To real Buddhists or Taoists or exponents of qigong, the Falungong is a joke, if not an insult. |
Good biopics struggle to present a truth, if not the truth, about their subjects. |
They have ceased to practise, and perhaps even to believe in their faith without abjuring it, like many if not most of us. |
Those who aren't outraged are merely appalled, if not by the lyrics, by the production. |
The airport fills in as a liminal zone where one's own otherness becomes more visible, if not necessarily legible. |
He believes episcopacy to be of apostolic origin and to have received divine approbation, if not direct command. |
In my view, the 1970s and perhaps early-to-mid 1980s represent the apogee of the Anthropology Department, if not the University of Sydney itself. |
Angular momentum can twist light cones and even make time travel possible in theory if not in practice. |
My perception is that many people feel that the adoption process in this country is ridiculously ponderous if not downright laughable. |
For centuries, if not longer, there have been rumours and stories about a giant bird living in the remote areas of Australia. |
They've been given tacit permission, if not license, to hurl themselves at them. |
So Davis will begin his second term under clouds of apathy, if not antipathy. |
On the other hand, the libertarian socialist critique of consumerism appears surprisingly, if not uncomfortably pertinent. |
Life expectancy is looked on as a measure of civilisation, if not the principal index of cultural achievement. |
Maybe the small scale man on a bicycle, if not curing the problem completely, can certainly help improve matters. |
We have had gold medallists if not galore, then aplenty, so let's consult them. |
The point is, from an early age, children come to admire and revere superheroes, if not for what they stand for, then for what they can do. |
The reverberations of that event will continue for quite some time, if not forever. |
This made it difficult if not impossible to move in any other direction than towards ever more draconian treatment of prisoners. |
The authors assert that the tariff was a crucial, if not the main, economic source of divisiveness during the antebellum era. |
In the past it took months, if not years, for a papal legate to travel over the Alps to deliver authoritative Roman decisions. |
The Supreme Court decisions that he attacks are written in difficult, if not impenetrable, legalese. |
They have argued that the Conservative Party faces, if not annihilation, something near to total disaster. |
Until now the top state schools have performed as well, if not better, than the top private schools in academic, sporting and cultural results. |
From 80s synth poppers to black-leathered stadium rockers, Depeche Mode are nothing if not resilient. |
No doubt there is ressentiment, but it is ressentiment with a multitude of reasons that we need to understand, if not accept. |
The sovereign finally is responsible to God, if not to his subjects, for the proper discharge of his office. |
Coming from a patriarchal society, the responses to such questionnaires are interesting, if not very surprising. |
And even that never would have happened if not for the fact that California has a law requiring disclosure of leakage of personal information. |
Unfortunately, the lead-up to it deserved, if not the same level of urgency, at least something approaching it. |
I have been told, anecdotally, that Maldon is one of the most vibrant and healthy towns in Essex, if not the east of England. |
Assessors do this all the time, if not always with absolute precision, at least well enough to meet normal statutory requirements. |
At the other end, even though mistakes began to creep in, there was enough pace and verve to gee the crowd up if not break through. |
The idea that Liz wanted to pick a fight with her family was almost laughable if not insane. |
The stories capture the zeitgeist of the experience, if not the objective reality. |
Soon, tourism and investment boomed and led to, if not government-to-government understanding, more people-to-people amity. |
Perhaps he was simply reluctant to reopen a debate that came to define, if not paralyse, much of his second term. |
Over two-thirds of the parents indicated that at least one, if not both, parents are left-handed or ambidextrous. |
Some might argue that recreational drug use, if not sanctioned and taxed, is against the law after all. |
His alto saxophone exerted a powerful influence on early free jazz in Britain, if not across Europe. |
The show has spawned numerous regional imitators, if not an entire alternate entertainment universe. |
He was a just, if not a strong, governor, but he regarded his appointment with horror as a second relegation from Rome. |
Still, it's just as well, if not better, to get paid for standing around doing very little and trying out new cosmetics products, huh? |
The small almonds that grow in China are also slightly bitter and contain a toxic substance if not processed properly. |
Lak's well-liked, though, so expect this to sell in thousands, if not in lakhs. |
Female flies lay eggs every two or three days, 300 eggs each time, which means the number of flies will rocket if not controlled. |
The chandeliers he creates suggests that it is a form awaiting reinterpretation if not reinvention. |
With their belief in reincarnation, many can hope to go back to India to live, if not in this life, then in the next. |
And there might have to be, if not a long twilight struggle, then at least a serious all-nighter with some dismally poor lighting. |
He is a dedicated rehearser, enjoying the long sessions as much if not more than performances. |
He's nothing if not honest, blunt, irascible, generous, laconic, witty and enigmatic. |
Kent the narrator is wise to the flaws of his younger self, if not exactly regretful. |
An intense research spirit is still alive, if not continentally disseminated. |
Most of the reports will have been written, if not by the refuseniks, but the next tier of management. |
I think the context makes clear what I had in mind, but if not, I offer this amendment as well. |
As the feature on this page explains, this idea is a runner, if not an odds-on certainty. |
These e-mails should be worded as carefully as any fundraising letter, if not more so. |
Also, perhaps because I'm so familiar with Peter Pan itself, my mind, as is its wont, tended to wander, if not wonder. |
But all this wouldn't have been possible if not for his rededication to fitness. |
For 10 weeks you wander around feeling like a newbie, if not a complete klutz, then much to your surprise, people start asking you for advice. |
Often dismissed as Joyce's little woman, Nora emerges in Murphy's film as his easy equal, in force of character if not education. |
As soon as we sit down as friends though, it appears that interests are dampened, if not doused completely. |
And there are hundreds if not thousands more corpses still to be recovered from the city's flooded streets and homes. |
The sheer authority in his voice revealed his kingliness, and for a moment I understood Roahin's fear, if not his betrayal. |
You wonder if not being an international company will somehow count in our favour, or what. |
The fact that as many, if not more, offenders spring from privileged backgrounds is hardly recognized. |
These holdings encompass virtually the whole spectrum of Akan gold regalia and related forms and include many unusual if not unique works. |
Mr Hatch, aka Fatman, has proven that he can at least get the mechanics of fathering right, if not the details. |
He demanded to know if Sinn Fein's leadership was hiding behind its youth wing and if not, was it out of control. |
However, like Harley-Davidson motorcycles, they look completely out of context, if not ridiculous, on the narrow, windy streets of London. |
Agronomics and economics have been as important, if not more so, than politics when it comes to making corn decisions. |
Whereas scientific research on agroforestry dates back at most two generations, this indigenous system is centuries, if not millennia, old. |
Economic viability is necessary, I'll grant that, but upholding our values is just as important, if not more so. |
That call has been picked up, in part, if not in whole, by some politicians, seeking to capitalize on that anger. |
And, once again, traditionalists are reacting against globalization just as vehemently, if not more so, as they did against modernity. |
This isn't a new concept, but it is being refined in the presentations, if not in the actual swimming strokes. |
It keeps you up for days, takes away all inhibitions and is as addictive if not more so than heroin. |
It's a book that gave me nightmares as a kid, and fired the imaginations of thousands, if not gazillions of children and adults alike. |
So we're thinking of becoming, if not Baptists, possibly Baptist church band groupies. |
Interestingly, even the mentally deranged humans are rational if not sensible. |
This is a cost that, if not borne by ratepayers, will certainly be borne by taxpayers. |
The bad news is that there will inevitably be job losses in the hundreds, if not thousands, among the ranks of common bank workers. |
Musically this piece exists to excite gasps of admiration, if not downright adulation from the audience. |
Communications between detached fleets and the Admiralty often took weeks, if not months. |
We have some good riders, they all jumped well today and we expect a good placing tomorrow if not a win. |
I can even understand some of the reservations concerning superhero adaptions and how certain heroes, if not all of them, appear onscreen. |
Weil's disease, contracted from the urine and faeces of rats, can be fatal if not caught on time. |
I was friendly with Robson for almost forty years and never doubted that he was a learned and gifted if not very productive critic. |
My students articulate an acute awareness, if not a full understanding, of academic labor issues. |
It ensures that the delay from the moment a decision is made to the actualization of that decision is at least two or three hours, if not more. |
It is not particularly unusual for the village to be split by internecine suspicion, if not your actual warfare. |
But most believe Smith's ability will be enough to push him to the front of the pack early in the season, if not by the start of the year. |
Whatever the reason, a deficit will ensue if not enough money is entering the current account to balance out what is exiting. |
Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge. |
And who are the cheerful white-clad staff, calling us by our first names and acquiescing to our every whim, if not surrogate parents? |
Kerry's whereabouts must be known and accounted for most, if not all, of that time. |
Two days later and I had achieved a stomach that, if not washboard, was no longer in the washtub category. |
But while his poetry can be overly abstruse, his literary criticism is accessibly sophisticated, if not uniformly engaging. |
Saturday's stage was only a warm-up in comparison to this, the toughest stage of the Pyrenees if not the entire Tour. |
I think I've made it abundantly clear over the years that I'm nothing if not a charitable guy. |
And yet our curricula still reflect the priorities of the 1893 Committee of Ten, if not the shadows of the medieval trivium and quadrivium. |
They passed the time of day, and chatted for a few minutes, as dozens, if not hundreds or more, students then went to their next classes. |
Distinctive Flemish and Walloon parties, fighting for language rights and more autonomy, if not outright independence, mobilized support. |
Some of them had not been seen for months, if not years, and one in ten staff was unavailable because of absence. |
He was always on time and ready with his lines, if not exactly sober. |
Mary, also, was nothing if not jannock. |
Now, I hear it every day, if not on TV, then from kiddies in the street. |
I have it on good authority these quotes are 100 percent accurate, if not 100 percent verbatim. |
Hopefully you could include it as an addendum if not actually include it within the article itself. |
The Ismael brothers even make an effort to look cool, if not fashionable, by local standards. |
Refilling the aquifer would require hundreds, if not thousands, of years of rains. |
I often wonder what contributions to art and innovation society would have gathered if not for how it treats trans individuals. |
Weeding the entire garden would take a single person hours, if not days. |
More than a few were willing to be open about their sexual, if not romantic, aspirations. |
Family and friends describe her as highly dedicated to her job, if not borderline workaholic. |
In one thing alone, except my painting, was I serious, and that was something which lay hidden if not lost in the Breton forests. |
And he will buoy hopes among Democrats that Virginia is reliably purple, if not blue, in the 2016 presidential election. |
Researchers suspected that many, if not most, of the vent animals must produce larvae capable of dispersing through cold ocean water to new sites. |
Such a scenario appears incongruous, if not abhorrent, to many. |
A simple man, clothed if not in rags then certainly not far from it, he tramps his way along the street, feet keeping time to the music, intent on his playing. |
Why, he asks, cannot the protagonists accept that their opponents' arguments, even if not entirely watertight, may nevertheless be partly correct? |
Instead, clapper responded with an egregious falsehood, if not an outright lie. |
It was Murray who taught Alexander Graham Bell the basics of acoustics and electricity and thus was the grandfather, if not the father, of the telephone. |
Race walking is as, if not even more, arduous than many other categories, yet exponents are seldom acknowledged in the same athletic conversation. |
They didn't like little ears to hear their juicy if not racy gossip. |
My instructor told the student would have been no dash across Europe by the Third Army if not for the tremendous logistical effort made on their behalf. |
Instead of using large rafters to support the roof, a building tradition that is hundreds if not thousands of years old, home builders began to use roof trusses. |
The episode seemed to be moments from concluding with nobody hurt, if not necessarily happy ever after. |
Well, what was that projected municipality if not a confederative institution? |
All but the most extreme pacifists will admit of a case where it might be immoral or amoral not to use force, if not to defend oneself then to defend others. |
The conflagration in Congress is spreading to singe, if not consume, critical decisions across the board. |
Venus conjunct ruler Mercury suggests your need for sounding boards, if not collaborators. |
Liked, if not adored by fans, Mozegetar has proved both a marvel to listen to and watch in live shows where he exudes a certain passion for what he does. |
It can lead to all types of cosmetic and functional issues down the road which are difficult if not impossible to reverse. |
But he could not have lived without his work, so that when he recovered his health and reassumed his duties, if not the use of his arm, he was grateful. |
The wind-borne fungus attaches to the leaves of soybean plants and reproduces rapidly, preventing proper plant development and dramatically reduces crop yields if not treated. |
The conventional wisdom around davos is that they are, if not the has-beens, then at least the disappointment of the decade. |
Nancy is a dealer with high standing in a drug empire, if not the one running the show a good chunk of the time. |
Part of this whole tragedy was his fault if not all of it and the only way to redemption was to save the innocent life of one boy even at the cost of his own. |
Or, if not, then at least where it has been the most deliriously exploited. |
The finished bassoon reed can last for several weeks if not months. |
Inness's painting was given a cordial reception by the newspaper critics if not the worshipful praise that often greeted the pictures he exhibited at this stage of his career. |
The El Paso brand of deterrence is just as much directed at smugglers as immigrants, if not more so. |
So, he decided to give the church a chance, if not just for the sake of mending his relationship with his mother. |
Transfer the salsa verde to an airtight container and store in the refrigerator if not using immediately. |
The lyrics range from sappy to explicit, but the level of lunacy is nothing if not consistent. |
Another memorable, if not disastrous, misstep, of course, was his turn as Batman in Batman and Robin. |
Disappointment if not disillusion is inevitable, particularly in light of the current economic meltdown. |
Unfortunately for the people of Afghanistan, the future will doubtlessly hold may more months, if not years, of hard fighting. |
The least rent or puncture might, if not immediately checked and repaired, split the whole garment asunder and expose its wearer in all his human vulnerability. |
And if not, well, at least we can all share a good laugh about it. |
Setup is joyously simple, and DVD performance is good, if not spectacular, but the sound is anaemic, lacking sufficient detail for music and serious clout for movies. |
Maybe anarchy is the only way, in moral if not practical terms. |
But she is nothing if not scrupulous about deflecting personal scrutiny, having long since turned herself into a more or less ageless, stateless androgyne. |
In any case, most if not all Triassic scleractinians, whether zooxanthellate or not, show skeletal construction different from modern equivalents. |
His celebrity status rivals, if not far surpasses, the Warholian persona that Koons embodies and embeds within his own work. |
Using ethnicity for political ends is a dangerous game that will engulf South Sudan if not contained. |
Such digging, if not properly planned and executed, can damage or destroy tree root systems, restrict tree root growth, and alter subsurface soil water movement. |
You mark my words, in a couple of years if not sooner, this reboot will be retconned away by another universe width event with Crisis in the title. |
Why not court them, he suggested, if not by naming an anti-choicer as the vice presidential candidate, then by having an anti-choice speaker at the convention? |
I think our intentions are good in trying to protect adolescents from exploitative, if not downright lecherous, adults. |
The Democrats have abandoned any policy of liberal social reform and adapted themselves, in deeds if not in words, to the class-war policies of the Republicans. |
The contradicting accounts of what happened to the plane would be farcical if not for the 239 people who are missing. |
By applying rigidly its own standards of membership, it came to wield an important, if not decisive, economic influence on the profession of artist. |
Hundreds of families, if not thousands, have been rendered homeless. |
His conduct, while he was there, was equally unprincipled, if not as atrocious, as it has been since his elevation to the Legislatorship. |
Generally, varieties in current use for processing are resilient, if not wholly resistant to blemishing diseases and disorders. |
We have been like this since the Almoravids, if not the Idrissids before them. |
Wrongful birth lawsuits are actually exceedingly uncommon, if not throughout the United States at least in the Midwest. |
If the American option fails to take root, the future for the region is chaos, if not a doomsday scenario. |
A source has interpreted him as broadly Protestant, if not always easy to locate in a more precise religious category. |
With the textual issues largely addressed, if not resolved, attention turned to the questions of Chaucer's themes, structure, and audience. |
What is power dressing if not donning battledress and a handbag if not a guided missile? |
Most Roman cities had at least one, if not many, such buildings, which were centres not only for bathing, but socializing. |
His ideas were well outside the mainstream, but he presented them intelligently, and we were impressed if not convinced. |
Even though the alliance still technically ran the empire, the Mexica Emperor now assumed nominal if not actual seniority. |
It is difficult, if not impossible, to determine with any exactitude the number of people killed during the siege. |
Not only did Francis support a number of major writers of the period, he was a poet himself, if not one of particular abilities. |
The VOC is often considered as the precursor of modern corporations, if not the first truly modern corporation. |
This personal tragedy deeply hurt Ivan and is thought to have affected his personality, if not his mental health. |
He repeated the experience of mariners that the cure for scurvy was fresh food or, if not available, oranges, lemons, limes, and tamarinds. |
Nevertheless, the ethnic groups traditionally inhabiting most, if not all, European countries are considered to be indigenous to Europe. |
Venice was especially known for its beautiful girandole mirrors, which remained among, if not the, finest in Europe. |
Chinese ceramics made mainly for export go back to the Tang dynasty if not earlier, though initially they may not be regarded as porcelain. |
This past verb is clearly similar if not identical to the Greek aorist, which is considered a tense but is more of an aspect marker. |
In this case, the child's receptive vocabulary is likely tens, if not hundreds of words, but his or her active vocabulary is zero. |
Many, if not most, of the Irish spoke Irish and either no English at all, or spoke it poorly and rarely. |
Most if not all languages have some means of forming the comparative, although these means can vary significantly from one language to the next. |
Many if not most believe the Portuguese, en route to Brazil, were the first Europeans to come upon the island. |
The Reformed Episcopal Seminary itself is one of the first, if not the first, seminaries to be racially inclusive. |
The defendant must, if not admitting the claim, file a defence which has substance. |
So long as a threat is just one of the reasons a person enters an agreement, even if not the main reason, the agreement may be avoided. |
This new proposed civil codex was introduced in 2006, however, its adoption through legislation is expected to take many years, if not decades. |
At the Casablanca Conference Macmillan helped to secure US acceptance, if not recognition, of the Free French leader Charles de Gaulle. |
Critics of the capitalist mode of production see wage labour as a major, if not defining, aspect of hierarchical industrial systems. |
The objections you mention, I humbly conceive, are such as may be redargued, if not entirely removed. |
As of 2006 a project is under way to ensure the building and contents are preserved, if not restored. |
As a result, wet cement is strongly caustic, and can easily cause severe skin burns if not promptly washed off with water. |
The eventual regrowth of the forest to its primeval state will take centuries, if not millennia. |
Encyclopedias of at least one volume in size now exist for most if not all academic disciplines, including such narrow topics such as bioethics. |
It is sometimes held up as an early, if not the first, example of the modern sensibility. |
Most, if not all, of the larger theatres are subsidised by local authorities or the North West Regional Arts Board. |
Some local residents in Teddington regarded Blackmore as somewhat unsociable, if not misanthropic. |
It would have slid easily across the floor if not for the ruffled undersurface causing friction. |
It is impossible for detached papers to have a general run, or long continuance, if not diversified with humour. |
That would put her directly next to the pair of shagnasties, removing me as a barrier of at least age if not dignity. |
Thus the combined frequency for some routes is at least every 6 minutes if not greater. |
The share of preferences going from the Progress Party to the Democrats was swollen, if not almost wholly accounted for, by donkey votes. |
What is the Aeneid if not a re-imagining of the Homeric epics? |
I live in London, Ontario, so I hope it will be ticketmaster... if not, would anybody Torontarian be willing to buy some tickets for me? |
I know I must put as much energy if not as much interest into my work as if he were alive, because that is what he would like me to do. |
I now by instinct followed the streets that took me waterward, for there, doubtless, were the cheapest, if not the cheeriest inns. |
At first, the couple is apprehensive, if not downright appalled. |
I commend the modern Unitarians for their candour in giving up the possible worshipability of Christ, if not very God. |
The following code snippet shows how to check whether a writable database already exists, and if not, create an editable copy. |
Nearly all of Highland High's linebackers have at some point been told they're either too small or too slow, if not both. |
Derby is believed to be one of the country's highest, if not the highest, ranking cities for parkland per capita. |
Into the court you'd swanned, you dateless little pillock, if not wholly confident of winning, surely careless of losing. |
The moral dilemma thrown up by this terrorist proposal was just as gripping, if not more so, than the whizzbang action of this intelligent hokum. |
This suggests that the printing of the Columbus letter, if not directly undertaken by royal command, probably had royal knowledge and approval. |
Certain chemicals found in perfume are often toxic, at least for small insects if not for humans. |
Even if not formally authorized, captains sometimes supplemented their earnings by undertaking a bit of piracy and extortion on the side. |
How victory is achieved, and what shape it assumes, is studied by most, if not all, military groups on three levels. |
For the past six years, black vultures Barry and Vanessa have been close friends, if not lovebirds, at the Kirkleatham Owl Centre. |
Still, Gracchan annalists have produced interesting insight into the writer's own time, if not necessarily into the time on which they wrote. |
At least one of them, Bertha, had a recognised relationship, if not a marriage, with Angilbert, a member of Charlemagne's court circle. |
Many college students now expect to sample, if not outright pirate, movies, music, software, and TV programs. |
Many, if not most, of the people who attend weekly jam sessions are in regular bands. |
Fritigern brought most if not all of his fighters to the battle, and appears to have led the force the Romans first encountered. |
Anti-abortionists use 'emotive' language but one wonders, what is 'a woman's right to choose' if not emotive? |
Wedgwood's jasperware was similarly the subject of extensive, if not always successful, emulation. |
The aristocracy was more thoroughly powerful politically if not economically in Italy than in contemporary Gaul and Spain. |
The northeast part of Asia is, if not continent with the west side of America, yet certainly it is the least disjoined by sea of all that coast. |
Georges Cuvier came to believe that most if not all the animal fossils he examined were remains of extinct species. |
But among the youngest passerid clade, the Passeroidea, extremely colorful males and drab females are common, if not the rule. |
With Luton and Stansted, the region has two of the best, if not the biggest, airline hubs in Europe. |
Lords of Appeal in Ordinary were, by custom, appointed to the Privy Council if not already members. |
Bise said many of her clients would be sellers if not for current conditions. |
As laborers, if not as soldiers, they will be allies of the rebels, or of the Union. |
Questions surrounding the authorship of this seminal work have plagued A General History for decades, if not centuries. |
In short, the tendencies to regional endogamy and patrilectal exogamy exist in practice, if not in law. |
He also argued that crossing the Atlantic with the means available at the time would have been difficult, if not impossible. |
Lutheran churches often celebrate the Eucharist each Sunday, if not at every worship service. |
In most areas of Britain outside Scotland, the consonant R is not pronounced if not followed by a vowel, lengthening the preceding vowel instead. |
The brazen reorganization of German territory by the French risked threatening Prussian influence in the region, if not eliminating it outright. |
The usual bevvy of beautiful women will see the secret agent stirred if not shaken. |
Half-open doors, as well as rocky arches, could in fact allude, if not point, to actual scenographic elements. |
Many fungi have important symbiotic relationships with organisms from most if not all Kingdoms. |
World War I might have continued indefinitely if not for a pandemic outbreak of influenza. |
Megabat species often have eyesight as good as, if not better than, human vision. |
Much, if not most, of the new art was commissioned by or in dedication to the Church. |
For some instant noodles make a palatable, if not especially nutritious, meal. |
Even if not, Somali resolve would have still remained strong enough during World War I to outwill the British. |
Noise pollution, for example, could have negative impact if not monitored, although the noise and visible impact of each design vary greatly. |
The oceans have a tremendous amount of energy and are close to many if not most concentrated populations. |
Yetta Zimmerman's house may have been the most open-heartedly monochromatic structure in Brooklyn, if not in all of New York. |
By captains' agreement, matches would conclude at sundown Monday if not completed before then. |
Be wary of using nasal aspirators, they can cause damage if not used very carefully. |
Many, if not the majority, of Pentecostals are premillennial dispensationalists believing in a pretribulation rapture. |
This was something of a propaganda label, as Gaelic has been in Scotland for at least as long as English, if not longer. |
This approach allows Grene to reframe, and reinvigorate, a longstanding if not tired debate about the unity of these plays. |
They arise to a strange and prodigious multitude, if not indefinitude, by their various positions, combinations, and conjunctions. |
I am quite sure that too much bed, if not too much sleep, is prejudicial, though a certain amount is absolutely necessary. |
As with most if not all Students' Unions, a yearly election takes place in which a number of sabbatical officers are elected. |
Animals kept indoors are generally farmed intensively, as large space requirements could make indoor farming unprofitable if not impossible. |
Hundreds if not thousands of bottlenose dolphins live in captivity across the world, though exact numbers are hard to determine. |
So the Blues were clearly as responsible as Denis Law, if not more so, for relegating Manchester United. |
Some suggest that effects of the wound would be clear to a physician at that point if not before. |
Most, if not all, modern states have honorific orders and decorations of some kind, and those are sometimes called orders of knighthood. |
But what, more precisely, distinguishes such an actual perception from a solely possible perception if not its accomplishment hic et nunc? |
Gannet pairs are monogamous and may remain together over several seasons, if not for all their lives. |
However, new research by Alex Woolf seems to have destroyed this consensus, if not the idea itself. |
By the late Republic, if not earlier, women dined, reclined, and drank wine along with men. |
Of modern German philosophy he was a diligent, if not always a sympathetic, student. |
Welsh was spoken by natives of parts of western Shropshire until the middle of the twentieth century if not later. |
He spoke with a certain what-is-it in his voice, and I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled. |
The US Dollar is the most popular currency for international transactions and it's also one of, if not the most, dominant reserve currencies. |
He said laryngotracheobronchitis or Croup is common in children and babies in winter season and it may prove fatal if not treated properly. |
From a historical perspective, the emergence of alternative medicine, if not the term itself, is typically dated to the 19th century. |
All computers had done was to speed up the process. New fans turned up more quickly, disappeared into gafia within months, if not weeks. |
Riding a bike into fesh-fesh is a very trying, if not disastrous, experience. |
They learned that they had as much, if not more, to fear from ordinary citizens than from lawmen. |
Privy Counsellors are accorded a formal rank of precedence, if not already having a higher one. |
Campaigning together frequently this fall, the former rivals became, if not bosom buddies, closer than either ever expected. |
The moldiness of the bread meant that it was unpalatable, if not downright inedible. |
Once the two fleets had met, it was then likely, if not inevitable, that only some of the attacking fleet would make it through the enemy line. |
While many churches were built in wood, from the early 8th century, if not earlier, some were built in stone. |
Plenty of evidence suggests, however, that over the last few years barebacking has become common, if not de rigueur, among gay men in general. |
However, the sail can become jammed in the mast or boom slot if not operated correctly. |
His teammate, Montoya, was victorious at Monza, and would have won a few more races if not for the FW23's unreliability and pit crew blunders. |
This is partly because the final match in all three disciplines often takes place concurrently in the same day if not in consecutive days. |
However, for many decades it remained difficult if not impossible for golfers to earn a living from prize money alone. |
The tests were convincing to the Warner Brothers, if not to the executives of some other picture companies who witnessed them. |
Roni Size's label played a big, if not the biggest, part in the creation of drum and bass with their dark, baseline sounds. |
Society at that epoch was lenient, if not lax, in matters of the passions. |
Nevertheless, South African War commemoration became a bit lost in the mafficking surrounding the Millennium and the Sydney Olympics, if not the Centenary of Federation. |
For the long lost glories, that never in fact existed save in the wishfulness of their brains, were being remembered with a reality as vivid, if not more so, as truth itself. |
Today, the world seems to be entering a period when, if not a hundred, at least a dozen varieties of Weltpolitik are being pursued by great and emerging powers alike. |
Most if not all jurisdictions in the United States require solemnization in addition to a marriage license for there to be a legally valid marriage. |
While in the US, he was asked by the British government to make patriotic speeches to induce the US to aid Britain, if not necessarily become an allied combatant. |