Selling for fat is no good to us as there is no profit in that when you lamb at this time of year. |
The costs, as I found out to my surprise, are not recoverable in that situation. |
The mesmerizing power of motherhood is weirdly captured in that pulsing light. |
You get pace notes before the event to assist you, but you are not allowed to recce the stages, so in that sense it will be new to all of us. |
This was once the defining gap in that prominent shopping strip until 2001, when the airspace over the tracks was sold. |
Maybe in that deep, dark recess of my soul, I just want to be able to dream again. |
Gaines finished his coaching career in 1993 as the second all-time winningest coach, and today is ranked fifth in that category. |
The octave differs from the kilocycle in that each octave contains twice as many cycles as the previous one. |
One of the problems in that case was the use of recitals in legislation to establish constitutional facts. |
The best wisecracks are the lines anybody would have said if only they had thought of them in that split-second. |
Just pretend you're dukes or counts from one of the northern countries and you can get anywhere in that castle. |
You're going to have a permanent kink in that button nose of yours if you keep getting hit. |
Perhaps the larger-sized digits of adults confer some protection from such injuries, in that a larger band is required to cause constriction. |
In fact, the Kirghiz were one of the first groups of Afghan refugees to seek a haven in that country. |
An enterocele differs from a rectocele in that it is a true hernia, lined by peritoneum and usually containing small bowel. |
I got off on the wrong foot in that first scene that has snakes in the bed. |
It differs from previous releases in that Maal sings in several different languages, including Wolof and Malinka. |
There is no need to show the red card, which results in that player missing games for his side, as a result of an average foul. |
There is yet a further problem for the evolutionist in that the human knee is distinctly different from animal knees. |
I heard one caller to a radio show suggest that this might redound to our benefit, since all they understand in that region is strength. |
Let it be clear from here on in that I know absolutely nothing about how cars work. |
John was a well known and accomplished tailor and was gifted in that line of work. |
If there's something going on in that crowded four blocks of shops and restaurants, he knows the score. |
That's a safe choice for a conservative offense, but it doesn't mean Peete will last the season in that role. |
The Crown in that case submitted that the confessions were rightly admitted and that the convictions were safe and satisfactory. |
The workshop is an activist project in that it empowers the women and helps them get in touch with their creative potential. |
I thank them for going and sharing some time in that wonderful part of the world. |
Marbled Murrelets are unusual among the alcids in that they molt to cryptic-brown plumage during the breeding season. |
Larvae of alderflies differ from hellgrammites in that they lack the two hooks at the end of the abdomen. |
Further reflexion and experiment showed me my subject strangled in that extreme of rigour. |
The ultimate reflexive investigation of investigation occurs in that branch of philosophy known as epistemology, the theory of knowledge. |
He threw himself into sports, primarily wrestling, and he succeeded in that until a pretty serious knee injury took him out of the sport. |
She wrinkled her nose and twisted her mouth in that appealing grimace of hers, then silently nodded and opened the door part-way. |
Boils occur most often on the face, head, neck, forearms and wrists in that order. |
That's interesting, because in a way that's a very writerly method, in that you did your rough draft and then your final draft. |
Darryl said he wouldn't be surprised if they also found an alien spacecraft in that cave. |
My great interest in Anglo-Indian contact in that period was the profound alienness of each group in the eyes of the other. |
I am sure that the sale of the properties will assist in that regard, as already mentioned. |
It is often mentioned in the same breath in that regard as Saul Bellow's The Adventures of Augie March. |
Vertebroplasty is a percutaneous technique similar to kyphoplasty in that bone cement is injected into the vertebral body. |
On such a stark platform, it isn't until half a dozen songs in that the band really comes alive. |
Almost everything on the floor has a designated position and is labeled as such and is kept in that position. |
If anything their dominance became more pronounced on the turnover, and in that entire second half Gaultier failed to register a solitary score. |
And then it finally sank in that he was beyond all hope, and that she was powerless to stop him. |
It has considerable interests in that country, which it intends to defend against all comers. |
I radioed in that there was oil all over, but I got through it and we finished in one piece. |
He's not exactly acting very honorably in that role or as a man, and I think it's deeply regrettable. |
The one way system was very successful in that it regularised the junctions because they were awfully dangerous and it got rid of that danger. |
The first charge is quite clear and I advise the Court that the particulars in that charge allege or constitute a war crime. |
How low has this country fallen in that it now embraces the fears and xenophobia of right wing shock jocks. |
She reads that and studies it, and then believe it or not, regurgitates all of the symptoms in that book back to Hutchinson. |
This lightweight rocket is right up our alley in that we have a lot of experience building sails for similar type boats. |
Six of the lads forming the team are under 23 and if we can get two more the team could enter a competition in that age group. |
It's early days for me yet, but he is different from other managers in that he tries to be one of the lads. |
In certain instances, this is the book's weakness in that it falls between two stools, being truly neither one nor the other. |
I felt that the game fell between two stools in that it was supposed to be scary yet it presented itself as an extremely tacky 1950s horror film. |
Furthermore, there were many in that party who just thought it was their turn to grasp the reins of government authority. |
So I figure that, if I carry on in that way, I should be allowed to continue to make records, providing the industry allows me to. |
Make no doubt, it's stressful in that batter's box, never more so than when you've just looked at strike two. |
It didn't need two good eyes to read the strain in that elegantly sculptured cafe au lait face. |
Penn's Milk is spot-on true-to-character in that he is Harvey Milk, a man whose defining characteristic was his true-to-life relatability. |
Bigger castles housed more troops so the threat to the Welsh in that region was very obvious. |
But even in that banner year, Apple's creative energy hasn't amounted to very much in financial terms. |
The width of the sum in any direction equals the sum of widths of the addends in that direction. |
But the Power Mac is a special case in that its graphics are add-ins, so Apple can pretty much bundle whatever board takes its fancy. |
The finding was instrumental in getting lead additives banned from gasoline in that country. |
I don't know or care who started it, but you do not address people in that manner in my classroom, in my hearing or out of it. |
It was in that guise that he was captured in 1943, floating down the Mekong River in a bamboo raft. |
They were little boys and little girls that were covered in dirt and mud while their clothes were ragged in that smelly dump. |
I try hard to put myself in that position and imagine what it would be like, but of course, I've always been part of the majority. |
They have been put upon and shoved and pushed and rooted out of any legitimate role in that society, and it is a huge human tragedy. |
Deschamps brought in older players from Italy and also Italian coaches in that first year. |
A scratch golfer who mixes freely with professionals in that game, McGwire is a good judge of what he sees and hears around the circuit. |
The domestic law of France can properly determine what judgments may be enforced in that country. |
More rain fell in that week than the region's rainfall for the entire year. |
By July the only thing that had not changed in that plan was the match in Adelaide. |
A petition was raised condemning the council's actions and Smith was voted out of office in that year's elections. |
I assumed that the author wrote them in that way in order to raise a laugh. |
It resembles the immunosuppression caused by UVB at the cellular level in that it is adoptively transferable. |
If we did it in a normal car it would have been easier to do but what's the fun in that? |
Pardon me, but what possible meaning can the word friend have in that sentence? |
He decided in that moment to deal with whatever would happen no matter what. |
He was in contention for the Open title, but faded in that strange final round with everyone else, except Whatshisname. |
This energy form has an advantage over liquid fuel in that it is an extremely safe product. |
Nuclear power has an advantage over coal and oil in that it doesn't emit any greenhouse gases. |
All specific excise taxes are unfair in that no tax contribution is made by non-consumers. |
I'd leave him in that box and let him ride around in the UPS truck til they send him back from whence he came. |
I know you are but what I am asking you is, can you tell me where I am wrong in that analysis? |
Not before long he heard a sharp rap on the door, and a stern voice telling him no doors were to be locked in that family. |
History shows that it is nearly always the smaller party in a coalition that takes the rap in that situation. |
Actually, it's the missing bits of story you're supposed to fill in that winds me up, but I lack the wherewithal to explain why. |
As a matter of fact, I used to be in that latter group, totally ignorant and aggressive towards even the slightest whiff of cigar smoke. |
Unlike typical vehicles in that segment, the look is aero and uncluttered, sporty, not beefy. |
I usually get a major bruise in that area while surfing when I am just wearing a rash guard and surf trunks. |
We were asked about the religion of Rastafarianism, which is very prominent in that country. |
It was easy to imagine a scene in that affable pub on any night, the slagging, the fun. |
Dean has explained that he was just trying to mirror and affirm the enthusiasm of his supporters who were in that room in Iowa. |
Yet, in that familiar paradox Freud makes his own, our drives have their own ineluctable logics and rationales. |
The reason for this is if you get a flat in that tire, you will have to take the whole track off to change the tire. |
Unfortunate timing, I'm afraid, in that it happened to be my wedding anniversary. |
Anyway, I see nothing wrong with little white lies in that situation to spare the gift-giver's feelings. |
It may not be a plasma ray gun, but it will still put a hole in that nasty, slimy, green head of yours. |
Its reach or scope may be spatial or temporal, in that it reaches beyond a single event or a single site of practice. |
It's in that moment he decides he's not going to play his beloved violin until he reacquaints himself with his Algerian roots. |
She had been stuck in that horrible keep for the last four years of her life. |
But I'm also no reactionary, in that I don't believe such a community has ever existed, not really. |
If elected, I would hope to ensure that the unions did not find themselves in that position again. |
Tomorrow night, our Paula Zahn will try to get a read on the undecided voters in that state. |
This is not really a poker game, in that players do not bet against each other. |
A Readership in Statistics was created in the Faculty of Agriculture to teach courses in that Faculty and courses in Mathematics. |
Laura does most her training for swimming and is ranked in the top five for her age group in that sport. |
Advocate for inclusion, but if they fail them in that regard, they should create their own programs and agendas to address the needs we neglect. |
Exemplary damages are distinguishable from basic and aggravated damages in that their only function is to punish the tortfeasor. |
However, the raid was widely regarded as the first act of aggression in the war of independence in that part of the country. |
It only underscores my point that the real value of the Rand should be in that region. |
The possible source of the SARS virus in that epidemic was agitated sewage water. |
The game strives for a certain degree of realism rather than dazzle, and in that I think it has succeeded. |
I can't think of any show I've ever been involved in that had such a kerfuffle around it. |
The Scottish pack went at their opponents in the loose play and it was clear that they were the equals of England in that division. |
So in the end it sort of has a happy ending, in that you get to see Grace exact vengeance. |
The structure of Old English was more like Latin in that words had various inflectional endings to indicate their grammatical function. |
The run was keyed by the re-entry into the game of forward Mike Sovran, a fifth year co-captain, who scored seven points in that span. |
It is saying that the only way in which we, as a group of reasonable people, were able to interpret the provision was in that way. |
I realized in that moment that I need to stop reassessing the entire situation in light of whatever happened the instance before. |
There was a breeze, and her rebellious hair began cascading down from the knot she'd put it in that morning. |
She spoke no Japanese, so he spoke Ainu words first, and grew up fluent in that dying language. |
He has four months to prove he is worth holding on to and in that time he hopes to hone his English as well as his football skills. |
If I had been in that airport and my flight was held up because of these idiots, I would have cheered the police on as they arrested the couple. |
Huge sand bags are being airlifted to try to stem the rush of water in that area. |
The location is typical of an Amerindian settlement in that it is located on the windward side of the island. |
It is feared that this may cause serious risks in that spies or terrorists could use it to recce sensitive British sites for potential attack. |
Discouting the gross factor of swimming in that saline cesspool, there are some awesome images. |
Nobody in that building ever made me feel disregarded, disrespected, or uncared for. |
They also differ from other Iraqis in that their ancestral language is not Arabic but a dialect of Aramaic, also referred to as Chaldean, Assyrian, or Syriac. |
One of the plaintiffs in that litigation, the conservationist Sierra Club, has filed a motion to recuse Scalia from further participation in the case. |
There are a number of helpful passages in the judgments in that decision. |
Initial charges against sarkozy in that tentacular Bettencourt case had been dropped. |
In that sense, the last Report was mildly unsatisfying as a conclusion, in that it left so much unresolved. |
From the looks of it, mistletoe is a keystone species and plays a crucial role in that forest ecosystem. |
They were trying to mirror SNCC and SDS globally and move the Peace Corps in that direction. |
So that time, and growing up in that environment, connected me to those films. |
You mentioned in your presentation that particularly younger people who are both adroit and adept at the new technology, thrive in that environment. |
From his Taipei retreat, Chiang Kai-shek continued his rearguard fight in that civil war, leading China to perpetuate the hostilities which continue to this day. |
The dismissed employees were never redeployed as mentioned in that issue. |
Matthew Stinson can't help but point out the flaw in that reasoning. |
He turned around, his eyes searching hers in that way he had, their crimson depths revealing nothing but a deathly shimmer and a redolence of something lost. |
A visit to is enough to convince anyone of the truth in that. |
Whatever he became in that no-man's land he was a ghost, invisible as air. |
Many of the more affluent youth, who had access to learning English, rapped in that language, mixing American vernacular and phrasing into their music. |
The aircrews averaged about 1,000 flying hours in that time. |
He was in a daze but had enough sense to lie low for a bit and so he registered at a seedy hotel in that part of town, where he hoped no-one would come looking for him. |
Falstaff was big and fantastically blustery, and in that context, we somehow managed to avoid discussing the politics of the day, enjoying a jolly frivolous evening in all. |
You can practically taste the chilled white wine in that glass. |
Aircraft encroaching on U.S. airspace was a more straightforward affair in that the warning time was longer and the source of the threat was obvious. |
The first stage in that process is a short stay in the reception center. |
But Sciortino cut her teeth in that world of excess irony, cynicism, and posturing. |
He also said that the case meant he and his wife had been away from their child for the last six weeks and his condition had regressed in that time. |
It hung against her body perfectly, and Cwen was suddenly reminded of her own lustful days with her husband, and how fine she looked in that gown, how refined and ladylike. |
The extent to which folk medicine, which I've made reference to, is practiced is a measure of the quality of the medical service available in that community. |
But unfortunately for us, the devilish Mr. Hyde was in charge in that case. |
I commend him for doing so, and for the immense amount of good he has done in that role. |
So it looks as though internalist justifications are like irritatingly persistent children in that they give rise to an unending regress of reasons for reasons. |
But he knew exactly what he was saying in that interview, and the results are sadder to contemplate than his famous errors. |
Now, in that difficult third season, this week's opening episode would have seen it jump the shark if it hadn't already from the very start. |
Woe unto the central banker who diversified in that direction too quickly. |
Guest and gift authorships are similar in that each represents the inclusion of an author who does not meet the criteria for authorship. |
But even in that case, it's no great disaster because most downloads are resumable. |
We're cutting back Astrantia 'Roma', the exception to the rule in that it is sterile. |
Rather than creating a blank line in that section, Dialogue leaves the line out and sequentially renumbers the list. |
He called the team I played in that won Chelsea the FA Cup and the European Cup Winners' Cup for the first time a bunch of lager louts. |
When the arriving female mosquitoes detect a chemical emitted by the backswimmer, they are less likely to lay eggs in that pool. |
Countless millions in that vast landmass have endured every conceivable horror, from famine, wars, atrocities and disease for decades. |
We do work for Salt Laky City, and the mayor is asking law firms that do work for the city what their practices are in that regard. |
Rousseau saw himself in that role and actually offered his assistance in revolutionary lawgiving to Poland and Corsica. |
The urinary bladder is an unusual structure in that it is autonomically innervated yet functions under voluntary control. |
We reneged because of his alleged 'Communist leanings' and recognition of Red China in that Cold War world. |
Whether history will repeat itself in that regard is debatable. |
I could see what it had cost her, being put in that degrading place. |
The drug involved in that case was Laetrile, which had a long history of failure. |
Given that the classy righthander will open the innings in McCullum's absence, there still looks to be plenty of mileage in that price. |
Mine still involves Barberella, with a pleasing dollop of Kate Bush in that Babooshka number. |
It resiles from recent thinking, however, in that it places health at the centre of this integration. |
If you get a ham salad sandwich you just know there is less calories in that than an egg and bacon barmcake, don't you? |
Constructed between 2589 and 2504BC, the Egyptian pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, built in that order, are a testament to ancient planning and engineering. |
The strength and the aggressiveness of a jurisdiction's law enforcement agency are also key factors in understanding the nature and extent of crime occurring in that area. |
Yes, by the time you get this, the World Series will be over, and it will be time to settle down and get involved in that other Great American Pastime, audiophilia. |
It is a welcome change to see retail backc in that arear of town. |
Although the new measurement falls short by a factor of 10 of the accuracy needed to redefine the kilogram, it takes an important step in that direction, metrologists say. |
Kalevala is quite different from the legends of other Nordic nations in that its fabled heroes apply magic more often than violence to solve their challenges. |