What this means in effect is that any practice must be seen to conduce to present welfare as well as to long-term transformation. |
The other vehicles in its fleet do not meet the legal requirements and in effect should not be allowed on the road. |
If it becomes, in effect, a European Union constitution, it will take legal precedence over our own. |
In a way, what Hartmut is trying to do is meld psychogeography with biogeography, creating in effect, psycho-biogeography. |
Management try to impose a back to work agreement which would rip up national agreements and in effect derecognise the union. |
In On Belief, Zizek in effect counters Lewis's argument with his invocation of the existential Heidegger. |
Ground truth is, in effect, the sum of the scenario and the moves as privately submitted to controllers and mediated by umpires. |
And they got the point-blank answer from the North Koreans that, yes, they were and, in effect, what does the U.S. want to do about it? |
Others have in effect been kidnapped by CIA agents or military special forces units operating in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere. |
They will not be operative there and in effect it is the same as being anywhere else in the country. |
Yet that is what we, in effect, tell the millions of sentient creatures who are killed in lab experiments. |
The Chancellor also in effect asks us to bargain away whatever obligation or interest we have as regards the neutrality of Belgium. |
This was a very widely drafted section which in effect made it an offence to disclose any official information without authority. |
If the owners have their way, swathes of Scotland will in effect be fenced off, with the public confined to paths and pre-determined routes. |
When a player has a wild card in hand, he in effect has an extra card to use in filling in a straight or full house or flush. |
Banks are, in effect, punishing the most competitive companies for their own sins in lending to uncompetitive ones. |
The FCC is, in effect, holding out the possibility of freeing the networks from restrictions on buying up more stations. |
There is nothing ordinary about a man who thumbs his nose at the system of justice and to reward him, in effect, with a pardon. |
An economy of scope is, in effect, a cost saving triggered by producing one output in the presence of another. |
You therefore in effect overpay each month, which is why your mortgage would be cleared more quickly. |
To power their sawmill's waterwheel, they carved out a channel which in effect created the island we know today. |
He has been, in effect, strip-mining the emotional responses of blue-collar men to the problems his own administration is so intent on causing. |
Householders can, in effect, name their own sum assured, and hence dictate the level of premium they are asked to pay. |
Anyone proposing such a project, which in effect aims to politicize young people, is inevitably warily received and closely scrutinized. |
Some schools had copycat threats others put new rules in effect, and many students used the event as a tool to get what they wanted. |
It acts in effect as a shorthand for reading the other orchestral and voice parts above the bass line and for playing the harmonies. |
The sutures are, in effect, grooves between the bones of the skull and the fontanelles are small areas where the sutures meet. |
There follows a mournful Largo second movement that is, in effect, a funeral march. |
These policies are, in effect, a punitive tax on a superior, and badly needed, technology. |
In many places where there is no transferable title that is recognized nation-wide, people are in effect slaves to a traditional plot of land. |
New insurers are, in effect, partitioned off from the higher value plans by virtue of the uneconomic pricing this would entail. |
Both sides, in effect, associated politicians with self-serving sleaziness and corruption. |
Each young man, on identical sheets of paper, sends what is in effect a mash note. |
He had created a portrait that was in effect a whole treatise about portraiture as an art. |
After all, they come not merely of different worlds, but, in effect, different universes. |
The reasoning is that the seizure will in effect reset the brain, causing the release of chemicals that may boost signals between neurons. |
In this, however, the Puritans and Cavaliers were in effect following Shakespeare's example. |
There are, in effect, two different orientations involved in discussing patterns and their positions. |
It is in that context that we submit that it cannot be shown, in effect, whose hair this was. |
Subscriber software would in effect be the only entity required to allow the network to operate. |
The parable, like the stories of the heroic women who disobeyed, in effect subverts the patriarchal system. |
The charter will remain in effect until a permanent constitution is drafted and ratified next year. |
Then we sign petitions to crowd our ballots with initiatives, in effect telling our hirelings that we can do a better job than they can. |
It was, in effect, a cheat sheet to help commissioners keep themselves out of prison. |
So here was Orwell, famous for being a flinty man of integrity, in effect throwing in the towel. |
For there is no knowledge of things insofar as they are external in effect, but insofar as their nature and quiddity is grasped by the mind. |
This stage name became, in effect, her real name and indeed her second identity. |
And requiring a two-thirds supermajority vote of the state legislature to pass a budget in effect paralyzes government. |
Bakai songs and chants are in effect spells otherwise employed in love magic. |
It was in effect a palimpsest of the best of previous translations, corrected and winnowed through almost a hundred years of development. |
I think he was, in effect, trapped or tricked by the silly and dangerous set up which the highway authority had decided to institute. |
In other words, the amount of child support determined by the 1997 order would remain in effect until further orders of the trial court. |
The presumption of innocence is in effect being overturned here, placing the burden of proof on the accused. |
Many of them are, in effect, patchworks made up from fragments of different dances. |
New patdown procedures are in effect tonight after hundreds of women complained they were being groped during the screenings. |
And it is in effect and will remain in effect for the pendency of the case. |
He wished to emphasize that governmental issue of inconvertible paper money in effect was taxation. |
It is also a boon to those farmers who are, in effect, protected from competition. |
Here in South Carolina, he's not in the lead, but he's breathing down the neck of the man who is, in effect, the favorite son. |
The indent, in effect, became a series of indents for planning future movements of trade goods and supplies, and related trading activities. |
So, in effect, you are suggesting indulging in a guilty pleasure, but in a traditional, polite format. |
My computer is informing me that legal locks are in effect and I can't fire my gun. |
I find that she was fully aware that the contract was in effect and binding on her. |
The fact is, a very real program is in effect, and its goal is control of the human race! |
Stephenson, on the other hand, thought that a contract must be in effect during the transfer. |
There is no doubt that this judge, in effect, started pretty close to the top and worked his way down. |
In fact, we are about to spend several hundred pages in effect defining advertising. |
The new system of Payment by Results instituted what was in effect merit pay for teachers. |
An inflexible rule protecting such uses would in effect allow the creation of servitudes. |
As to the way in which he conducted his practice he said initially, in effect, that he took no attendance notes. |
There was no argument about that, that it was not a payment, in effect, by the company. |
To adopt the petitioner's approach allows me to in effect reassess the costs of the motion. |
It has allowed British Cycling to establish what is, in effect, a professional team. |
According to the electoral college theory of parliament, this legislation should already be in effect. |
The caudal vertebrae have been fused into a single rod-shaped skeletal element that lies between the ilia, in effect moving the tail internally. |
Job displacement means, in effect, the replacement of union members with foreign workers who have no union ties. |
The change, in effect, would force discount brokers to sell more services and thus, charge more. |
It has, in effect, enrolled the national courts as enforcers of Community law. |
Such dualism, which in effect consigns the Other to perdition, is in modernity often a characteristic of fundamentalisms. |
The instrument is, in effect, played by the breeze, making sounds akin to an oboe-like moaning and the dulcifying strum of a harp. |
By virtualizing all these different parts, in effect we placed a shield over the underlying complexity. |
Once it denies its sovereignty, it will in effect have raised a white flag and surrendered. |
Already their workers, in effect, get double time for work on a public holiday, because they get a day off in lieu. |
Charitable tax deductions in effect make government a large donor to university endowments. |
They want an end to mix stock fishery, which will in effect be an end to drift netting at sea. |
Elegant and inventive, all are in effect strongboxes, made of toughened laminated and bonded glass. |
All of these conditions were in effect this year for the June 21 summer solstice. |
These swell boxes are, in effect, small rooms with louvered fronts, which can be opened and closed by means of pedals at the console. |
The Home Care Service is, in effect, an extension of the family as the carers work together and in partnership with the family. |
The additional pay was money intended for them, they said, and was in effect held in trust by their employer. |
Since they were in effect excluded from membership of the English commonwealth, they continued to cultivate their own separate identity. |
The placebo effect is then defined as the difference in effect in the patients receiving placebo compared with those receiving no treatment. |
And yet it feels utterly incorrect to dissect separate pieces, which, in effect removes specific instrumentation from its context. |
Yet the movie has him give his best which is praiseworthy for the effort and highly questionable in effect. |
Are these rights in the South African Constitution viewed in effect by the Court as directive principles? |
The wormhole in effect connects two distant points in space so as to form a shortcut. |
Some of the new regulations currently in effect are aimed at raising the moral ethics of our people. |
Although Tom deplores that other so-called friends have double-crossed Rodney, have in effect set him up, Tom does the same here. |
This, in effect, increases blood pressure by increasing the volume of extravascular fluid. |
The parish is, in effect, being run from the presbytery but the only priest the people see is at Mass on a Sunday. |
Wage and price controls in effect during World War II meant employers had to turn to forms of non-cash compensation to recruit or retain workers. |
City officials granted the unnamed Bush daughter privileged status, carting her out of the danger zone, despite the quarantine in effect. |
To earn a decent amount from the health service dentists could, in effect, be doing work which is unnecessary and cosmetic. |
A vestibule behind and to the left provides access to the building's interior at grade, in effect a bridge over this sunken area. |
The airways are blind-ended, acting in effect as air-filled capillary tubes sealed at one end. |
You need to get a grasp of the evidence, and in effect, get your act together. |
Most search engines have duplication filters in effect that look past formatting changes and do a very good job of detecting duplicate content. |
The image looks blurry, and the image jitters unnaturally sometimes as though pan and scan is in effect. |
Severe flash flood watches remain in effect in and around Las Vegas after heavy rainstorms. |
In comparison, all other tax deduction measures are too piecemeal, and too minimal, in effect. |
While taking drugs he was, in effect, harming no one but himself whereas with the alcohol he was a danger to others. |
Immediate therapy can be dramatic in effect and prevent further vasculitic complications, permanent blindness, or death. |
This, in effect, brings into replay the colonial practice of extra-territoriality enjoyed by colonisers and adventurers on foreign soils. |
I was in Washington last week to watch the swearing in of the 109th Congress and the gag rule is very much in effect in Congress. |
The two bodies of work are quite separate, if not in intention, then definitely in effect. |
You want your technology to become mainstream as fast as possible so that you can, in effect, share development costs. |
The value, in effect, has been a recoupment of the price paid for the acquisition of the shares in the first place. |
Saying that humans, being creatures of flesh, could not obey the law was to say, in effect, that God made a bad job of creating them. |
Take a metal tray that will accommodate the three tins and turn the tins upside-down, creating, in effect, inverted ovens. |
They, in effect, said that comment on the failure to explain or contradict is the general rule but there were two exceptions to it. |
Benefits books sent to the post office by the department had been kept, in effect stolen. |
The result has been to shift the burden of proof to members and associates of those gangs, and, in effect, to hit them in their wallets. |
The long front wall of the museum building in effect forms a city wall to reinforce the older architectural marking of the place. |
He would record it on a cassette, then copy it and copy it, making in effect multiple tape loops. |
Until the deal is completed with the administrator, York City Football Club Limited is, in effect, just a shell company. |
Water doesn't compress and the piston in effect hits a wall, bending or breaking a con rod and possibly shattering the engine block. |
As a result of this 'coercive socialization', the global economy in effect dictates the kinds of economic policies to be pursued by states. |
It used to be that homeowners would in effect be forced to save as they paid back the principal on their mortgage loan. |
And my final conclusion on all these things is, that once you've find the historical James, you've in effect found the historical Jesus. |
But most importantly, Sharon proposed what is in effect his own made-to-measure, territorial deal, quite separate from the road map. |
The Portuguese were, unlike the other European imperial powers in laying claim to what were in effect not rights of property but rights to use. |
The site is also, in effect, a traffic island, with vehicles swirling relentlessly around it. |
No sooner had I requested a little charcoal, when immediately a full scale famine relief effort was in effect. |
So it's quite a big deal as, Hokkaido has in effect been a reserve for native fish and this is now threatened. |
First, why does a civilised society tolerate a system by which thugs are, in effect, authorised to biff people? |
It get very annoying to have to, in effect, ship one's oars every time he passes, and continually having to check what he's doing. |
Such products may include oil filters, air filters, shocks, spoilers, or headlamps, as they in effect, are part of the truck. |
They are repricing assets and, in effect, writing down bad debts at an astonishing pace. |
We are, in effect, wage slaves for huge corporations which were designed in the 19th century. |
Instead they have, in effect, imposed their own terminus ad quem, being the date of the raising of the present action. |
In the election of 2000, the party in effect abused the judicial power to seize the presidency for itself, and this time the attempt succeeded. |
In fact, the NRA lent support to some of the most abusive criminal justice practices in effect today. |
By federalizing the workforce, the government was also, in effect, busting those unions and tearing up their newly won contracts. |
His rabbit punch, in effect jumping Moore from behind, was spineless, incredibly stupid, premeditated and potentially life-threatening. |
So, in effect, they're treating the ninth of September like the first of January, doing a twelve month retrospective. |
They would become, in effect, prisoners by birth in Godzone, all because of the alleged sins posed by their parents. |
How can we justify in effect canceling the Fifth Amendment, nullifying due process, and allowing for indefinite incarceration without a trial? |
Voluntary payments promote what is in effect, indiscriminatory pricing, assuming reciprocators can choose the size of their gift. |
At present judges are in effect selected by the Lord Chancellor, who recommends appointments to the Queen. |
Since both were mere boys, his parents in effect became the regents for the Regent. |
It would in effect change the regime from a reference system to an appellate one. |
Labeling minor infractions serious crimes, some established, in effect, a reign of terror. |
It was, in effect, an intended public relations exercise to explain why the procedure had not proceeded according to plan. |
This pure faith erected a wall between our understanding of God and our understanding of nature, and in effect desacralized the natural world. |
Neither in effect is capable of being measured by the strict rules of accountancy. |
By inhibiting such a current after amputating a salamander's leg, they can, in effect, flip a switch that shuts down the process of regrowth. |
Despite the notional use of single-member constituencies, this is in effect what happens in Malaysia. |
It is, in effect, a free online case book about cybersquatting that can help parties to gauge their chances before action. |
These millions of folks, in effect squatters illegally occupying untitled land, cannot ever use their houses for collateral for loans or have any recourse to generate wealth. |
The city of Banares is in effect just a big church, a religious hive whose every conceivable earthly and heavenly good is procurable under one roof. |
There is also some issue as to whether there are, in effect two slopes, being the gradual slope of the deck, and then a steeper slope from the deck towards the catch basin. |
Taking the name Flavius Josephus in honour of his patron, Josephus became, in effect, a court historian and propagandist for the new Flavian dynasty. |
Among the references to me, Wolff claims that Murdoch, in effect, won the London broadsheet price war, which he did not. |
The contract will in effect involve the widening of all the remaining three-lane sections of the M25 to four lanes, and cover 100 km of the London orbital motorway. |
This keeps the stress off my knees and places all of it on my quads and hamstrings, in effect making the movement more of a one-leg squat than a stretching lunge. |
In parliamentary boroughs with freeman franchises, the power to bestow the freedom was in effect a power to create electors, a consideration which clearly shaped its use. |
I was assured that as Bolton incinerates its rubbish, and the incinerator is used to produce electricity as a by-product, that in effect this waste is being recycled. |
Lockey makes the same point by transferring the family escutcheons to the yellow curtain on the left, where they become, in effect, emblems of folly. |
A ceasefire was in effect, but the Ukrainian army was still fighting with pro-Russian separatist forces in the east. |
Carl Zimmer describes in his squeamishly gripping book Parasite Rex how, eventually, the barnacle fills the entire carapace of the crab, which becomes, in effect, a zombie. |
The government, in effect, was attempting to excise certain points of view from public debate. |
Although John might not have been aware of dimension theory, he realized, in effect, that Christ had transcended the dimensions of time and space. |
The judge held that it was in effect a disgraceful piece of journalism. |
This book is, in effect, a fascinating introduction to a vast subject. |
Accordingly, abusive and nonabusive men may differ in terms of how each decodes, or in effect interprets, certain conflict situations involving their partner. |
This allowed the Federal Aviation Administration to develop rules for safe spacing between jumbos and smaller aircraft, rules still in effect today. |
The reason why consideration was found was because what was being put into effect was the effectuation of, in effect, a court-approved scheme of arrangement. |
Since clerical dress and address are subjects remitted by universal law to particular law, it follows that these norms of Baltimore on clerical dress remain in effect. |
Facebook, in effect, already is selling the businesses it acquires to others. |
The Great Patriotic War confirmed the untenability of what was in effect prefatory organization of field headquarters of fronts on the basis of military district headquarters. |
We have already been told that the moving of the market and interchange are not negotiable and that, in effect, we can either take it or leave it. |
The lawsuit claimed that the organisation was violating its own rules by allowing a proposed rule for dealing with the import of argali to stay in effect for a decade. |
A gag order remains mostly in effect in the case against alleged killer James Holmes. |
The Vagabonds, in effect, buy off the by-blow of their hired man's romance, and the action of the novel consists of what the present generation makes of that earlier gift. |
The fibers of this thick muscle stratum all lie in the direction of the axis of the esophagus, making it, in effect, a second, strong, longitudinal muscle layer. |
They have, in effect, been rendered homeless by the minister's actions. |
That conjecture offers a new way of expressing Diophantine problems, in effect translating an infinite number of Diophantine equations into a single mathematical statement. |
The consequence of this legislation is that people who may well not commit a further crime can be detained indeterminately, in effect, for the rest of their lives. |
The final point on which the judge found against the appellant was that the claim the appellant was making was in effect that of the bank and not her claim. |
He calls instead, in effect, for a return to traditional governance, with its checks and balances and its clear demarcations between officials and politicians. |
The Patient's Charter has been in effect for nearly five years. |
I soon found in effect it was impossible for me to declare it, considering the contrast of the solitariness of my long obnubilation and obscurity. |
Did they know that, in effect, they were in the tornado alley for Ivan? |
In my father's case, Chaber knew that such rhetorical flourishes were unnecessary, since opposing counsel had, in effect, accused my father of being a liar. |
Since applied linguistics is concerned with language problems as experienced in the real world, it might appear that the two areas of enquiry in effect converge into one. |
The seller transfers the property to a nominee who holds it in trust for the seller, who then in effect sells his rights under the trust, thus avoiding duty completely. |
By aiming to recover a genealogy of such radical epistemology, Herbert's project in effect aims to undergird a hermeneutically suspicious project via unsuspicious historicism. |
After 1905, with a chic Paris gallery constantly demanding saleable work and a shift in his social circle, Vuillard becomes in effect an Impressionist. |
The 2011 NBA lockout had been in effect since July 1, and Humphries was an unsigned free agent. |
Comets are in effect dirty snowballs, water ice coated in organic gunk. |
Will sanctions already in effect continue to torpedo the Iranian economy, or will sanctions begin to crumble? |
The Notice of Appeal also asks this court in effect to hold that the defence of qualified privilege in each of its forms has no real prospect of success. |
Was it possible, for example, to let the computer perform while occasionally causing some change to the performance, in effect overriding the computer's decisions? |
He, in effect, fell victim to the myths of his own invincibility. |
He explained that the level of contribution settled on by the councillors would, in effect, determine how much the council could spend over the next five years. |
By snubbing the movie, Silicon Valley, as it loves to do, is, in effect, snubbing Hollywood. |
But Sermons for Special Occasions, despite its title, is also directed at the general reader as it is in effect a series of reflections on key moments in life. |
Bush continued his own regime of pressure to win over a still unsure American public when his routine weekly radio message was in effect turned into a call to arms. |
He has subsequently been accused of paying too little attention to the plays in performance, in effect of treating them as discursive, almost novelistic, works of literature. |
The Forest Conservation Act of 1980, ostensibly meant to protect the environment, in effect reduced tribal communities to encroachers and thieves in their traditional habitat. |
In those cases the House in effect decided that the substance or reality of the composite transactions was to be considered free of any artificial steps. |
The stags used in stag hunting are in effect tame farmed deer. |
Cast as the recollected observations of a Sardinian who had long ago traveled across Europe and Great Britain, it is, in effect, a disquisition on national character. |
John's Book of Alleged Dances strikes me as a modern equivalent of John Playford's English Dancing Master, in effect an early fake book of popular tunes for musicians. |
They were, in effect, disputing some common territory, a point that the diagram reveals especially when Modernism triumphs after the Second World War. |
Another tactic already widespread in most of Europe, but relatively new in Germany, is factoring, in which a business in effect borrows against its accounts receivable. |
The contrast, in effect, has never been one of moral value, but one of manageability. |
Unfortunately, some legal discussions in effect have analogized payment to a piggy bank, where a person's physical money is paid in, possibly mixed, and then extracted. |
If a government goes out and anchors its purchasing policy on open source, it will, in effect, hurt its local commercial software community, Sharp claimed. |
It is a curious show which, while at first sight might appear to be an uncomfortable mix of high art and popular culture, in effect works surprisingly well. |
Page 28 of the Codex Borgia is, in effect, one page in an almanac produced by astronomer-calculators to suit a particular time and place of celestial observation. |
The vice president is in effect the prime minister of the inner cabinet. |
He is in effect trapped within his body as his mind remains agile. |
The clavichord was, in effect, a series of monochords placed in a single box, and it was called monochordia by many 15th and 16th-century writers. |
She argued that students from lower income families would get grants and bursaries and, in effect, money from well-off students would be directed to help them. |
This behavior by the lice is known as phoresy and is in effect a risky process of redistribution in which the lice get to travel freely on the flies. |
They were going to be told that in no uncertain way, in effect, by both counsel, the defence needing to respond to the way in which the Crown would properly put the case. |
The new system uses the same principles in effect all across the country. |
It has, in effect, been marinaded in blood and tastes unspeakable. |
Why were we all left smiling at the end of the programme at the hard-necked individuals who tried to, in effect, steal your money and mine and who walked away scot-free? |
Then he suddenly summoned the Vatican Council II, whose reforms the curia and recent popes have in effect sought to roll back. |
Every day, they are in effect passing judgment on regimes around the world. |
The stage lights, which had started out in orange and purple, switched to green and purple, then pink and red, before becoming kaleidoscopic in effect. |
Syria has in effect run Lebanon, once part of the Syrian province of the Ottoman Empire, ever since the end of the 15-year-long civil war in Lebanon. |
The peninsula, in effect a half-island appended to Eurasia, is burdened with geographic features that tend to encourage predatory behavior on the part of the great powers. |
With higher wages in effect, says the CBO, employers are less likely to hire. |
Above, it was enclosed in an octagonal structure, which formed in effect the sanctuary of the basilica, which stretched in five aisles divided by rows of monolithic columns. |
The correspondence between the two became, in effect, an alliance by stealth, waiting for events to make it safely transparent. |
Chained cpi is a more conservative way of measuring inflation and, in effect, an assault on already-retired seniors. |
The detector would be placed in a dewar, in effect a huge Thermos bottle. |
Are certain procedures in danger of becoming, in effect, screens of confidentiality to prevent cases discussed thereunder from being aired in public? |
The US executive has, in effect, declared a permanent state of war. |
However, norms governing the conduct of war, as distinct from those governing resort to armed force, are by their nature no more than mitigatory in effect. |
Within this safe harbor, greenmail, in effect, is legalized. |
That is, in effect, a total bar on an existing cause of action. |
It tells the plaintiff, in effect, that he or she cannot even force the defendant to answer questions, in deposition or interrogatories, about what exactly occurred. |
Gold and silver vessels served in effect as large denomination banknotes, and weighed round figures in terms of the prevailing currency standards. |
It is far from sure that one can define bargaining power, or compare the bargaining power of two parties independently of the bargains they in effect reach. |
The solution of the crime is in effect an exteriorisation of inner order. |
He short-circuited moral claims concerning the unethical nature of sequestration by saying, in effect, that the legal right to confiscate made for the moral right to do so. |
In seeking to forge a global, US-led coalition to prosecute an all-out war on terrorism, officials are saying, in effect, that there are no neutrals any more. |
Thus numberless descriptions are in effect universal quantifiers. |
This amounted in effect to a diktat by finance capital that new measures had to be adopted to increase the extraction of surplus value from the working class. |
It would in effect make conscious what needs to be intuitive. |
These organisations are also entitled to what the government calls a top-up-grant which, in effect, is intended to cover rises in staff salaries and other incidentals. |
The over riding concern expressed by the elected members was that the County Manager was in effect and by stealth easing them all into retirement. |
When Lucius Cornelius Sulla regulated the cursus by law, the minimum age of election to consul became, in effect, 41 years of age. |
This, in effect creates a unique environment in which certain species are found. |
To discourage further invasions, Kenya signed a defence pact with Ethiopia in 1969, which is still in effect. |
A day fine system is in effect and also applied to offenses such as speeding. |
Within a household or workplace, a hierarchy of slaves might exist, with one slave in effect acting as the master of other slaves. |
Soon afterward, the federal government, in effect, outlawed the rinky-dinks by adopting minimum-strength standards. |
They were in effect the government of rural England and Wales until the reforms of the late 1800s creating counties and district councils. |
This, in effect, slid backwards and forwards admitting steam to one end of the cylinder then the other. |
Between the two lies Ennerdale so that in effect the group is the shape of a single horseshoe, each branch about 10 miles in length. |
After the dissolution of the Western Roman Empire, the Roman law remained in effect in the Eastern Roman Empire. |
The Conventicle and Five Mile Acts remained in effect for the remainder of Charles's reign. |
This short-selling restriction remains in effect through the end of trading on the trigger day and for all of the next trading day. |
His accusations, in effect, characterized the book as hate speech. |
Existing restrictions on the use of lead ammunition in the California condor range remain in effect while implementation proceeds. |
When you look at how some of these companies operate, they're in effect, sweat shops. |
So now the company is asking the FCC to, in effect, reverse itself. |
What we are saying, in effect, is that you don't necessarily have to hit the green with an accurate drive in order to set up the approach shot. |
New registration requirements are put in effect for non-citizens from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, and Sudan. |
The estate tax is still in effect at a minimum for the next 10 years, subject to many phase-in and phase-outs. |
It will be asserted he was asleep at the time and that, in effect, he was unconscious of his actions, in some sort of state akin to sleepwalking. |
A tropical storm warning is in effect from Salina Cruz in Oaxaca to Pijijiapan in Chiapas state. |
A case could be made that Bynes was, in effect, a ticking time bomb. |
One of the most pointless forms of aggression is that of single men who are, in effect, undomesticated by responsibilities of family life. |
Danner acknowledges that missing middle, Which is in effect a null set that includes the data we don't have. |
A more useful definition of cyberwar is any hostile action in cyberspace that amplifies or is equivalent in effect to major physical violence. |
In the face of panoptic surveillance operations, C-51 in effect trumps privacy protection laws. |
As James Hennesey notes, the sweeping statements of the Postulatum in effect granted the pope unlimited power. |
They now seek an excerption from the government, in effect enlisting the state as enforcer of their theology. |
But it was Starr who, in effect, had the first opportunity to define the scope of impeachability. |
The gene codes for a protein, called invasin, that in effect rings the doorbell to enter intestinal cells. |
Antipet liberationists and some moral vegans are in effect endorsing this categorical position. |
The k in skope is in effect a marker of graecity, and as such conserves the original Greek seme of sight. |
Legislation first introduced by the British is still in effect in modified form today. |
From this time the kingdom of England, as well as its successor state the United Kingdom, functioned in effect as a constitutional monarchy. |
Along with the Act of Settlement 1701, the Bill of Rights is still in effect in all Commonwealth realms. |
This means, in effect, that nothing otherwise lawful that a local authority may wish to do can be ultra vires. |
His report he was keen to reassure them, was eugenic in intent and would prove so in effect. |
Currently, the 1983 Code of Canon Law is in effect primarily for the Latin Church. |
In the reign of Elizabeth I, this title was changed to Supreme Governor of the Church of England, an act still in effect. |
Indeed, Murray wrote an introduction to Gardner's Witchcraft Today, in effect putting her stamp of approval on it. |
This law remained in effect until 1954, when the University of Salamanca joined in commemoration of its septecentenary. |
Welsh players are eligible to play for England, which is in effect an England and Wales team. |
It is in effect the eroded outer edges of the High Weald, revealing a mixture of sandstone outcrops within the underlying clay. |
Despite the original intention, the Grundgesetz remained in effect after the German reunification in 1990, with only minor amendments. |