Could previously isolated species hybridize and become a serious plant disease threat? |
Conversely, it is well known that cracids can hybridize very easily in captivity, though natural hybridization has not been reported in the wild. |
Subspecies mexicana is the teosinte that grows most commonly in maize fields and has been observed to hybridize readily with maize. |
Although no hybridization between those species has been noted in the wild, Amazona species are known to hybridize in captivity. |
The Turks of the Ottoman Empire were the first culture to celebrate the beauty of the tulip and to begin to cultivate and hybridize the flower. |
Alternatively, true differences may exist in the degree to which species hybridize in different biogeographic regions. |
When native and introduced species hybridize, the conservation of native species implies developing a plan for preventing such hybridization. |
Although these two species hybridize freely, subsequent generations are subject to intense natural selection. |
Experimental crossbreeding in the past 15 years showed that many of these mass-spawning species could hybridize in laboratories. |
The ability of many different waterfowl species to hybridize raises a number of important issues about geographic structure and gene flow. |
Organic farmers, meanwhile, are concerned that GM crops will hybridize with their crops, so they will be unable to maintain their organic status. |
About 12 percent of European butterfly species hybridize with one another, and in several groups of birds, the figure is as high as 25 percent. |
In the United States, it has been speculated, but not shown, that Africanized honeybees would hybridize extensively with European honeybees. |
I'm not suggesting that you hybridize your knowledge from books on Winnebagos with your design practice. |
Lake trout are known to hybridize with brook trout where the range of the two species overlap. |
However, species may hybridize long after speciation, which may pose problems in phylogenetic reconstruction, especially when molecular data are used. |
Plume grasses readily hybridize with one another and are often cultivated from cuttings. |
Growers began to hybridize these native species with other varieties imported to Hawaii, which produced the huge kaleidoscope of colors and sizes available today. |
The introduced species can outcompete native fish, sometimes feed on them, and in some cases hybridize with them. |
Boreal and Black-capped Chickadees overlap at the edges of their breeding ranges, but do not hybridize. |
For my part, I prefer to hybridize knowledge, which means first that we get rid of rankings and eliminate standards of comparison. |
Along a central European front, the two species hybridize, but the hybrids suffer from a whole range of defects, many of which are lethal at the embryonic stage. |
Sauger, a species similar to Walleye, can be found in the same habitats and is know to occasionally hybridize with Walleye. |
The Mountain Chickadee is closely related to the Black-capped, and the two species hybridize, or interbreed, occasionally. |
Bartram was the first North American experimenter to hybridize flowering plants, and he established near Philadelphia a botanical garden that became internationally famous. |
These stocking activities have affected the genetic integrity of pure populations of Westslope Cutthroat Trout as they will hybridize with the introduced fish. |
The labeled nucleic acid probes hybridize specifically to the amplicon. |
There is little threat that there would be genetic consequences for native species from any of the four Asian carps as they are not known to hybridize. |
Red oaks hybridize, too, but don't seem to obtain the famed hybrid vigor as often as white oaks. |
Bottlenose dolphins have been known to hybridize with other dolphin species. |
In spite of this, these species can still hybridize and produce viable offspring. |
For example, in Quebec, Canada, domesticated GE Brassica napus is able to hybridize with a weedy relative called wild radish. |
However, if only 1 specific base is present, then both probes are able to hybridize the DNA template. |
Recent systematic studies appear to confirm a high tendency of Quercus species to hybridize because of a combination of factors. |
Alexander sought to insert Greek elements into Persian culture and attempted to hybridize Greek and Persian culture. |
Though two organisms from closely related species frequently hybridize, the chromosomes of the fusing partners are different enough that the two sets do not pair at meiosis, resulting in sterile offspring. |
The latter value was largely determined by the genus Quercus which comprised nearly half of the species in the subclass and where nearly all species are thought to hybridize. |
By using blocking DNA and pre-annealing to block homoeologous sequences, labeled genomic DNA probes from one parent could not hybridize to chromosomes from the other one. |