Some use only a few signs, so that a young toddler can express basic needs until he or she gets over the preverbal hump. |
That's what got us over the hump and gave us the advantage in the first half. |
Without further pause and again in silence, I hump my body up over the rock. |
You are going to hump it around airport terminals, on and off trains and buses. |
She had a hunchback, a great misshapen hump of bone on her back, and walked with a stick. |
From the skull extends the spine of the whale, and the hump of the whale rises above the larger vertebrae. |
Removals took one full day moving to and fro between the two houses with my two sons helping to hump the heavy stuff into and out of the van. |
When the council planted a large speed hump outside my gate, I did not complain. |
It is quite nice that people are getting the hump enough to write about it. |
The council will not be satisfied until every road is either a 20 mph limit, has a speed hump or a speed camera, or all three! |
I take my bag and hump it out of the front of the station where the smart double-decker coach is awaiting us. |
The rhinoplasty technique was tailored to suit each case, and included hump removal using scalpel and osteotomes. |
If we lose our energy, we don't have one player who can get us over the hump or even to the free throw line late in the game. |
The teenager added that Hall then threw him into the middle of the road, where he hit his left shoulder on a speed hump and banged his head. |
But the committee said a speed hump planned for Stratford Avenue must still be introduced, despite a complaint from one resident. |
But it will create a rat run along Queen's Road and Broadleas Road and just one speed hump in each would make a difference. |
The employee alleged that the respondent was negligent in failing to warn of the hump. |
I managed to sit upon the camel, between the fatty hump and its snakey neck. |
A calf will hump up onto the back of the sleeping mother, breach onto her, cover her blowhole with his tail. |
The oldest part of the shell, the umbo, can be recognized as a large hump on the anterior end of the dorsal side of each shell. |
A rib hump is a hallmark of scoliotic curves greater than 10 degrees and should prompt radiographic evaluation. |
I wonder who can tell me what you would call that ugly animal with a great big hump on its back that is condemned to live in a desert. |
Some think it's fun to whizz over the speed hump and see how fast they can take off. |
We dodged past a camel walking by with a sandwich board advertising Cut-Price Jeans on either side of his hump. |
Proper Tuareg riding saddles are placed in front of the camel's hump and you sit cross-legged with your bare feet resting on the camel's neck. |
The opening-night shindig at SAT on Wednesday, Oct. 23 is ideal for anyone looking to add a little extra hump in their hump day. |
Rather than just shuffle the new bottles in and let me hump them into the house, she asked me where I wanted them. |
I don't drive, so the only way to get two big bags of compost and some plants home is to borrow a trolley and hump it up the hill! |
And of course we never thought that some day we might have to hump the eighteen stone up Kilimanjaro. |
Personally it worked OK for me but I am reasonably fit and can hump my luggage about without too much trouble. |
The other is a deformed little man with a big hump on his back and oily black hair. |
With All Hallow's Eve falling on a Wednesday this year, partygoers won't have trouble finding a hump day celebration to attend next week. |
One of this animal's distinguishing features is the saddle-like hump on its back. |
His body was hunched over painfully, creating a hump at the back of his neck. |
Instead of a dorsal fin they have a prominent dorsal hump about two-thirds of the way down their back. |
Now, instead of the point, there are two round humps separated by a trough, like a camel's hump. |
He snorted indignantly, and walked away across the tram rails, his hump quivering with rage. |
Before beginning to walk, a baby with achondroplasia often develops a small hump on his upper back. |
These adverse events include acne, easy bruising, moon face, swollen ankles, hirsutism, buffalo hump, and skin striae. |
Scheme 4 created a hump yard on the West Toronto side with the hump crest at Runnymede Road just as was the existing hump. |
Six more tracks were also added to the classification yard, west of the hump. |
My soon to be fixed 6 month old female Boxer has a tenancy to hump for no apparent reason. |
Some people develop skinny legs, but a pot belly, a buffalo hump or a double chin as a side effect. |
Thanks to a dry course, the ball landed on the downhill side of a grass hump and rolled 30 yards straight onto the green and into the cup. |
Wouldn't this make him a set-up for an oily huckster who sold lame horses with a false hump? |
Externally, the most noticeable difference between the 172 and the 175 is the slight hump on the engine cowl behind the propeller. |
The presence of a dowager's hump in elderly patients indicates multiple vertebral fractures and decreased bone volume. |
Mendelssohn also suffered two physical constraints, a hammerlock stutter and a severe curvature of the spine that gave him a hump. |
Okay, if we really look hard, Mick has just the smidgen of the beginnings of a dowager's hump. |
I often wonder, would she have gone gentle into the dewlaps, the crow's feet and the dowager's hump? |
I got the hump so I sabotaged the tyres of the head's car by putting tin tacks in to puncture them. |
They are commonly harvested for souvenirs, especially black, red, bush, hump, finger and lace corals. |
Well, we just got past hump day, and they haven't bought a thing. |
Dozens of recently installed speed bumps in a Yorkshire suburb have been ripped out and replaced after council officials got the hump over their height. |
Local retailers will be looking to residents to help them over the hump so that everyone can be part of the bright new future this regeneration will bring. |
I figured it was hump day, so we all needed a nice pick-me-up, right? |
At each location, the speeds were measured for 100 vehicles that were in free-flow conditions and had not yet started decelerating before arriving at the speed hump. |
We saw minke whales, hump backed whales, bald eagles, puffins and moose. |
We did provide some loan guarantees to get them over the hump, but they paid us back, actually this week. |
The situation was starting to come to some degree of normalcy, and we'd thought we'd gotten over the hump of this particular operation. |
Of course, we did add a variety of elements after that, but we had realized it would work and felt like we were over the hump. |
Then we went to see a camel and I couldn't resist taking a selfie of me and the guy with the hump – come on, it was quite funny. |
His first incarnation was as a hump in BPD and nothing summed him up more than this scene. |
As expected, the government's large debt-servicing hump in 2002 has forced it to seek a restructuring of bilateral and commercial debt. |
The dual hump has two tracks that allow eastward and westward trains to be made up simultaneously. |
The BAU curve has the hump shape that it already had in the first scenario. |
Pull in your stomach, pushing up with your back like you're making a camel hump. |
These audits and other random checks involve sampling hump records and taking radar measurements of actual couplings. |
They may grow a hump, develop canine teeth, males may develop a pronounced curvature of the jaws. |
Even-toed and with one big hump, Dromedary camels are mammals with brown fur. |
Second, as the whale begins to dive, it bends its back, showing a rounded hump underneath its short, nubby dorsal fin. |
This ritual became known as the hump parade because we all resembled camels or mules with large protrusions on our backs. |
At the pyramid's apex, the route emerges onto the Shoulder, a broad hump at roughly 26,000 feet and the site of the fourth and final camp before reaching the top. |
But council officers have recommended that committee members keep the structure, saying removing it would mean putting an extra speed hump in the village's 20 mph zone. |
For example, if a patient has a crooked nose, bulbous tip, and dorsal hump, the physician has to analyze each element accurately and explain the situation to the patient. |
Unchecked, it leads to changes in posture, particularly in the form of a hunched back known colloquially as dowager's hump, and decreased mobility. |
Diplomatic dispatches at the time, written by men who had no reason to lie to their own rulers, reported no hump or withered arm. |
Despite 20 years of cycling between expectation and disappointment, I hump along with that aim in mind. |
In the former Bill Hurt longed to hump you and in the latter a large dog did just that in your role as an animal trainer. |
Rear bodywork is different too because the engine's vee drops the plenum down lower and a smaller hump can cover it, and the tail end is different where the exhausts exit. |
After an overnight stay in the hut we made an early start by following a wildlife trail up a rocky hump on the east bank of the stream to the east of the hut. |
Appropriately named, the humpback chub has a small head and snout, a streamlined gray body streaked with silver, and a prominent hump along its back. |
Aging camels may be slaughtered for their meat, especially when guests are expected for a celebration, and the fatty camel's hump is considered a delicacy. |
He provides a sketch of a creature with the head of an elephant, a fishlike body with a camel hump, four legs like a lion, and a forked tail like a fish. |
They have a slender body with a low dorsal hump and no dorsal fin. |
At least I no longer have to hump the zinc bath in from the backyard. |
You really can't hump 50 lb rucksacks with a back problem, can you? |
It seems whoever got the hump and complained believed the ad implied that the driver of the car had been texting while driving, and that this encouraged people to do likewise. |
To be honest, there was a time when I really got the hump with Spain. |
Humpbacks can easily be identified by their stocky body, obvious hump, black dorsal coloring and elongated pectoral fins. |
Q MY son was driving last week and took a speed hump too fast resulting in a cracked sump. |
The most apparent visual difference between llamas and camels is that camels have a hump or humps and llamas do not. |
The cama has ears halfway between the length of camel and llama ears, no hump, longer legs than the llama, and partially cloven hooves. |
Nathan fastened this over the hump of the dromedary and thanked them. |
The region behind the shoulder blades rises into a hump, and the neck is short and thick, to the point of being nearly immobile. |
You do NOT have the right to allow your hump dumplings to roam unattended in any public place. |
It will probably mean using a drug to get him over the hump so you can modify his behavior by desensitizing and counter-conditioning techniques. |
Halloween may be on a Saturday this year, but that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy hump day. |
Research has shown that emails received on Wednesdays, hump day, are most often opened and read. |
As with other government efforts, the objective is to get organic production over the hump, so that sufficient size and momentum allows it to evolve on its own after 15 years. |
We forget it was not long ago that the flat-top hump costing thousands was put there. |
Spout and neck from a water jug, whose shape is reminiscent of an animal with a long, thin neck such as a camel or a dromedary, with the hump being the neck of the jug. |
Westerwelle wasted Giving the UMP the hump Catching Kuchma Rising rage Sad island story The handicapped union ReprintsSeveral others are weak as well. |
The nationalist party Svoboda may not make it over the hump. |
The crest of the hump is oriented such that cars are humped westward from the north and south pull-back tracks over the hump and into the classification tracks. |
When I mentioned to my young son that there was no word for the shining hump of water that rises above a submerged boulder in a stream, he suggested currentbum. |
The derailed cars fouled the adjacent south pull-back track and were struck by another remote-controlled hump yard assignment, derailing two locomotives, two booster units and sixcars from that assignment. |
After leaving the repair facility, the tank car was humped1 four additional times, with the last humping operation occurring over the local hump as a two-car cut with tank car PROXÂ 46132 trailing. |
Aesthetic rhinoplasty with removal of the hump. |
Dr. Fiset witnessed Robert Kubica's spectacular crash in 2007 when his car made contact with another vehicle and hit a hump in the grass which lifted the car's nose into the air and left Kubica unable to brake or steer. |
Australia suffered that fate against Ireland and lost a pool match that gave a Heimlich hump to what was panning out as a lifelessly predictable, drawn-out event. |
Flattering look with dorsal hump, the Crow is doing its best to be comfortable with Stretch Cordura inserts under the arms and forearms as well as smocking ease placed at strategic locations. |
The shiftlessness and drunkenness are authentic Gange, though: it's not easy to hump amplifiers with a can of Special Brew stuck to your lips, so Gange didn't bother. |
The brisket, ribs and loin are among the preferred parts, and the hump is considered a delicacy. |
His encouragement got me over the hump to certification and I have come to accept the CANSI method for classic technique which improved not only my performance but more importantly, my enjoyment of the sport. |
Because no one awaits them, because they are as frozen as the snow that surrounds them, these three orphans will seek a stiff drink to get over the hump. |
This is the perfect clinic for those of you who are already playing at Level 2 and need help getting over the hump into Level 3 and getting confident about Freestyle riding. |
The zebra crossing on Carr Lane, near to Lewisham Road, will also be placed on a road hump. |
Without systems to measure coupling speeds directly and to alert hump yard staff to overspeed occurrences, the railways must rely on indirect means to assess compliance. |
For the Dakar, I hope I can just finish and get over the hump. |
The hump probably looked similar to that seen on some cows today, he said. |
Explore information on the Internet, join a support group or speak to your healthcare provider about recommending support services to get you over the hump. |
Cargo services in Tennessee are primarily served by CSX Transportation, which has a hump yard in Nashville called Radnor Yard. |
At the moment, the council spends thousands of pounds installing speed humps to calm traffic, what is a pothole but an inverted speed hump? |
His head is as big as a buffalo's, his hair is down to his waist, he has a hump on his back, his feet and hands are backwards, he's hideous, and is over 18 feet tall. |
After five consecutive years of early losses in the playoffs, Valencia finally got over the hump and into the semifinals of the Southern Section Div. |
That poor guy is already busting his hump, learning his job, working sixteen or eighteen hours a day for some fruitloop who throws pens when he gets mad. |
Some residents in Wych-Elm Close, in Bilton, near Rugby, claim their houses shake when cars, lorries and buses negotiate the hump in Lawford Lane. |
Can anyone at the council explain why, when heading east along the main road from Ryton to Blaydon, the first speed hump is probably all of 100m after the school at Stella? |