Instantaneous fuses and gas or smoke shells made possible heavy and lethal barrages that did not make ground impassable to assaulting infantry. |
It is gated and has a high trellis fence all around with a barrier on top to make it impassable to cats from both inside and out. |
Escape is almost impossible as the saturated mud sucks at the feet and impassable waterways are formed. |
The very roads that permit us to travel may be impassable barriers to other species. |
Much of the countryside is scattered with mines, and vast areas are inaccessible due to impassable roads. |
She was now staring at a bleak and desolate landscape with nothing in the horizon but impassable mountains and valleys. |
Powerful gusts uprooted trees, twisted steel towers and knocked down bridges, rendering many roadways impassable. |
Deserts, impassable mountains, unfordable rivers, wild beasts, and unfriendly Indians were part of the commonly held picture. |
Path was synonymous with trace, another invaluable gift that pioneers used to penetrate the otherwise impassable. |
A huge tree had fallen across the road in the vicinity of Nardia's house, and the road was impassable. |
They complained about the lack of public lighting, which makes the maze-like alleyways virtually impassable at night. |
In 1900, the track was widened to 2m so Rerekapa settlers could carry in supplies but the make-do road was often impassable in winter. |
Gallipoli resembled a huge sandpit full of precipices, endless ravines and impassable ridges covered in thick scrub. |
That this road was atop a ridge equally suggests its origin at a time when lower ground, to the east, was marshy and impassable. |
Roads became impassable, communications were cut off and life in rural districts came to a standstill. |
However, ahead of them loomed a large mountain range, like an impassable wall. |
When the brambles became impassable, we would scrabble up the canyon sidewalls and work our way along slopy, discontinuous ledges. |
If people park inconsiderately, it can cause chaos as roads can become impassable. |
In 1996, Weatherford made the first of many sojourns to Mongolia, riding in jeeps and on horses across nearly impassable terrain. |
The passes there have become impassable because of the weather and the orcs that are everywhere. |
He went out to look and saw that the front of the school was covered with water and impassable. |
Instead of relying on ice axes, they studied fall lines, plucking smooth routes from seemingly impassable rock faces. |
The fine weather helped to bring out the crowds and the street was almost impassable to traffic as people flocked the road and footpaths. |
Luke 16, clearly illustrates that an impassable gulf separates the dead from the living. |
This range of hills was impassable for early settlers and stopped westward expansion. |
There are few roads, and some of these are impassable quagmires in the rainy season. |
We are not prepared for snow so airports shut down and ungritted roads become lethal or impassable. |
In the nineteenth century there were repeated complaints that the pavements of London were made impassable by children's shuttlecock and tipcat. |
The beginning of the rainy season has made some roads impassable and the presence of militias make it dangerous to travel. |
But I bet she doesn't spin her son's decisions as an impassable ideological gulf and an affront to his mother. |
On a map without contours, two communities cut off from one another by an impassable mountain may appear as close neighbours. |
A few lived in adjoining counties and also were unable to travel due to flooded and impassable roads. |
There it will be crushed to form an aggregate base to repair a 6km section of track that has become deeply rutted and virtually impassable. |
Still, when it snowed the road had to be plowed or it was impassable, and in the summer the dust whirled. |
A secondary school in Trowbridge was forced to close on Wednesday when flash floods left corridors impassable. |
First a load of rocks had to be dropped on the drive, turning it from dangerous to pretty much impassable. |
Unfortunately, he could also see it was blocked off by an impassable steel grate. |
Most roads are sand or dirt tracks that become impassable during this period, cutting off large sections of territory for long periods. |
Madras Road was virtually impassable to traffic, allowing only for four-wheel-drive vehicles and trucks, which could go up to a certain point and then turn back. |
If a bridge were built people could get across the river for the four weeks of break-up and freeze-up when the river is impassable, but where are they going to go? |
Mighty oaks and ancient cedars create impassable thickets that hide the mythical creatures within. |
The abyss between the Creator and his creature seems to be impassable and so God must build a bridge across the chasm, throw over a ladder. |
Somehow, rioters missed it last August, the barrier of the arterial road that severs it from Poplar perhaps seeming impassable. |
The report concerned rendering Main Line Track at Fort Steel milepost 0.4 impassable and without any track protection. |
The construction of a dam, for example, can create an impassable barrier, preventing it from moving between its feeding and hibernating areas. |
Only a few impassable chutes required the slinging of the boats by helicopter. |
Many roads are still impassable due to obstacles such as fallen trees, power lines, floods or landslips. |
Adults migrate to the rocky areas in white water below impassable falls and dams in rivers, or boulder to coarse-gravel shoals of lakes. |
Left: An existing culvert on the Yambio-Tambura road has long since collapsed leaving it impassable in the wet season. |
Once the obstacle is cleared, men gather around combat cars making an impassable rampart. |
Undersized culverts increase water velocities to levels which may be impassable to fish. |
The defence was made impassable at the end of the day when Prussian troops arrived in large numbers. |
Many of these roads are virtually impassable in the snow and ice of our winter and the mud of spring. |
The highway was severely damaged in the earthquake of 12 January, and impassable for many days afterward. |
Sailing through previously impassable channels, the Cape Farewell crew tracks the receding arctic ice in their passage. |
They render roads impassable and schools and hospital buildings inaccessible. |
Yodelling is a vocal technique found in virtually all the world's impassable regions to send an acoustic message across great distances. |
Observed them using a rail cutting device and seen that track was impassable. |
Water poured from the pipe and buckled the road making it impassable. |
Trails through the jungle growth were impassable by the muddy morass. |
Vast tracts were unpopulated, roads were extensive, but easy for brigands or local overlords to cut or tax, and often impassable in the wet season. |
It's just that there is a very large mountain in the way, with nearly impassable bamboo thickets on its lower flanks and nearly unscalable granite faces on its higher reaches. |
The road was impassable and parts were submerged in 2ft of water. |
The three rivers can become impassable after rain, and trampers usually traverse west to east, so that the river wades are predictable at the time of departure. |
We contemplated having to prusik back up the narrow pitch, should the wallows be impassable, and soon persuaded ourselves to leave it for another day. |
The only way to reach the building was by airboat, piloted by an Everglades boatman, as all streets were impassable from fallen trees, flood waters or both. |
Residents across county Carlow woke yesterday morning to find roads completely impassable, as drifting snow wreaked havoc on routes across the region. |
Unwisely, he took a shortcut and so missed the impassable Cabora Bassa cataracts blocking the river. |
The tense 1953 film has four desperate men delivering two truckloads of extremely explosive nitroglycerine via a nearly impassable South American jungle road. |
He was strongly supported by local timber and mining workers, whose work was stymied by impassable roads and bridges leading to the timber and mining areas. |
At Kew, there can be as little as three feet of water during low tide, while a high tide results in Hammersmith Bridge becoming almost impassable. |
The path had been so choked with weeds it was virtually impassable. |
Meanwhile, flood waters trapped commuters at City Gate, since the roads into the transit hub remained impassable for hours even after the rains had stopped. |
Some of the roads remain impassable because they are covered with water. |
The meeting heard the stepping stones across the river had become almost impassable in recent years and that a footbridge was the only sensible solution. |
I know my age has thrown up an impassable block in our road together. |
Tree limbs littered flooded roadways, some of which were impassable. |
However, instead of building the fort on a hill, the impassable wetlands were used to create an impregnable site, the biggest marshland in England. |
Originally constructed in the 1960s, this road has become severely deteriorated due to lack of maintenance and is often impassable during the rainy season. |
From there my way became complicated — now on Route 3, now detouring around an impassable part, now backtracking after a shoulder I'd been following dead-ended at a fence. |
The moving human mass and their bundles and carts made the lanes impassable for firemen and carriages. |
Its vast size and impassable interior seem to defy exploration, which is the allure for two talented novelists, one British and the other American. |
The Serpent River valley is of particular interest, since it was one of the bypass routes for getting around the impassable sections of the Péribonka. |
These practices caused the stream to become impassable for fish and also resulted in the loss of the stream bank vegetation leading to erosion and sedimentation. |
An impassable waterfall located to the south of the training area meant that a long portage was necessary to get the boats to the northern part of the Natashquan River. |
That the proponent submit to Fisheries and Oceans Canada a detailed monitoring program for the water crossings characterized by the absence of impassable obstacles close to structures. |
However, exiting the cells and bathing are conditional based on the weather because, in the event of significant rainfall, the courtyard is flooded and impassable for the prisoners as well as for the security guards. |
There were no roads or bridges, and most trails were impassable when wet. |
Construction began on them years after the Camino Real was put into service, after it was found that this route was impassable in some areas during times of rain. |
Proof must be submitted that roads were impassable, such as a police report, government report or newspaper clipping describing the circumstances and confirming the incident. |
A U-bend section of the cave became impassable, and they now need to either wait for the waters to recede or escape using scuba diving equipment. |
The route earmarked for rehabilitation is the 150-km KayesDiamou-Bafoulabé Road, large sections of which are prone to flooding and impassable during wet weather. |
The poor condition of roads in Africa is a factor underpinning their expansion as motorcycle taxis seem to be better suited to running on almost impassable roads. |
Unfortunately, movement within the camp was hampered by impassable roads. |
Medals were also awarded to the men's and women's top goal scorer, the men's and women's goalie who was most impassable, and to the teams who displayed best sportsmanlike conduct. |
The bay might well have been impassable for boats sailing up the Saguenay. |
Some sections become impassable during the rainy season. |
Wilde was small enough to crawl through gullies impassable to most of his colleagues. |
Villages had been destroyed, and derelict equipment made some roads impassable. |
The Nile, however, was impassable at several cataracts, making trade and contact by boat difficult. |
The majority of roads in Madagascar are unpaved, with many becoming impassable in the rainy season. |
The pass is often closed in winter due to ice that makes the route impassable for vehicles. |
It renders the paths, and the banks of the bayous in that region almost impassable in autumn, until the cattle have trodded it down. |
Our beach path was impassable, we found another way on the back road. |
There is nothing more heartbreaking than to see able young staff become demoralized and disenchanted as the path to management is strewn with apparently impassable obstacles. |
Fruit and vegetables are frozen on the spot, while milk collection is rendered impossible, particularly in Brittany where minor roads are impassable. |
On August 8 a scout plane reported impassable ice in the strait, and Litke turned north, heading to Herald Island. |
Further east of the Fezzan with its trade route through the valley of Kaouar to Lake Chad, Libya was impassable due to its lack of oases and fierce sandstorms. |
This is normally impassable but is reputed to dry out on rare occasions. |
They were particularly useful as roads were muddy and often impassable by wagon or cart, and there were no bridges over some major rivers in the north of England. |
During the Troubles in Northern Ireland, there were British military checkpoints on main border crossings and UK security forces made the remaining crossings impassable. |
The road I traveled is all but impassable to motorized vehicles, excepting a trail bike driven by someone who knows how to negotiate mammoth mudholes. |