His motives are impure but his impact is the equivalent of warming sunshine after a bleak winter of bitter darkness. |
Drug addicts are being sold impure substances which are far more harmful than the real thing. |
That means eliminating impure tastes in the brewing process so the flavour of the hops can emerge untainted. |
Eventually Russian officialdom accepted that, in terms of healthy eating, impure US chicken legs were better than no meat at all. |
A woman in Stoney Creek, Adelaide Hoodless, suffered the loss of her baby son as a result of impure milk. |
The missiles that fly are also schools that have not been built, water supplies that remain impure and diseases that stay uncured. |
What can he say about the FDA, an agency that keeps us safe from impure food and poisonous pharmaceuticals? |
Although steel scrap is legal trade, the waste, if indeed it arrived, would have been hugely impure. |
In Africa like most third world countries, most of the water consumed is impure. |
These deaths are a result of inadequate medical supplies, impure water and nutritional deficiencies. |
Some of these causes are difficult to remove because they are created by impure air, pollution from industry and motor vehicles. |
Oh father, I have had many impure thoughts, really, really dirty thoughts, and about a married man too. |
They're impure, contaminating a virtuous America with their sinful behavior. |
Keep good company, never mixing with adulterers, thieves or other impure people. |
Pythagoreans believed that anyone who downgraded his life by immoral and impure acts would be born as animal in his next life. |
These boundaries determine who is in and out, pure and impure, and loyal and disloyal to the group ethos. |
Let the one in books that speak the truth edify religious men, and the other in lying fables delight impure demons. |
No young man will go through the motions of the dance, hour after hour, without thinking impure thoughts. |
I'm not the only one either, who came here because they did something wrong or amoral or impure and is going to eternal damnation. |
A direct profession of faith would be insufficiently impure, a denial of the brownness of real life. |
If the book does well, there will be greater recognition as a writer and some money, but that is not to say that the motives are impure. |
It is also frequently found in coal gasification and oil-refining processes as well as industrial gas turbines operating on impure fuel. |
Pharmacists refused to accept shipment of this product because they thought it was impure. |
A method of tuning in which some concords are made slightly impure so that few or none will be unpleasantly out of tune. |
The lower limestone is impure and tufaceous, but similar in texture to the typical Oamaru building-stone. |
When I view La Belle Noiseuse, a movie which features more than 90 minutes of a naked Emmanuelle Beart, my thoughts are not impure or unclean. |
Such a scheme by the ruling party is shameless because the motives behind it are impure. |
Uvarovite is formed from the metamorphism of impure siliceous limestones and some other rocks that contain chromium. |
Vesuvianite forms as a result of contact metamorphism on impure limestones and is usually found with other exotic minerals. |
With its impure spirits, the evil eye is thought to afflict human beings, animals, agriculture and property. |
His spirit is considered to be impure, dangerous, contaminated and contagious. |
Cholera was essentially a product of impure water, a disease that was imperfectly understood at the time. |
Riding my bike would clear my mind of all the impure thoughts implanted by corporate America and unleash unbridled creativity. |
But the water industry said the product's implication was that tap is impure, which was not the case. |
He secluded her from all things he considered impure, and deprived her from all physical activity he deemed improper. |
Although menstruating women are considered ritually impure and may not enter temples, discrimination against women is not pronounced. |
The exclusion of the eunuch is ideologically accomplished by designating him as ritually impure. |
However this has nothing to do with nuclear power, where impure plutonium is a minor by-product of the fission of uranium. |
They smoked cigarettes or drank water using their left hand, which is considered impure. |
The materials alchemists used were typically impure mixtures whose composition varied according the site from which they originated. |
Wohler is generally credited with having isolated the metal in 1827, although an impure form was prepared by Oersted two years earlier. |
They clean the impure water from the impurities and chlorine makes water fit for drinking. |
Jesus seems neither to have confirmed nor to have denied that eating impure food leads to ritual defilement. |
Breast milk is always sterile, unlike the one served in bottles that could be contaminated because of mixing impure water. |
After all, few things can be more insidious than impure water, since water is one of the natural resources we take for granted. |
In the developed world, bottled water owes part of its popularity to the view that tap water is impure, contaminated, and hence risky. |
When the powder was mixed with impure water, large numbers of babies got sick. |
The water is particularly impure and that's one of the reasons that many hotels are choosing to evacuate their residents. |
The humanity of Christ enters unto the holy of holies as one defiled by sin, blemished, and impure through contact with death and the curse of the cross. |
They wanted to expel the demons which they believed caused impure thoughts. |
The ritually impure might handle such coins through a layer of cloth. |
Still impure, the gas was then passed through condensers and scrubbers to remove tar, and then through iron oxide purifiers to remove other impurities. |
But really, how impure is the desire to garner professional respect and reap enough cash to pay rent and keep making work? |
The bipolar division of the environment into pure wilderness and impure everything else has deeply compromised environmentalism and sometimes skews environmental history. |
The Blubber Point Member, characterized by impure limestone and calcareous sandstone with minor shale, represents shallow, inner carbonate shelf deposition. |
In most, if not all, ancient religions with a belief in reincarnation, the soul entering a body is seen as a metaphysical demotion, a sullying and impure rite of passage. |
Natural gold is almost always impure, being alloyed with silver. |
Truth is after all universal and all over the place, though in bits and pieces at times, disguised, hidden, not unlike traces of gold mixed with impure minerals. |
All are combinations of other media and thus, necessarily impure. |
Any blood found to be impure or infected with any disease is discarded. |
The author also claims that impure water can certainly make you sick, but the vast majority of travelers' intestinal symptoms are due to poor food handling practices. |
But the odds are higher that I will suffer immediate and drastic consequence from rotten food or impure water than I will from anger, spite and bitter words. |
The troops, already debilitated by the impure drinking water and hunger on the long, hot march from Batesville, were quickly overcome with malaria, as had been predicted. |
It was a well-known fact that imperfect drainage, impure water, overcharged graveyards and want of ventilation, which was usual in places like this, carried the cholera germs. |
Yet, she was also expressing her concerns that their love might not be transcendently spiritual, that there might be a sinful, impure component to it. |
Ask God to cleanse you of all sin and impure thoughts and motives. |
I don't know how to say this, but lately I've been having impure thoughts. |
Jesus allows himself to be handled in public by a notorious woman who, with her unbound hair and hysterical display, is rendering him as ritually impure as she is herself. |
The Gurus always made it a point to repudiate the accepted notion of women being unworthy of performing religious ceremonies or being impure and temptation incarnate. |
The first phase of diagenetic albite constitutes an impure, turbid variety including albitized grains of original plagioclase and alkali feldspar. |
The Bedouin traditionally hang amulets on the body of adults to prevent the evil eye, devils, impure spirits and other illnesses from attacking the bearer of the amulet. |
Taking oath under PCO is tantamount to perform wuzu with impure water while taking oath under pure water amounts to perform wuzu with pure water. |
Much of this has been pure, or more accurately, impure, political theater. |
The bone ash in the body bleaches the iron present and seems to render whiter bodies with slightly impure kaolins than the very pure ones. |
He poured enough water to cause a flood, placed a heap of bel leaves on the Shivalinga, and belted out his impure chanting. |
Bog iron is a form of impure iron deposit that develops in bogs or swamps by the chemical or biochemical oxidation of iron carried in solution. |
Smelting and extraction of impure zinc by reducing calamine with wool and other organic substances was accomplished in the 13th century in India. |
The Tanakh describes circumstances in which a person who is tahor or ritually pure may become tamei or ritually impure. |
In 1834, Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge discovered phenol, also known as carbolic acid, which he derived in an impure form from coal tar. |
Various isolated examples of the use of impure zinc in ancient times have been discovered. |
The impure gemstone was not good enough to be made into a necklace, so it was thrown out. |
As most ores are impure, it is often necessary to use flux, such as limestone, to remove the accompanying rock gangue as slag. |
Only it's Shaw with a heart and gonads, a species of drama that exults in messy emotions and impure beliefs. |
Normally, an impure limestone which contains clay or SiO2 is used. |
Once electrical potential is applied, impure lead at the anode dissolves and plates onto the cathode, leaving the majority of the impurities in solution. |
The tract was far more political and religious than sexual, but Cockburn found it obscene because it would suggest to young persons impure and libidinous thoughts. |