We hypothesized that the source and term of external debt affects farm production decisions and, consequently, efficiency. |
We hypothesized that this was due to wild-type protein inherited by the spores. |
We hypothesized that patients would recover more quickly from surgery if postoperative pain was decreased or eliminated. |
The authors hypothesized their common origin from an Atlantic refugium after the last glaciation. |
Finally, restrained eating is hypothesized to be associated with negative affect. |
This series of steps is hypothesized to produce the regular, long-distance migratory patterns observed in many species around the world. |
For example, it is hypothesized that birds must have evolved flight from trees, so their ancestors must have been arboreal. |
We have previously reported the existence of loci that assort together and hypothesized that these loci reside on the same macronuclear piece. |
Specific carbohydrates are hypothesized to have a key role in the transition from the parasitic to saprophytic stage. |
Kagan and his colleagues have hypothesized that inhibited children have a lower threshold for sympathetic activation. |
This includes mesons like pions, gauge particles like photons and gluons, the hypothesized Higgs scalar, etc. |
He hypothesized that lightning behaved that way because it was just a bunch of electricity. |
Other hypothesized explanations for treelessness have included both soil moisture limitations or excessive soil moisture. |
They hypothesized that the vasoactive properties of these medications had a role in the pathogenesis of abdominal wall defects. |
The population of viable halophiles is hypothesized to decrease as resources are depleted over time. |
In addition, we hypothesized that gender differences would be consistent with gender stereotyping. |
How do these hypothesized moral-spiritual events take place in the experiential stream of consciousness? |
One of the earliest hypothesized and widely known cases of a coadapted gene complex in plants is that of heterostyly. |
It has been hypothesized that asymmetric growth of the vertebral neurocentral synchondrosis could lead to the development of spinal deformity. |
Considering Rousseau, with whom he quarrelled, as utopian, he hypothesized an art which was morally neutral and elitist. |
Each activity was hypothesized to motivate students to increase their ethical standards. |
In all cases the expected strength and hypothesized direction of associations were confirmed. |
It was hypothesized that the pain picture would improve as the existential challenges resolved. |
Maternal rank is hypothesized to play an important role in cub survivorship for two main reasons. |
The killer is hypothesized to be a mutant and should be considered armed and highly dangerous. |
Age was hypothesized in this study to be directly related to higher ethical standards. |
Plato hypothesized that dependency on writing as an external memory store would be detrimental to memory. |
Similarly, the blue structural colors of avian skin were long hypothesized to be produced by incoherent Rayleigh or Tyndall scattering. |
One factor long hypothesized to influence the skew in male mating success in a population is the temporal distribution of fertilizable females. |
Similar to its congeners, this sexually dimorphic species is hypothesized to be resource-defense polygynous. |
The arm of the plasmasphere pointing toward the Sun, on the lower right, was hypothesized but never before seen directly. |
We hypothesized that in these patients theophylline, a drug that stabilizes breathing, may affect short-term potentiation. |
Accordingly, the hypothesized deterrence of ethanol to frugivorous vertebrates, or specifically primates, is unsubstantiated. |
A chi-square value close to the degrees of freedom indicates that the hypothesized model fits the sample data well. |
We hypothesized that the diaphragms of such patients might generate greater levels of oxidants than those neutralized by antioxidants. |
The core dynamic in each of these cases was hypothesized to be rebelliousness and a protest against overbearing parents. |
The origin of the layers is hypothesized to be due to either growth-related oscillatory zoning or exsolution after growth. |
It has been hypothesized that the distribution of glutamine biosynthesis in different cellular compartments may be associated with etiolation in seedlings. |
Thus, the hypothesized paleoclimate of the two fossil localities fits well within the range in which both insect and mite wood borers are found today. |
In contrast, Robinson observed that plesiosaur flippers were shaped like hydrofoils and hypothesized that they produced thrust through lift rather than drag. |
Because many persons have these genotypes and only a few develop gluten-sensitive enteropathy, investigators have hypothesized that other genes or cofactors may be involved. |
Recently this pattern of dental development has been hypothesized to be a synapomorphy of metatherians, and has been used to diagnose taxa in the fossil record. |
It was hypothesized that this unaccounted mass was embedded in the hydrophobic interior of the lipid membrane, inaccessible to the negative stain. |
Miller hypothesized that the attack on the Hahns could have stemmed from a confrontation about the investigation. |
For example, it may be hypothesized that recurrence of eclampsia in pregnant women is more common in those that have family history of hypertension. |
It was hypothesized that gorgers would have lower metabolic rates, more body fat, lower energy and higher fat intakes, and more pathological eating attitudes than non-gorgers. |
The structural relations between the constructs under investigation and the items are hypothesized a priori by the researcher and then statistically tested. |
Wedding hypothesized that sunlight caused a chemical reaction with the buckwheat as it traversed the cutaneous blood vessels in nonpigmented areas. |
We hypothesized that variations in the distribution of emphysema would be associated with functional differences and therefore account for discordant physiology. |
We hypothesized that in utero exposure affects lung function in children without asthma and synergistically affects children with early onset asthma. |
In conclusion, the hypothesized use of substances of abuse for self-medication of schizophrenic symptoms and medication side effects is not supported by our data. |
Based on this complex gene regulation it is hypothesized that flhD and fliA mutants will have pleiotropic phenotypes. |
It was hypothesized that macropterous individuals exhibit higher mobility and dispersal range than brachypterous individuals. |
Previously, researchers had hypothesized that the inhibition of checkpoints enhanced the effects of DNA-damaging chemotherapy on cancer cells. |
It was therefore hypothesized that the treatment of Chicle Chewing Gum with natural producers o oxygenase would degrade the gum. |
We hypothesized that low levels of neovascularization would be reflected in low macrophage counts. |
Garner hypothesized that increasing serotonin activity in the brain might cure or reduce barbering and possibly trichotillomania. |
His findings deflate hopes for finding the hypothesized forecasting shortcut. |
The authors hypothesized that pain ratings after exercise would be lower in the ginger group compared to placebo subjects. |
One of the target concepts is a large REE-mineralized carbonatite plug hypothesized to occur at depth southwest of the Bull Hill diatreme. |
This is because, handwaving and bald assertion aside, there have been few successful attempts at carrying out the hypothesized reductions. |
We hypothesized the motion-sensitive technology with the earlobe probe would provide the most valid PR readings. |
First, it was hypothesized that participants would communicate with their children more at posttest than at pretest. |
Census response is thus a reasonable proxy for civicminded attitudes and cooperation that are hypothesized to improve governmental performance. |
In general, support for the hypothesized connection between closedmindedness and threat perceptions is found only among whites. |
Dalton hypothesized this was due to the differences in mass and complexity of the gases' respective particles. |
Here, utility refers to the hypothesized relation of each individual consumer for ranking different commodity bundles as more or less preferred. |
The study hypothesized that existing bulges containing methane reservoirs could eventually have the same fate. |
Some scientists have hypothesized the song may serve an echolocative function. |
The latest hypothesized time for the opening of the Drake Passage is during the early Miocene. |
As Titus and Vespasian had the same name, Titus Flavius Vespasianus, earlier writers hypothesized a dedication to Vespasian. |
As he is described as a corpulent man, who also suffered from asthma, it is hypothesized that his friends left him because he was already dead. |
He noted that all the leptocephali he found were very similar, and hypothesized that they all must have descended from a common ancestor species. |
It has also been hypothesized that the Clovis culture saw its decline in the wake of the Younger Dryas cold phase. |
The practice of suttee, hypothesized by Gimbutas is also seen as a highly intrusive cultural element. |
It is hypothesized that Caxton's text and the Winchester manuscript are both derived from an earlier copy. |
A schematic diagram of the hypothesized mechanism of action of AA as a vitaminergic neurotransmitter. |
The authors of a recent study hypothesized that the effect of glucose also depended on people's theories about willpower. |
They hypothesized that the diffusion of rejuvenators into aged bitumen at asphalt recycling could be described in steps as follows. |
Watson, Francis Crick, and others hypothesized that DNA had a helical structure. |
We hypothesized that this particular strain of ABV2 was either avirulent or of low pathogenicity. |
Laurin and colleagues hypothesized that this would happen most often when people think their relationship status won't change. |
It is hypothesized that root pressure in vines helps reduce the risk of water stress-induced embolism. |
The former activation may be hypothesized to reflect continued thematic semantic analysis and a more extended memory search. |
Whorf, on the other hand, hypothesized a radical, illogical, and ultimately untestable version of linguistic relativity. |
A calculation that took 2 years on a powerful special-purpose computer has provided evidence that a hypothesized subnuclear particle called a glueball actually exists. |
It was hypothesized that both, the overall spectrum as well as the content of the respective monosaccharides and sugar alcohols, should be a suitable tool for distinction. |
A defining factors related to assemblage structure was conductively and slope of the study site, but not surface area covered by vegetation as hypothesized. |
Because most BPA exposure in humans occurs via the mouth, we hypothesized that BPA could be bioavailable sublingually, which could contribute to higher plasma concentrations. |
Researchers have hypothesized that alcohol may alter prepubertal ovarian physiology at least partly through its effects on the intraovarian IGF system. |
It has been hypothesized that a small accessory cusp may cause an abnormal distribution of the transvalvular forces and consequently lead to aortic regurgitation. |
They hypothesized that reports of greater insomnia severity would be associated with lower pain thresholds and inhibition and with greater temporal summation of pain. |
It is hypothesized that before the whale dives, cold water enters the organ, and it is likely that the blood vessels constrict, reducing blood flow, and, hence, temperature. |
Anderson has hypothesized that plate tectonics could not happen without the calcium carbonate laid down by bioforms at the edges of subduction zones. |
The cadence of runners has been hypothesized to be energetically favorable due to resonance between the elastic energy stored in the lower limb and the mass of the runner. |
We hypothesized that the older mens' gait would have more muscle coactivity and consequently demonstrate a stiffer gait pattern during stair descent. |
At that time I hypothesized that Old Chinese had had a distinction between long and short vowels and that in the transition to Middle Chinese long vowels had diphthongized. |
Based on national cultural differences, it was hypothesized that clients in Kuwait would have a lower financial risk tolerance than the clients in the other countries sampled. |
Thyroid hormone is usually replaced intravenously as it is hypothesized that gut edema from a myxedematous state may not allow adequate and prompt absorption. |
In particular, it has been hypothesized that excessive anteversion may contribute to excessive adduction and internal rotation of the thigh during dynamic tasks. |
Hubbs and Wauer hypothesized that Fundulus zebrinus, a nonnative species, was impacting native species in Tornillo Creek in the Trans-Pecos region. |
Scientists hypothesized that dolphins somehow reduce drag by creating smooth, laminar flow in water rushing by their skin instead of the usual turbulent flow. |
These disjunct populations have been hypothesized to be the result of a grassland corridor that prehistorically connected the Black Belt and the Great Plains. |
Bergens and his graduate student Jeremy John hypothesized that the complex was falling apart at the higher temperatures that are required to get amide hydrogenations to work. |
Posthoc, a bifactor model in which a general factor is hypothesized accounting for the commonality of the items showed a significantly better fit than the five factor model. |
In near-term rodents, both fetal glucuronidation and hydroxylations have previously been strongly hypothesized for DES, a potent synthetic estrogenic compound. |
The ships arrived at King John's hypothesized continent, which is South America, when they sighted the land of Trinidad on 31 July approaching from the southeast. |
In the gel state, it was further hypothesized that the water electrical dipoles are oriented in the same direction, along the outer edge of the microtubule tubulin subunits. |
Some scientists have hypothesized that hominins began cooking food to defrost frozen meat, which would help ensure their survival in cold regions. |
We hypothesized that privet captures increased C during autumn months when the over-story canopy senesces and light levels in the under-story increase. |
Conversely, researchers have hypothesized that a precursor to syphilis may have been carried from the New World to Europe after Columbus's voyages. |
The silica deposition that takes place from the membrane bound vesicle in diatoms has been hypothesized to be a result of the activity of silaffins and long chain polyamines. |