Yep, he thought as he yelped in pain from his experimental prod of the wounded area, that's gonna sting alright. |
Well the poor mutt ran away howling in pain and agony and he scampered shiveringly to a refuge in a deserted shack. |
Of delicate health, he was constantly ill and in pain in the last ten years of his life. |
Aspirin blocks a group of enzymes that synthesize prostaglandins, which are hormones that assist in pain, inflammation and blood clotting. |
Her head was craned back in pain from her father's grip and her eyes were puffed up and red. |
As if in pain, as if in despair, everyone felt the sadness and everyone felt fear as well. |
I am still heavily medicated and in pain, but can't see an end to this purgatory. |
Regan attempted a smirk, but had to settle for a grimace when the effort made his face flare in pain again. |
Andrei fell in a heap on the carpet runner, screening in pain and clutching his knee. |
Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at him and heard him groan softly in pain. |
Everyone was sleeping soundly until they awoke with me yelling at the top of my lungs in pain. |
Scott yelled in pain but still managed to trip Damon and send him stumbling past him. |
The heavy man clutched his groin in pain and fell to his knees on the ground. |
The purring of a cat is at the frequency commonly used in electrotherapy to assist in pain relief and healing. |
One symptom that doctors find most helpful in making a diagnosis of growing pains is how the child responds to touch while in pain. |
The cat fell into a tangle of leaves and vegetation growling in pain and anger. |
One of his lawyers said the singer was still in pain from a back injury and would rest through the weekend. |
The ray serpent squealed in pain, emitting a sound that caused Isabella's skin to crawl. |
The trouble with being a fairly empathetic person is that makes it hard to say no to anyone in pain. |
He reared back, howling in pain, one hand frantically trying to stifle the sudden gush of blood. |
Forward planning will minimise your chances of spending Monday morning bent double in pain. |
Chehl tried to get free, shrieking in pain and terror, but he couldn't break loose. |
Then they got him plum in the back of the head, making him double up and sink to his knees in pain. |
He doubled up in pain and she ran to Steve, grabbed him and then ran out of the room. |
I can still see his face one night when he was laying in bed doubled up in pain, and crying because he thought he was going to die. |
That helped her shoulder but hurt her stomach and she spent most of Friday night doubled up in pain. |
Recently, a pony owned by a school management, was operated upon after the animal started writhing in pain. |
Donna winced in pain, and spinning round, kicked out at Mark's stomach, momentarily winding him. |
Sasuke took out the kunai knife, expecting Ayame to winch in pain, but she didn't. She was still. |
Did anyone else grab their ears and winch in pain when Kevin began to sing on Monday's show? |
She winced in pain as he kicked her again, this time harder, and then again even harder. |
She winced in pain from the stitches in her shoulder when she reached down to the floor. |
I winced in pain, so distracted by his intensity that I was deaf to the clunking of boots on the concrete floor. |
She tried to stand, but she winced in pain and clutched her side before slumping back onto the chair. |
I winced, half in pain, half because I knew what was coming and half because of all the chewing gum stuck to me. |
He glanced sideways at Niall and Luke, and winced to see them writhing in pain from the fumes. |
The family is in pain or in distress, and the therapist is called upon to help them and to find a way out of their dilemma. |
I could feel the heat surrounding me, burning me, scorching my skin, causing me to cry out wordlessly in pain. |
He blinked at her quizzically a few times, and then looked back at his wound, and winced in pain. |
Crying out in pain, Dawn broke free from the kiss and on wobbly legs moved away from Nikolas. |
Instead, he thought about Whitney, worried that she was in pain or that terrible things were happening to her. |
His color had gone from grey to milky white, and it was almost as if he were writhing in pain. |
Janie was crying, whimpering in pain and the fact that she couldn't even try to bring her head back inside, such was her hurt. |
The victim's older brother recalled seeing his brother in the garden seconds before he heard him screaming in pain. |
When you wake up, you're in pain, aching all over, your eyes are stinging from the light and you're hungry. |
We ascribe to the philosophy that if she's not shrieking in pain, she's fine. |
The ground wavered unsteadily beneath him and he couldn't help but curse as his back erupted in pain. |
The bones in his arm jolted violently, causing him to retract, clutching it in pain. |
He woke to a rap on the door and a flood of sunlight that caused his forehead to twinge in pain. |
The bear roared in pain and rage, a horrible sound that shook the air and ground. |
Michan could feel his leg begin to welt up and pulse in pain but he ignored it. |
The little girl fell silent, whimpering in pain from the tight grip he had on her hair. |
As she drove to Wythenshawe Hospital, she says, Flynn started to have difficulty breathing and was whimpering in pain. |
She rolled over onto her back and stretched, feeling the muscles in her arms and legs twinge in pain. |
One of them planted a punch into his stomach, causing the Doctor to sink to his knees, whimpering in pain. |
Several of the injured kids began to cry out in pain or crawl away from the gun shots. |
Dosed with morphine and visibly in pain, Edwards was able to give only a limp smile and a thumbs up. |
The earth cracked and trembled in pain and Mother Earth cried out to Jove for help. |
The dragon roared in pain as her vision blurred permanently in her right eye. |
Wincing in pain, she levered her leg up onto a branch and leaned back, trying to regain her strength for her final run. |
Although colic is not thought to be due to pain, a baby with colic may look uncomfortable or appear to be in pain. |
She could laugh and smile at things she enjoyed and cry if uncomfortable or in pain but could do little to help herself. |
For good people it is very uncomfortable to be in the presence of someone in pain and not be able to do anything about it. |
He screams in pain when he learns that his wife has been killed in the explosion. |
He placed his hand on the nape of her neck and squeezed harshly, causing Mandy's face to scrunch up in pain. |
All Zephyr had to do to quiet him was bop him softly on the arm, and he cried out in pain. |
His fist smacked into her chest and she grunted in pain but held fast, despite her lacerated hands. |
Othello stabs Iago, leaving him to live in pain, and then, before banishment from Cyprus, kills himself. |
The gate control theory of pain also has been used to explain the effectiveness of massage in pain control. |
She should not have been allowed to shuffle off this mortal coil in pain, discomfort, humiliation and a fog of drugs. |
All four studies of loperamide reported an improvement in diarrhea but no change in pain or abdominal distension. |
He screamed in pain and rolled away from Sarah when she finally let go of his arm, cradling it in his unwounded hand. |
Something that burned worse than a red-hot branding iron lodged itself in her left leg, and she snarled, hissed, and yelped in pain. |
However, this balance can be easily upset for a variety of reasons, which can result in pain, itching, irritation and infection. |
Even caught by the song's urgency, she cries out in pain when he moves it too fast. |
It is a harrowing experience to hear a squeal of tires followed by a thump and then the anguished cries of an animal in pain. |
He yowled in pain and jumped up, causing the keys to drop off and Jazz made a huge lunged for it and unlocked herself. |
Lisa's head snapped to the left as she took in his form with surprise before her brows furrowed in pain. |
A heavy and ominous quiet descended on the room, disturbed only by the noise from outside and by Carl who groaned in pain. |
Ibuprofen, a common ingredient in pain relievers, may counteract with aspirin. |
My eyes squinted up in pain and I briefly entertained the idea of spitting the food out and screaming loudly. |
She flew back, screaming in pain as blue liquid splattered all over the walls. |
Catfights also cause nasty abscesses that result in pain and trips to the vet for puss. |
She lay on her stomach spread eagle, head titled to the side, face contorted in pain. |
When her neighbours heard her screaming in pain, they decided not to get involved. |
As pain sears through my leg, I release the rope and slump to the river bed, closing my eyes in pain. |
Lexa staggered unsteadily for a moment before falling to one knee, eyes tightly closed in pain, biting her lip to keep from crying out again. |
He yelps in pain, and stamps out the smouldering portion of fabric with his foot. |
Somehow she stopped being my annoying nympho of a roommate, and instead became just another girl in pain. |
He didn't howl in pain, only sucked in his breath while his face turned a shade of pasty oatmeal grey. |
You can mix peppermint with chamomile tea, which also is anti-inflammatory and has slight sedative qualities that may help relax a child in pain. |
He suddenly cries out in pain as the hot knife handle burns his hand, but he doesn't let go. |
She held on and he squeezed harder, until she gasped in pain and her fingers loosened. |
Bash cursed in pain but didn't offer any more resistance as Speedy led him the rest of the way downstairs to the entrance. |
When I stepped on his foot, not accidentally, he winced in pain and let go of me. |
Her open wounds seemed to sting with every move and even if the lightest fabric touched her bruises, she was forced to yelp in pain. |
The large reverberation that can be heard when a haymaker lands can make you recoil in pain. |
She cried out in pain and watched in amazement, as her attacker seemed to fly backward and fall head over heels over her bed. |
Rohan Merry, who was driving the car, said he heard his friend yell in pain and turned to his side to see blood pouring from Andrew's head. |
Emma went home and then attended General Hospital two days later, still in pain, and found she had broken her heel bone. |
Witnesses said he was writhing in pain on the road with elbow and hip injuries. |
Milo had his eyes screwed shut in pain, jaw clamped tight shut lest he cried out. |
His body was covered in horrific bedsores that caused him to cry out in pain whenever they were touched. |
A light blow delivered to the right subcostal area may elicit a marked increase in pain. |
Then my endorphin rush wore off and I hightailed it home, groaning in pain. |
It nearly broke his heart when he heard her cry out in pain as the joint was put back into place by a powerful thrust by his palm. |
The ashen face in the bed twisted in pain, pale lips parting and pressing together. |
He screamed in pain as he hit the portal, a blue electric current surging around his body. |
If I look hot, sweaty and as if I'm in pain, then that's the reality and that's the way it is. |
Those in pain, or housebound by illness, will not be impressed by waiting list cuts if they are still expected to wait years for treatment. |
Miss Ito, who emptied bedpans, gave body baths and held hands through the night with people in pain, was downstairs helping out. |
He quickly darted in and bit the wolf in the neck and it howled in pain as it struggled but he held it tight and ignored its paws swiping at him. |
The concerned father found his son, huddled up and petrified in the greasy well of the lift shift, clearly in pain from injuries he had suffered. |
Adam pulled her down beside him and tried to turn toward her, but cried out in pain as he hurt his side. |
The boy cried out in pain, though, as a loud, metallic clang rang out in the alley. |
Was slightly shocked that after digging over the vegetable patch I was utterly knackered and in pain for days. |
The two were still rolling around on the street pavement crying out in pain when police arrived. |
As he clutched his chest and fell to the ground in pain, he realized the horror of his mistake. |
She did not develop bedsores because she moved around in pain so constantly, as no position was really comfortable for her. |
People cried out in pain as security guards brandishing flagstaffs as batons pushed back the rubbernecking crowd to allow the procession to pass. |
Raine yelped in pain as her body hit the wall like a rag-doll, falling to the ground inanimately. |
Fellow staff witnessed her telling doctors that seemingly comfortable patients were in pain, prompting them to prescribe morphine. |
One cannot bear to see a person in pain or starving, so his sense of sympathy compels him to help that person. |
Aridene screamed in pain as the needle pierced her skin and the chloral hydrate entered her bloodstream. |
You should take plenty of rest periods when your joints are inflamed and you are in pain. |
Blaise asked, sitting up, but falling back in pain, his head hitting a soft feather pillow. |
On the block where I lived, I remember seeing a young woman hunched over in pain, weeping hysterically. |
He roared in pain, then blew a jet of flame at the offending helicopter, causing it to explode in a fiery ball. |
His little face would contort in pain every time he coughed or sneezed, and he was suffering quite badly. |
Her face contorts in pain as she moves but she remains in her restless sleep. |
Half-way through belaying Tim and Bruce up the last pitch, I start to hear noises that sound like an animal in pain. |
In capsular contracture, scar tissue forms around the breast implant and contracts, which can result in pain and loss of breast contour. |
He landed hard on his side stabbing at the guard, the sword entered the man's side and he dropped his flail, falling to the ground in pain. |
Her body jerked and convulsed in pain and she fell backwards, dropping her sword with a clatter. |
Why should people have to suffer their last days, months or even years on Earth in pain and misery? |
Yelping in pain he tried to parry her attacks, but the onslaught came so fast he stumbled, hitting the ground hard. |
The soldier bellowed and bent over in pain, but still held onto Cairn to the best of his abilities. |
It was perfect timing, for at that moment Daniel's eyes popped open and he started coughing, reaching down to his chest in pain. |
Power coursed like liquid fire through my veins, as my adrenaline spiked and I screamed in pain. |
One guard bellowed in alarm, the other in pain as Yuki sank her teeth into his arm and kicked his shin. |
He could barely breath and his body was in pain from the unnatural position he'd forced himself into. |
When I did not, his hands tightened around my mouth and arm until I cringed away in pain. |
He grunted in pain as a bolt from a crossbow tore a gash in his leg, then he plunged into the water and sank. |
With her face crumpling in pain, she couldn't see past the tears that flooded down her face. |
She had been on crutches and in pain and thought the staff were being unhelpful. |
He tried to regain his footing, but his right leg gave out and he tumbled back into the dirt, crying out in pain. |
I felt something hit me in my stomach, and landed flat on my back, crying out in pain. |
He said it was then he first heard a bang and saw one of the officers on the floor crying out in pain. |
The benefits of massage and back rubs are said to include a decrease in pain, relaxation, and improvement in circulation. |
She spent many an agonizing night biting her lip to keep from crying out in pain as he relentlessly beat her up in his drunkenness. |
Next thing you know you've started shimmying your hips, thrown out your back and landed on the floor, writhing in pain. |
Abby went sprawling a few feet away, landing hard and crying out in pain and fear. |
I ran a bath and stripped slowly, wincing in pain as I uncovered each bruise. |
I tried to give him the thumbs up but banged my funny bone on the pole and had to shriek in pain. |
He might have thought he was being a gamer by keeping quiet and pitching in pain last week. |
Unlike doctors, they cannot easily withdraw when patients are distressed and in pain. |
Then he heard Xena's voice call his name, she sounded distressed and in pain. |
At the time of admission she seemed to be in pain and was distressed and dehydrated, with a coated tongue. |
Pain coursed through her body, but she did not have a mouth to gasp in pain with. |
They draw on memories of past experience when in pain, and this leads to thinking and behaviour, which is the result of those experiences. |
In a grueling two-hour questioning, Carter provided testimony as to why the drug can be useful in pain management. |
When hitch is feeling good, when he is not in pain, he throws himself into the business of preproduction. |
His arms were aching in pain as he swung above the floor of the scaffold. |
He released her arm and fell to the ground, eyes tearing up in pain. |
My left leg was bent and throbbing in pain and my forehead was burning. |
She gasped in pain and rubbed the tender, already bruised flesh. |
She winced in pain as her sheets slid against her tender skin. |
Rachel screamed out in pain as tears began rolling down her cheeks. |
Nick bellowed in pain, as she scrambled for her purse, crawling away. |
A pained expression lit his face and grabbed his head in pain. |
Later, even critics lauded him for his agility in the dance sequences, little realising that it was a man in pain shaking it off, all for his fans. |
Why should people who have got incurable diseases or who are in pain every hour, every minute, every second of the day go on needlessly suffering? |
At the moment it is legal for doctors to administer large doses of drugs to terminally ill patients in pain and distress, knowing that the medication shortens their lives. |
Yet JFK, while physically frail and in pain, still had the metaphorical spine to drive his hawkish advisers up the wall. |
They are in pain from hunger, cold, and a host of undefined medical conditions. |
She shrieked in pain when a nurse dabbed ointment on her skin. |
I could hear, once more as I'd heard so long ago the people screaming, shrieking in pain and just as before it was the most painful thing I could possibly experience. |
She shrieked in pain from her neck and rested her head down again. |
It shrieked in pain, and flew off, the others following close behind. |
A blinding pain burns in my left shoulder, and I yell in pain. |
I winced in pain as the cold wind blew sand through the slash. |
His slate gray eyes turned a dull black, and I closed my eyes in pain. |
While the presidential guards let him writhe in pain on the pavement, people came to help him up. |
Harden, visibly in pain, writhed on the floor as World Peace was ejected from the game. |
And there are some patients who are not in pain at all, but still want euthanasia, because they are weak, constantly tired, nauseous, or breathless. |
I gasped in pain and let what little precious air I had left escape. |
I cried out in pain, staggering back and falling on my back to the ground. |
He was open to a counter and Chi connected with a great right to the body and a big left uppercut that sent Brodie down to the canvas and looking in pain. |
Not realizing it was still sharp, he hissed in pain as it cut him. |
He overstrained his wounded arm, hissed in pain, and rubbed it. |
She screamed and howled in pain, and her body began to smoke. |
Such thoughts and attitudes, or cognitions, as they are called, cannot be ignored when a clinician is evaluating a person in pain and planning their treatment. |
He collapsed in pain and exhaustion just as the door burst open again. |
Gwyneth tried to get up by leaning on her left arm for support, but she winced in pain as she did so, and fell back down onto the soft feathery pillows. |
His face contorts in pain, and his right arm clutches his heart. |
Throughout the match he struggled to unleash the ball in excess of 100 mph, and more than once he flexed the troublesome joint while grimacing in pain. |
Kailey gasped in pain and covered her eyes with one of her hands, with the other she slammed his hand back onto the switch flipping the light off, but also crushing his hand. |
The agent's left floating rib cracked, and he gasped in pain and surprise. |
He lost his footing and fell to the ground writhing in pain. |
The activists could hear women moaning and crying out in pain. |
She sat in her cell, trying to hold it in, but still crying out in pain. |
Kim's eyes filled with tears involuntarily and she cried out in pain. |
After a week, still in pain, I saw my GP who said that I must rest with my feet higher than my thighs, drink twelve glasses of water a day and eat a lot of oranges. |
Still in pain, his hand nevertheless retained its iron grip on my arm. |
She tried to pull his shirt away from the wound but he groaned in pain. |
Kyle doubled over in pain with a loud groan, holding his abdomen. |
Jimmy emerged with a visible cut on his arm, but he was not in pain. |
I almost doubled up in pain, but tried to keep some composure. |
He was left weakened, dehydrated and in pain by altitude sickness and exhaustion. |
Rick doubles over in pain and Carl shoots wildly at a walker before he runs out of ammo and breaks down sobbing. |
He blinked once when she asked if he was in pain, twice when she asked if he knew who shot him. |
A torch was shown in her face and she recoiled back in pain hitting the wall of wood behind her, blinking hard to try and accustom her eyes to the sharp light. |
She sat up wincing in pain at the aches and pains in her body. |
Any movement shot jolts of electricity to my toes, curling them in pain. |
My head began to throb violently, making me want to whimper in pain. |
He winced in pain as the whip came down upon him again and again. |
After almost a minute of this strange outburst, he came to his senses and slowly pulled himself into a sitting position, wincing in pain with every agonizing inch. |
As soon as his left shoulder blade touched the door, he winced in pain. |
Flora winced in pain as she watched blood trickle down from the wound. |
The four actors appear in front of a vast mirror that reflects their every move, while sitting, standing, or laying on the floor writhing in pain. |
On Sunday David Zabriskie, who also had the yellow jersey earlier in the race, had to abandon, still in pain after his crash in the team time trial. |
She cringed in pain again and couldn't help but yelp this time. |
John yowls in pain and spins around with a backfist without even looking. |
It screamed and yowled its way through the night, presumably in pain. |
A less common form of arthritis known as ankylosing spondylitis may affect the spine and also result in pain, stiffness and limitation of neck movement. |
The diseased body stages a revolt against those functions that biographers record, reasserting the animal in pain, so similar in the end to other animals in pain. |
She cried out in pain and frustration, and remained where she lay. |
Ion channels are membrane proteins which are key pharmaceutical targets in pain, CNS, and metabolic disorders. |
He is rather drawn to figures in pain, to the primordial, and to gloom. |
She was worried about her daughter, too, and in pain often, and lowhearted. |
This NCE program targets Microsomal Prostaglandin E synthase-1 as a novel therapeutic target in pain management. |
Shut up, he yelled silently as the woman cried out in pain and terror in the cabin behind him. |
Observers noted that Huskisson did not appear to be in pain, and instead lay watching the leg shake. |
To say they were hot, tired, dirty, odorsome, and in pain would be like saying that boars had bad breath...a large understatement. |
Buchanan went down, writhing in pain from a low blow, that Buchanan's trainer, Gil Clancy, said was caused by a knee to the groin. |
A critic felt leaving patients waiting in pain longer than clinically necessary should be unacceptable. |
The innervation profile of fascia may partially explain why these injections result in pain. |
But only six minutes in, Hogg hirpled off in pain after suffering a fresh knee problem. |
If you think you're in pain now, just wait until you see what tomorrow brings, you gizzardless coward. |
What if my seatmate was a sadistic fatphobe who would lean on our shared armrest just to see me wince in pain as it dug into my hip? |
Whiting howled in pain after a double murderer marched up to him in prison and plunged a sharpened toilet brush handle into his face. |
The video shows Tai crying out in pain when she is shocked with a hand-held stun gun into performing a headstand. |
Opium is a key ingredient in pain relief medication including morphine, codeine and thebaine. |
It is associated with neuroinflammation-related events that participate in pain generation and chronicization. |
With traditional vasectomy, the vas deferens are cut and cauterized, resulting in pain, swelling and the potential for other complications. |
I was in pain everywhere, my pelvic area was in excruciating pain. |
Interestingly, the increase in pain intensity and swelling was least when the image of the arm was minified. |
In late 1810, at the height of his popularity, already virtually blind with cataracts and in pain from rheumatism, George became dangerously ill. |
In the back of the car, her neighbor shouted and writhed in pain. |
Anaesthetists are qualified medical doctors who specialise in pain management, anaesthesia, and intensive care medicine. |
Synthesized drugs created with an opium base for use in pain management are fentanyl, oxycodone, tramadol, demarol, hydrocodone, methadone, and hydromorphone. |
We sought to test the hypothesis that extraterritorial changes in pain thresholds, including contralateral pain-like changes, occur in humans following a focal thermal injury. |
However, there is evidence that walking regularly over short distances can improve the collateral circulation of your limbs bringing in a reduction in pain. |
Being in pain is frightening, so she may be clingier than usual. |
The black part will grow out or fall off in a few months, but if you're in pain, a doctor can relieve the swelling by making a small hole in the nail plate. |
However, Wade, the last British grand slam winner said the constant disruptions for treatment and winces in pain made Murray come across as a drama queen. |
Product performance will be assessed by measuring reduction in pain, recovery of motion and a specific patient related tennis elbow questionnaire. |
The authors conclude that lame birds are able to select feeds with analgesics, thereby indicating that they are in pain and that they will actively seek relief from this pain. |
Coming Home Rescue had Wally examined by a neurologist who indicated that Wally is not in pain or uncomfortable and may very well live a normal life span. |