Looking for sentences with "i am sorry"? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
I am sorry that I don't speak Marwari but thought I would say hello anyway.
I am sorry to interrupt the honourable member, but interjections are getting a bit out of hand.
But I am sorry that, in the name of health, we can be dictated to with scarcely a whisper of protest.
Hey dude, I heard that they posted notice of my freedom on your website today, and I am sorry but you got false information.
My Lords, I am sorry but I cannot help my noble friend about the status of the Americans.
I am sorry to go on but I feel it is not fair that my hobby should be put at risk like this.
Dear Fred, I am sorry to hear that your music lounge has not been making much money lately, despite your attempts at introducing creative ideas.
I am sorry to hear of your distress, but I assure you that this is not an uncommon problem.
Miss Gallafent, you have put it extremely well, but I am sorry to say I am against you.
I am sorry to report signs of distinct wobbliness in this week's episode, Chosen Realm.
Gerald, I am sorry to do this but I hereby demote you to the rank of ensign and I am confining you to your quarters till further notice.
I am sorry that I missed my chance this evening to register my protest, futile though it would have been.
I am sorry that the color does not suit you, because a pashmina shawl is truly a lovely thing.
There is no waspish remark to follow and I am sorry if this outbreak of sincerity causes any distress.
Tom, I am sorry if you, Meg or any other weblogger has been offended by anything I've written.
I am sorry for the silent treatment, but I was under the impression you were a duke that was coming to ask for my sister's hand in marriage.
I am sorry to be obtuse about this, but I am not mechanically competent.
I am sorry for your loss, and hope that you have the emotional, physical and spiritual support you need to aid you and your new baby to a happier outcome.
I am sorry to say that our employer knuckled under, and so did we, and we replaced that version of the paper with another, without the offending citation.
If I have wronged anyone in this way in the past, I am sorry for it.
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To be blunt, I am sorry that the teachers' unions are more interested in protecting their iron rice bowls than in seeing how necessary these reforms are.
I did not, I am sorry to say, demonstrate the same sangfroid.
I am sorry but it takes two to tango and a male who is under 16 with a female under 16 should not be punished with detention centres and the like.
Right, I thought it was magnifying, I beg your pardon, I am sorry.
But men, I am sorry to say, cut poor silhouettes of their better halves shadowing them in their sprees with a drooping face and an even droopier wallet!
I am sorry if I have upset or offended anyone that is reading this.
When I like someone I find I do that terrible thing of giving them a bit of cheek and I am sorry to say that I cheeked the great man himself this very day.
I am sorry to say that in all cases, the caller has been young and male and has made the phone call in company, as indicated by raucous laughter in the background.
I am immensely contrite, and I am sorry for the damage that I've done.
Poor Mr. Orme! I am sorry he is not well. It is cruel in you, Lucy, at this time, to say that his illness is owing to his love of me.
I am sorry to say this but the district nurses do not want to know, they are no help whatsoever.
Now, Bildad, I am sorry to say, had the reputation of being an incorrigible old hunks, and in his sea-going days, a bitter, hard task-master.
Thank you. I am sorry to have interrupted you. Pray continue your most interesting statement.
I published in good faith and I am sorry that it was so wrong.
I am sorry to engrieve any other man's doings, but it serveth me for a piece of my defence, and therefore I wish that no man should gather evil of it.
Examples from Classical Literature
You were fine and dandy to me, and I am sorry I was such a rotter at first.
I am sorry to be obliged to refuse you, but I should not be justified in acceding to your request.
I am sorry for you all, and for you especially that you should have had to take an active part in the business.
I am sorry to see that Erasmus imitated his enemies and at times was ambidextrous in the use of the literary stinkpot.
I am sorry I did not apprize you of this state of affairs when I first came to you.
I am sorry to be obliged to backbite, but really and truly we dont like Mrs. De Lancey Smythe.
I am sorry that you are not with me, as it possibly may have benefitted your neuralgia.
I am sorry to say that my berline, which was the envy of every one in Antwerp, was eventually captured by the Germans.
If you do not wish to make a confidante of me, Josephine, I am sorry for it, but not offended.
I am sorry to disillusionize you, but I don't care a fig for balls and garden-parties and salons.
I am sorry to hear that, because I should have liked to go back to Scutari with her.
I am sorry I have kept the reader waiting for the selamlik, but the sultan is to blame.
I am sorry I was not here, as I particularly wish to see Mr. Grainger also.
This is growingly true, I am sorry to say, with both basket makers and blanket weavers.
But the Calycanthus, and a tree of a new genus allied to hamamelis, I am sorry to say, are no more.
I am sorry he made such a smash at last, but it is all that could be expected.
I am sorry to leave them in such a hot corner, but cannot choose and must obey orders.
I am sorry to incommode your Highness, but may I ask you to alight for a moment?
I am sorry I did not have a telephoto lens, for I could have secured a fairly good picture of the group.
I am sorry to say that the housekeeping of Bob and Jack had not163 always been of the tidiest kind.
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I am sorry for the loss of Bright and Cobden, because such able men ought not to be ousted and replaced by mediocrities.
I am sorry I did not see the Sordi e muti, which is admirably conducted, and where the pupils by all accounts perform wonders.
I am sorry you did not, for it would have brought to light some things which have not yet been ventilated.
I am sorry it is your father I must beat, but, Phyllis, I must be nominated.
He did not say, I am sorry you were not at church, as Ben Trawl pugnaciously expected.
This, I am sorry to say, was his usual mode of asserting his regality when he thought his dignity was in danger.
I am sorry that the notion should so palpably wake your Lordship's amazement.
I am sorry to say that Shakespeare does not mention the shamrock at all.
I am sorry for Mr. hardie, but the engagement remains in full force.
I am sorry for this his incurable passion to play the pythoness.
Still, I am sorry now I didn't contribute the baksheesh he expected.
Whether or no, I am sorry you made a novel of my story, for the effect has been almost as if you had misrepresented me from beginning to end.
I am sorry to undeceive you, but it is indeed the truth I speak.
I am sorry that Congress was taken in, and committed such a blunder.
I am sorry to be compelled to differ with Dr. Brinton in these views.
I am sorry now that we packed the larger guns and the ammunition with the stuff below.
I am sorry that I have no cards about me, but my name in chutney.
I am sorry my case is so circumstanced, that I cannot comply.
She is a fine mare, and I am sorry to lose her, but we cannot help it.
I am sorry because I believe there is contamination in such a scoundrel.
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I am sorry to say,' said I, 'that I have some rather disheartening intelligence from my aunt.
I am sorry to waken you, Sidney, but I don't know what to do.
If there is a discount on that coin, I am sorry, but I am not going to make it good.
I am sorry to have detained your Lordship with so ungracious a theme.
And then, I am sorry to say, the cryptogram is indecipherable.
I cannot say, however, that I am sorry that they have captured Toulon from the English, for it is a place to which they have a just right.
I am sorry this has happened, but I never allow my rules to be infringed, and I never break my word.
I am sorry for you, my child, but I am very poor, I care nothing for bookish rubbish, I shall not be there.
I have, I am sorry to say, often seen people cheat at table-turning.
I am sorry to inform you that my health is suffering severely, and that I fear I may be reduced to the necessity of returning home for a time, as the only hope of restoration.
I am sorry to have to trouble you at a time when you must be so very busy, renewing important engagements, signing fresh ones and generally displaying your excellent taste.