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How to use i believe in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "i believe"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
I believe our filmmakers, writers, poets, and visual and performing artists do us proud, alongside those of anywhere in the world.
I believe film criticism has its own legitimate place as a literary art form.
They have, I believe, lost their way and taken a path that can only lead back to the supremacy of arbitrary power.
I believe it would be more beneficial to have four tutorials a term accompanied by a compulsory weekly discussion class.
Correctly, I believe, Chilton sees the Johannine presentation as the flowering of the Hellenistic development of the Eucharist.
I believe in weight training and work out myself, but do not plan to make recommendations on that topic.
To me that is no joke, should be taken seriously, and, I believe, is a vile form of self-expression.
And I believe you feel yourself somehow empowered as an arbiter elegantiarum, but I could be wrong.
For whatever reason, I believe band possesses this propensity for rocking out.
I believe in what man can do, and by Jove, he's done some pretty marvellous things.
I believe that if the action is taken anywhere against them, as you so aptly said, you can't invoke the death penalty more than once.
I believe that this is a matter of general application, unrelated to the particular case.
I believe there is no baby there, but I'm willing to have a wet infant hauled into view.
I believe we have to treat grown ups as adults, and everyone has to be free to make his or her own choices.
I have no idea what makes someone go to those lengths, but I believe what goes around comes around and she has got what she deserved.
When the work became public in this form, I believe it also became ripe for discussion and criticism.
I believe our likes and dislikes are imprinted in our minds from childhood, probably through our formative experience with our parents.
I believe it is nonsensical, and that God gave us the brains to know right from wrong.
Frank has been making the rounds, advancing a theory that I believe is not without merit.
I believe that the happiest individuals are those who have reclaimed their juvenescence, or the power to grow young.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Meanwhile the fragmentary Catawba, with which I believe that the Caddo was connected had its congeners far to westward.
In no case, I believe, did the Confederate Government appear as the shipper or consignor.
As to 'brach,' though we frequently find it used of a woman, I believe it was never applied to a man.
It was so potent I believe I could have made it a hit with a cast out of a burleycue revue.
Of civet and scimitar I believe it can only be asserted that they are Eastern.
Mr. Stahl was the first, I believe, who thus made use of congelation, for procuring a very strong Acid of Vinegar.
Not that I believe in the braggart and blowhard, but a chap must have nerve to put himself ahead if he wants to keep in the game.
He was something of a bookworm at college, I believe, and has developed a taste for literature.
I believe she's equal to catching one of them in a mousetrap if she gets the opportunity!
If I do not see the ladies, for I believe they are out walking, will you make my excuses and my adieux?
He would have been wise, I believe, to bring her away, even if he had had to chloroform her to do it.
A vitiated digestion I believe always terminates, if not cured, in the production of some chronical disorder.
I believe that this is the case with clarkia elegans, and I have just written to Thompson for seeds.
Can I believe a young fellow of your age and complexion will be content with kissing?
I believe they are the most unprofitable speculation an agriculturist can interfere with.
I believe that the day of sensational journalism, of the blanket sheet and the fearful woodcut, is already passing away.
I believe the fisherman with me was drowned, but I clung to the bobstay and was got on board.
I believe you know more about Bohr's plans, but that the knowledge was hypnotically sealed in your sub-conscious.
And I believe that, through her, we can reach Brodsky and force what we want.
I could have carried him, I believe, right on to buckhorn, he seemed such a precious burden.
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