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How to use hump in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word hump? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Some use only a few signs, so that a young toddler can express basic needs until he or she gets over the preverbal hump.
That's what got us over the hump and gave us the advantage in the first half.
Without further pause and again in silence, I hump my body up over the rock.
You are going to hump it around airport terminals, on and off trains and buses.
She had a hunchback, a great misshapen hump of bone on her back, and walked with a stick.
From the skull extends the spine of the whale, and the hump of the whale rises above the larger vertebrae.
Removals took one full day moving to and fro between the two houses with my two sons helping to hump the heavy stuff into and out of the van.
When the council planted a large speed hump outside my gate, I did not complain.
It is quite nice that people are getting the hump enough to write about it.
The council will not be satisfied until every road is either a 20 mph limit, has a speed hump or a speed camera, or all three!
I take my bag and hump it out of the front of the station where the smart double-decker coach is awaiting us.
The rhinoplasty technique was tailored to suit each case, and included hump removal using scalpel and osteotomes.
If we lose our energy, we don't have one player who can get us over the hump or even to the free throw line late in the game.
The teenager added that Hall then threw him into the middle of the road, where he hit his left shoulder on a speed hump and banged his head.
But the committee said a speed hump planned for Stratford Avenue must still be introduced, despite a complaint from one resident.
But it will create a rat run along Queen's Road and Broadleas Road and just one speed hump in each would make a difference.
The employee alleged that the respondent was negligent in failing to warn of the hump.
I managed to sit upon the camel, between the fatty hump and its snakey neck.
A calf will hump up onto the back of the sleeping mother, breach onto her, cover her blowhole with his tail.
The oldest part of the shell, the umbo, can be recognized as a large hump on the anterior end of the dorsal side of each shell.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The moral hump is tolerated, even patronised in reformative institutions, but the physical hump, never!
Behind the neck and immediately above the shoulder rises a gibbosity or hump of the same height as the dorsal ridge.
Some, like Evan, were grotesquely barrel-chested, with or without the hump.
The only height she remembered was the Puy de Dome, rounded off at the summit like a hump.
We should have to hump treble the weight of the lime we should get after burning them.
And then we should have to hump the lime at least half a mile up from the beach.
Nor were there wanting others in abundance with hump backs, wenny necks, and even horns of an exquisite polish.
He had a helpmeet as ancient as himself, but who differed from him in having a hump.
The hump in front, he says, was derived from the protuberance of the heavy cuirass.
Immediately behind the hump is a series of knuckles or crenulations along the midline.
Brobdingnag, would you believe it, is a hump on the west coast of America and cannot be far from San Francisco.
I should want my camel on wheels, with a railin' around his hump.
If we hump ourselves we ken cross the divide afore the road is blocked.
To cure a humpbacked man of his hump we should have to take his life.
Ought its hump to wobble like that, and hang over all on one side?
This august hump, if I mistake not, rises over one of the larger vertebrae, and is, therefore, in some sort, the outer convex mould of it.
The first little blizzard, they'll hump up an' blat fer home an' mother.
He tells them that Rigoletto, despite his hump, has an inamorata.
She answered every blow on her lathered hindquarters with an angry hump.
Head and ears were mousy, the neck long, with a hump at its base.
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