy rule changes in Formula One won't make a blind bit of difference in the long run. |
However, in the long run, we believe that politicians must act in the interest of all of those who participate in elections. |
Unfortunately, its the Joe Schmoes knocking over corner stores rather than the Mansons of the world that do more damage in the long run. |
In that way a far healthier outcome could well be achieved from all points of view in the long run. |
All work and no play, poor nutrition, no exercise, and few relationships can have severe negative consequences in the long run. |
Gel ingredients work well on virgin, waved, curled, relaxed, and textured hair in the long run. |
He argued that in the long run export trade would be restricted by the tariff barrier to importation. |
It may, as Michael suggests, turn out to be a good thing in the long run, revitalizing our political system and getting people engaged. |
Personally, I would like to see neither battery used in the long run and we move to the lithium battery, because lithium is the lightest metal. |
Do not assume you will ever be a winner in the long run at negative expectation games. |
First, without counting, blackjack is a negative expectation game and solid citizens are bound to lose in the long run. |
They may trap you for several years on a variable rate which could prove expensive in the long run. |
He said two teachers had already been recruited but they were looking for about ten more in the long run. |
Of course it would be difficult, but the benefits in the long run would be worth it. |
The earlier you take action, the less money it will cost you in the long run. |
The project will both use a renewable source of power as well as save the university money in the long run. |
Engineering skills are no longer appreciated in this country and we will all suffer in the long run for it. |
Although bosses admit the changes will cause teething problems they say it will work well in the long run. |
Constantly exceeding the normal hours of work is not, in the long run, of benefit to employers. |
I gave up music to do Latin because I thought it would be better in the long run. |
As well as improving performance, the new units would also save money in the long run. |
As with most great money saving ideas, it looks like it could end up costing more in the long run. |
It'll be slightly more money, but if it means I use it more then it'll all average out and be worth it in the long run. |
More savers and money managers now believe that, in the long run, the return on stocks is higher and the riskiness of stocks is lower than bonds. |
You probably don't think so right now but getting to have your say with your Dad will make you feel better in the long run. |
Taking the time to find good, free schwag will save you lots of money in the long run. |
If we stopped encouraging these habits, it might actually save the taxpayer money in the long run. |
I think in the long run it is maybe better, not medaling just motivates me even more now. |
The simplest solutions like siphoning the washing water onto the garden are the most effective in the long run. |
But in the long run it will not be as important a part of the story as what we choose to do in response to what we suffered. |
I think the unanswered, almost undiscussed question is, how expensive this bill is, particularly in the long run. |
However, because of their inefficiency, these restrictions are apt to boomerang against the industry in the long run. |
Mild cases of CSM can be treated with neck braces or neck traction, but it's not clear if these treatments help in the long run. |
The mobile providers expect you to stay loyal even after your contract is up, so they make their money back in the long run. |
But O'Sullivan says there's no denying poor netiquette may hurt in the long run. |
Sunscreen prevented sunlight from generating vitamin D in the skin, risking serious deficiencies in the long run. |
Unlike English, it wouldn't be a savings even in the long run, because once you gain experience in Hebrew, vowelless text is simpler and easier. |
This can lead to habituation, which in the long run can cause other problems like starvation, public safety risks, accident or death. |
The share price got hammered because Irish shareholders are net sellers in the long run. |
He said he hoped the government's measure to cap fuel prices should not last too long because it could have repercussions in the long run. |
In general play, Cork achieved a lot up to the point of capitalising on their chances and this weakness was to cost them dearly in the long run. |
He expects this outsourcing and offshoring to increase and insists both practices will benefit the US economy in the long run. |
Like her or not she influences the Left and having the American Left onside over there would save a lot of lives in the long run. |
Being on the defensive for a while is not that bad, though such an attitude would render them losers in the long run. |
They believe full strength preparations of these substances generally damage the body in the long run. |
Early stumbles or successes may turn out to be a mere blip in the long run. |
The most illustrious record labels in the history of jazz have caught on to the fact that in the long run they are better off sticking together. |
It is better in the long run to create two URL patterns with no metacharacters than it is to create one with parenthetical clauses. |
Therefore, in the long run, the descriptive praise of the hymns becomes praise that is only response to a human call to praise. |
Refreshing your brain can sometimes be a little hard, but in the long run it always pays off. |
While they may slow or impede the process of change, in the long run they are slower than a rational approach. |
Its the only way we will ensure that we achieve financial independence in the long run. |
You didn't stick to your strategy, and it may have cost you plenty in the long run. |
The Styrian as well as the Slovenian pomiculture is too small on its own, in order to persist in the long run on the global market. |
This is perhaps the wisest and most cost-effective option in the long run, say sources. |
As in real life, a managerial appointment made in haste could end up being financially costly in the long run. |
That precedent will be both dangerous and counterproductive in the long run. |
I don't think it's that hard to figure out why withdrawing into exclusive coupledom is unhealthy in the long run. |
That is a bigger threat to us all, in the long run, than any credible terrorist threat on the horizon. |
By any sensible logic, fighting terrorism with war is only counter-productive and in the long run only adds fuel to the fire. |
Although low resistance wire is more costly, it will save money in the long run by reducing power loss or blown fuses and will increase safety. |
So, in the long run these operations will not necessarily help to deradicalize potential recruits. |
However, skill wins out in the long run because luck will desert you one day. |
Whether or not this would have a detrimental effect on the tourists in the long run is a matter of conjecture. |
Neoclassical economists have traditionally argued in favor of efforts to increase national saving in the long run. |
A positive approach may be helpful and perhaps more effective in the long run than criticism. |
Short-term diets may help you lose weight, but they are difficult to keep up and even may be unhealthy in the long run. |
Only a very strong, perhaps only a globally dominant, power can sustain informal empire in the long run. |
It should be no surprise that in the long run the shares of growth are distributed equally across all income levels. |
And that's all it is, one giant performance after another in hopes their proficient thespian skills will pay dividends in the long run. |
I don't think this kind of elitist exclusionist behaviour is going to make any difference to anything in the long run. |
The way I learned it is that in the long run stock investments outperform bonds. |
He notes that some school districts are installing ground-loop heat pumps, which are more expensive up front but save on utility costs in the long run. |
So in the long run, their manipulatory tactics will not be able to stop the gold and silver bull market, nor will they be able to stop the continued bear market in equities. |
I realise, of course, that honesty is a thoroughly dangerous habit, but the avoidance of plain speaking is probably, in the long run, more destructive. |
Most people, aside from social democrats, know that cancer needs surgical removal, because band-aid solutions only make life worse in the long run. |
I believe the emotive issues will prove most important in the long run. |
This might put us behind the eight ball for the first couple of races or so, but in the long run it's going to be the right thing to do for our program. |
It hurts us in the long run, and it hurts consumers in the short run. |
Petroleum and mineral oils clog your pores and do not allow them to properly regulate natural oil production, actually making your skin dryer in the long run. |
I hope that her family will be able to spend some quality time with her, but it will not be easy in the long run to cope with such emotional trauma. |
If so, then the freer we remain the less we need to worry about losing ground in the long run to nations and blocs of nations that aren't as free. |
If my mares produce successful horses on the racetrack then obviously they'll be worth a lot more money, which is why I'm doing it in the long run. |
It's worthwhile to consider the consequences of even the most flaky ideas, although the chance of any of them actually panning out in the long run is not very high. |
It's the perception that I'm probably saving a few cents in the long run. |
One has to wonder how all this hullabaloo will affect the kids in the long run. |
Let it be hoped that we can refrain from relapsing into the bad old habits once the dreaded epidemic is over, so a new Shanghai with a new outlook will emerge in the long run. |
It's a disgrace to any concept of fairness, an insult to a horrible past, encouragement to a disgraceful present and in the long run it damages everyone. |
Its reprehensibility apart, this form of control is hardly enforceable in the long run, given that women's collection activities are necessary for household subsistence. |
But this person paid in the long run now the laugh is on him. |
These extended redemption penalties can cost you dearly in the long run. |
Our brains can foresee that if we let natural selection take its course then it could be disastrous in the long run. |
Knowing they couldn't match the GM-backed team dollar for dollar, or perhaps even horsepower for horsepower, they set a course for consistency that paid off in the long run. |
The question persists as to whether the current form of global capitalism is ecologically and socially sustainable and hence is politically unviable in the long run. |
Those lone parents who had used the service had found it very useful, she said, and recent research suggested it would actually produce savings in the long run. |
By destroying trees and killing animals man may be able to fulfill his short-term desires, but he was causing a few irreversible problems in the long run. |
In general one of the good effects of the Euro will be to make prices in the Eurozone more fluid and hence to settle at a generally lower level in the long run. |
It is now cutting across ideological divisions among the major parties in Russia and it is likely to have an impact on the country's foreign policy in the long run. |
But, hard work and a bullheaded attitude pay off in the long run. |
Higher upfront costs might be more economical in the long run. |
But in the long run, it's a good hurt, because it takes you down a peg or two and reminds you what you're supposed to be doing in the first place. |
Though many urbanites love to have a pet dog at home, they realise in the long run that they have little time for walking the dog or brushing his coat. |
All in all, the findings of this paper suggest that pro growth policies, regardless of their impact on inequality, are likely to be pro poor in the long run. |
Local tribes sometimes resisted, but in the long run were subdued and subjected to tribute, usually in the form of so many skins per year, the sable being especially sought. |
But as the increasing backlash against clickbait shows, the short-term gains in unique views may cost news sites in the long run. |
By focusing on national interests, the interests of ordinary people are shunted aside, suffering in the long run. |
If you choose to save all your image backups to CD or DVD media, incremental backups can save a substantial amount of time, medium, and money in the long run. |
Although Walton was notoriously cheap, he could be convinced to spend money on things that would save the company money in the long run and allow it to grow. |
If they do, most of them fail after the first phase when initial research shows the technology to be infeasible at this time, or not worth the expenditures in the long run. |
If you plan to do much work sheet metal, a pair of curved-blade tin snips will save wear and tear on your nerves in the long run. |
Unfortunately, reimporting drugs at lower prices could produce disastrous results for our health care system in the long run. |
Performing field days may seem like a pain in the neck, but, in the long run, they will save you time. |
For what was objective existence in the long run but a series of common-or-garden situations? |
These attempts to regulate wages could not succeed in the long run, but in the short term they were enforced with great vigour. |
We must see to it that our attacks do no more harm to ourselves in the long run than they do to the enemy's war effort. |
It's a little more work up front, but it will save a lot of time in the long run. |
This is due not solely, or even majorly, to the fact the above type of analysis concerns itself primarily with what will happen in the long run. |
However, in the long run Oasis became more commercially successful than Blur. |
However, in the long run, as the case of Florida shows, the new territory was of little or no value. |
However, the Americans had multiple advantages that in the long run outweighed the initial disadvantages they faced. |
Economists generally agree that in the long run, inflation is caused by increases in the money supply. |
Currently, the quantity theory of money is widely accepted as an accurate model of inflation in the long run. |
However, in the long run, changes in velocity are assumed to be determined by the evolution of the payments mechanism. |
Still more pacifists would argue that a nonviolent reaction may not save lives immediately but would in the long run. |
In some instances the potential for being beneficial or detrimental in the long run remains unknown. |
This disease can cause moderate leaf loss but trees are little affected in the long run. |
This precedent led in the long run to the fall of his dynasty, for it was a pattern repeated in future reigns. |
However the presence of oxygen in the head space of the bottle and environmental factors will in the long run alter the smell of the fragrance. |
Colombia has a diversified economy with macroeconomic stability and favorable growth prospects in the long run. |
In Nursing I have found that staff come and go and employers seldsome care one way or the other in the long run. |
Other vendors may be cheaper up front, but our standards compliance will save you in the long run. |
So this degree can train Gambians and also be a cost saving measure in the long run. |
So any cleaning tank in the long run can harm your weapon or force you to send it to support for, disassembly and lubing. |
Nothing worked, because the kolkhoz system was incompatible with high achievement in the long run. |
Misremembering races from more than 20 years ago isn't too big of a deal in the long run. |
It made not a blind bit of difference in the long run, though, a fact the Norwegian felt pertinent as he bound his starters in bubblewrap for Tuesday. |
Dubai Jaye will lose muscle mass if he continues on his unusual diet of raw fruit and vegetables and his immune system will be weakened in the long run, warn dieticians. |
Gareth is obviously disappointed to be sidelined for this length of time but he is still young and we have to do what is best for him in the long run. |
Giant hot rocks spout out from the deep mantle, which in the long run softens the tectonic plates from below, forcing the plates to drift apart from the hotspots. |
The cowardly actions of young tearaways who are targeting buses in a warped form of vandalism will also certainly lead to serious injury, even deaths, in the long run. |
Buying the car was a big expense, but will be worth it in the long run. |
Although demutualising can lead to large one-off windfalls for policyholders and members, in the long run, staying as a mutual pays off, TRD said. |
Projects like aquaculture and aquafarming are very promising and would help a great deal in the country's development in the long run, Mr Shaheen said. |
The company wants to make sure that when a homeowner refinances their mortgage that they are doing it for the right reasons and will benefit in the long run. |
This does not mean that Bruges would not be interested in cooperation with others, as well in the short term as in the long run, for particular projects. |
For the most part, toner systems are more economical than inkjet in the long run, even though inkjets are less expensive in the initial purchase price. |
Although it was Russia that was punished by the Paris Treaty, in the long run it was Austria that lost the most from the Crimean War despite having barely taken part in it. |
The best of your emails Tariffs self-defeating Unfortunately the stats from the RCA show exactly why imposing tariffs is not only divisive but self-defeating in the long run. |
I amconscious we'll benefit in the long run and Charles Street has needed attention for years because it's the tattiest of any of the side streets off Queen Street. |
The theory that sexual reproduction is healthier in the long run has been held by members of the scientific community but has not been proven until now. |
It is not the imagistic product that is important in the long run. |
It is widely known that monetary policy affects the general level of prices, at least in the long run, and that it may influence output only transitorily. |
The irony is that, in the long run, it also stultifies the company. |
To ensure sustainable growth in the long run, energy self-sufficiency along with increased embracement of green solutions has become important part of national strategies. |
However, the insurers who have been trying to straighten out the system believe the PPN is a step that would benefit the customers in the long run. |
But though intriguing at first, his knowingly enigmatic narration, stylish antichoreography and overripe cinematography wear thin in the long run. |