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How to use in that in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "in that"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Selling for fat is no good to us as there is no profit in that when you lamb at this time of year.
The costs, as I found out to my surprise, are not recoverable in that situation.
The mesmerizing power of motherhood is weirdly captured in that pulsing light.
You get pace notes before the event to assist you, but you are not allowed to recce the stages, so in that sense it will be new to all of us.
This was once the defining gap in that prominent shopping strip until 2001, when the airspace over the tracks was sold.
Maybe in that deep, dark recess of my soul, I just want to be able to dream again.
Gaines finished his coaching career in 1993 as the second all-time winningest coach, and today is ranked fifth in that category.
The octave differs from the kilocycle in that each octave contains twice as many cycles as the previous one.
One of the problems in that case was the use of recitals in legislation to establish constitutional facts.
The best wisecracks are the lines anybody would have said if only they had thought of them in that split-second.
Just pretend you're dukes or counts from one of the northern countries and you can get anywhere in that castle.
You're going to have a permanent kink in that button nose of yours if you keep getting hit.
Perhaps the larger-sized digits of adults confer some protection from such injuries, in that a larger band is required to cause constriction.
In fact, the Kirghiz were one of the first groups of Afghan refugees to seek a haven in that country.
An enterocele differs from a rectocele in that it is a true hernia, lined by peritoneum and usually containing small bowel.
I got off on the wrong foot in that first scene that has snakes in the bed.
It differs from previous releases in that Maal sings in several different languages, including Wolof and Malinka.
There is no need to show the red card, which results in that player missing games for his side, as a result of an average foul.
There is yet a further problem for the evolutionist in that the human knee is distinctly different from animal knees.
I heard one caller to a radio show suggest that this might redound to our benefit, since all they understand in that region is strength.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Was there any scuttlebutt around the camp in that regard with respect to him?
He was then scalped and permitted to remain in that situation for several hours.
Would Mr. Johnston in that case regard me as a sort of colourable fraud, and ship me back home?
This is included in the preceding, but it is simpler in that the various operations are commutative.
As the exercise of his foresight will enable him to acquire a competency in that time.
Her name means the concealer, concealed herself in that lone sea-closed island, and concealing others.
They did in that act a number of very good things for the consular service.
It must be a miserable imposture, indeed, that does not prevail in that contest.
We prize the sensation of our continuity, and we can only capture it in that way.
He used a standard contractual form, and in that contractual form it includes gifts and contributions, and we deleted those.
Conway called to his aid all the ring-generalship of which he was capable in that opening round.
But I checked him in that Falstaffian vein, urging considerations of time and cookery.
We regard them as almost insane, fortified in that belief by the undoubted fact that coprophagia is not uncommon among the insane.
They resemble them in that they are beliefs in being signified by the copula.
His mad joy did not allow him to see anything of the coquette in that confession.
You have unburdened your own soul in that matter, and if they had been corrigible, you would have helped a good many more.
Where the flour is corrupted, the use of it in every other article of food, will of course be as unwholesome as in that of bread.
Wall, some of the cases they tried in that cort house made me snicker right out loud.
Reports came in that the countryside was up in arms, moving to attack the Mercutians.
They were sitting there in that courtroom just wishing you would be sent up.
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