Success was the direct result of collaboration between two hospitals to improve and standardize care. |
Your blood donation is then released for issue to hospitals once all the tests have come back and are declared negative. |
Moreover, most of them languish in mental asylums and hospitals without being visited or taken care of by their relatives. |
Gaidarski said that prosecutors should investigate how hospitals managed to accumulate such huge debts. |
A considerable number of mothers-to-be have shown increased dependence on advanced medical technology in hospitals to ensure a healthy pregnancy. |
They are also asking the MPs for support for legislation to stop doctors working in hospitals after they have been struck off. |
There are definitely no underlying motives where we are sneakily trying to close hospitals down. |
How many hospitals and schools are we prepared to see go to the wall, sacking employees, getting into debt, slashing pay to save jobs? |
The 47s picked up patients from the choppers and rushed them to full-fledged hospitals in Japan. |
Experts say it spreads like wildfire with schools, nursing homes, hospitals and work places expected to be particularly badly hit. |
That hospital had a specialist Neonatal Intensive Care Service and provided tertiary consultative services to many hospitals in the region. |
Nurses working for the Auckland Mental Health Service are refusing to admit patients unless hospitals have beds and staff available. |
After all, as the hospitals themselves concede in downplaying their chargemasters, these insurance prices are the ones that affect most patients. |
A Bug Watch team, made up of members of the public, will be invited to spot-check hospitals in Greater Manchester to see if they clean. |
The living conditions in the military, of which the hospitals are a synecdoche, also evince this metonymic transformation. |
It was reported that the hospitals refused to treat the injured until deposits were paid, causing a near riot. |
It's like small town hospitals used to be back in the old days, modest, but complete and perfect. |
Santa's national secretariat is embroiled in several disputes with other Santa hospitals throughout the country. |
They run businesses, hospitals and schools as part of an infrastructure, not just for show. |
Some NHS hospitals offer artificial insemination treatment, but availability is limited and there are often waiting lists. |
On all four occasions, patients were transferred to other hospitals in the city. |
Certain hospitals make use of radioactive material in the research areas of nuclear medicine. |
Mr Fitzpatrick said if private practice was jeopardised, the knock-on effect on public hospitals would be huge. |
With the state in complete control, allowing poorly run or unneeded hospitals to close became virtually impossible. |
Many do residencies at affiliated hospitals and clinics with Hispanic clienteles of 60 percent and higher. |
Why did it have to be the audit commission that lambasted hospitals for being filthy and unhygienic? |
Won't all of it be money that could be better spent fixing schools and hospitals instead? |
The planning and care utilised in replacing the Swindon hospitals is just mind boggling. |
Why are patients discharged from hospitals before they are fully recovered? |
The trust offers work experience in orphanages, hospitals and schools as well as environmental development projects. |
Many hospitals have overcharged the bureau for medicine, requesting fee compensations at above-market prices. |
We also find that hospitals replacing their management subsequently upcode more than a sample of similar hospitals that did not. |
Variation between the teaching hospital and individual non-teaching hospitals reduced over time. |
The strategy says there are too many hospitals and too many consultants involved in the provision of cancer care. |
Patients would be triaged, and the seriously ill admitted to hospitals for treatment. |
The report also recommends national standards for cleanliness in hospitals be developed to reduce the risk of hospital acquired infections. |
On February 15 over 200 Salvadorean police took over 15 public hospitals and clinics in El Salvador's capital city of San Salvador. |
The local elections were expected to cost 300 billion kwacha, which could be used to fund hospitals and maintain roads, he added. |
She then describes the battle of the styles between Baroque, Palladian, and astylar designs for the great voluntary hospitals in Britain. |
Nearly 100,000 barrels of low-level radioactive waste from nuclear power plants, hospitals and research institutes are stored on the island. |
In practice, many physicians oppose assisted suicide and euthanasia, and hospitals have barred assisted suicide from their premises. |
One difference is that most Taiwanese hospitals continue to have an RN circulating nurse and scrub nurse for each surgical patient. |
West Wiltshire Primary Care Trust is planning an overhaul of arrangements for hospital cover at all community hospitals under its control. |
Already some smaller district hospitals are refusing to operate on children suffering from common conditions such as appendicitis. |
In 2003 the US government put a temporary moratorium on the development of specialist hospitals that are partly owned by the doctors using them. |
And Malmesbury Hospital was graded green in both categories, one of 81 hospitals to achieve that distinction. |
Cotswold people are urged to support their cottage hospitals by turning out to a public meeting next week. |
They target busy areas such as bus terminuses, shopping complexes, government hospitals and those close to the Collectorate. |
The money raised would become a sort of piggy bank of last resort to pay doctors and hospitals for patients who don't pay them. |
The charity also employs oncology care nurses at key hospitals throughout Ireland. |
When matrons ran hospitals and made morning rounds, everything on the wards had to be tickety-boo. |
The weak force is harnessed in modern hospitals in the form of radioactive tracers used in nuclear medicine. |
Temporary hospitals were set up in private homes to treat the wounded and prepare the dead for burial. |
Several high-profile resignations and retirements have hit hospitals in recent months. |
Prison healthcare centres, although commonly called hospitals, are not like NHS hospitals but more like sickbays with primary care cover. |
Accident victims are being rushed between hospitals or left on trolleys for hours because of a desperate shortage of beds and staff. |
She was on the staff of other hospitals and was medical director of the Violet Melchett Mothercraft Home for many years. |
Today a few trailblazing hospitals in India are in the process of developing tailor made, cost effective specific telemedicine solutions. |
After American entry into World War I in 1918, the island hospitals were used to house soldiers with venereal diseases. |
The waste generated from hospitals should be segregated as biodegradable, slowly-degradable and non-biodegradable. |
The redesign of emergency services is part of a larger plan to improve patient care and both hospitals will play a vital role in this. |
The self-assessments will help hospitals evaluate their medication safety systems and identify areas for improvement. |
Framed prints were recently presented to two local hospitals to brighten the environment for the patients. |
He denies the hospitals are in crisis and announced that all public hospitals are fully stocked with medical supplies. |
We had one girl in who hates hospitals and was so unhappy and sullen when she arrived. |
Labor outlined a plan to put GPs in hospitals to target the shortage of bulk billing doctors. |
He was a lavish philanthropist, endowing hospitals and libraries as well as the famous art gallery. |
The current expansion may not be sustainable without increased resources to convert service hospitals to teaching hospitals. |
Army field hospitals were managed by medical professors and licensed medical doctors, who managed medical students working under their guidance. |
Expect the form to be widely adopted, since its sponsors include the VHA Health Foundation, which counts major hospitals among its members. |
The hospitals were not named publicly in last year's report but were individually informed of their status. |
Eithne also has the onerous task of visiting groups, hospitals and the sick or anyone else that contacts her wishing to see the relic. |
The hospitals were best known for patients lying on camp beds in corridors and for wards infested with cockroaches and rats. |
The dispute threatens to spread to all hospitals nationwide where non-consultant hospital doctors work. |
The district's cottage hospitals are being undermined by a policy of closure by stealth, a health watchdog has warned. |
I belong to the old imperial class who want to put up roads and hospitals and make life easier for people. |
They do not introduce real, meaningful choice and freedoms which are required for foundation hospitals to work effectively. |
Why 100,000 Americans die each year in our nation's hospitals as a result of careless medical mistakes. |
Since 1997, some 40 hospitals and 550 schools are under construction or in operation. |
Increasingly, specialist care is provided outwith hospitals and those patients who need to go to hospital stay there for shorter periods. |
Both community health services and hospitals are dangerously under-resourced and short of even the most basic equipment. |
At least 75 cases of dengue fever have been detected in hospitals in the city in the last week, the sources said. |
Now U.S. taxpayers are tired of the drain on local schools, hospitals and other services. |
As a result, many hospitals are converting traditional operating rooms into minimally invasive surgery or laparoscopic surgery rooms. |
The Republic of Ireland's largest health board has said that operating theatres in its major hospitals are idle for almost one week in four. |
The hospitals had become so dependent on state subsidies, they said, that weaning them too fast could be ruinous. |
Moreover, schools and hospitals were encouraged to opt out of local authority control, compete with one another, and manage their own budgets. |
The medical wards of hospitals admit the oldest and sickest people in our community. |
Elsewhere overseas, female nurses in military field hospitals worked near the front line of battle, and many served with allied forces. |
The department also called for residents to go to hospitals once they catch a fever or feel soreness in their bones. |
The last decade has seen a revolution in healthcare as more and more hospitals become convinced of the therapeutic power of humour. |
Have you noticed how markedly hospitals have improved in the last few years? |
Small hospitals are very useful and certainly ours is essential to the local community. |
Most victims were long gone, to hospitals or morgues, and their attackers were as invisible as air. |
After searching frantically in the local hospitals he eventually found his wife's body in a mortuary. |
But here in Colchester, the Trust that runs the town's NHS hospitals thinks that approach is over-egging the pudding. |
According to the Irish Nurses Organisation, more than 200 patients were on trolleys, awaiting beds, in hospitals around the country. |
The relatively low cost treatment provided by Indian hospitals has led to the development of medical tourism in the country. |
He ended up in and out of hospitals with mysterious coronary troubles and a blood clot in each lung. |
Remember all the massive airlifts out of various hospitals and also the New Orleans Airport? |
He said he recognised that acute hospitals had beds occupied by patients who could be discharged if appropriate facilities were available. |
Employers argue that hospitals are busy around the clock and learning takes place throughout the day and night. |
It also holds catering contracts at a number of hospitals and runs the refectories and restaurants at many businesses around the world. |
For over 40 years he was one of the men responsible for literally bringing thousands of sick people to hospitals all over the country. |
A good few nurses who come here to work have some nursing experience, having nursed in hospitals abroad. |
Staff in the hospitals and diagnostic practices also became resentful, and many resigned. |
The new system will cap reimbursements to hospitals and nursing homes, putting a squeeze on facilities to cut costs. |
All hospitals in the area have to be prepared to evacuate at a moment's notice. |
By charging more for paying patients, hospitals hope to cover their losses from non-paying ones. |
Dozens of family members wandered desperately between hospitals and morgues where they looked over badly burned bodies. |
The study was undertaken at two neighbouring hospitals which differ in organisation and management. |
Staff at our hospitals worked like Trojans and came through with flying colours. |
Fire safety standards in public hospitals are no better than in private companies. |
A number of hospitals are now setting up pranic healing centres to promote holistic healing. |
I worry that implementing unproven large computer systems will push hospitals over the financial edge. |
Then, go back and mark all of the bike shops and hospitals along the route, just in case you have to make an unscheduled stop. |
Out there, high-end, multispeciality hospitals are going the extra mile to get visible at home and abroad. |
The rest of his life was spent in and out of mental hospitals as his family travelled around Europe. |
Instead, I chose a collection of 300 World War I letters written from the trenches, tents and field hospitals of Flanders. |
I have dealt with health practitioners from the legal point of view, and I have dealt with hospitals in relation to the Privacy Act. |
In most hospitals the number of patients needing treatment far exceeded the number of cots available. |
Digital thermometers and alcohol-filled glass models are just as accurate as mercury ones, and many hospitals are already making the switch. |
A nationwide shortage of intensive-care specialists has left hospitals scrambling to provide timely care to the sickest of patients. |
Mr Collins said the root of the problem was the Government's short-sighted fixation on hospitals which meant other health services had suffered. |
Of course, our hospitals will continue to deal with emergency cases and treat infectious diseases, whoever is involved. |
The results of that study emerged after a survey revealed 140 patients were waiting on trolleys in hospitals and around the country yesterday. |
The author's thorough and captivating depiction of nursing from stateside general hospitals to overseas battlefronts surpasses all expectations. |
The good news for hospitals limping along in the recession is the new federal stimulus package could feature money for shovel-ready projects. |
Her His reporting on the needs of the sick and the dying in the woefully under-equipped Baghdad hospitals are heartbreaking. |
He said the bill will standardize the reporting procedures for hospitals across Ontario. |
So where hospitals have been able to staff the night shift, that's how nurses have done it. |
These doctors are to be located at public hospitals in areas where bulk billing rates are lowest. |
The situation in relation to MRSA in nursing homes and hospitals is still under control, however. |
The few hospitals still standing in the vicinities were destroyed, from the inside. |
I thought at first it was probably a helicopter or a blimp, as we have a number of hospitals and a sports stadium in the downtown area. |
We expect hospitals to enforce strict standards of hygiene and cleanliness. |
When the leader lauds French hospitals and Swedish schools, they applaud on cue. |
On a very basic level, hospitals are partial to monochromatic colors, which is itself hardly cause for alarm. |
In terms of adoption rates, where do private and community hospitals stand? |
We could transfer more teaching out of the traditional teaching hospitals to district general hospitals. |
The injured tourists were reported in stable condition after receiving medical treatment at two hospitals near the crash site, police said. |
Many of the injured headed for local hospitals which quickly became overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of casualties. |
Many of the rules seem to lack teeth when it comes to punishing erring hospitals that continue to dump their waste with impunity. |
Doctors, private hospitals and nursing homes would pay premiums to the government fund. |
Firstly, teaching hospitals are a training ground for nursing students and new graduates. |
It was packed with vital equipment for a new nursery school, hospitals and orphanages. |
All 54 public acute hospitals were audited in unannounced inspections during the summer and graded as good, fair and poor. |
In many instances, these become even higher than in average private hospitals and nursing homes. |
By the late 19th Century, teaching hospitals came up and were staffed by physicians, surgeons and obstetricians. |
Mr Sheard warns us of the dangers of Airedale and other local hospitals being incorporated into Bradford. |
In the two decades since then, some of the hospitals have closed, and the number of long-stay patients has reduced dramatically. |
The strike hit most public services, forcing hospitals to stay open with skeleton staff and closing down schools. |
Australian hospitals have been urged to carry out travel history checks on patients to avoid an outbreak of the deadly MERS virus. |
Are our hospitals filled with raving pot smokers, insane from reefer madness? |
There will also be a network of local care hospitals supported by a critical care hospital for seriously ill patients. |
People working in hospitals have told me that the worst offenders for not washing their hands are the doctors. |
It's one of the stupid reasons I don't go to hospitals unless I'm seriously ill. |
My son is now a house husband and part-time senior cardiograph technician working between two hospitals looking after two children. |
Under equipped hospitals according to U. N. officials overwhelmed with injured. |
Voters are unforgiving of ministers about underperforming schools and hospitals that don't deliver. |
It is rather pitiful that Cork hospitals are being so slavish in considering following the lead set down by Dublin. |
With doctors and nurses too scared to report to hospitals in Swat, injured civilians are flooding under equipped hospitals outside the region. |
Government hospitals have a dental surgeon on duty day and night just like a regular duty doctor, Dr. Veerabahu says. |
About 5000 nurses in rural clinics and district hospitals qualified for the special grants, and would receive backpay from April, he said here. |
Last week, health workers carried out protest rallies at Santiago hospitals and clinics. |
Officials say that hospitals and evacuation centers have been fully stocked with everything necessary to face an emergency. |
By the way, have you ever noticed that doctors in hospitals tend to talk about you to their medical students as though you don't even exist? |
Most women in the United States deliver infants in hospitals where epidural analgesia or intravenous narcotics are the only pain-relief options. |
Instead of heart surgeons' being forced to publish their success rates, hospitals should be made to publish their infection rates. |
It is not the same as hospitals and health services, and care and rehabilitation. |
One of the implications is that activity in the private sector could be draining resources from the public hospitals for no known benefit. |
It says cleaning standards have slipped in hospitals because of a major decline in the number of cleaners employed in the last eight years. |
Foundation hospitals offering bonuses and higher pay could drain the NHS of desperately needed workers, making dire staffing shortages worse. |
He added that many hospitals have closed because they had insufficient heating and equipment. |
Some police on duty at picket lines outside hospitals had already attracted attention for wearing badges supporting the nurses' campaign. |
Twenty interns in six unions worked on campaigns including in call centres, furniture factories, transport yards, hospitals and hotels. |
Local hospitals treated dozens of inflamed tendons and burst blood vessels. |
Tamisha was one of three babies who arrived en route to Hampshire hospitals last weekend. |
He can lawfully perform service in the hospitals of the Army in lieu of bearing arms. |
This riverine port, 125 miles from the capital, accessible by paved road only in 1996, still has one of the best hospitals in Central Africa. |
I guess it's a good job that I am unlikely to be put in charge of any hospitals any time soon. |
Seeing local hospitals in dire straits, she convinced British drug manufacturers to donate medicine, which she later took to Russia. |
The industrial action saw employees strike at hospitals and rest homes across the country. |
It is an absolute disgrace the condition that our hospitals have been allowed to lapse into. |
The enlisted men had been trained in Philadelphia hospitals and served as orderlies in wards, ORs, laboratories, and x-ray departments. |
Even at elite teaching hospitals affiliated with medical schools, more than one-quarter don't receive them. |
I assume that the hospitals in China are still run by the state because there are a lot of miscellaneous fees you have to pay if you want to get treated. |
In general character, Hartberg recalls early Modernist hospitals and sanatoria, with an optimistic feeling of light and air and a promise of brisk efficiency. |
At hospitals across the nation, panicked Americans with flu symptoms began convincing themselves they were next. |
The hospitals in Merthyr, Newport, and Pontypridd where I served my student attachments and house jobs are now gone, replaced by sparkling new edifices. |
There are also several hospitals with world-class facilities managed by hospitals based abroad and bookstores with a broad selection of publications. |
How much people will pay in taxes and how much they pay for their schools and hospitals are not significant issues four years shy of a general election, say his supporters. |
Emergency medical care in the USA rates a C-minus, with hospitals increasingly facing overcrowding, a lack of financial support and a growing number of uninsured patients. |
As if that were not enough, it keeps its eye on the fate of political prisoners and other untried detainees in 65 countries and runs 16 major hospitals in Africa and Asia. |
The result was an invitation to develop a series of lectures on women's health that are delivered via satellite broadcast to a thousand hospitals around the country. |
In addition to its nine hospitals in Cleveland, it has facilities in Las Vegas, Toronto, and Palm Beach. |
Most hospitals are scrambling like crazy to try to fill vacant positions. |
New York is one of only two states that mandates that hospitals publish their C-section rates. |
Bellybuttons tied by nurses at British hospitals within the last 32 years have favored a knot which is now known to be non-secure and liable to unknot itself over time. |
The nation's doctors and hospitals should be able to trim scores of billions per year by avoiding health-care costs that occur when drugs are used incorrectly. |
Targeting students just out of nursing school, the hospitals believe South African staff will have an advantage in language skills, as Afrikaans is related to Dutch. |
Federal marshals were dispatched to hospitals with subpoenas. |
The second Act seemed to be set in a corridor-as-waiting-room typical of many hospitals I have visited, but with the rear wall being a flat of painted forest. |
I am sure there are no better hospitals or clinics in the whole world. |
When the uninsured get sick, they go to emergency rooms, where hospitals are required by federal law to treat them, regardless of their ability to pay. |
We reviewed these evaluations in 60 patients referred after a diagnosis of anaphylaxis in primary care and seen in the allergy clinics at three hospitals in south west London. |
But the causes belie a looming emergency that may leave hospitals scrambling, Red Cross officials said. |
Junk lawsuits are expensive for doctors and hospitals to fight in court. |
Resting fighters can be found holed up in apartments, and wounded ones fill hospitals and a growing number of convalescent homes. |
Malaria spread quickly among the troops, and by August the hospitals filled to capacity, catching the medical personnel unprepared for such an epidemic. |
Portlaoise hospital was seventh from the bottom of the 54 acute hospitals in the damning report that shows widespread neglect of basic hygiene practices. |
While most insurance companies do not pay the standard chargemaster price that hospitals bill the uninsured, often times these prices are where negotiations start. |
Where significant differences existed between the hospital groups, usually large hospitals adhered to accepted practice guidelines to a greater extent. |
Frustrated by the growing numbers of chronic patients in psychiatric hospitals and influenced by evolutionary theory, many psychiatrists turned to hereditarian explanations. |
The Conservatives railroaded through their market-led reforms, imposing the number-crunchers on hospitals to find out, for the first time, what healthcare really cost. |
He is not against hospitals opting out and all the divisions that creates. |
The status allows hospitals to opt out of Government control. |
This organisation will administrate all public hospitals and State healthcare facilities in central and south western Sydney, including Balmain and Rozelle hospitals. |
There are about 10,000 beneficed clergy working whole-time for the Church, and a rather larger number unpaid, retired or working as chaplains in prisons, hospitals and so on. |
Once dreaded as cesspools of infection, hospitals began to be seen as temples of healing and citadels of science, affording them a new moral identity. |
The family gave him the safety and tenderness that hospitals cannot give. |
Thailand combined the introduction of universal access to subsidised health care with a radical shift in funding away from urban hospitals to primary care. |
Often times we suffer from respiratory related diseases like tuberculosis and visit health centres or hospitals for X-rays and ultra sound scanning. |
He also recommends that all specialist services should be concentrated in major hospitals that serve big population catchments of between 350,000 and 500,000 people. |
Communication with other hospitals and external agencies occurred via land lines and cellular telephones, which use satellite communication systems. |
Let's stop wasting money and put it to better use building schools, hospitals and productive enterprises that will lift our people out of degrading poverty. |
Black women were signed on as nurses instead of laundresses or cooks only when they were to serve in all-black hospitals or relegated to nurse infectious white patients. |
He has to manage data from city hospitals delivering information on diseases by mail, fax, attached spreadsheets, and unformatted electronic text. |
Other register offices register births in hospitals and perhaps have outstations in other public buildings, but we were the first to go into a supermarket. |
In the second case, a music teacher had to go to casualty in two separate hospitals on Christmas Day and Boxing Day 1993 after developing problems with his dressing. |
Whereas many medical advances are slowly brought into practice, clinicians in teaching hospitals are often assumed to be early adopters of new medical advances. |
The hospitals were said to be notably clean and had a high standard of decor with cleaners employed directly by the trust, which treated them as valuable members of staff. |
Sounds like a clear cut case of rapacious health care companies heartlessly trying to squeeze the hospitals for the benefit of their greedy shareholders, doesn't it? |
One in eight patients admitted to the region's hospitals is undernourished and their condition is ignored by doctors and nurses, according to new research. |
It won't put medicine in decrepit hospitals or food in empty bellies. |
Manhattan police began their investigation by asking area hospitals whether they had treated anyone with lacerations on his hands or arms during the preceding night. |
Moscow officials insist that the hospitals listed for closure lacked professional services and often stayed half empty. |
First, our results are based on responses from hospital personnel at a sample of PCP hospitals in four high-HIV-incidence cities and other US hospitals with low HIV caseloads. |
They can also be sent to general psychiatric hospitals but experts say this can be off-putting for the patient and result in less specialist care. |
According to a report in the Sunday Times, there is increasing concern across Britain about the way hospitals appear to be hastening the deaths of elderly patients. |
No schools, churches or hospitals have been rebuilt yet, though temporary structures are now permanent fixtures on the landscape. |
And if you work in the medical profession, you might wonder why hospitals have gone from holy places of professionals and passion to hotbeds of tomfoolery in popular culture. |
Diane Arbus traveled about, seeking out the inhabitants of carnivals, nudist camps, and mental hospitals and asking them to look straight into her camera. |
Hospitals were classified as district hospitals or teaching hospitals. |
Victims developed strains of pneumonia, blood poisoning and dozens of other infections rarely identified outside hospitals as recently as five years ago. |
It also wants the government to increase funding to reduce wait lists for surgery at B.C. hospitals and give doctors more say in rebuilding the health system, he said. |
It has been blamed on a rise in emergency admissions and a heavy workload, which means patients are transferred from beds, wards and hospitals quickly. |
It is established practice in many hospitals as part of a multi-faith approach that they employ Imams on the same basis as chaplains and make payment by session. |
In some hospitals because of the danger of this procedure to the mother, an operation like a miniature Caesarean section called a hysterotomy has to be performed. |
The Scarborough scandal was uncovered when a spot check by the Audit Commission of 41 hospitals in England and Wales revealed that all but three issued false figures. |
At the bottom will be society's poorest and most vulnerable people, dependent on over-stretched public hospitals and whatever bulk-billing services remain. |
Seven main Melbourne hospitals went on emergency bypass early this week, straining paramedics and risking patient lives, Victoria's ambulance union said. |
As of Wednesday, there were suspected Ebola patients in hospitals in Cyprus, Rome, Brussels, Paris and London. |
The Home Office said two schools, two hospitals and an ambulance station would be kitted out with the new equipment to give better security for staff, patients and pupils. |
He encouraged the army to renovate schools, open hospitals to civilians, and generally help the populace. |
In an effort to save taxpayer dollars, states have been decreasing the number of beds in their psychiatric hospitals for decades. |
There are hospitals that specialize in just treating Alzheimer's patients. |
The world of hospitals is one where specialisms rule, as they must. |
One, Saba Ghorab, a medical student, even began contacting hospitals and medical schools in the United States. |
Every night their corpses stacked higher in Penang's streets and hospitals and makeshift refugee camps. |
The local hospitals and morgues have only 8 bodies, all civilians. |
These hospitals are enormously busy public areas with a lot of people moving around in them, and keeping them really clean and spick and span can be quite a difficult job. |
Only 44 percent of the hospitals report that they require overreaders to be board certified in cardiology. |
Sahiwal council has received many gifts like fire brigade trucks, ambulances and grants for hospitals from the people of Rochdale. |
Men with the names of minor planets visited by Captain Kirk actually affected your transport systems, your hospitals and your taxes. |
The bio metric system will be installed in government hospitals in Rawalpindi, Lahore and Faisalabad in the first phase. |
Both are teaching hospitals and are operated by Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS trust. |
Designed specifically for phlebotomists in hospitals and clinical labs, the cart provides a place for vials, sharps, gloves, and labels. |
It is also common for schools, hospitals and companies to bury time capsules at the opening of new buildings. |
Still other innovative strategies include hospitals digitizing medical information in electronic medical records. |
Worcester hospitals Saint Vincent Hospital and UMass Memorial Health Care have become two of the largest employers in the city. |
Many veterans lie in hospitals across the nation, dazed and confused. |
Salman Rafique has said that Oral and Maxillofacial surgery departments would be established in all government teaching hospitals in phases. |
Families fighting the possible closure of cottage hospitals will have the chance to voice their concerns at a meeting tonight. |
Other NHS hospitals are Chapel Allerton Hospital, Seacroft Hospital, Wharfedale Hospital in Otley, and Leeds Dental Institute. |
On May 15 an advance unit went over the pass to take Aosta, after which hospitals were set up at Martigny and Aosta. |
Of particular importance, other than in Maryland, hospitals are generally free to charge whatever they want in their chargemaster. |
The results of self-induced and backstreet abortions come to our hospitals for the damage to be put right. |
We have always used a graduated cylinder, but some local hospitals use the jug markings. |
However, new hospitals are generally more carefully soundproofed than other buildings, Pryor said. |
He suggested the monasteries be changed into hospitals and welfare institutions and incorporate their wealth into a welfare fund. |
Ten medical and dental colleges are located in the Kolkata metropolitan area which act as tertiary referral hospitals in the state. |
Furthermore, it is possible that these very small grantees fared better than non-grantee hospitals of a similar size and financial condition. |
Public hospitals that deliver more than 200 babies per year have legal minimum staffing levels calculated by the Birthrate Plus tool. |
For instance, Conmed has initiated a rental program for small hospitals that have not been able to justify high costs of the arthroscopes. |
Requirements for the licensing of private sector hospitals need to provide guidelines for psychiatric beds for voluntary and nonvoluntary users. |
Nurses at Armidale, Gunnedah and Tamworth hospitals held lunchtime rallies to highlight the safety risks inherent in frequent understaffing. |
Private hospitals are also present throughout the country, such as the International Hospital of Bahrain. |
Churches, chapels, schools, and hospitals belonging to religious orders cause a great urban impact. |
They also founded schools, a university, hospitals and churches which were built along the Earthquake Baroque architectural style. |
However, hospitals having lithotripters will undoubtedly continue to use them. |
None of the Macau hospitals are independently assessed through international healthcare accreditation. |
Now found in hospitals throughout the country, the lithotripter has radically changed the treatment of kidney stones. |
The largest increases in occupancy were projected for medium-sized hospitals and large nonteaching hospitals. |
Four survivors had been flown to hospitals in Katmandu, Nepal's capital, where they were in stable condition. |
There are twenty hospitals in San Juan, half of which are operated by the government. |
Due to hyperinflation, those hospitals still open were not able to obtain basic drugs and medicines. |
Telepresence robots that allow doctors or caretakers to interact with patients remotely are already in use in some hospitals and care facilities. |
John, a doctor, became Chief Inspector of East India Company hospitals in India. |
Neoforma DMS leverages the UNSPSC, a global standard that does not lock hospitals into proprietary and costly code systems. |