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How to use impure in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word impure? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
His motives are impure but his impact is the equivalent of warming sunshine after a bleak winter of bitter darkness.
Drug addicts are being sold impure substances which are far more harmful than the real thing.
That means eliminating impure tastes in the brewing process so the flavour of the hops can emerge untainted.
Eventually Russian officialdom accepted that, in terms of healthy eating, impure US chicken legs were better than no meat at all.
A woman in Stoney Creek, Adelaide Hoodless, suffered the loss of her baby son as a result of impure milk.
The missiles that fly are also schools that have not been built, water supplies that remain impure and diseases that stay uncured.
What can he say about the FDA, an agency that keeps us safe from impure food and poisonous pharmaceuticals?
Although steel scrap is legal trade, the waste, if indeed it arrived, would have been hugely impure.
In Africa like most third world countries, most of the water consumed is impure.
These deaths are a result of inadequate medical supplies, impure water and nutritional deficiencies.
Some of these causes are difficult to remove because they are created by impure air, pollution from industry and motor vehicles.
Oh father, I have had many impure thoughts, really, really dirty thoughts, and about a married man too.
They're impure, contaminating a virtuous America with their sinful behavior.
Keep good company, never mixing with adulterers, thieves or other impure people.
Pythagoreans believed that anyone who downgraded his life by immoral and impure acts would be born as animal in his next life.
These boundaries determine who is in and out, pure and impure, and loyal and disloyal to the group ethos.
Let the one in books that speak the truth edify religious men, and the other in lying fables delight impure demons.
No young man will go through the motions of the dance, hour after hour, without thinking impure thoughts.
I'm not the only one either, who came here because they did something wrong or amoral or impure and is going to eternal damnation.
A direct profession of faith would be insufficiently impure, a denial of the brownness of real life.
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Examples from Classical Literature
They are not absolutely insoluble in water, and the sulphide of thallium being brown, would probably be damaged by impure air.
Pure concentrated acid can be made best by the contact process, while the chamber process is cheaper for the dilute impure acid.
An impure oxysulphide of antimony, with variable portions of trioxide, and undecomposed tersulphide.
The Flowers of Antimony is an impure oxysulphide of antimony, with variable proportions of trioxide and undecomposed trisulphide.
Hear me when I say that Norma Byng never had an impure or unchaste thought in her life.
Of each bes of silver one sicilicus is consumed, or occasionally when very impure, three drachmae or half an uncia.
The impure are to be purified, and the evil made good, through the mediation of Mithras, the reconciler of Ormuzd and Ahriman.
Should any breath be spent in aspiration, or in hissing, or in guttural enunciation, the vocality is said to be impure.
My Mind wanders in sex-chaos and muses on piquant impure things, enchanting villainies, odd inversions, whatnot.
But whiffle never could acquit Yerk of having been, directly or indirectly, the cause of his suffering from the impure shower.
Chloroform made from wood spirit is said to be more impure than that from alcohol.
And how he loathed to think that the name of the dead man was now befouled by the calculating and impure praise of schemers.
From such liquors it is precipitated in an impure state by an alkali, and brought into commerce under the name of quinoidine.
Hence he refused to touch anything that had animal life in it, on the ground that it densified the mind and rendered it impure.
But it is self-contradictory that the impure should proceed from the pure, darkness from light.
Coming from these two sources the caldarium must have been, indeed, impure.
All of them may be regarded as impure forms of ethyl alcohol, the various impurities giving to each its particular taste.
Heat recovers the pure air, and the mercury, leaving the calx of the impure metal.
Calcareous sands or impure limestones with glauconite are also by no means rare, an example being the well-known Kentish Rag.
The impure mother-liquor from which crystals of alloxan have separated, if diluted with water, may be used for this purpose.
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