Every night he was hooked up to a machine at his family home in Offerton, Stockport, for 12 hours to clean his blood. |
Undaunted, the admirable Michael Vaughan hooked a rare Glenn McGrath no-ball for six. |
She warned us in a well rehearsed sinister tone that we should not be alarmed by the medical equipment Fay had been hooked up to. |
The cows would be hooked up to the milking machine and I would be straddled atop. |
Last Sunday, the boy hooked up his new webcam to his computer in his room and sent his first images to his homepage. |
For four hours a day, three days a week, he is hooked up to a dialysis machine, which performs the task of his own kidneys and keeps him alive. |
On Christmas Eve, 10 years ago, she was hooked up to various machines in hospital after drinking to excess. |
Her vital organs are working fine, which means she is not hooked up to a machine. |
It can connect to the Net via a standard landline, or the machine can be hooked up to a mobile phone to connect wirelessly. |
Little did the 17-year-old know that two days later, he would be hooked up to machines, not even able to cry for help. |
The only time the twins weren't hooked up to life-saving equipment was between the delivery room and intensive care. |
A short while after that I met someone very much like her and we hooked up. |
I moved out, hooked up with a mad woman I met at a gig and stopped hanging out with Hanna. |
When I hooked up with Kimberly, it was because our relationship was on edge and dead. |
I didn't feel guilty, or satisfied that I'd finally hooked up with my dream girl. |
To make for easier wiring, find a junction box that is already hooked to the circuit and in an accessible place. |
We hooked much bigger fish than we landed and I think sharks are a possibility here, probably hammerheads and sand sharks. |
On the other hand, will someone please explain why so many roses are permanently hooked up with weeds? |
Folks, give a break to your sob serials and melodramatic movies this Sunday and stay hooked to Discovery as an extinct tiger comes to life. |
When the traffic banked up and a driver braked, car wheels could get hooked up in the ruts. |
They certainly hooked him on sailing when he was a lad, and he's been going to sea in boats ever since. |
Whether the stick was barbed I don't know, but you can't help but wonder if the beast is responding to the memory of a hooked pole. |
I was about to strike when the rod whacked round, the first barbel of the session was hooked. |
They do this around spawning time, when they have developed big kypes, the hooked portion of the lower jaw. |
There is no indication of any special differentiation of the fifth metatarsal, which is hooked in other squamates. |
On the third day, some of the stuff stayed down as I sat in an easy chair, still hooked up to my IV-apparatus. |
International golfer Mark O'Meara was one of those to land a summer salmon, when he hooked and landed an 11 lb fish on the 5th. |
In the end, it's the old contradictory chestnut of being both repulsed and attracted simultaneously that keeps you hooked. |
And there was the ultralight, a flimsy little tricycle fitted with a hang-glider's wings and a motor hooked up with a propeller. |
The white trout was immediately recognised by the furious fight it put up when it was hooked. |
Shrike babblers were originally described as shrikes, because of their hooked bill, but have been subsequently placed among babblers. |
On the floor of the sitting room is a late nineteenth-century hooked rug reminiscent of crazy quilts. |
But at some point the dedication, discipline and thrill of competition stuck and he was hooked. |
Legs hooked over the board, he hangs apishly, body massively contracted, even his extremities. |
Short balls, and some not very short, were pulled and hooked in a manner that must have surprised even Vaughan himself. |
Renee got hooked on the sport after trying archery during a camping holiday to France with her husband, Ian. |
She blotted her lips on a tissue, like I'd seen Aunt Jean do, then hooked my arm in hers. |
In front of the hearth is a late nineteenth-century American hooked rug showing a running deer. |
They climbed the wall and hooked themselves in position by looping ropes around some of the jagged metal twists. |
McHale-Roe opted for straight punches to counter Siberry's tactic which was to aim hooked body punches. |
Ennui would set in, as we sophisticated consumers became modern-day lotus-eaters, hooked on channel surfing and material comforts. |
Contrast that with a gas turbine, which is shipped on a skid and essentially needs only to be hooked up. |
Since then, like a lot of anglers in recent years, he's been hooked by antique tackle as well. |
One of big game fishing's saltwater icons, the white marlin, may be hooked by the federal endangered species list this month. |
Once you've hooked them then you can bleed them dry by selling the high-margin component of the product. |
For the first couple of weeks I dug up nothing but shot gun cartridges and buttons and then I found a Charles I shilling and I was hooked. |
Gigi, bless her soul, went behind my back and hooked up with some other dude. |
With all the blipping and beeping machines hooked into him, he looked smaller, paler, and frailer than I'd ever seen him before. |
Until the double transplant ops, Laura was forced to spend nine hours every day hooked up to a dialysis machine. |
Males grow humped backs and hooked jaws, and females keep their sleeker shape. |
Like Elton John before him, he has also hooked up with a tunesmith who can turn his sometimes childish lyrics into late-night singalongs. |
Grasp the plate with your fingers on the backside, straight, and your thumb hooked over the side facing you. |
I recently got hooked on white short sleeve undershirts and wear them under polos or button down shirts every day. |
Well, I hooked three fish on maize, and the two runs with which I failed to connect were on the pop-up boilies. |
Once you get hooked on composting, you'll even start going after the local barber for hair, and even saving dryer lint! |
A strangled shriek of rage and panic caught in her throat, and she struggled like a dying fish hooked through the cheek. |
He lifted a shoulder this time, and reached out to unhook Smokey's claw which had gotten hooked in my shirt. |
At the bottom the surprised miners unhooked the cars, then hooked up some full ones for the trip to the surface. |
I went into the hangar and unhooked the hooks from the crate and hooked them to the next crate. |
Last Saturday afternoon, even before I'd hooked up with the regular barflies, I had a pretty good idea where the focus would be. |
It takes a few secs to adjust to the unfamiliar Indian customs and British accents, but once you do, you're hooked. |
But instead of going in the gutter, the ball hooked into the pocket for a strike. |
I fear the event might be misunderstood and purposely hooked on by designers and enemies. |
He hooked the leather-lined, broad strip of bronze around his corded-muscle mid-section. |
Accipitrids are diurnal birds of prey with broad wings, hooked beaks, strong legs and feet and sharp talons. |
Son is hoping to turbocharge revenues by getting his broadband subscribers hooked on services such as games that bring in extra cash. |
I've been hooked to my TV set over the last ten days, eagerly awaiting the latest developments happening live before my very eyes. |
This is required in all 50 states and should never be hooked onto the receiver hitch or wrapped around the bumper. |
The player, whose careless touches cost Aberdeen possession all afternoon, hooked it over the bar with his left foot. |
I was about to speak when a grappling hook shot up and hooked onto the rail. |
Two quick flips of the rod tip drew a hard strike and the hooked trout shook and flurried in the bright arc. |
The name of the band and the album title are intriguing enough, but a glance at the tracklist and you become hooked. |
Also, one can spot grey hornbills, with their hooked beaks perched on the branches in meditative silence. |
His long, curved neck, wrinkled face and hooked nose gave him an appearance similar to that of a vulture. |
He sits across from a fortune-teller's scarf-wrapped hair, hooked nose, big hoop earrings. |
She's probably got a hooked nose, a pointed hat, a large black cauldron, a broomstick and a black cat. |
The youngest children were always afraid of him, for he looked so odd and menacing with his one eye, crooked back, hooked nose and black cloak. |
He is said to have a long face, sunken cheeks, a long protruding chin and a large hooked nose. |
Sister Helen was a small woman with a bit of a hooked nose and bright blue eyes, the same who had nursed Carl's mother at the end. |
These owls have large heads, large, slightly elongated eyes, a short, hooked bill that points downwards. |
With their hooked beaks they would scoop out small fish and algae and then gobble it up in a hurry. |
This design has a hooked clasp and the strands are not woven, but left loose to resemble an armful of beaded bangles. |
If you know someone who might need help with weight control, suggest a free consultation to get him or her hooked on an exercise plan. |
He describes himself as addicted to optimism, and his ministry is about getting everyone else hooked on it too. |
And I smoked a little bit in the Marine Corps, but never really got hooked, for which I'm very thankful. |
I must admit I am still hooked on the series, the developing characters and their ongoing, individual stories. |
They were both hooked on the show even though Meredith and Brad liked to make fun of them for it. |
I just received my copy, sat down to read a little and got hooked, working my way through the entire thing before I put it down. |
One of the most colorful and idiosyncratic expressions of American folk art is the hooked rug. |
The hooked rug depicting a spirited horse is late nineteenth-century American. |
The unusual hooked rug at the top on the right dates from 1900 to 1910 and was found in Saugerties, New York. |
There were many guest rooms, each with a white linen cover on the bed, a table, a chair, white curtains, an oval hooked rug next to the bed. |
Is it just a conspiracy of florists and chocolatiers or has the universal day of love got us hooked? |
Some even offered free samples to get me hooked, kind of like those people in supermarkets with tiny bits of pizza on cocktail sticks. |
Often, the morning after they hooked up with their friend, the couple would cocoon. |
Chad gently set the camera atop the tripod and hooked the wires up one at a time, carefully connecting the correct colors together. |
Besides, while individual investors are turned off, Europe's governments, whatever their political coloration, are totally hooked on the markets. |
Rival gangs roaming the streets, engaged in a lucrative turf war over who supplies a population hooked on an expensive habit. |
When she first got hooked on ciggies there were no health warnings on the packets. |
Such a swift and humbling defeat could have easily dampened my spirits, but something hooked me in during those few hazy seconds of combat. |
Of course, a lot of those mechanisms are hooked up to the Internet, but let it pass. |
The strong script, with moving dialogues, gets the viewer completely hooked. |
Using a little bit of her vast surfing knowledge Kirsty's book definitely keeps you hooked. |
Once you are in the trash zone, you will be hooked and unable to wait for the follow-up to the fantastic cliffhanger fade-out. |
This technique was employed by serial Westerns of old to keep viewers hooked, but the ruse was clumsily implemented. |
The air tasted musty and stale so I hooked the corner of the canvas cover up so the air could flow through. |
In the last half of the series, Carrie hooked up with a Russian artist, played, incidentally, by a famous Russian ballet dancer. |
So I just unhooked it from the computer and hooked it into the fax machine. |
This long weekend will see a nation boss-eyed with self-indulgent excitement, hooked on the dangerous drug of royal nostalgia. |
It was mindblowingly loud when they started attacking the strings with picks, each guitar hooked up to an amp. |
Statistics show that almost all smokers were hooked on tobacco as adolescents. |
All users need is a computer hooked up to the Net, microphone, speakers and sound card. |
The government claimed today that virtually all British schools were now hooked up to the Net. |
I had a go at it with a soldering iron, hooked it up to a synthesizer, and it played the drums for me. |
So I hooked up with a local violinist and asked him to play some of the music with strong vibrato, low to moderate vibrato, and zero vibrato. |
And, during the peak of the season, big fish such as tarpon and bull sharks occasionally are hooked. |
So you've purchased a digital camcorder, hooked it up to your PC and now you're in business. |
Having an interest in all things vulpine, I was immediately hooked, and deserted Mr Waley's book of translations in favour of this new find. |
When he further explained the names painted the characters and habits of the dramatis personae, I and the rest of the form were hooked. |
The canines, which are present in both upper and lower jaws, are medium-sized and hooked. |
Once you get hooked, it's almost impossible to get through an episode dry-eyed. |
Crocheting, which is as easy as knitting, simply uses different stitches and a hooked needle. |
He was elderly gentleman, with slicked back gray hair, and a slightly hooked nose. |
Barrie's eyes were cold, hard, and dark gazing out at her from over a hooked nose. |
This week, in the run up to Hallowe'en, she will be donning a witch's hat and a hooked nose. |
The first was 6ft tall, in his mid 20s with fairly short, mousy brown hair and a large hooked nose. |
He sipped it for a moment, his large, scarred knuckles barely fitting into the hooked handle on the side of the cup. |
In males, the first two pairs of thoracic appendages are hooked and serve as claspers during mating. |
Getting hooked up with an animal like Donax seemed a very clever trick of hydrozoan evolution. |
To some, cloud computing once involved people sitting at terminals hooked to a mainframe in the basement. |
Once he was finally coaxed into a room with some of the city's finest musicians last year, he was hooked. |
Following a visit to the doctor's, she is on her way to dropping 30 pounds and becoming hooked on the uppers and downers that comprise her diet. |
But the creature's most unusual feature was a set of long, asymmetric feathers with hooked barbs on its hind limbs and forelimbs. |
I hooked up with Josh and some folks from the Rhode Island Science Fiction Club and chatted about local stuff and some computerese. |
Basically, we have got a plasma screen hooked up here, but we have to use this monitor, because it doesn't work with a plasma screen. |
No, I cannot lay down with a hanger hooked on a zipper trying to mash my fleshy body into a dress too small for me. |
There are cordless phones that can be hooked up to company switchboards, using the same technology as home cordless phones. |
The double-crested cormorant is a black bird with a long neck, long bill, hooked on the end, and long tail. |
They understand surveillance cameras and exposed doors, but they don't understand open ports or rogue devices being hooked up to networks. |
And that afternoon my ports were packed, and I hooked on the boat, and our daughter arrived, and away we went. |
Sailors' cutlasses, when carried on parade, always are hooked up to a belt. |
Once in Wisconsin, the monks were hooked up to Davidson's electroencephalograph sensors, which check for brain waves. |
I have always been a fan of all motor sports, but after my first drag race, I was hooked! |
Who else could bowl a bouncer, an off break, a leg break and a googly in an over and applaud when a batsman hooked a bouncer for a four? |
Before I knew it, I was happily slurping my delicious pea and mint soup one-handed, left arm hooked blissfully over banister. |
I don't blame the users but the drug pushers who are so eager to get people hooked on heroin. |
But as the ball bounced up the youngster, as quick as a flash, hooked it over his shoulder. |
Appearing in other worldly guise, she had a hooked nose with rheumy cold, had cheeks sunken and walked lame. |
But David hooked up a hose to his air conditioner spigot and ran the water out to his garden. |
Hank had hooked up some hoses together using a spigot on the far side of the barn. |
I nodded slowly and hooked my fingers over the rim of the basin and peered inside of it. |
A flotation ring was thrown to him and he hooked it with one arm, wrapping the other around her waist as they were pulled toward the cruiser. |
And I went up to him and put my hands around him, my thumbs hooked into the waistband of his designer boxer shorts. |
Mink colored hair and chocolate eyes lent sophistication to the hooked Roman nose and strong jawline. |
Just because you've hooked up with someone else doesn't mean you can't continue living your own life! |
They were then hooked up to electrodes designed to monitor their brainwaves. |
They hooked me up to an ambulatory EEG, a recent technology that can record brainwaves for three days and nights. |
Standing up on that large foam board in the white wash, I knew I was hooked. |
Still, we hooked up with my sister and spent a very enjoyable day wandering around, so that was nice. |
And the storylines are clever enough that even viewers who aren't pre-teen girls can get hooked on the show. |
Picking up a long pole with a hooked end, a farmer plucks down a pod and cleaves it open with a cutlass. |
Thousands of birds are being hooked and drowned on baited longlines set for fish. |
I rummaged through some boxes to find his leash and hooked it on his collar. |
He took the vac outside, got the extension cord out, hooked it all up and ran it all the way to the car. |
Dealers often lure users of soft drugs into the murks of more dangerous drugs, and get them hooked on these hard drugs from there. |
She first picked up a netball at Poppleton Road Junior School in 1955 and has been hooked on the game ever since. |
The first modems were hooked up to telephones through little speakers and microphones in a cradle that held the telephone handpiece. |
Even more slicked down and hooked up than even Face The Music, this one doesn't even have any instrumentals. |
Ever since the Turks abandoned a large supply of coffee beans in 1683, the Viennese have been hooked on java. |
No, he hooked up his kid with wine, and I bet it was a pretty decent vintage too. |
Bender gets hooked on electricity, and Fry and the gang worry that he's on a downward spiral toward self-destruction. |
If I think a horse is going to run so much that he's going to be hard to catch, I may leave the lead rope hooked to his halter. |
Korbin stood up from his sitting position and hooked a thumb on the waistband of his jeans. |
When dry, the gold is burnished with a hooked or rounded tool called a burnisher. |
He had two or three chain saws and even a log splitter hooked up to the back of his tractor. |
Rain gutters feed a cistern hooked to a sprinkler system for watering the fruit orchard and grass. |
The second face was withered and ancient, with watery eyes peering out from above a crooked hooked nose. |
He had cold blue eyes with pale blonde hair and a hooked crooked nose that made his feature ugly. |
That Aberdeen game saw him enter the fray as a first-half substitute, only to suffer the indignity of being hooked later in the game. |
Having said that, the pyrotechnics ensuing from a hooked thirty or forty pounder might easily overwhelm the unprepared. |
Captain Dang successfully hooked the gaff deep into its tail and managed to get the tail up to level of the deck. |
Her wrists were hooked to a D ring on the back of her collar, and for once she didn't have a gag filling her mouth. |
With a few hours of ski lessons, many beginners catch on well enough to find themselves hooked for life on a downhill descent. |
But the amazing mountain scenery and death-defying speed of the downhillers kept viewers hooked on a wet and cold Sunday afternoon. |
Falconids are medium-sized to large birds of prey, typically with hooked beaks, large brown eyes and a yellow cere, eyerings and feet. |
They have a large head, a wide, flat, hooked bill, large eyes and a large gape. |
Henthorn, a Chicagoan, got hooked on the trapeze after seeing a circus show. |
As if a rope from above were hooked to the bottom of the Dumpster, we spun upside down with a hard yank. |
As of now, people in the State are hooked to just the aesthetic aspect of design. |
She's among the growing group of female gamers that are getting hooked on computer games. |
The irrigation pump could easily be hooked up in the same manner as a ice maker to the water system. |
So for the moment my computer is hooked up to the router with ethernet, and Abi's laptop is daisy-chained to mine with the wireless cards. |
When mixed in among boundary plants it may even enhance security as the branches bear hooked prickles which reduce its tactility. |
She hooked her arm in an unfamiliar man's as they slowly proceeded down the aisle. |
He gave a small smile, his dark eyes glittering with malice and his large, hooked nose crinkled in a smirk. |
Another jagged block had hooked an engine, tearing it from the wing, rupturing the wing's fuel tank and spinning the entire plane around. |
Her arms hooked around his neck, fingers stroking his soft, silky brown hair and tracing the top of his spine. |
The sight of the little puppy hooked up to an IV, panting in his vet kennel, was one of the hardest things I've ever seen. |
He opted for straight punches to counter his opponent's tactic which was to aim hooked body punches. |
After he was airbrushed with silver paint, he lay down in the pool for the overhead photo and hooked his legs around an aluminum pool rail. |
For a fee private subscribers could also be hooked up to receive the time signal. |
Anybody who thinks that young people have a short attention span has never watched them hooked into a movie or a game. |
She hooked up with a nice couple in England, and now they exchange occasional letters. |
It hooked securely to the ledge, and he began his slow, weary climb up the side of the tower. |
If local meat eaters all got hooked on home-grown rabbit, imagine the effect on our food import bill. |
Nicola had been addicted to heroin for six years, becoming hooked when a friend offered her the drug. |
As with any addictive substance, there is a reason we get hooked on caffeine in the first place. |
On reaching the tail of the Pool just below the power lines I hooked a fish, which I soon realised, was substantial. |
It is this participatory encouragement by parents that gets the Australian child hooked on sport. |
As I got on the tractor, a shipmate stopped by and hooked up the trailer's tow bar to the tractor. |
It had a siren stored in the glove compartment that was hooked up to the car's cigarette lighter. |
The highway patrol and other law enforcement officers will never know your lap belt is not hooked up. |
An old family friend had hooked a lateen sail while fishing at a local creek. |
Geoff hooked a needle through the rectus, the gossamer-thin muscle that controls eye movement, then immobilized it with a suture. |
The cat jumped to a height of two metres or more, hooked the bird with the claws of one outstretched paw and brought it crashing down to earth. |
Their talons are sharp and hooked and their feet are zygodactyl with a reversible fourth toe. |
She certainly doesn't seem overly concerned about it, mind you, even if most of her friends are hooked up. |
Henrik Larsson squandered a chance to win the game in the dying moments when he hooked a shot across the face of the goal. |
The boat tows the lure, the fish eats, the boat carries on, line comes off the reel and the fish is hooked. |
What I mean is that some people are alcoholics and some are hooked to drugs. |
They were primitive small cylinders, not hooked up to water pipes or drains, with no spin dryers or wringers. |
Some very good fish have been landed in the past week, with more being hooked and lost. |
As we approached the anglers, they hooked and landed an immature striped bass. |
John McDonagh landed a 3 lb fish at Durkan's Pool and several others were hooked and lost. |
I did not have to wait long before I hooked into my first fish that turned out to be a mirror carp of about 7.5 lb. |
A real mixed bag is what you'll find on this six-track demo, one thing is for certain you'll be hooked after a couple of plays. |
It may be possible for portable multimedia devices to be hooked up to a combination of DAB and mobile telephony networks. |
I had hooked up with the Quebec people on Tuesday morning because I lived near the church they were billeted in. |
I joined that league partway through the season, and I was hooked on the tenpin game. |
He first got hooked on fish as a boy wading the streams of Washington's Olympic Peninsula. |
He may have even called up Katy to help console him, but that doesn't mean they hooked up. |
Once the casing was exposed, we hooked onto the pipe, brought it up, and reconnected to the existing water main running from the street. |
Now imagine if the bottom of the ladder slips slightly while the top is hooked over a branch. |
Gliding up to me in smooth strides, he hooked his arm with mine, attempting a British accent. |
I hooked my arm through his and willed myself not to laugh for the next five minutes. |
In the end he had to swing himself up, hanging upside-down for a moment before he hooked his legs over the branch and drew himself up. |
She hooked her arm in mine and we practically ran to a private secluded area. |
Dropping down a few branches, I hooked my legs over a branch and hung upside down, the way I did when I was a kid. |
Lithe as a monkey, he climbed across a tree branch, and hooked his legs over the branch, hanging upside down and swinging back and forth. |
She blushed and wagged her finger as if admonishing a small terrier, then hooked her arm in mine and steered me towards the pub. |
But once several fish have been hooked you can see the difference in all the carp in that water. |
He said that I had been playing the fish for over 10 minutes and to take my time as I had obviously hooked a very big one. |
Half an hour before dusk, I hooked a big fish that wouldn't move off the bottom. |
Once the fish is hooked and the line comes tight the pollack will turn and dive for the nearest cover. |
I managed to get a few takes, but only hooked one fish which shook the hook before I landed it. |
I'd been in the water for around twenty minutes when I hooked my first New Zealand rainbow. |
During the late afternoon I hooked a fish on my lighter rod, a fish which actually put up a bit of resistance. |
Nine out of ten fish are hooked in the front of their mouth making their release very quick and simple. |
Proud of a nice catch, Myrtle McDonald hooked this fish in the Chapman River. |
Well, this was just the introduction with which he hooked children and got them listening in rapt attention to his lecture. |
If they can capture our attention now, they have hooked us for future years and we are far more likely to buy from their site advertisers. |
A small crowd was gathering around them already, the onlookers' attention hooked with the hype of a fight breaking out. |
He had short hair, and looked like an imp with a hooked nose. |
Olivia could only laugh as she hooked her stockings onto the garters. |
The former featured bold and colorful designs worked with silk threads on cotton grounds, often executed in minute chain stitches using a hand-held hooked awl. |
I do owe him a debt, as it was reading his blog that first got me hooked. |
Then she was behind him, holding a hooked blade at his neck. |
Ignoring people you hooked up with at Shooters when encountering them on campus is a quintessential Duke experience. |
Sky-blue taffeta, sweetheart neckline, tons of ruffles cascading down my backside to a train that cleverly hooked back up to make walking a bit easier. |
He's sold millions of books over the years, keeping prepubescents and spotty adolescents alike hooked on his dynamite prose, all while pretending to do real work. |
A man stands in the foreground, his back to the camera, sockless in khaki jacket and sola topi, frayed white pants and black shoes, a furled umbrella hooked over his elbow. |
Recently, however, I've gotten well and truly hooked on hellebores. |
A belayer holds the end of the rope, hooked to his or her karabiner and through the belay device, to take up rope slack as the climber ascends the wall. |
I hadn't even finished tying on a new fly, when Belinda hooked another Yellow-Fin, which once again she played for about ten minutes on the single-handed fly rod. |
He was hooked nonetheless, and the cloth was abandoned for khaki. |
An astrophysicist with a poetic sensibility, she hooked me in our first interview with her direct manner and determination. |
Mr Wells had hooked a large flatfish which he thought was a skate, but it turned out to be a stingray and it wound its tail round his arm and stuck a four-inch spike into him. |
While few have actually observed a killer whale attack a sea otter, many believe they would based on the increasing loss of hooked fish to the hungry whales. |
In a split-second, Andre De Lisser hooked the ball away from the keeper and, from an acute angle, curled it into the far corner of an unguarded goal. |
He was nearly up to the foredune when he landed it, and as the water ran back down the steep part of the beach I could see it was a small shark he'd hooked. |
Pauly D, bless his heart, never got into a fistfight with a roommate or drunkenly hooked up with Snooki. |
From the moment their grans pop the first illicit chocolate button in their drooling mouths, children are hooked, and parental censure only sharpens their appetite. |
He hooked his drive into a hazard, but the ball was still playable. |
Conservationists estimate that as many as 100,000 albatrosses and 200,000 other birds are killed each year when they get hooked on the fishing lines and drown. |
It's a griffin, definitely, with a hooked, grey beak like an eagle, a sleek, furred head and the unmistakable outline of wings behind it, all purple. |
From time to time, this man or that one will rise from his place and call to the birds in the pit, shout at the handlers, hands hooked, sawing at the air. |
So he had to be pretty sharp and he fell in love with a girl who he thought he was going to spend a weekend with, it happened to a lot of people, holy God, he was hooked. |
They were hooked to the rings, from the leading bullocks to the polers. |
The cultured, slightly hooked nose she had inherited from her mother should have looked sharp on a thin face like hers, but to me it had always held an air of regality. |
When I asked why he stayed as long as he did, James said hopelessness kept him hooked. |
Meanwhile, Beth is working from inside the hospital to secure the drugs Carol needs and to keep her hooked up to an IV drip. |
Shrikes use their hooked bills to break the necks of vertebrate prey. |
If, for example, you've been reading Ed McBain's 97th Precinct police procedurals for the past 30 years, you may be delighted to discover you're not the only one who's hooked. |
The hooked tool works well but is limited in the cuts it can make. |
It was Conran, the legendary English visionary who democratized design by making it more accessible and affordable, who hooked me on to the power and appeal of great design. |
They discovered that those rats given a high-fat diet became hooked and displayed symptoms similar to those of a drug addict deprived of their fix if their fat was taken away. |
It turns out that a nail clipper, divided into two halves and hooked up directly into a power socket will boil water. |
It is a place where drug dealers get rich and lazy, by selling tiny doses of drugs to hooked customers with up to 20 people an hour queuing at the door to buy. |
They are junkies, hooked on trivia, stimulation and scandal. |
I just didn't realize that I'd be so irreversibly hooked so quickly. |
Pirates hooked a metal ladder to the 58m boat and climbed aboard. |
Michelle carefully hooked the clasp and turned Dylan to face her. |
York and Coll hooked arms to support the woman, Clark recalled. |
But of course he got hooked on crack before we could go out and do it. |
He hooked his arm in mine and slowly led me to the dining room. |
I shrugged, hooked Danielle's arm through mine, and followed Ryan. |
After I read the first book, I was hooked on the series, and even though it is written for teens, it was something that I found extremely interesting to read. |
Today hooked rugs survive in some quantity, but folk art collectors are much more likely to hang early examples on their walls than put them on the floor. |
And like so many addicts about to face cold turkey, our leaders are now committing violent crimes to get what little is left of what we're hooked on. |
Pankhurst admits candidly that he was not big on the idea of contacting his old schoolmates at first, but has now hooked up with old chums from both primary and secondary. |